Merge branch 'master' of git://

Yun, Jonghyouk 2009-02-15 10:59:03 +09:00
commit 7f130be10f
8 changed files with 153 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.c-types namespaces io.binary fry
kernel math grouping sequences ;
kernel math grouping sequences math.bitwise ;
IN: endian
SINGLETONS: big-endian little-endian ;
@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ SINGLETONS: big-endian little-endian ;
: compute-native-endianness ( -- class )
1 <int> *char 0 = big-endian little-endian ? ;
: >signed ( x n -- y )
2dup neg 1+ shift 1 = [ 2^ - ] [ drop ] if ;
SYMBOL: native-endianness
native-endianness [ compute-native-endianness ] initialize

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@ -2,11 +2,12 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel accessors grouping sequences combinators
math byte-arrays ; specialized-arrays.uint
specialized-arrays.ushort specialized-arrays.float ;
IN: images
R16G16B16 R32G32B32 ;
R16G16B16 R32G32B32 R16G16B16A16 R32G32B32A32 ;
TUPLE: image dim component-order bitmap ;
@ -18,34 +19,37 @@ GENERIC: load-image* ( path tuple -- image )
3 <sliced-groups>
[ 255 suffix ] map concat ;
: normalize-floats ( byte-array -- byte-array )
byte-array>float-array [ 255.0 * >integer ] B{ } map-as ;
: normalize-component-order ( image -- image )
dup component-order>>
{ RGBA [ ] }
{ R32G32B32A32 [
[ normalize-floats ] change-bitmap
] }
{ R32G32B32 [
dup length 4 / <direct-uint-array>
[ bits>float 255.0 * >integer ] map
>byte-array add-dummy-alpha
] change-bitmap
[ normalize-floats add-dummy-alpha ] change-bitmap
] }
{ R16G16B16A16 [
[ byte-array>ushort-array [ -8 shift ] B{ } map-as ] change-bitmap
] }
{ R16G16B16 [
dup length 2 / <direct-ushort-array>
[ -8 shift ] map
>byte-array add-dummy-alpha
byte-array>ushort-array [ -8 shift ] B{ } map-as add-dummy-alpha
] change-bitmap
] }
{ BGRA [
4 <sliced-groups> dup [ [ 0 3 ] dip <slice> reverse-here ] each
4 <sliced-groups> dup [ 3 head-slice reverse-here ] each
] change-bitmap
] }
{ RGB [ [ add-dummy-alpha ] change-bitmap ] }
{ BGR [
3 <sliced-groups>
[ [ [ 0 3 ] dip <slice> reverse-here ] each ]
[ [ 3 head-slice reverse-here ] each ]
[ add-dummy-alpha ] bi
] change-bitmap
] }

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ compression.lzw constructors endian fry grouping images io
io.binary io.encodings.ascii io.encodings.binary
io.encodings.string io.encodings.utf8 io.files kernel math
math.bitwise math.order math.parser pack prettyprint sequences
strings ;
strings math.vectors specialized-arrays.float ;
IN: images.tiff
TUPLE: tiff-image < image ;
@ -119,7 +119,9 @@ SINGLETONS: image-length image-width x-resolution y-resolution
rows-per-strip strip-offsets strip-byte-counts bits-per-sample
samples-per-pixel new-subfile-type orientation software
date-time photoshop exif-ifd sub-ifd inter-color-profile
xmp iptc unhandled-ifd-entry ;
xmp iptc fill-order document-name page-number page-name
x-position y-position
unhandled-ifd-entry ;
ERROR: bad-tiff-magic bytes ;
: tiff-endianness ( byte-array -- ? )
@ -159,6 +161,9 @@ ERROR: no-tag class ;
: find-tag ( idf class -- tag )
swap processed-tags>> ?at [ no-tag ] unless ;
: tag? ( idf class -- tag )
swap processed-tags>> key? ;
: read-strips ( ifd -- ifd )
[ strip-byte-counts find-tag ]
@ -242,6 +247,8 @@ ERROR: bad-small-ifd-type n ;
{ 258 [ bits-per-sample ] }
{ 259 [ lookup-compression compression ] }
{ 262 [ lookup-photometric-interpretation photometric-interpretation ] }
{ 266 [ fill-order ] }
{ 269 [ ascii decode document-name ] }
{ 273 [ strip-offsets ] }
{ 274 [ orientation ] }
{ 277 [ samples-per-pixel ] }
@ -250,7 +257,11 @@ ERROR: bad-small-ifd-type n ;
{ 282 [ first x-resolution ] }
{ 283 [ first y-resolution ] }
{ 284 [ planar-configuration ] }
{ 285 [ page-name ] }
{ 286 [ x-position ] }
{ 287 [ y-position ] }
{ 296 [ lookup-resolution-unit resolution-unit ] }
{ 297 [ page-number ] }
{ 305 [ ascii decode software ] }
{ 306 [ ascii decode date-time ] }
{ 317 [ lookup-predictor predictor ] }
@ -286,6 +297,27 @@ ERROR: unhandled-compression compression ;
: strips>bitmap ( ifd -- ifd )
dup strips>> concat >>bitmap ;
: (strips-predictor) ( ifd -- ifd )
[ ]
[ image-width find-tag ]
[ samples-per-pixel find-tag ] tri
[ * ] keep
_ group [ _ group [ rest ] [ first ] bi
[ v+ ] accumulate swap suffix concat ] map
concat >byte-array
] change-bitmap ;
: strips-predictor ( ifd -- ifd )
dup predictor tag? [
dup predictor find-tag
{ predictor-none [ ] }
{ predictor-horizontal-differencing [ (strips-predictor) ] }
[ bad-predictor ]
} case
] when ;
ERROR: unknown-component-order ifd ;
: fix-bitmap-endianness ( ifd -- ifd )
@ -302,13 +334,36 @@ ERROR: unknown-component-order ifd ;
: ifd-component-order ( ifd -- byte-order )
bits-per-sample find-tag {
{ { 32 32 32 32 } [ R32G32B32A32 ] }
{ { 32 32 32 } [ R32G32B32 ] }
{ { 16 16 16 16 } [ R16G16B16A16 ] }
{ { 16 16 16 } [ R16G16B16 ] }
{ { 8 8 8 8 } [ RGBA ] }
{ { 8 8 8 } [ RGB ] }
[ unknown-component-order ]
} case ;
: handle-alpha-data ( ifd -- ifd )
dup extra-samples find-tag {
{ extra-samples-associated-alpha-data [
B{ } like dup
4 <sliced-groups>
dup fourth dup 0 = [
] [
[ 3 head-slice ] dip '[ _ / ] change-each
] if
] each
] change-bitmap
] }
{ extra-samples-unspecified-alpha-data [
] }
[ bad-extra-samples ]
} case ;
: ifd>image ( ifd -- image )
[ [ image-width find-tag ] [ image-length find-tag ] bi 2array ]
@ -329,6 +384,8 @@ ERROR: unknown-component-order ifd ;
dup extra-samples tag? [ handle-alpha-data ] when
] each
] with-endianness

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@ -102,3 +102,7 @@ PRIVATE>
: signed-be> ( bytes -- x )
<reversed> signed-le> ;
: >signed ( x n -- y )
2dup neg 1+ shift 1 = [ 2^ - ] [ drop ] if ;

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@ -57,6 +57,13 @@ HELP: with-system-random
{ with-random with-secure-random with-system-random } related-words
HELP: randomize
{ $values
{ "seq" sequence }
{ "seq" sequence }
{ $description "Randomizes a sequence in-place with the Fisher-Yates algorithm and returns the sequence." } ;
HELP: delete-random
{ $values
{ "seq" sequence }
@ -83,6 +90,8 @@ $nl
{ $subsection with-secure-random }
{ $subsection "random-protocol" }
"Randomizing a sequence:"
{ $subsection randomize }
"Deleting a random element from a sequence:"
{ $subsection delete-random } ;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
USING: random sequences tools.test kernel math math.functions
sets ;
sets grouping random.private ;
IN: random.tests
[ 4 ] [ 4 random-bytes length ] unit-test
@ -17,3 +17,9 @@ IN: random.tests
[ t ] [ 1000 [ 400 random ] replicate prune length 256 > ] unit-test
[ f ] [ 0 random ] unit-test
[ { } ] [ { } randomize ] unit-test
[ { 1 } ] [ { 1 } randomize ] unit-test
[ f ]
[ 100 [ { 0 1 } random ] replicate all-equal? ] unit-test

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@ -52,8 +52,10 @@ PRIVATE>
[ length random-integer ] keep nth
] if-empty ;
: randomize ( seq -- seq' )
dup length 1 (a,b] [ dup random pick exchange ] each ;
: randomize ( seq -- seq )
dup length [ dup 1 > ]
[ [ random ] [ 1- ] bi [ pick exchange ] keep ]
[ ] while drop ;
: delete-random ( seq -- elt )
[ length random-integer ] keep [ nth ] 2keep delete-nth ;

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@ -1,12 +1,40 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Joe Groff.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors assocs combinators hashtables http
http.client json.reader kernel macros namespaces sequences urls.encoding ; fry ;
IN: twitter
! Configuration
SYMBOLS: twitter-username twitter-password twitter-source ;
twitter-source [ "factor" ] initialize
: set-twitter-credentials ( username password -- )
[ twitter-username set ] [ twitter-password set ] bi* ;
! Utilities
MACRO: keys-boa ( keys class -- )
[ [ '[ _ swap at ] ] map ] dip '[ _ cleave _ boa ] ;
! Twitter requests
: twitter-url ( string -- url )
"" ".json" surround ;
: set-request-twitter-auth ( request -- request )
twitter-username get twitter-password get set-basic-auth ;
: twitter-request ( request -- data )
http-request nip ; inline
! Data types
TUPLE: twitter-status
@ -28,8 +56,7 @@ TUPLE: twitter-user
followers-count ;
MACRO: keys-boa ( keys class -- )
[ [ \ swap \ at [ ] 3sequence ] map \ cleave ] dip \ boa [ ] 4sequence ;
: <twitter-user> ( assoc -- user )
@ -64,37 +91,42 @@ MACRO: keys-boa ( keys class -- )
: json>twitter-status ( json-object -- tweet )
json> <twitter-status> ;
: set-twitter-credentials ( username password -- )
[ twitter-username set ] [ twitter-password set ] bi* ;
: set-request-twitter-auth ( request -- request )
twitter-username twitter-password [ get ] bi@ set-basic-auth ;
! Updates
: update-post-data ( update -- assoc )
"status" associate
[ twitter-source get "source" ] dip [ set-at ] keep ;
"status" set
twitter-source get "source" set
] H{ } make-assoc ;
: (tweet) ( string -- json )
update-post-data "" <post-request>
http-request nip ;
update-post-data "update" twitter-url
<post-request> twitter-request ;
: tweet* ( string -- tweet )
(tweet) json>twitter-status ;
: tweet ( string -- ) (tweet) drop ;
! Timelines
: timeline ( url -- tweets )
twitter-url <get-request>
twitter-request json>twitter-statuses ;
: public-timeline ( -- tweets )
"" <get-request>
http-request nip json>twitter-statuses ;
"public_timeline" timeline ;
: friends-timeline ( -- tweets )
"" <get-request>
http-request nip json>twitter-statuses ;
"friends_timeline" timeline ;
: user-timeline ( username -- tweets )
"" ".json" surround <get-request>
http-request nip json>twitter-statuses ;
"user_timeline/" prepend timeline ;