Regexp cleanups

Slava Pestov 2007-12-02 07:07:32 -05:00
parent e078fc2b2b
commit 7f625f9836
2 changed files with 144 additions and 167 deletions

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@ -154,3 +154,5 @@ IN: regexp-tests
[ t ] [ "|*+" "\\Q|*+\\E" matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "abc" "\\Q|*+\\E" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "S" "\\0123" matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "SXY" "\\0123XY" matches? ] unit-test

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@ -1,135 +1,14 @@
USING: arrays combinators kernel lazy-lists math math.parser
namespaces parser parser-combinators parser-combinators.simple
promises quotations sequences sequences.lib strings ;
USING: continuations io prettyprint ;
promises quotations sequences combinators.lib strings macros
assocs ;
IN: regexp
: 1satisfy ( n -- parser )
[ = ] curry satisfy ;
: satisfy-token ( string quot -- parser )
>r token r> [ satisfy ] curry [ drop ] swap compose <@ ;
: octal-digit? ( n -- ? ) CHAR: 0 CHAR: 7 between? ; inline
: decimal-digit? ( n -- ? ) CHAR: 0 CHAR: 9 between? ; inline
: hex-digit? ( n -- ? )
dup decimal-digit?
swap CHAR: a CHAR: f between? or ;
: octal? ( str -- ? ) [ octal-digit? ] all? ;
: decimal? ( str -- ? ) [ decimal-digit? ] all? ;
: hex? ( str -- ? ) [ hex-digit? ] all? ;
: control-char? ( n -- ? )
dup 0 HEX: 1f between?
swap HEX: 7f = or ;
: punct? ( n -- ? )
"!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~" member? ;
: c-identifier-char? ( ch -- ? )
dup alpha? swap CHAR: _ = or ; inline
: c-identifier? ( str -- ? )
[ c-identifier-char? ] all? ;
: java-blank? ( n -- ? )
CHAR: \t CHAR: \n CHAR: \r
HEX: c HEX: 7 HEX: 1b
} member? ;
: java-printable? ( n -- ? )
dup alpha? swap punct? or ;
: 'ordinary-char' ( -- parser )
[ "\\^*+?|(){}[" member? not ] satisfy [ 1satisfy ] <@ ;
: 'octal-digit' ( -- parser ) [ octal-digit? ] satisfy ;
: 'octal' ( -- parser )
"\\0" token
'octal-digit' 'octal-digit' <&> <|>
[ CHAR: 0 CHAR: 3 between? ] satisfy
'octal-digit' <&> 'octal-digit' <:&> <|>
&> just [ oct> 1satisfy ] <@ ;
: 'hex-digit' ( -- parser ) [ hex-digit? ] satisfy ;
: 'hex' ( -- parser )
"\\x" token 'hex-digit' 'hex-digit' <&> &>
"\\u" token 'hex-digit' 'hex-digit' <&>
'hex-digit' <:&> 'hex-digit' <:&> &> <|> [ hex> 1satisfy ] <@ ;
: 'control-character' ( -- parser )
"\\c" token [ LETTER? ] satisfy &> [ 1satisfy ] <@ ;
: 'simple-escape-char' ( -- parser )
{ "\\\\" [ CHAR: \\ = ] }
{ "\\t" [ CHAR: \t = ] }
{ "\\n" [ CHAR: \n = ] }
{ "\\r" [ CHAR: \r = ] }
{ "\\f" [ HEX: c = ] }
{ "\\a" [ HEX: 7 = ] }
{ "\\e" [ HEX: 1b = ] }
} [ first2 satisfy-token ] [ <|> ] map-reduce ;
: 'predefined-char-class' ( -- parser )
{ "." [ drop any-char-parser ] }
{ "\\d" [ digit? ] }
{ "\\D" [ digit? not ] }
{ "\\s" [ java-blank? ] }
{ "\\S" [ java-blank? not ] }
{ "\\w" [ c-identifier? ] }
{ "\\W" [ c-identifier? not ] }
} [ first2 satisfy-token ] [ <|> ] map-reduce ;
: 'posix-character-class' ( -- parser )
{ "\\p{Lower}" [ letter? ] }
{ "\\p{Upper}" [ LETTER? ] }
{ "\\p{ASCII}" [ 0 HEX: 7f between? ] }
{ "\\p{Alpha}" [ Letter? ] }
{ "\\p{Digit}" [ digit? ] }
{ "\\p{Alnum}" [ alpha? ] }
{ "\\p{Punct}" [ punct? ] }
{ "\\p{Graph}" [ java-printable? ] }
{ "\\p{Print}" [ java-printable? ] }
{ "\\p{Blank}" [ " \t" member? ] }
{ "\\p{Cntrl}" [ control-char? ] }
{ "\\p{XDigit}" [ hex-digit? ] }
{ "\\p{Space}" [ java-blank? ] }
} [ first2 satisfy-token ] [ <|> ] map-reduce ;
: 'escaped-seq' ( -- parser )
"\\Q" token
any-char-parser <*> [ token ] <@ &>
"\\E" token <& ;
: 'escape-seq' ( -- parser )
'predefined-char-class' <|>
'octal' <|>
'hex' <|>
'escaped-seq' <|>
'control-character' <|>
'posix-character-class' <|> ;
: 'char' 'escape-seq' 'ordinary-char' <|> ;
: 'string'
'char' <+> [ [ <&> ] reduce* ] <@ ;
: or-predicates ( quots -- quot )
[ \ dup add* ] map [ [ t ] ] f short-circuit \ nip add ;
: exactly-n ( parser n -- parser' )
swap <repetition> and-parser construct-boa ;
swap <repetition> <and-parser> ;
: at-most-n ( parser n -- parser' )
dup zero? [
@ -145,6 +24,116 @@ IN: regexp
: from-m-to-n ( parser m n -- parser' )
>r [ exactly-n ] 2keep r> swap - at-most-n <&> ;
: octal-digit? ( n -- ? ) CHAR: 0 CHAR: 7 between? ;
: decimal-digit? ( n -- ? ) CHAR: 0 CHAR: 9 between? ;
: hex-digit? ( n -- ? )
dup decimal-digit?
swap CHAR: a CHAR: f between? or ;
: control-char? ( n -- ? )
dup 0 HEX: 1f between?
swap HEX: 7f = or ;
MACRO: fast-member? ( str -- quot )
[ dup ] H{ } map>assoc [ key? ] curry ;
: punct? ( n -- ? )
"!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~" fast-member? ;
: c-identifier-char? ( ch -- ? )
dup alpha? swap CHAR: _ = or ;
: java-blank? ( n -- ? )
CHAR: \t CHAR: \n CHAR: \r
HEX: c HEX: 7 HEX: 1b
} fast-member? ;
: java-printable? ( n -- ? )
dup alpha? swap punct? or ;
: 'ordinary-char' ( -- parser )
[ "\\^*+?|(){}[" fast-member? not ] satisfy
[ [ = ] curry ] <@ ;
: 'octal-digit' ( -- parser )
[ octal-digit? ] satisfy ;
: 'octal' ( -- parser )
"0" token
'octal-digit' 3 exactly-n
'octal-digit' 1 2 from-m-to-n <|>
&> [ oct> [ = ] curry ] <@ ;
: 'hex-digit' ( -- parser ) [ hex-digit? ] satisfy ;
: 'hex' ( -- parser )
"x" token 'hex-digit' 2 exactly-n &>
"u" token 'hex-digit' 4 exactly-n &> <|>
[ hex> [ = ] curry ] <@ ;
: 'control-character' ( -- parser )
"c" token [ LETTER? ] satisfy [ [ = ] curry ] <@ &> ;
: satisfy-tokens ( assoc -- parser )
[ >r token r> [ nip ] curry <@ ] { } assoc>map <or-parser> ;
: 'simple-escape-char' ( -- parser )
{ "\\" CHAR: \\ }
{ "t" CHAR: \t }
{ "n" CHAR: \n }
{ "r" CHAR: \r }
{ "f" HEX: c }
{ "a" HEX: 7 }
{ "e" HEX: 1b }
} [ [ = ] curry ] assoc-map satisfy-tokens ;
: 'predefined-char-class' ( -- parser )
{ "d" [ digit? ] }
{ "D" [ digit? not ] }
{ "s" [ java-blank? ] }
{ "S" [ java-blank? not ] }
{ "w" [ c-identifier-char? ] }
{ "W" [ c-identifier-char? not ] }
} satisfy-tokens ;
: 'posix-character-class' ( -- parser )
{ "Lower" [ letter? ] }
{ "Upper" [ LETTER? ] }
{ "ASCII" [ 0 HEX: 7f between? ] }
{ "Alpha" [ Letter? ] }
{ "Digit" [ digit? ] }
{ "Alnum" [ alpha? ] }
{ "Punct" [ punct? ] }
{ "Graph" [ java-printable? ] }
{ "Print" [ java-printable? ] }
{ "Blank" [ " \t" member? ] }
{ "Cntrl" [ control-char? ] }
{ "XDigit" [ hex-digit? ] }
{ "Space" [ java-blank? ] }
} satisfy-tokens "p{" "}" surrounded-by ;
: 'escape' ( -- parser )
"\\" token
'predefined-char-class' <|>
'octal' <|>
'hex' <|>
'control-character' <|>
'posix-character-class' <|> &> ;
: 'any-char' "." token [ drop [ drop t ] ] <@ ;
: 'char'
'any-char' 'escape' 'ordinary-char' <|> <|> [ satisfy ] <@ ;
: 'string' 'char' <+> [ <and-parser> ] <@ ;
DEFER: 'regexp'
TUPLE: group-result str ;
@ -152,60 +141,46 @@ TUPLE: group-result str ;
C: <group-result> group-result
: 'grouping'
"(" token
'regexp' [ [ <group-result> ] <@ ] <@
")" token <& &> ;
! Special cases: ]\\^-
: predicates>cond ( seq -- quot )
#! Takes an array of quotation predicates/objects and makes a cond
#! Makes a predicate of each obj like so: [ dup obj = ]
#! Leaves quotations alone
#! The cond returns a boolean, t if one of the predicates matches
dup callable? [ [ = ] curry ] unless
[ dup ] swap compose [ drop t ] 2array
] map { [ t ] [ drop f ] } add [ cond ] curry ;
"(" ")" surrounded-by ;
: 'range' ( -- parser )
any-char-parser "-" token <& any-char-parser <&>
[ first2 [ between? ] 2curry satisfy ] <@ ;
[ first2 [ between? ] 2curry ] <@ ;
: 'character-class-contents' ( -- parser )
'range' <|>
[ "\\]" member? not ] satisfy [ 1satisfy ] <@ <|> ;
: 'character-class-term' ( -- parser )
'escape' <|>
[ "\\]" member? not ] satisfy [ [ = ] curry ] <@ <|> ;
: make-character-class ( seq ? -- )
>r [ parser>predicate ] map predicates>cond r>
[ [ not ] compose ] when satisfy ;
: 'positive-character-class' ( -- parser )
"]" token [ drop [ CHAR: ] = ] ] <@ 'character-class-term' <*> <&:>
'character-class-term' <+> <|>
[ or-predicates ] <@ ;
: 'negative-character-class' ( -- parser )
"^" token 'positive-character-class' &>
[ [ not ] append ] <@ ;
: 'character-class' ( -- parser )
"[" token
"^" token 'character-class-contents' <+> &> [ t make-character-class ] <@
"]" token [ first 1satisfy ] <@ 'character-class-contents' <*> <&:>
[ f make-character-class ] <@ <|>
'character-class-contents' <+> [ f make-character-class ] <@ <|>
"]" token <& ;
'negative-character-class' 'positive-character-class' <|>
"[" "]" surrounded-by [ satisfy ] <@ ;
: 'escaped-seq' ( -- parser )
any-char-parser <*> [ token ] <@ "\\Q" "\\E" surrounded-by ;
: 'term' ( -- parser )
'grouping' <|>
'string' <|>
'character-class' <|>
<+> [
dup length 1 =
[ first ] [ and-parser construct-boa ] if
] <@ ;
<+> [ <and-parser> ] <@ ;
: 'interval' ( -- parser )
'term' "{" token <& 'integer' <&> "}" token <& [ first2 exactly-n ] <@
'term' "{" token <& 'integer' <&> "," token <& "}" token <&
[ first2 at-least-n ] <@ <|>
'term' "{" token <& "," token <& 'integer' <&> "}" token <&
[ first2 at-most-n ] <@ <|>
'term' "{" token <& 'integer' <&> "," token <& 'integer' <:&> "}" token <&
[ first3 from-m-to-n ] <@ <|> ;
'term' 'integer' "{" "}" surrounded-by <&> [ first2 exactly-n ] <@
'term' 'integer' "{" ",}" surrounded-by <&> [ first2 at-least-n ] <@ <|>
'term' 'integer' "{," "}" surrounded-by <&> [ first2 at-most-n ] <@ <|>
'term' 'integer' "," token <& 'integer' <&> "{" "}" surrounded-by <&> [ first2 first2 from-m-to-n ] <@ <|> ;
: 'repetition' ( -- parser )
@ -221,7 +196,7 @@ C: <group-result> group-result
LAZY: 'union' ( -- parser )
'simple' "|" token 'union' &> <&> [ first2 <|> ] <@
'simple' "|" token nonempty-list-of [ <or-parser> ] <@
<|> ;
LAZY: 'regexp' ( -- parser )