irc.ui: Userlists no longer use list gadgets

William Schlieper 2008-07-31 21:36:16 -04:00
parent a757af9da5
commit 804a76afc8
1 changed files with 15 additions and 21 deletions

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ USING: accessors kernel threads combinators concurrency.mailboxes
sequences strings hashtables splitting fry assocs hashtables
ui ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.panes ui.gadgets.editors
ui.gadgets.scrollers ui.commands ui.gadgets.frames ui.gestures
ui.gadgets.tabs ui.gadgets.grids ui.gadgets.lists ui.gadgets.labels
ui.gadgets.tabs ui.gadgets.grids ui.gadgets.packs ui.gadgets.labels
io io.styles namespaces calendar calendar.format models continuations
irc.client irc.client.private irc.messages irc.messages.private
irc.ui.commandparser irc.ui.load qualified ;
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ SYMBOL: client
TUPLE: ui-window client tabs ;
TUPLE: irc-tab < frame listener client listmodel ;
TUPLE: irc-tab < frame listener client userlist ;
: write-color ( str color -- )
foreground associate format ;
@ -116,16 +116,15 @@ M: irc-message write-irc
GENERIC: handle-inbox ( tab message -- )
: filter-participants ( assoc val -- alist )
[ >alist ] dip
'[ second , = ] filter ;
: filter-participants ( pack alist val color -- )
'[ , = [ <label> , >>color add-gadget ] [ drop ] if ] assoc-each ;
: update-participants ( tab -- )
[ listmodel>> ] [ listener>> participants>> ] bi
[ +operator+ filter-participants ]
[ +voice+ filter-participants ]
[ +normal+ filter-participants ] tri
append append swap set-model ;
[ userlist>> [ clear-gadget ] keep ]
[ listener>> participants>> ] bi
[ +operator+ green filter-participants ]
[ +voice+ blue filter-participants ]
[ +normal+ black filter-participants ] 2tri ;
M: participant-changed handle-inbox
drop update-participants ;
@ -162,11 +161,6 @@ irc-editor "general" f {
{ T{ key-down f f "ENTER" } editor-send }
} define-command-map
: <irc-list> ( -- gadget model )
[ drop ]
[ first2 [ <label> ] dip >>color ]
{ } <model> [ <list> ] keep ;
: <irc-tab> ( listener client -- irc-tab )
irc-tab new-frame
swap client>> >>client swap >>listener
@ -175,19 +169,19 @@ irc-editor "general" f {
: <irc-channel-tab> ( listener client -- irc-tab )
<irc-list> [ <scroller> @right grid-add ] dip >>listmodel
[ update-participants ] keep ;
<pile> [ <scroller> @right grid-add ] keep >>userlist ;
: <irc-server-tab> ( listener client -- irc-tab )
<irc-tab> ;
M: irc-tab graft*
[ listener>> ] [ client>> ] bi
add-listener ;
[ listener>> ] [ client>> ] bi add-listener ;
M: irc-tab ungraft*
[ listener>> ] [ client>> ] bi
remove-listener ;
[ listener>> ] [ client>> ] bi remove-listener ;
M: irc-tab pref-dim*
drop { 480 480 } ;
: join-channel ( name ui-window -- )
[ dup <irc-channel-listener> ] dip