compiler.cfg.alias-analysis: don't need to do a local live-in calculation anymore
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ sets classes layouts fry locals cpu.architecture
@ -79,19 +78,23 @@ SYMBOL: copies
! Map vregs -> alias classes
SYMBOL: vregs>acs
ERROR: vreg-ac-not-set vreg ;
! Map alias classes -> sequence of vregs
SYMBOL: acs>vregs
! Alias class for objects which are loaded from the data stack
! or other object slots. We pessimistically assume that they
! can all alias each other.
SYMBOL: heap-ac
: ac>vregs ( ac -- vregs )
acs>vregs get [ drop V{ } clone ] cache ;
: vreg>ac ( vreg -- ac )
#! Only vregs produced by ##allot, ##peek and ##slot can
#! ever be used as valid inputs to ##slot and ##set-slot,
#! so we assert this fact by not giving alias classes to
#! other vregs.
vregs>acs get ?at [ vreg-ac-not-set ] unless ;
! Map alias classes -> sequence of vregs
SYMBOL: acs>vregs
: ac>vregs ( ac -- vregs ) acs>vregs get at ;
vregs>acs get [ heap-ac get [ ac>vregs push ] keep ] cache ;
: aliases ( vreg -- vregs )
#! All vregs which may contain the same value as vreg.
@ -120,10 +123,11 @@ SYMBOL: dead-stores
: dead-store ( insn# -- ) dead-stores get adjoin ;
ERROR: vreg-not-new vreg ;
:: set-ac ( vreg ac -- )
#! Set alias class of newly-seen vreg.
H{ } clone vreg recent-stores get set-at
H{ } clone vreg live-slots get set-at
vreg vregs>acs get key? [ vreg vreg-not-new ] when
ac vreg vregs>acs get set-at
vreg ac acs>vregs get push-at ;
@ -132,10 +136,8 @@ SYMBOL: dead-stores
#! value.
over [ live-slots get at at ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
ERROR: vreg-has-no-slots vreg ;
: load-constant-slot ( value slot# vreg -- )
live-slots get ?at [ vreg-has-no-slots ] unless set-at ;
live-slots get [ drop H{ } clone ] cache set-at ;
: load-slot ( value slot#/f vreg -- )
over [ load-constant-slot ] [ 3drop ] if ;
@ -160,20 +162,16 @@ SYMBOL: ac-counter
: next-ac ( -- n )
ac-counter [ dup 1 + ] change ;
! Alias class for objects which are loaded from the data stack
! or other object slots. We pessimistically assume that they
! can all alias each other.
SYMBOL: heap-ac
: set-heap-ac ( vreg -- ) heap-ac get set-ac ;
: set-new-ac ( vreg -- ) next-ac set-ac ;
: kill-constant-set-slot ( slot# vreg -- )
[ live-slots get at delete-at ] with each-alias ;
: recent-stores-of ( vreg -- assoc )
recent-stores get [ drop H{ } clone ] cache ;
:: record-constant-set-slot ( insn# slot# vreg -- )
vreg recent-stores get at :> recent-stores
vreg recent-stores-of :> recent-stores
slot# recent-stores at [ dead-store ] when*
insn# slot# recent-stores set-at ;
@ -226,15 +224,12 @@ M: insn analyze-aliases ;
! inserted yet.
dup [
{ int-rep tagged-rep } member?
[ set-heap-ac ] [ set-new-ac ] if
[ drop ] [ set-new-ac ] if
] each-def-rep ;
M: vreg-insn analyze-aliases
def-acs ;
M: ##phi analyze-aliases
dup dst>> set-heap-ac ;
M: ##allocation analyze-aliases
#! A freshly allocated object is distinct from any other
#! object.
@ -326,9 +321,8 @@ M: insn eliminate-dead-stores drop t ;
: alias-analysis-step ( insns -- insns' )
[ local-live-in [ set-heap-ac ] each ]
[ 0 [ [ insn#<< ] [ drop 1 + ] 2bi ] reduce drop ]
[ [ analyze-aliases ] map! [ eliminate-dead-stores ] filter! ] tri ;
[ [ analyze-aliases ] map! [ eliminate-dead-stores ] filter! ] bi ;
: alias-analysis ( cfg -- cfg )
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