Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -23,4 +23,4 @@ ERROR: box-empty box ;
dup occupied>> [ box> t ] [ drop f f ] if ;
: if-box? ( box quot -- )
>r ?box r> [ drop ] if ; inline
[ ?box ] dip [ drop ] if ; inline
@ -99,6 +99,48 @@ HELP: seconds-per-year
{ $values { "integer" integer } }
{ $description "Returns the number of seconds in a year averaged over 400 years. Used internally for adding an arbitrary real number of seconds to a timestamp." } ;
HELP: biweekly
{ $values
{ "x" number }
{ "y" number }
{ $description "Divides a number by the number of two week periods in a year." } ;
HELP: daily-360
{ $values
{ "x" number }
{ "y" number }
{ $description "Divides a number by the number of days in a 360-day year." } ;
HELP: daily-365
{ $values
{ "x" number }
{ "y" number }
{ $description "Divides a number by the number of days in a 365-day year." } ;
HELP: monthly
{ $values
{ "x" number }
{ "y" number }
{ $description "Divides a number by the number of months in a year." } ;
HELP: semimonthly
{ $values
{ "x" number }
{ "y" number }
{ $description "Divides a number by the number of half-months in a year. Note that biweekly has two more periods than semimonthly." } ;
HELP: weekly
{ $values
{ "x" number }
{ "y" number }
{ $description "Divides a number by the number of weeks in a year." } ;
HELP: julian-day-number
{ $values { "year" integer } { "month" integer } { "day" integer } { "n" integer } }
{ $description "Calculates the Julian day number from a year, month, and day. The difference between two Julian day numbers is the number of days that have elapsed between the two corresponding dates." }
@ -540,6 +582,8 @@ ARTICLE: "calendar" "Calendar"
{ $subsection "years" }
{ $subsection "months" }
{ $subsection "days" }
"Calculating amounts per period of time:"
{ $subsection "time-period-calculations" }
"Meta-data about the calendar:"
{ $subsection "calendar-facts" }
@ -626,6 +670,18 @@ ARTICLE: "calendar-facts" "Calendar facts"
{ $subsection day-of-week }
ARTICLE: "time-period-calculations" "Calculations over periods of time"
{ $subsection monthly }
{ $subsection semimonthly }
{ $subsection biweekly }
{ $subsection weekly }
{ $subsection daily-360 }
{ $subsection daily-365 }
{ $subsection biweekly }
{ $subsection biweekly }
{ $subsection biweekly }
ARTICLE: "years" "Year operations"
"Leap year predicate:"
{ $subsection leap-year? }
@ -167,3 +167,5 @@ IN: calendar.tests
[ t ] [ now 50 milliseconds sleep now before? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ now 50 milliseconds sleep now swap after? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ now 50 milliseconds sleep now 50 milliseconds sleep now swapd between? ] unit-test
[ 4+1/6 ] [ 100 semimonthly ] unit-test
@ -89,6 +89,13 @@ PRIVATE>
: minutes-per-year ( -- ratio ) 5259492/10 ; inline
: seconds-per-year ( -- integer ) 31556952 ; inline
: monthly ( x -- y ) 12 / ; inline
: semimonthly ( x -- y ) 24 / ; inline
: biweekly ( x -- y ) 26 / ; inline
: weekly ( x -- y ) 52 / ; inline
: daily-360 ( x -- y ) 360 / ; inline
: daily-365 ( x -- y ) 365 / ; inline
:: julian-day-number ( year month day -- n )
#! Returns a composite date number
#! Not valid before year -4800
@ -173,7 +180,7 @@ M: real +year ( timestamp n -- timestamp )
12 /rem dup zero? [ drop 1- 12 ] when swap ; inline
M: integer +month ( timestamp n -- timestamp )
[ over month>> + months/years >r >>month r> +year ] unless-zero ;
[ over month>> + months/years [ >>month ] dip +year ] unless-zero ;
M: real +month ( timestamp n -- timestamp )
[ float>whole-part swapd average-month * +day swap +month ] unless-zero ;
@ -181,7 +188,7 @@ M: real +month ( timestamp n -- timestamp )
M: integer +day ( timestamp n -- timestamp )
over >date< julian-day-number + julian-day-number>date
>r >r >>year r> >>month r> >>day
[ >>year ] [ >>month ] [ >>day ] tri*
] unless-zero ;
M: real +day ( timestamp n -- timestamp )
@ -191,7 +198,7 @@ M: real +day ( timestamp n -- timestamp )
24 /rem swap ;
M: integer +hour ( timestamp n -- timestamp )
[ over hour>> + hours/days >r >>hour r> +day ] unless-zero ;
[ over hour>> + hours/days [ >>hour ] dip +day ] unless-zero ;
M: real +hour ( timestamp n -- timestamp )
float>whole-part swapd 60 * +minute swap +hour ;
@ -200,7 +207,7 @@ M: real +hour ( timestamp n -- timestamp )
60 /rem swap ;
M: integer +minute ( timestamp n -- timestamp )
[ over minute>> + minutes/hours >r >>minute r> +hour ] unless-zero ;
[ over minute>> + minutes/hours [ >>minute ] dip +hour ] unless-zero ;
M: real +minute ( timestamp n -- timestamp )
[ float>whole-part swapd 60 * +second swap +minute ] unless-zero ;
@ -209,7 +216,7 @@ M: real +minute ( timestamp n -- timestamp )
60 /rem swap >integer ;
M: number +second ( timestamp n -- timestamp )
[ over second>> + seconds/minutes >r >>second r> +minute ] unless-zero ;
[ over second>> + seconds/minutes [ >>second ] dip +minute ] unless-zero ;
: (time+)
[ second>> +second ] keep
@ -226,7 +233,7 @@ PRIVATE>
GENERIC# time+ 1 ( time1 time2 -- time3 )
M: timestamp time+
>r clone r> (time+) drop ;
[ clone ] dip (time+) drop ;
M: duration time+
dup timestamp? [
@ -284,7 +291,7 @@ M: timestamp <=> ( ts1 ts2 -- n )
: (time-) ( timestamp timestamp -- n )
[ >gmt ] bi@
[ [ >date< julian-day-number ] bi@ - 86400 * ] 2keep
[ >time< >r >r 3600 * r> 60 * r> + + ] bi@ - + ;
[ >time< [ [ 3600 * ] [ 60 * ] bi* ] dip + + ] bi@ - + ;
M: timestamp time-
#! Exact calendar-time difference
@ -320,13 +327,13 @@ M: duration time-
1970 1 1 0 0 0 instant <timestamp> ;
: millis>timestamp ( x -- timestamp )
>r unix-1970 r> milliseconds time+ ;
[ unix-1970 ] dip milliseconds time+ ;
: timestamp>millis ( timestamp -- n )
unix-1970 (time-) 1000 * >integer ;
: micros>timestamp ( x -- timestamp )
>r unix-1970 r> microseconds time+ ;
[ unix-1970 ] dip microseconds time+ ;
: timestamp>micros ( timestamp -- n )
unix-1970 (time-) 1000000 * >integer ;
@ -343,10 +350,11 @@ M: duration time-
#! Zeller Congruence
#! good for any date since October 15, 1582
>r dup 2 <= [ 12 + >r 1- r> ] when
>r dup [ 4 /i + ] keep [ 100 /i - ] keep 400 /i + r>
[ 1+ 3 * 5 /i + ] keep 2 * + r>
1+ + 7 mod ;
dup 2 <= [ [ 1- ] [ 12 + ] bi* ] when
[ dup [ 4 /i + ] keep [ 100 /i - ] keep 400 /i + ] dip
[ 1+ 3 * 5 /i + ] keep 2 * +
] dip 1+ + 7 mod ;
GENERIC: days-in-year ( obj -- n )
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ M: evp-md-context dispose
handle>> EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup drop ;
: with-evp-md-context ( quot -- )
maybe-init-ssl >r <evp-md-context> r> with-disposal ; inline
maybe-init-ssl [ <evp-md-context> ] dip with-disposal ; inline
: digest-named ( name -- md )
dup EVP_get_digestbyname
@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ SYMBOLS: h0 h1 h2 h3 h4 A B C D E w K ;
: sha1-f ( B C D t -- f_tbcd )
20 /i
{ 0 [ >r over bitnot r> bitand >r bitand r> bitor ] }
{ 0 [ [ over bitnot ] dip bitand [ bitand ] dip bitor ] }
{ 1 [ bitxor bitxor ] }
{ 2 [ 2dup bitand >r pick bitand >r bitand r> r> bitor bitor ] }
{ 2 [ 2dup bitand [ pick bitand [ bitand ] dip ] dip bitor bitor ] }
{ 3 [ bitxor bitxor ] }
} case ;
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ SYMBOLS: vars M K H S0 S1 process-M word-size block-size ;
[ 15 - swap nth s0-256 ] 2keep
[ 7 - swap nth ] 2keep
[ 2 - swap nth s1-256 ] 2keep
>r >r + + w+ r> r> swap set-nth ; inline
[ + + w+ ] 2dip swap set-nth ; inline
: prepare-message-schedule ( seq -- w-seq )
word-size get group [ be> ] map block-size get 0 pad-right
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ SYMBOLS: vars M K H S0 S1 process-M word-size block-size ;
[ bitxor bitand ] keep bitxor ;
: maj ( x y z -- x' )
>r [ bitand ] 2keep bitor r> bitand bitor ;
[ [ bitand ] 2keep bitor ] dip bitand bitor ;
: S0-256 ( x -- x' )
[ -2 bitroll-32 ] keep
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ SYMBOLS: vars M K H S0 S1 process-M word-size block-size ;
[ -11 bitroll-32 ] keep
-25 bitroll-32 bitxor bitxor ; inline
: slice3 ( n seq -- a b c ) >r dup 3 + r> <slice> first3 ; inline
: slice3 ( n seq -- a b c ) [ dup 3 + ] dip <slice> first3 ; inline
: T1 ( W n -- T1 )
[ swap nth ] keep
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ SYMBOLS: vars M K H S0 S1 process-M word-size block-size ;
d c pick exchange
c b pick exchange
b a pick exchange
>r w+ a r> set-nth ;
[ w+ a ] dip set-nth ;
: process-chunk ( M -- )
H get clone vars set
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ SYMBOLS: vars M K H S0 S1 process-M word-size block-size ;
: preprocess-plaintext ( string big-endian? -- padded-string )
#! pad 0x80 then 00 til 8 bytes left, then 64bit length in bits
>r >sbuf r> over [
[ >sbuf ] dip over [
HEX: 80 ,
dup length HEX: 3f bitand
calculate-pad-length 0 <string> %
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ GENERIC: more-rows? ( result-set -- ? )
: new-result-set ( query handle class -- result-set )
swap >>handle
>r [ sql>> ] [ in-params>> ] [ out-params>> ] tri r>
[ [ sql>> ] [ in-params>> ] [ out-params>> ] tri ] dip
swap >>out-params
swap >>in-params
swap >>sql ;
@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ M: postgresql-result-null summary ( obj -- str )
: param-values ( statement -- seq seq2 )
[ bind-params>> ] [ in-params>> ] bi
>r value>> r> type>> {
[ value>> ] [ type>> ] bi* {
dup [ object>bytes malloc-byte-array/length ] [ 0 ] if
] }
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ M: postgresql-result-null summary ( obj -- str )
: do-postgresql-bound-statement ( statement -- res )
>r db get handle>> r>
[ db get handle>> ] dip
[ sql>> ]
[ bind-params>> length ]
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ M: postgresql-result-null summary ( obj -- str )
: pq-get-string ( handle row column -- obj )
3dup PQgetvalue utf8 alien>string
dup empty? [ >r pq-get-is-null f r> ? ] [ 3nip ] if ;
dup empty? [ [ pq-get-is-null f ] dip ? ] [ 3nip ] if ;
: pq-get-number ( handle row column -- obj )
pq-get-string dup [ string>number ] when ;
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ M: random-id-generator eval-generator ( singleton -- obj )
] [
pick column-name>> 0%
>r first2 r> interval-comparison 0%
[ first2 ] dip interval-comparison 0%
] if ;
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ M: db <count-statement> ( query -- statement )
: create-index ( index-name table-name columns -- )
>r >r "create index " % % r> " on " % % r> "(" %
[ [ "create index " % % ] dip " on " % % ] 2dip "(" %
"," join % ")" %
] "" make sql-command ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Help lint tool
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors combinators io kernel locals math multiline
sequences splitting prettyprint ;
sequences splitting prettyprint namespaces http.parsers
ascii assocs io.files.unique io.files io.encodings.binary
byte-arrays io.encodings make fry ;
IN: mime.multipart
TUPLE: multipart-stream stream n leftover separator ;
@ -27,37 +29,77 @@ TUPLE: multipart-stream stream n leftover separator ;
: multipart-split ( bytes separator -- before after seq=? )
2dup sequence= [ 2drop f f t ] [ split1 f ] if ;
:: multipart-step-found ( bytes stream quot -- ? )
bytes [
quot unless-empty
] [
stream (>>leftover)
quot unless-empty
] if-empty f quot call f ;
:: multipart-step-found ( bytes stream quot: ( bytes -- ) -- ? )
bytes [ quot unless-empty ]
[ stream (>>leftover) quot unless-empty ] if-empty f ; inline
:: multipart-step-not-found ( stream end-stream? separator quot -- ? )
end-stream? [
:: multipart-step-not-found ( bytes stream end-stream? separator quot: ( bytes -- ) -- ? )
bytes end-stream? [
quot unless-empty f
] [
separator length 1- ?cut* stream (>>leftover)
quot unless-empty t
] if ;
] if ; inline
:: multipart-step ( stream bytes end-stream? separator quot: ( bytes -- ) -- ? end-stream? )
#! return t to loop again
bytes separator multipart-split
[ 2drop f quot call f ]
[ 2drop f ]
[ stream quot multipart-step-found ]
[ stream end-stream? separator quot multipart-step-not-found ] if*
] if stream leftover>> end-stream? not or ;
] if stream leftover>> end-stream? not or >boolean ;
:: multipart-step-loop ( stream quot1: ( bytes -- ) -- ? )
stream dup [ read-n ] [ separator>> ] bi quot1 multipart-step
swap [ drop stream quot1 multipart-step-loop ] when ; inline recursive
SYMBOL: header
SYMBOL: parsed-header
SYMBOL: magic-separator
: trim-blanks ( str -- str' ) [ blank? ] trim ;
: trim-quotes ( str -- str' )
[ [ CHAR: " = ] [ CHAR: ' = ] bi or ] trim ;
: parse-content-disposition ( str -- content-disposition hash )
";" split [ first ] [ rest-slice ] bi [ "=" split ] map
[ [ trim-blanks ] [ trim-quotes ] bi* ] H{ } assoc-map-as ;
: parse-multipart-header ( string -- headers )
"\r\n" split harvest
[ parse-header-line first2 ] H{ } map>assoc ;
ERROR: expected-file ;
TUPLE: uploaded-file path filename name ;
: (parse-multipart) ( stream -- ? )
"\r\n\r\n" >>separator
header off
dup [ header [ prepend ] change ] multipart-step-loop drop
header get dup magic-separator get [ length ] bi@ < [
2drop f
] [
parsed-header set
"\r\n" magic-separator get append >>separator
"factor-upload" "httpd" make-unique-file tuck
binary [ [ write ] multipart-step-loop ] with-file-writer swap
"content-disposition" parsed-header get at parse-content-disposition
nip [ "filename" swap at ] [ "name" swap at ] bi
uploaded-file boa ,
] if ;
:: multipart-step-loop ( stream quot1: ( bytes -- ) quot2: ( -- ) -- ? )
stream dup [ read-n ] [ separator>> ] bi quot1 multipart-step
swap [ drop stream quot1 quot2 multipart-step-loop ] quot2 if ;
: multipart-loop-all ( stream quot1: ( bytes -- ) quot2: ( -- ) -- )
3dup multipart-step-loop
[ multipart-loop-all ] [ 3drop ] if ;
: parse-multipart ( stream -- array )
"\r\n" <multipart-stream>
magic-separator off
dup [ magic-separator [ prepend ] change ]
multipart-step-loop drop
'[ [ _ (parse-multipart) ] loop ] { } make
] with-scope ;
@ -1 +1 @@
Prints formatted hex dump of an arbitrary sequence
Prints the formatted hex dump of a byte-array
@ -189,11 +189,11 @@ M: string >ber ( str -- byte-array )
>byte-array append ;
: >ber-application-string ( n str -- byte-array )
>r HEX: 40 + set-tag r> >ber ;
[ HEX: 40 + set-tag ] dip >ber ;
GENERIC: >ber-contextspecific ( n obj -- byte-array )
M: string >ber-contextspecific ( n str -- byte-array )
>r HEX: 80 + set-tag r> >ber ;
[ HEX: 80 + set-tag ] dip >ber ;
! =========================================================
! Array
@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ IN: assocs.lib
dupd at [ nip ] when* ;
: replace-at ( assoc value key -- assoc )
>r >r dup r> 1vector r> rot set-at ;
[ dupd 1vector ] dip rot set-at ;
: peek-at* ( assoc key -- obj ? )
swap at* dup [ >r peek r> ] when ;
swap at* dup [ [ peek ] dip ] when ;
: peek-at ( assoc key -- obj )
peek-at* drop ;
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ IN: assocs.lib
: insert ( value variable -- ) namespace push-at ;
: generate-key ( assoc -- str )
>r 32 random-bits >hex r>
[ 32 random-bits >hex ] dip
2dup key? [ nip generate-key ] [ drop ] if ;
: set-at-unique ( value assoc -- key )
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ IN: combinators.lib
! Generalized versions of core combinators
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: quad ( x p q r s -- ) >r >r >r keep r> keep r> keep r> call ; inline
: quad ( x p q r s -- ) [ keep ] 3dip [ keep ] 2dip [ keep ] dip call ; inline
: 4slip ( quot a b c d -- a b c d ) 4 nslip ; inline
@ -123,10 +123,10 @@ MACRO: construct-slots ( assoc tuple-class -- tuple )
>r pick >r with r> r> swapd with ;
: or? ( obj quot1 quot2 -- ? )
>r keep r> rot [ 2nip ] [ call ] if* ; inline
[ keep ] dip rot [ 2nip ] [ call ] if* ; inline
: and? ( obj quot1 quot2 -- ? )
>r keep r> rot [ call ] [ 2drop f ] if ; inline
[ keep ] dip rot [ call ] [ 2drop f ] if ; inline
MACRO: multikeep ( word out-indexes -- ... )
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ MACRO: multikeep ( word out-indexes -- ... )
[ drop ] rot compose attempt-all ; inline
: do-while ( pred body tail -- )
>r tuck 2slip r> while ; inline
[ tuck 2slip ] dip while ; inline
: generate ( generator predicate -- obj )
[ dup ] swap [ dup [ nip ] unless not ] 3compose
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ MACRO: multikeep ( word out-indexes -- ... )
MACRO: predicates ( seq -- quot/f )
dup [ 1quotation [ drop ] prepend ] map
>r [ [ dup ] prepend ] map r> zip [ drop f ] suffix
[ [ [ dup ] prepend ] map ] dip zip [ drop f ] suffix
[ cond ] curry ;
: %chance ( quot n -- ) 100 random > swap when ; inline
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ SYMBOL: tagstack
swap >>name ;
: make-tag ( string attribs -- tag )
>r [ closing-tag? ] keep "/" trim1 r> rot <tag> ;
[ [ closing-tag? ] keep "/" trim1 ] dip rot <tag> ;
: make-text-tag ( string -- tag )
tag new
@ -12,10 +12,14 @@ IN: money.tests
[ 1/10 ] [ DECIMAL: .1 ] unit-test
[ 1/10 ] [ DECIMAL: 0.1 ] unit-test
[ 1/10 ] [ DECIMAL: 00.10 ] unit-test
[ 23 ] [ DECIMAL: 23 ] unit-test
[ -23 ] [ DECIMAL: -23 ] unit-test
[ -23-1/100 ] [ DECIMAL: -23.01 ] unit-test
[ "DECIMAL: ." eval ] must-fail
[ "DECIMAL: f" eval ] must-fail
[ "DECIMAL: 0.f" eval ] must-fail
[ "DECIMAL: f.0" eval ] must-fail
[ "$100.00" ] [ DECIMAL: 100.0 money>string ] unit-test
[ "$0.00" ] [ DECIMAL: 0.0 money>string ] unit-test
@ -3,28 +3,31 @@ namespaces make sequences splitting grouping combinators
continuations ;
IN: money
SYMBOL: currency-token
CHAR: $ \ currency-token set-global
: dollars/cents ( dollars -- dollars cents )
100 * 100 /mod round ;
: (money>string) ( dollars cents -- string )
[ number>string ] bi@
[ <reversed> 3 group "," join <reversed> ]
[ 2 CHAR: 0 pad-left ] bi* "." swap 3append ;
: money>string ( object -- string )
dollars/cents [
"$" %
swap number>string
<reversed> 3 group "," join <reversed> %
"." % number>string 2 CHAR: 0 pad-left %
] "" make ;
dollars/cents (money>string) currency-token get prefix ;
: money. ( object -- )
money>string print ;
: money. ( object -- ) money>string print ;
ERROR: not-a-decimal x ;
ERROR: not-an-integer x ;
: parse-decimal ( str -- ratio )
"." split1
>r dup "-" head? [ drop t "0" ] [ f swap ] if r>
[ "-" ?head swap ] dip
[ [ "0" ] when-empty ] bi@
dup length
>r [ dup string>number [ nip ] [ not-a-decimal ] if* ] bi@ r>
[ dup string>number [ nip ] [ not-an-integer ] if* ] bi@
] keep length
10 swap ^ / + swap [ neg ] when ;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
USING: kernel money tools.test
taxes.usa taxes.usa.federal
taxes.utils taxes.usa.w4 usa-cities ;
calendar taxes.usa.w4 usa-cities ;
IN: taxes.usa.tests
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: math ;
IN: taxes.utils
: monthly ( x -- y ) 12 / ;
: semimonthly ( x -- y ) 24 / ;
: biweekly ( x -- y ) 26 / ;
: weekly ( x -- y ) 52 / ;
: daily ( x -- y ) 360 / ;
Reference in New Issue