multiple selection in table views

Sam Anklesaria 2009-05-13 16:10:04 -05:00
parent c7242b8516
commit 89efe27ab5
3 changed files with 85 additions and 48 deletions

View File

@ -20,13 +20,15 @@ ARTICLE: "ui.gadgets.tables.selection" "Table row selection"
"A few slots in the table gadget concern row selection:"
{ $table
{ { $slot "selected-value" } { " - if set to a model, the currently selected row's value, as determined by a " { $link row-value } " call to the renderer, is stored in this model. See " { $link "models" } "." } }
{ { $slot "selected-index" } " - the index of the currently selected row." }
{ { $slot "selected-values" } { " - if set to a model, an array of the currently selected rows' values, as determined by a " { $link row-value } " call to the renderer, is stored in this model. See " { $link "models" } "." } }
{ { $slot "selected-indices" } " - the indices of the currently selected rows." }
{ { $slot "selection-required?" } { " - if set to a true value, the table ensures that some row is always selected, if the model is non-empty. If set to " { $link f } ", a state where nothing is selected is permitted to occur. The default is " { $link f } "." } }
{ { $slot "multiple-selection?" } { " - if set to a true value, users are allowed to select more than one value." } }
"Some words for row selection:"
{ $subsection selected-row }
{ $subsection (selected-row) } ;
{ $subsection selected-rows }
{ $subsection (selected-rows) } ;
ARTICLE: "ui.gadgets.tables.actions" "Table row actions"
"When the user double-clicks on a row, or presses " { $command table "row" row-action } " while a row is selected, optional action and hook quotations are invoked. The action receives the row value and the hook receives the table gadget itself. These quotations are stored in the " { $slot "action" } " and " { $snippet "hook" } " slots of a table, respectively."

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays colors colors.constants fry kernel math
math.functions math.rectangles math.order math.vectors namespaces
opengl sequences ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.scrollers ui.gadgets.status-bar
ui.gadgets.worlds ui.gestures ui.render ui.pens.solid ui.text
ui.commands ui.images ui.gadgets.menus ui.gadgets.line-support
math.functions math.ranges math.rectangles math.order math.vectors models.arrow
namespaces opengl sequences ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.scrollers
ui.gadgets.status-bar ui.gadgets.worlds ui.gestures ui.render ui.pens.solid
ui.text ui.commands ui.images ui.gadgets.menus ui.gadgets.line-support
math.rectangles models math.ranges sequences combinators
combinators.short-circuit fonts locals strings ;
combinators.short-circuit fonts locals strings vectors ;
IN: ui.gadgets.tables
! Row rendererer protocol
@ -41,16 +41,33 @@ focus-border-color
{ mouse-color initial: COLOR: black }
selected-index selected-value
selected-indices selected-values
{ takes-focus? initial: t }
focused? ;
multiple-selection? ;
IN: accessors
GENERIC: selected-value>> ( table -- n )
GENERIC: selected-index>> ( table -- n )
GENERIC: (>>selected-index) ( n table -- )
GENERIC: (>>selected-value) ( val table -- )
: >>selected-index ( table n -- table ) over (>>selected-index) ;
: >>selected-value ( table val -- table ) over (>>selected-value) ;
M: table selected-value>> selected-values>> [ [ peek ] [ f ] if* ] <arrow> ;
M: table (>>selected-value) [ [ 1vector ] <arrow> ] dip (>>selected-values) ;
M: table selected-index>> selected-indices>> [ peek ] [ f ] if* ;
M: table (>>selected-index) [ 1vector ] dip (>>selected-indices) ;
IN: ui.gadgets.tables
: push-selected-index ( table n -- table ) over selected-indices>> push ;
: new-table ( rows renderer class -- table )
swap >>renderer
swap >>model
f <model> >>selected-value
f <model> >>selected-values
sans-serif-font >>font
focus-border-color >>focus-border-color
transparent >>column-line-color ; inline
@ -131,12 +148,12 @@ M: table layout*
: row-bounds ( table row -- loc dim )
row-rect rect-bounds ; inline
: draw-selected-row ( table -- )
: draw-selected-rows ( table -- )
{ [ dup selected-index>> not ] [ drop ] }
{ [ dup selected-indices>> not ] [ drop ] }
[ ] [ selected-index>> ] [ selection-color>> gl-color ] tri
row-bounds gl-fill-rect
[ selected-indices>> ] [ selection-color>> gl-color ] [ ] tri
[ swap row-bounds gl-fill-rect ] curry each
} cond ;
@ -189,10 +206,10 @@ M: table layout*
dup renderer>> column-alignment
[ ] [ column-widths>> length 0 <repetition> ] ?if ;
:: row-font ( row index table -- font )
:: row-font ( row ind table -- font )
table font>> clone
row table renderer>> row-color [ >>foreground ] when*
index table selected-index>> = [ table selection-color>> >>background ] when ;
ind table selected-indices>> index [ table selection-color>> >>background ] when ;
: draw-columns ( columns widths alignment font gap -- )
'[ [ _ ] 3dip _ draw-column ] 3each ;
@ -213,7 +230,7 @@ M: table draw-gadget*
dup control-value empty? [ drop ] [
dup line-height \ line-height [
[ draw-selected-row ]
[ draw-selected-rows ]
[ draw-lines ]
[ draw-column-lines ]
[ draw-focused-row ]
@ -236,17 +253,19 @@ M: table pref-dim*
: (selected-row) ( table -- value/f ? )
[ selected-index>> ] keep nth-row ;
: (selected-rows) ( table -- {row} )
[ selected-indices>> ] keep
[ nth-row [ 1array ] [ drop { } ] if ] curry map concat ;
: selected-row ( table -- value/f ? )
[ (selected-row) ] keep
swap [ renderer>> row-value t ] [ 2drop f f ] if ;
: selected-rows ( table -- {value} )
[ (selected-rows) ] [ renderer>> ] bi [ row-value ] curry map ;
: selected-row ( table -- value ? ) selected-rows [ f f ] [ peek t ] if-empty ;
: update-selected-value ( table -- )
[ selected-row drop ] [ selected-value>> ] bi set-model ;
: update-selected-values ( table -- )
[ selected-rows ] [ selected-values>> ] bi set-model ;
: show-row-summary ( table n -- )
over nth-row
@ -260,54 +279,68 @@ PRIVATE>
: find-row-index ( value table -- n/f )
[ model>> value>> ] [ renderer>> '[ _ row-value ] map index ] bi ;
: initial-selected-index ( table -- n/f )
: initial-selected-indices ( table -- n/f )
[ model>> value>> empty? not ]
[ selection-required?>> ]
[ drop 0 ]
[ drop V{ 0 } ]
} 1&& ;
: (update-selected-index) ( table -- n/f )
[ selected-value>> value>> ] keep over
[ find-row-index ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
: (update-selected-indices) ( table -- {n}/f )
[ selected-values>> value>> ] keep
[ find-row-index ] curry map [ ] filter [ f ] when-empty ;
: update-selected-index ( table -- n/f )
: update-selected-indices ( table -- {n}/f )
[ (update-selected-index) ]
[ initial-selected-index ]
[ (update-selected-indices) ]
[ initial-selected-indices ]
} 1|| ;
M: table model-changed
nip dup update-selected-index {
[ >>selected-index f >>mouse-index drop ]
[ show-row-summary ]
[ drop update-selected-value ]
nip dup update-selected-indices {
[ >>selected-indices f >>mouse-index drop ]
[ peek show-row-summary ]
[ drop update-selected-values ]
[ drop relayout ]
} 2cleave ;
: thin-row-rect ( table row -- rect )
row-rect [ { 0 1 } v* ] change-dim ;
: scroll-to-row ( table n -- )
dup [ [ thin-row-rect ] [ drop ] 2bi scroll>rect ] [ 2drop ] if ;
: add-selected-row ( table n -- )
[ scroll-to-row ]
[ push-selected-index relayout-1 ] 2bi ;
: (select-row) ( table n -- )
[ dup [ [ thin-row-rect ] [ drop ] 2bi scroll>rect ] [ 2drop ] if ]
[ scroll-to-row ]
[ >>selected-index relayout-1 ]
2bi ;
: mouse-row ( table -- n )
[ hand-rel second ] keep y>line ;
: if-mouse-row ( table true: ( table mouse-index -- ) false: ( table -- ) -- )
: if-mouse-row ( table true: ( mouse-index table -- ) false: ( table -- ) -- )
[ [ mouse-row ] keep 2dup valid-line? ]
[ ] [ '[ nip @ ] ] tri* if ; inline
: table-button-down ( table -- )
dup takes-focus?>> [ dup request-focus ] when
[ swap [ >>mouse-index ] [ (select-row) ] bi ] [ drop ] if-mouse-row ;
: (table-button-down) ( quot table -- )
dup takes-focus?>> [ dup request-focus ] when swap
'[ swap [ >>mouse-index ] _ bi ] [ drop ] if-mouse-row ; inline
: table-button-down ( table -- ) [ (select-row) ] swap (table-button-down) ;
: continued-button-down ( table -- ) dup multiple-selection?>> [ [ add-selected-row ] swap (table-button-down) ] [ table-button-down ] if ;
: thru-button-down ( table -- ) dup multiple-selection?>> [
[ over selected-index>> (a,b] over
[ swap push-selected-index drop ] curry each continued-button-down ]
swap (table-button-down) ] [ table-button-down ] if ;
: row-action ( table -- )
dup selected-row
dup [ selected-rows peek ]
[ swap [ action>> call( value -- ) ] [ dup hook>> call( table -- ) ] bi ]
[ 2drop ]
if ;
@ -319,14 +352,14 @@ PRIVATE>
: table-button-up ( table -- )
dup row-action? [ row-action ] [ update-selected-value ] if ;
dup row-action? [ row-action ] [ update-selected-values ] if ;
: select-row ( table n -- )
over validate-line
[ (select-row) ]
[ drop update-selected-value ]
[ drop update-selected-values ]
[ show-row-summary ]
2tri ;
@ -385,6 +418,8 @@ table "sundry" f {
{ mouse-enter show-mouse-help }
{ mouse-leave hide-mouse-help }
{ motion show-mouse-help }
{ T{ button-down f { A+ } 1 } continued-button-down }
{ T{ button-down f { S+ } 1 } thru-button-down }
{ T{ button-down } table-button-down }
{ T{ button-up } table-button-up }
{ gain-focus focus-table }

View File

@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ M: frp-table row-color color-quot>> [ call( a -- b ) ] [ drop f ] if* ;
: <frp-table> ( model -- table )
frp-table new-line-gadget dup >>renderer swap >>model
f basic-model new-model >>selected-value sans-serif-font >>font
f basic-model new-model >>selected-values sans-serif-font >>font
focus-border-color >>focus-border-color
transparent >>column-line-color ;
: <frp-table*> ( -- table ) f <model> <frp-table> ;
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ TUPLE: layout gadget width ; C: <layout> layout
GENERIC: output-model ( gadget -- model )
M: gadget output-model model>> ;
M: frp-table output-model selected-value>> ;
M: table output-model dup multiple-selection?>> [ selected-values>> ] [ selected-value>> ] if ;
M: model-field output-model field-model>> ;
M: scroller output-model viewport>> children>> first output-model ;