Merge branch 'master' of git:// into clean-linux-x86-32

Maxim Savchenko 2009-04-19 02:33:29 -04:00
commit 8b9d521b40
22 changed files with 152 additions and 264 deletions

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@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ IN: hash2.tests
: sample-hash ( -- hash )
5 <hash2>
dup 2 3 "foo" roll set-hash2
dup 4 2 "bar" roll set-hash2
dup 4 7 "other" roll set-hash2 ;
[ [ 2 3 "foo" ] dip set-hash2 ] keep
[ [ 4 2 "bar" ] dip set-hash2 ] keep
[ [ 4 7 "other" ] dip set-hash2 ] keep ;
[ "foo" ] [ 2 3 sample-hash hash2 ] unit-test
[ "bar" ] [ 4 2 sample-hash hash2 ] unit-test

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@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
USING: kernel sequences arrays math vectors ;
! Copyright (C) 2007 Daniel Ehrenberg
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel sequences arrays math vectors locals ;
IN: hash2
! Little ad-hoc datastructure used to map two numbers
@ -22,8 +24,8 @@ IN: hash2
: assoc2 ( a b alist -- value )
(assoc2) dup [ third ] when ; inline
: set-assoc2 ( value a b alist -- alist )
[ rot 3array ] dip ?push ; inline
:: set-assoc2 ( value a b alist -- alist )
{ a b value } alist ?push ; inline
: hash2@ ( a b hash2 -- a b bucket hash2 )
[ 2dup hashcode2 ] dip [ length mod ] keep ; inline
@ -31,8 +33,8 @@ IN: hash2
: hash2 ( a b hash2 -- value/f )
hash2@ nth dup [ assoc2 ] [ 3drop f ] if ;
: set-hash2 ( a b value hash2 -- )
[ -rot ] dip hash2@ [ set-assoc2 ] change-nth ;
:: set-hash2 ( a b value hash2 -- )
value a b hash2 hash2@ [ set-assoc2 ] change-nth ;
: alist>hash2 ( alist size -- hash2 )
<hash2> [ over [ first3 ] dip set-hash2 ] reduce ; inline

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@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ USING: io.launcher.unix.parser tools.test ;
[ V{ "abc" "def" } ] [ "abc def" tokenize-command ] unit-test
[ V{ "abc def" } ] [ "abc\\ def" tokenize-command ] unit-test
[ V{ "abc\\" "def" } ] [ "abc\\\\ def" tokenize-command ] unit-test
[ V{ "abc\\ def" } ] [ "'abc\\\\ def'" tokenize-command ] unit-test
[ V{ "abc\\ def" } ] [ " 'abc\\\\ def'" tokenize-command ] unit-test
[ V{ "abc\\ def" "hey" } ] [ "'abc\\\\ def' hey" tokenize-command ] unit-test
[ V{ "abc def" "hey" } ] [ "'abc def' \"hey\"" tokenize-command ] unit-test
[ "'abc def' \"hey" tokenize-command ] must-fail
[ "'abc def" tokenize-command ] must-fail
[ V{ "abc def" "h\"ey" } ] [ "'abc def' \"h\\\"ey\" " tokenize-command ] unit-test
[ V{ "abc\\ def" } ] [ "\"abc\\\\ def\"" tokenize-command ] unit-test
[ V{ "abc\\ def" } ] [ " \"abc\\\\ def\"" tokenize-command ] unit-test
[ V{ "abc\\ def" "hey" } ] [ "\"abc\\\\ def\" hey" tokenize-command ] unit-test
[ V{ "abc def" "hey" } ] [ "\"abc def\" \"hey\"" tokenize-command ] unit-test
[ "\"abc def\" \"hey" tokenize-command ] must-fail
[ "\"abc def" tokenize-command ] must-fail
[ V{ "abc def" "h\"ey" } ] [ "\"abc def\" \"h\\\"ey\" " tokenize-command ] unit-test

View File

@ -1,33 +1,17 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov
! See for BSD license.
USING: peg peg.parsers kernel sequences strings words ;
USING: peg peg.ebnf arrays sequences strings kernel ;
IN: io.launcher.unix.parser
! Our command line parser. Supported syntax:
! foo bar baz -- simple tokens
! foo\ bar -- escaping the space
! 'foo bar' -- quotation
! "foo bar" -- quotation
: 'escaped-char' ( -- parser )
"\\" token any-char 2seq [ second ] action ;
: 'quoted-char' ( delimiter -- parser' )
swap [ member? not ] curry satisfy
2choice ; inline
: 'quoted' ( delimiter -- parser )
dup 'quoted-char' repeat0 swap dup surrounded-by ;
: 'unquoted' ( -- parser ) " '\"" 'quoted-char' repeat1 ;
: 'argument' ( -- parser )
"\"" 'quoted'
"'" 'quoted'
'unquoted' 3choice
[ >string ] action ;
PEG: tokenize-command ( command -- ast/f )
'argument' " " token repeat1 list-of
" " token repeat0 tuck pack
just ;
EBNF: tokenize-command
space = " "
escaped-char = "\" .:ch => [[ ch ]]
quoted = '"' (escaped-char | [^"])*:a '"' => [[ a ]]
unquoted = (escaped-char | [^ "])+
argument = (quoted | unquoted) => [[ >string ]]
command = space* (argument:a space* => [[ a ]])+:c !(.) => [[ c ]]

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@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ M: object (client) ( remote -- client-in client-out local )
] with-destructors ;
: <client> ( remote encoding -- stream local )
[ (client) -rot ] dip <encoder-duplex> swap ;
[ (client) ] dip swap [ <encoder-duplex> ] dip ;
SYMBOL: local-address

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@ -106,7 +106,8 @@ PRIVATE>
: deep-sequence>cons ( sequence -- cons )
[ <reversed> ] keep nil
[ tuck same? [ deep-sequence>cons ] when swons ] with reduce ;
[ [ nip ] [ same? ] 2bi [ deep-sequence>cons ] when swons ]
with reduce ;
:: (lmap>vector) ( acc list quot: ( elt -- elt' ) -- acc )

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@ -62,8 +62,7 @@ MACRO: match-cond ( assoc -- )
} cond ;
: match-replace ( object pattern1 pattern2 -- result )
match [ "Pattern does not match" throw ] unless*
[ match [ "Pattern does not match" throw ] unless* ] dip swap
[ replace-patterns ] bind ;
: ?1-tail ( seq -- tail/f )

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@ -164,9 +164,8 @@ M: plain-auth send-auth
: encode-header ( string -- string' )
dup aux>> [
swap utf8 encode >base64
"?=" 3append
utf8 encode >base64
"=?utf-8?B?" "?=" surround
] when ;
ERROR: invalid-header-string string ;
@ -205,7 +204,7 @@ ERROR: invalid-header-string string ;
now timestamp>rfc822 "Date" set
message-id "Message-Id" set
"1.0" "MIME-Version" set
"base64" "Content-Transfer-Encoding" set
"quoted-printable" "Content-Transfer-Encoding" set
[ from>> "From" set ]
[ to>> ", " join "To" set ]

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@ -6,19 +6,21 @@ IN: sorting.slots
HELP: compare-slots
{ $values
{ "sort-specs" "a sequence of accessors ending with a comparator" }
{ "<=>" { $link +lt+ } " " { $link +eq+ } " or " { $link +gt+ } }
{ "obj1" object }
{ "obj2" object }
{ "sort-specs" "a sequence of accessors ending with a comparator" }
{ "<=>" { $link +lt+ } " " { $link +eq+ } " or " { $link +gt+ } }
{ $description "Compares two objects using a chain of intrinsic linear orders such that if two objects are " { $link +eq+ } ", then the next comparator is tried. The comparators are slot-name/comparator pairs." } ;
HELP: sort-by-slots
HELP: sort-by
{ $values
{ "seq" sequence } { "sort-specs" "a sequence of accessors ending with a comparator" }
{ "seq'" sequence }
{ $description "Sorts a sequence of tuples by the sort-specs in " { $snippet "sort-spec" } ". A sort-spec is a sequence of slot accessors ending in a comparator." }
{ $examples
"Sort by slot c, then b descending:"
"Sort by slot a, then b descending:"
{ $example
"USING: accessors math.order prettyprint sorting.slots ;"
"IN: scratchpad"
@ -27,32 +29,18 @@ HELP: sort-by-slots
" T{ sort-me f 2 3 } T{ sort-me f 3 2 }"
" T{ sort-me f 4 3 } T{ sort-me f 2 1 }"
"{ { a>> <=> } { b>> >=< } } sort-by-slots ."
"{ { a>> <=> } { b>> >=< } } sort-by ."
"{\n T{ sort-me { a 2 } { b 3 } }\n T{ sort-me { a 2 } { b 1 } }\n T{ sort-me { a 3 } { b 2 } }\n T{ sort-me { a 4 } { b 3 } }\n}"
} ;
HELP: split-by-slots
{ $values
{ "accessor-seqs" "a sequence of sequences of tuple accessors" }
{ "quot" quotation }
{ $description "Splits a sequence of tuples into a sequence of slices of tuples that have the same values in all slots in the accessor sequence. This word is only useful for splitting a sorted sequence, but is more efficient than partitioning in such a case." } ;
HELP: sort-by
{ $values
{ "seq" sequence } { "sort-seq" "a sequence of comparators" }
{ "seq'" sequence }
{ $description "Sorts a sequence by comparing elements by comparators, using subsequent comparators when there is a tie." } ;
ARTICLE: "sorting.slots" "Sorting by slots"
"The " { $vocab-link "sorting.slots" } " vocabulary can sort tuples by slot in ascending or descending order, using subsequent slots as tie-breakers." $nl
"Comparing two objects by a sequence of slots:"
{ $subsection compare-slots }
"Sorting a sequence of tuples by a slot/comparator pairs:"
{ $subsection sort-by-slots }
"Sorting a sequence by a sequence of comparators:"
{ $subsection sort-by } ;
{ $subsection sort-by }
{ $subsection sort-keys-by }
{ $subsection sort-values-by } ;
ABOUT: "sorting.slots"

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ TUPLE: tuple2 d ;
T{ sort-test f 1 1 11 }
T{ sort-test f 2 5 3 }
T{ sort-test f 2 5 2 }
} { { a>> <=> } { b>> >=< } { c>> <=> } } sort-by-slots
} { { a>> <=> } { b>> >=< } { c>> <=> } } sort-by
] unit-test
@ -42,43 +42,14 @@ TUPLE: tuple2 d ;
T{ sort-test f 1 1 11 }
T{ sort-test f 2 5 3 }
T{ sort-test f 2 5 2 }
} { { a>> human<=> } { b>> human>=< } { c>> <=> } } sort-by-slots
} { { a>> human<=> } { b>> human>=< } { c>> <=> } } sort-by
] unit-test
T{ sort-test { a 1 } { b 1 } { c 10 } }
T{ sort-test { a 1 } { b 1 } { c 11 } }
{ T{ sort-test { a 1 } { b 3 } { c 9 } } }
T{ sort-test { a 2 } { b 5 } { c 3 } }
T{ sort-test { a 2 } { b 5 } { c 2 } }
] [
T{ sort-test f 1 3 9 }
T{ sort-test f 1 1 10 }
T{ sort-test f 1 1 11 }
T{ sort-test f 2 5 3 }
T{ sort-test f 2 5 2 }
{ { a>> human<=> } { b>> <=> } } [ sort-by-slots ] keep
[ but-last-slice ] map split-by-slots [ >array ] map
] unit-test
: split-test ( seq -- seq' )
{ { a>> } { b>> } } split-by-slots ;
[ split-test ] must-infer
[ { } ]
[ { } { { a>> <=> } { b>> >=< } { c>> <=> } } sort-by ] unit-test
[ { } ]
[ { } { { a>> <=> } { b>> >=< } { c>> <=> } } sort-by-slots ] unit-test
[ { } ]
[ { } { } sort-by-slots ] unit-test
[ { } { } sort-by ] unit-test
@ -97,55 +68,7 @@ TUPLE: tuple2 d ;
T{ sort-test f 6 f f T{ tuple2 f 3 } }
T{ sort-test f 5 f f T{ tuple2 f 3 } }
T{ sort-test f 6 f f T{ tuple2 f 2 } }
} { { tuple2>> d>> <=> } { a>> <=> } } sort-by-slots
] unit-test
T{ sort-test
{ a 6 }
{ tuple2 T{ tuple2 { d 1 } } }
T{ sort-test
{ a 6 }
{ tuple2 T{ tuple2 { d 2 } } }
T{ sort-test
{ a 5 }
{ tuple2 T{ tuple2 { d 3 } } }
T{ sort-test
{ a 6 }
{ tuple2 T{ tuple2 { d 3 } } }
T{ sort-test
{ a 6 }
{ tuple2 T{ tuple2 { d 3 } } }
T{ sort-test
{ a 5 }
{ tuple2 T{ tuple2 { d 4 } } }
] [
T{ sort-test { a 6 } { tuple2 T{ tuple2 { d 1 } } } }
T{ sort-test { a 6 } { tuple2 T{ tuple2 { d 2 } } } }
T{ sort-test { a 5 } { tuple2 T{ tuple2 { d 3 } } } }
T{ sort-test { a 6 } { tuple2 T{ tuple2 { d 3 } } } }
T{ sort-test { a 6 } { tuple2 T{ tuple2 { d 3 } } } }
T{ sort-test { a 5 } { tuple2 T{ tuple2 { d 4 } } } }
} { { tuple2>> d>> } { a>> } } split-by-slots [ >array ] map
} { { tuple2>> d>> <=> } { a>> <=> } } sort-by
] unit-test

View File

@ -1,47 +1,28 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov, Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: combinators.short-circuit fry kernel macros math.order
sequences words sorting sequences.deep assocs splitting.monotonic
math ;
USING: arrays fry kernel math.order sequences sorting ;
IN: sorting.slots
: execute-comparator ( obj1 obj2 word -- <=>/f )
execute( obj1 obj2 -- <=> ) dup +eq+ eq? [ drop f ] when ;
: short-circuit-comparator ( obj1 obj2 word -- comparator/? )
execute( obj1 obj2 -- obj3 )
dup +eq+ eq? [ drop f ] when ; inline
: execute-accessor ( obj1 obj2 word -- obj1' obj2' )
'[ _ execute( tuple -- value ) ] bi@ ;
: slot-comparator ( seq -- quot )
[ '[ [ _ execute( tuple -- value ) ] bi@ ] ] map concat
] [
'[ @ _ short-circuit-comparator ]
] bi ;
MACRO: compare-slots ( sort-specs -- <=> )
: compare-slots ( obj1 obj2 sort-specs -- <=> )
#! sort-spec: { accessors comparator }
[ slot-comparator ] map '[ _ 2|| +eq+ or ] ;
dup array? [
[ [ execute-accessor ] each ] dip
] when execute-comparator
] with with map-find drop +eq+ or ;
: sort-by-slots ( seq sort-specs -- seq' )
'[ _ compare-slots ] sort ;
: sort-by-with ( seq sort-specs quot -- seq' )
swap '[ _ bi@ _ compare-slots ] sort ; inline
MACRO: compare-seq ( seq -- quot )
[ '[ _ short-circuit-comparator ] ] map '[ _ 2|| +eq+ or ] ;
: sort-by ( seq sort-specs -- seq' ) [ ] sort-by-with ;
: sort-by ( seq sort-seq -- seq' )
'[ _ compare-seq ] sort ;
: sort-keys-by ( seq sort-seq -- seq' ) [ first ] sort-by-with ;
: sort-keys-by ( seq sort-seq -- seq' )
'[ [ first ] bi@ _ compare-seq ] sort ;
: sort-values-by ( seq sort-seq -- seq' )
'[ [ second ] bi@ _ compare-seq ] sort ;
MACRO: split-by-slots ( accessor-seqs -- quot )
[ [ '[ [ _ execute( tuple -- value ) ] bi@ ] ] map concat
[ = ] compose ] map
'[ [ _ 2&& ] slice monotonic-slice ] ;
: sort-values-by ( seq sort-seq -- seq' ) [ second ] sort-by-with ;

View File

@ -3,20 +3,20 @@
USING: accessors kernel arrays sequences math namespaces
strings io fry vectors words assocs combinators sorting unicode.categories math.order vocabs
tools.vocabs ;
tools.vocabs locals ;
IN: tools.completion
: (fuzzy) ( accum ch i full -- accum i ? )
[ swap push ] 2keep 1+ t
:: (fuzzy) ( accum i full ch -- accum i full ? )
ch i full index-from [
:> i i accum push
accum i 1+ full t
] [
drop f -1 f
f -1 full f
] if* ;
: fuzzy ( full short -- indices )
dup length <vector> -rot 0 -rot
[ -rot [ (fuzzy) ] keep swap ] all? 3drop ;
dup [ length <vector> 0 ] curry 2dip
[ (fuzzy) ] all? 3drop ;
: (runs) ( runs n seq -- runs n )

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@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ M: object file-spec>string ( file-listing spec -- string )
: list-files-slow ( listing-tool -- array )
[ path>> ] [ sort>> ] [ specs>> ] tri '[
[ dup name>> file-info file-listing boa ] map
_ [ sort-by-slots ] when*
_ [ sort-by ] when*
[ _ [ file-spec>string ] with map ] map
] with-directory-entries ; inline

View File

@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ io.encodings.utf8 hashtables kernel namespaces sequences
vocabs.loader io combinators calendar accessors math.parser
io.streams.string quotations strings arrays
prettyprint words vocabs sorting sets classes math alien urls
splitting ascii combinators.short-circuit alarms words.symbol ;
splitting ascii combinators.short-circuit alarms words.symbol
system ;
IN: tools.scaffold
SYMBOL: developer-name
@ -301,8 +302,10 @@ SYMBOL: examples-flag
[ home ] dip append-path
[ touch-file ] [ "Click to edit: " write <pathname> . ] bi ;
: scaffold-factor-boot-rc ( -- ) ".factor-boot-rc" scaffold-rc ;
: scaffold-factor-boot-rc ( -- )
os windows? "factor-boot-rc" ".factor-boot-rc" ? scaffold-rc ;
: scaffold-factor-rc ( -- ) ".factor-rc" scaffold-rc ;
: scaffold-factor-rc ( -- )
os windows? "factor-rc" ".factor-rc" ? scaffold-rc ;
: scaffold-emacs ( -- ) ".emacs" scaffold-rc ;

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
USING: accessors arrays hashtables kernel models math namespaces
make sequences quotations math.vectors combinators sorting
binary-search vectors dlists deques models threads
concurrency.flags math.order math.rectangles fry ;
concurrency.flags math.order math.rectangles fry locals ;
IN: ui.gadgets
! Values for orientation slot
@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ M: gadget children-on nip children>> ;
: ((fast-children-on)) ( gadget dim axis -- <=> )
[ swap loc>> v- ] dip v. 0 <=> ;
: (fast-children-on) ( dim axis children -- i )
-rot '[ _ _ ((fast-children-on)) ] search drop ;
:: (fast-children-on) ( dim axis children -- i )
children [ dim axis ((fast-children-on)) ] search drop ;

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@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
IN: windows.dinput.constants.tests
USING: tools.test windows.dinput.constants.private ;
[ ] [ define-constants ] unit-test
[ ] [ free-dinput-constants ] unit-test

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@ -27,12 +27,12 @@ SYMBOLS:
: (flag) ( thing -- integer )
{ [ dup word? ] [ execute ] }
{ [ dup callable? ] [ call ] }
{ [ dup word? ] [ execute( -- value ) ] }
{ [ dup callable? ] [ call( -- value ) ] }
[ ]
} cond ;
: (flags) ( array -- )
: (flags) ( array -- n )
0 [ (flag) bitor ] reduce ;
: (DIOBJECTDATAFORMAT) ( pguid dwOfs dwType dwFlags alien -- alien )
@ -63,14 +63,16 @@ SYMBOLS:
] ;
: (DIDATAFORMAT) ( dwSize dwObjSize dwFlags dwDataSize dwNumObjs rgodf alien -- alien )
[ {
[ set-DIDATAFORMAT-rgodf ]
[ set-DIDATAFORMAT-dwNumObjs ]
[ set-DIDATAFORMAT-dwDataSize ]
[ set-DIDATAFORMAT-dwFlags ]
[ set-DIDATAFORMAT-dwObjSize ]
[ set-DIDATAFORMAT-dwSize ]
} cleave ] keep ;
[ set-DIDATAFORMAT-rgodf ]
[ set-DIDATAFORMAT-dwNumObjs ]
[ set-DIDATAFORMAT-dwDataSize ]
[ set-DIDATAFORMAT-dwFlags ]
[ set-DIDATAFORMAT-dwObjSize ]
[ set-DIDATAFORMAT-dwSize ]
} cleave
] keep ;
: <DIDATAFORMAT> ( dwFlags dwDataSize struct rgodf-array -- alien )
[ "DIDATAFORMAT" heap-size "DIOBJECTDATAFORMAT" heap-size ] 4 ndip
@ -78,9 +80,10 @@ SYMBOLS:
: (malloc-guid-symbol) ( symbol guid -- )
global swap '[ [
_ execute [ byte-length malloc ] [ over byte-array>memory ] bi
] unless* ] change-at ;
_ execute( -- value )
[ byte-length malloc ] [ over byte-array>memory ] bi
] initialize ;
: define-guid-constants ( -- )
@ -105,7 +108,7 @@ SYMBOLS:
} [ first2 (malloc-guid-symbol) ] each ;
: define-joystick-format-constant ( -- )
c_dfDIJoystick2 global [ [
c_dfDIJoystick2 [
"DIJOYSTATE2" heap-size
@ -274,10 +277,10 @@ SYMBOLS:
] unless* ] change-at ;
] initialize ;
: define-mouse-format-constant ( -- )
c_dfDIMouse2 global [ [
c_dfDIMouse2 [
"DIMOUSESTATE2" heap-size
@ -293,13 +296,13 @@ SYMBOLS:
] unless* ] change-at ;
] initialize ;
! Not a standard DirectInput format. Included for cross-platform niceness.
! This format returns the keyboard keys in USB HID order rather than Windows
! order
: define-hid-keyboard-format-constant ( -- )
c_dfDIKeyboard_HID global [ [
c_dfDIKeyboard_HID [
f {
@ -560,10 +563,10 @@ SYMBOLS:
] unless* ] change-at ;
] initialize ;
: define-keyboard-format-constant ( -- )
c_dfDIKeyboard global [ [
c_dfDIKeyboard [
f {
@ -824,7 +827,7 @@ SYMBOLS:
] unless* ] change-at ;
] initialize ;
: define-format-constants ( -- )
@ -837,7 +840,9 @@ SYMBOLS:
define-format-constants ;
[ define-constants ] "windows.dinput.constants" add-init-hook
: uninitialize ( variable quot -- )
[ global ] dip '[ _ when* f ] change-at ; inline
: free-dinput-constants ( -- )
@ -846,10 +851,11 @@ define-constants
GUID_Slider_malloced GUID_Button_malloced GUID_Key_malloced GUID_POV_malloced GUID_Unknown_malloced
GUID_SysMouse_malloced GUID_SysKeyboard_malloced GUID_Joystick_malloced GUID_SysMouseEm_malloced
GUID_SysMouseEm2_malloced GUID_SysKeyboardEm_malloced GUID_SysKeyboardEm2_malloced
} [ global [ [ free ] when* f ] change-at ] each
} [ [ free ] uninitialize ] each
c_dfDIKeyboard c_dfDIKeyboard_HID c_dfDIMouse2 c_dfDIJoystick2
} [ global [ [ DIDATAFORMAT-rgodf free ] when* f ] change-at ] each ;
} [ [ DIDATAFORMAT-rgodf free ] uninitialize ] each ;

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -59,17 +59,14 @@ t fuel-eval-res-flag set-global
[ [ parse-lines ] with-compilation-unit call( -- ) ] curry
[ print-error ] recover ;
: (fuel-eval-each) ( lines -- )
[ (fuel-eval) ] each ;
: (fuel-eval-usings) ( usings -- )
[ "USE: " prepend ] map
(fuel-eval-each) fuel-forget-error fuel-forget-output ;
(fuel-eval) fuel-forget-error fuel-forget-output ;
: (fuel-eval-in) ( in -- )
[ dup "IN: " prepend (fuel-eval) in set ] when* ;
[ dup "IN: " prepend 1array (fuel-eval) in set ] when* ;
: (fuel-eval-in-context) ( lines in usings -- )
[ (fuel-eval-usings) (fuel-eval-in) "\n" join (fuel-eval) ] with-string-writer
[ (fuel-eval-usings) (fuel-eval-in) (fuel-eval) ] with-string-writer
(fuel-end-eval) ;

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ IN: jamshred.log
LOG: (jamshred-log) DEBUG
: with-jamshred-log ( quot -- )
"jamshred" swap with-logging ;
"jamshred" swap with-logging ; inline
: jamshred-log ( message -- )
[ (jamshred-log) ] with-jamshred-log ; ! ugly...

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@ -1,34 +1,33 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Chris Double.
! See for BSD license.
USING: calendar kernel openal sequences threads ;
IN: openal.example
USING: openal kernel alien threads sequences calendar ;
: play-hello ( -- )
1 gen-sources
first dup AL_BUFFER alutCreateBufferHelloWorld set-source-param
1000 milliseconds sleep ;
1 gen-sources
first dup AL_BUFFER alutCreateBufferHelloWorld set-source-param
1000 milliseconds sleep ;
: (play-file) ( source -- )
100 milliseconds sleep
dup source-playing? [ (play-file) ] [ drop ] if ;
100 milliseconds sleep
dup source-playing? [ (play-file) ] [ drop ] if ;
: play-file ( filename -- )
1 gen-sources
first dup >r AL_BUFFER rot set-source-param r>
dup source-play
(play-file) ;
1 gen-sources
first dup [ AL_BUFFER rot set-source-param ] dip
dup source-play
(play-file) ;
: play-wav ( filename -- )
1 gen-sources
first dup >r AL_BUFFER rot set-source-param r>
dup source-play
(play-file) ;
1 gen-sources
first dup [ AL_BUFFER rot set-source-param ] dip
dup source-play
(play-file) ;

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Chris Double.
! See for BSD license.
USING: openal.backend alien.c-types kernel alien alien.syntax
shuffle combinators.lib ;
USING: alien.c-types alien.syntax combinators generalizations
kernel openal.backend ;
IN: openal.other
@ -9,6 +9,6 @@ LIBRARY: alut
FUNCTION: void alutLoadWAVFile ( ALbyte* fileName, ALenum* format, void** data, ALsizei* size, ALsizei* frequency, ALboolean* looping ) ;
M: object load-wav-file ( filename -- format data size frequency )
0 <int> f <void*> 0 <int> 0 <int>
[ 0 <char> alutLoadWAVFile ] 4keep
>r >r >r *int r> *void* r> *int r> *int ;
0 <int> f <void*> 0 <int> 0 <int>
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