Human sort is unusable with pegs (too slow). Make a case-insensitive version humani<=>

Doug Coleman 2010-09-20 23:37:54 -05:00
parent b361e1b694
commit 8bc3c09050
2 changed files with 40 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -12,3 +12,10 @@ IN: sorting.human.tests
[ { "4dup" "4nip" "5drop" "nip" "nip2" "nipd" } ]
[ { "nip" "4dup" "4nip" "5drop" "nip2" "nipd" } [ human<=> ] sort ] unit-test
{ { "Abc" "abc" "def" "gh" } }
[ { "abc" "Abc" "def" "gh" } [ human<=> ] sort ] unit-test
{ { "abc" "Abc" "def" "gh" } }
[ { "abc" "Abc" "def" "gh" } [ humani<=> ] sort ] unit-test

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@ -1,21 +1,47 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman, Slava Pestov.
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2010 Doug Coleman, Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors kernel math math.order math.parser peg.ebnf
sequences sorting.functor ;
USING: accessors fry kernel make math math.order math.parser
sequences sorting.functor strings
unicode.categories ;
IN: sorting.human
: find-numbers ( string -- seq )
[EBNF Result = ([0-9]+ => [[ string>number ]] | (!([0-9]) .)+)* EBNF] ;
: cut-find ( seq pred -- before after )
[ drop ] [ find drop ] 2bi dup [ cut ] when ; inline
: cut3 ( seq pred -- first mid last )
[ cut-find ] keep [ not ] compose cut-find ; inline
: find-sequences ( sequence pred quot -- seq )
_ cut3 [
[ , ]
[ [ @ , ] when* ] bi*
] dip dup
] loop drop
] { } make ; inline
: find-numbers ( seq -- newseq )
[ digit? ] [ string>number ] find-sequences ;
! For comparing integers or sequences
TUPLE: hybrid obj ;
: <hybrid> ( obj -- hybrid )
hybrid new
swap >>obj ; inline
: <hybrid-insensitive> ( obj -- hybrid )
hybrid new
swap dup string? [ >case-fold ] when >>obj ; inline
M: hybrid <=>
[ obj>> ] bi@
2dup [ integer? ] bi@ xor [
drop integer? [ +lt+ ] [ +gt+ ] if
drop integer? +lt+ +gt+ ?
] [
] if ;
<< "human" [ find-numbers [ hybrid boa ] map ] define-sorting >>
<< "human" [ find-numbers [ <hybrid> ] map ] define-sorting >>
<< "humani" [ find-numbers [ <hybrid-insensitive> ] map ] define-sorting >>