alien.libraries.finder: split into sub-vocabularies and implement macosx better.

John Benediktsson 2013-11-16 11:58:37 -08:00
parent 80b180b96b
commit 935612035c
5 changed files with 246 additions and 54 deletions

View File

@ -1,57 +1,12 @@
io io.encodings.utf8 io.launcher io.pathnames
system ;
USING: combinators system vocabs ;
IN: alien.libraries.finder
! Util
: vsprintf1 ( obj fmt -- str )
[ 1array ] dip vsprintf ;
HOOK: find-library os ( name -- path/f )
CONSTANT: name-formats {
{ windows { "%s.dll" "lib%s.dll" } }
{ linux { "" } }
{ unix { "" } }
{ macosx { "lib%s.dylib" } }
! On Windows, bundled dlls are shipped in a directory named "dlls" in
! the Factor distribution. On other operating systems, the dynamic
! linker can itself figure out where libraries are located.
: path-formats ( -- path-formats )
{ "" } os windows? [ "dlls" suffix ] when name-formats os of
[ append-path ] cartesian-map concat ;
! Find lib using ldconfig
CONSTANT: mach-map {
{ ppc.64 "libc6,64bit" }
{ x86.32 "libc6,x86-32" }
{ x86.64 "libc6,x86-64" }
: ldconfig-cache ( -- seq )
"/sbin/ldconfig -p" utf8 [ lines ] with-process-reader rest
[ "=>" "" replace "\t " split harvest ] map ;
: ldconfig-filter ( -- str )
mach-map cpu of dup "libc6" ? "(" ")" surround ;
: ldconfig-matches? ( lib this-lib this-arch -- ? )
[ start 0 = ] [ ldconfig-filter = ] bi* and ;
: ldconfig-find-soname ( lib -- seq )
ldconfig-cache [ first2 ldconfig-matches? ] with filter [ first ] map ;
: candidate-paths ( name -- paths )
path-formats [ vsprintf1 ] with map
os [ unix? ] [ linux? ] bi or [ first ldconfig-find-soname ] when ;
: find-library ( name -- path/f )
candidate-paths [ dlopen dll-valid? ] map-find nip ;
{ [ os macosx? ] [ "alien.libraries.finder.macosx" ] }
{ [ os linux? ] [ "alien.libraries.finder.linux" ] }
{ [ os windows? ] [ "" ] }
} cond require

View File

@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
! Copyright (C) 2013 Björn Lindqvist
! See for BSD license
USING: alien.libraries alien.libraries.finder assocs io
io.encodings.utf8 io.launcher kernel sequences splitting system
IN: alien.libraries.finder.linux
CONSTANT: mach-map {
{ ppc.64 "libc6,64bit" }
{ x86.32 "libc6,x86-32" }
{ x86.64 "libc6,x86-64" }
: ldconfig-cache ( -- seq )
"/sbin/ldconfig -p" utf8 [ lines ] with-process-reader rest
[ "=>" "" replace "\t " split harvest ] map ;
: ldconfig-filter ( -- str )
mach-map cpu of "libc6" or "(" ")" surround ;
: ldconfig-matches? ( lib this-lib this-arch -- ? )
[ start 0 = ] [ ldconfig-filter = ] bi* and ;
: ldconfig-find-soname ( lib -- seq )
ldconfig-cache [ first2 ldconfig-matches? ] with filter [ first ] map ;
M: linux find-library
"lib" ".so" surround ldconfig-find-soname
[ dlopen dll-valid? ] map-find nip ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
USING: sequences tools.test ;
IN: alien.libraries.finder.macosx
T{ framework-info f "Location" "Name.framework/Name" "Name" f f }
T{ framework-info f "Location" "Name.framework/Name_suffix" "Name" f "suffix" }
T{ framework-info f "Location" "Name.framework/Versions/A/Name" "Name" "A" f }
T{ framework-info f "Location" "Name.framework/Versions/A/Name_suffix" "Name" "A" "suffix" }
} [
} [ <framework-info> ] map
] unit-test
} [
} [ dyld-find ] map
] unit-test

View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
! Copyright (C) 2013 John Benediktsson
! See for BSD license
USING: accessors alien.libraries.finder arrays assocs
combinators.short-circuit environment io.files
io.pathnames kernel locals make namespaces sequences splitting
system ;
IN: alien.libraries.finder.macosx
TUPLE: framework-info location name shortname version suffix ;
: make-framework-info ( filename -- info/f )
[ framework-info new ] dip
"/" split dup [ ".framework" tail? ] find drop [
cut [
[ "/" join ] bi@ [ >>location ] [ >>name ] bi*
] keep [
rest dup ?first "Versions" = [
rest dup empty? [
unclip swap [ >>version ] dip
] unless
] when ?first "_" split1 [ >>shortname ] [ >>suffix ] bi*
] unless-empty
] [ drop ] if* dup shortname>> empty? [ drop f ] when ;
CONSTANT: default-framework-fallback {
CONSTANT: default-library-fallback {
SYMBOL: dyld-environment
: dyld-env ( name -- seq )
dyld-environment get [ at ] [ os-env ] if* ;
: dyld-paths ( name -- seq )
dyld-env [ ":" split ] [ f ] if* ;
: paths% ( name seq -- )
[ prepend-path , ] with each ;
: dyld-override-search ( name -- seq )
dup make-framework-info [
name>> "DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH" dyld-paths paths%
] when*
file-name "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH" dyld-paths paths%
] { } make ;
SYMBOL: dyld-executable-path
: dyld-executable-path-search ( name -- seq )
"@executable_path/" ?head dyld-executable-path get and [
dyld-executable-path get prepend-path
] [
drop f
] if ;
:: dyld-default-search ( name -- seq )
name make-framework-info :> framework
name file-name :> basename
"DYLD_FALLBACK_FRAMEWORK_PATH" dyld-paths :> fallback-framework-path
"DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH" dyld-paths :> fallback-library-path
name ,
framework [
name>> fallback-framework-path paths%
] when*
basename fallback-library-path paths%
framework fallback-framework-path empty? and [
framework name>> default-framework-fallback paths%
] when
fallback-library-path empty? [
basename default-library-fallback paths%
] when
] { } make ;
: dyld-image-suffix-search ( seq -- str )
"DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX" dyld-env [
swap [
".dylib" ?tail [ prepend ] dip
[ ".dylib" append ] when ,
] [
] bi
] with each
] { } make
] when* ;
: dyld-search-paths ( name -- paths )
[ dyld-override-search ]
[ dyld-executable-path-search ]
[ dyld-default-search ] tri 3append
dyld-image-suffix-search ;
: dyld-find ( name -- path/f )
[ { [ exists? ] [ file-info regular-file? ] } 1&& ] find
[ nip ] when* ;
: framework-find ( name -- path )
dup dyld-find [ nip ] [
".framework" over start [
dupd head
] [
[ ".framework" append ] keep
] if* file-name append-path dyld-find
] if* ;
M: macosx find-library
[ "lib" ".dylib" surround ]
[ ".dylib" append ]
[ ".framework/" over 3append ] tri 3array
[ dyld-find ] map-find drop ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
! Copyright (C) 2013 Björn Lindqvist
! See for BSD license
USING: alien.libraries alien.libraries.finder arrays combinators
kernel sequences system ;
: candidate-paths ( name -- paths )
[ ".dll" append ]
[ "lib" ".dll" surround ]
[ "dlls/" ".dll" surround ]
[ "dlls/lib" ".dll" surround ]
} cleave 4array ;
M: windows find-library
candidate-paths [ dlopen dll-valid? ] map-find nip ;