Merge branch 'master' of

Eduardo Cavazos 2008-05-12 18:40:48 -05:00
commit 94b0878fc9
2 changed files with 131 additions and 73 deletions

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@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors classes.singleton combinators continuations
io io.encodings.binary io.encodings.ascii io.files io.sockets
kernel math math.parser sequences splitting namespaces strings ;
USING: accessors arrays classes.singleton combinators
continuations io io.encodings.binary io.encodings.ascii
io.files io.sockets kernel io.streams.duplex math
math.parser sequences splitting namespaces strings fry ;
IN: ftp.client
TUPLE: ftp-client host port stream user password mode ;
TUPLE: ftp-response n strings ;
TUPLE: ftp-client host port user password mode ;
TUPLE: ftp-response n strings parsed ;
SINGLETON: passive
@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ SINGLETON: passive
swap >>host
21 >>port
"anonymous" >>user
"" >>password ;
"" >>password ;
: add-response-line ( ftp-response string -- ftp-response )
over strings>> push ;
@ -31,108 +32,164 @@ SINGLETON: passive
: ftp-response-code ( string -- n/f )
dup fourth CHAR: - = [ drop f ] [ (ftp-response-code) ] if ;
: last-code ( ftp-response -- n )
strings>> peek (ftp-response-code) ;
: read-response-until ( stream ftp-response n -- ftp-response )
>r over stream-readln
: read-response-loop ( ftp-response -- ftp-response )
[ add-response-line ] [ ftp-response-code ] bi
r> tuck = [ drop nip ] [ read-response-until ] if ;
over n>> = [ read-response-loop ] unless ;
: read-response ( stream -- ftp-response )
over stream-readln
[ add-response-line ] [ fourth CHAR: - = ] bi
[ dup last-code read-response-until ]
[ nip ] if dup last-code >>n ;
: read-response ( -- ftp-response )
<ftp-response> readln
[ (ftp-response-code) >>n ]
[ add-response-line ]
[ fourth CHAR: - = ] tri
[ read-response-loop ] when ;
: ftp-read ( ftp-client -- ftp-response )
stream>> read-response ;
: ftp-send ( string -- )
write "\r\n" write flush ;
: ftp-send ( str ftp-client -- )
[ stream-write ]
[ "\r\n" swap stream-write ]
[ stream-flush ] tri ;
: ftp-command ( string ftp-client -- ftp-response )
[ ftp-send ] [ ftp-read ] bi ;
: ftp-command ( string -- ftp-response )
ftp-send read-response ;
: ftp-user ( ftp-client -- ftp-response )
[ user>> "USER " prepend ] [ ftp-command ] bi ;
user>> "USER " prepend ftp-command ;
: ftp-password ( ftp-client -- ftp-response )
[ password>> "PASS " prepend ] [ ftp-command ] bi ;
password>> "PASS " prepend ftp-command ;
: ftp-set-binary ( ftp-client -- ftp-response )
>r "TYPE I" r> ftp-command ;
: ftp-set-binary ( -- ftp-response )
"TYPE I" ftp-command ;
: ftp-pwd ( ftp-client -- ftp-response )
>r "PWD" r> ftp-command ;
: ftp-pwd ( -- ftp-response )
"PWD" ftp-command ;
: ftp-list ( ftp-client -- ftp-response )
>r "LIST" r> ftp-command ;
: ftp-list ( -- ftp-response )
"LIST" ftp-command ;
: ftp-quit ( ftp-client -- ftp-response )
>r "QUIT" r> ftp-command ;
: ftp-quit ( -- ftp-response )
"QUIT" ftp-command ;
: ftp-cwd ( directory ftp-client -- ftp-response )
>r "CWD " prepend r> ftp-command ;
: ftp-cwd ( directory -- ftp-response )
"CWD " prepend ftp-command ;
: ftp-retr ( filename ftp-client -- ftp-response )
>r "RETR " prepend r> ftp-command ;
: ftp-retr ( filename -- ftp-response )
"RETR " prepend ftp-command ;
: parse-epsv ( ftp-response -- port )
strings>> first
"|" split 2 tail* first string>number ;
: ftp-epsv ( ftp-client -- ftp-response )
>r "EPSV" r> ftp-command ;
: ch>attribute ( ch -- symbol )
{ CHAR: d [ +directory+ ] }
{ CHAR: l [ +symbolic-link+ ] }
{ CHAR: - [ +regular-file+ ] }
[ drop +unknown+ ]
} case ;
M: ftp-client dispose ( ftp-client -- )
[ ftp-quit drop ] [ stream>> dispose ] bi ;
TUPLE: remote-file
type permissions links owner group size month day time year name ;
: <remote-file> ( -- remote-file ) remote-file new ;
: parse-permissions ( remote-file str -- remote-file )
[ first ch>attribute >>type ] [ rest >>permissions ] bi ;
: parse-list-9 ( lines -- seq )
<remote-file> swap {
[ 0 swap nth parse-permissions ]
[ 1 swap nth string>number >>links ]
[ 2 swap nth >>owner ]
[ 3 swap nth >>group ]
[ 4 swap nth string>number >>size ]
[ 5 swap nth >>month ]
[ 6 swap nth >>day ]
[ 7 swap nth >>time ]
[ 8 swap nth >>name ]
} cleave
] map ;
: parse-list-8 ( lines -- seq )
<remote-file> swap {
[ 0 swap nth parse-permissions ]
[ 1 swap nth string>number >>links ]
[ 2 swap nth >>owner ]
[ 3 swap nth >>size ]
[ 4 swap nth >>month ]
[ 5 swap nth >>day ]
[ 6 swap nth >>time ]
[ 7 swap nth >>name ]
} cleave
] map ;
: parse-list-3 ( lines -- seq )
<remote-file> swap {
[ 0 swap nth parse-permissions ]
[ 1 swap nth string>number >>links ]
[ 2 swap nth >>name ]
} cleave
] map ;
: parse-list ( ftp-response -- ftp-response )
dup strings>>
[ " " split [ empty? not ] filter ] map
dup length {
{ 9 [ parse-list-9 ] }
{ 8 [ parse-list-8 ] }
{ 3 [ parse-list-3 ] }
[ drop ]
} case >>parsed ;
: ftp-epsv ( -- ftp-response )
"EPSV" ftp-command ;
ERROR: ftp-error got expected ;
: ftp-assert ( ftp-response n -- )
2dup >r n>> r> = [ 2drop ] [ ftp-error ] if ;
: ftp-connect ( ftp-client -- )
[ host>> ] [ port>> ] bi <inet> ascii <client>
>>stream drop ;
: ftp-login ( ftp-client -- )
[ ftp-connect ]
[ ftp-read 220 ftp-assert ]
[ ftp-user 331 ftp-assert ]
[ ftp-password 230 ftp-assert ]
[ ftp-set-binary 200 ftp-assert ]
} cleave ;
read-response 220 ftp-assert
[ ftp-user 331 ftp-assert ]
[ ftp-password 230 ftp-assert ] bi
ftp-set-binary 200 ftp-assert ;
: start-2nd ( ftp-client -- port )
ftp-epsv [ 229 ftp-assert ] [ parse-epsv ] bi ;
: open-remote-port ( -- port )
[ 229 ftp-assert ] [ parse-epsv ] bi ;
: list ( ftp-client -- ftp-response )
dup [ host>> ] [ start-2nd ] bi <inet> ascii <client>
over ftp-list 150 ftp-assert
lines <ftp-response> swap >>strings
>r ftp-read 226 ftp-assert r> ;
host>> open-remote-port <inet> ascii <client>
ftp-list 150 ftp-assert
<ftp-response> swap >>strings
read-response 226 ftp-assert
parse-list ;
: ftp-get ( filename ftp-client -- ftp-response )
dup [ host>> ] [ start-2nd ] bi <inet> binary <client>
rot tuck
[ over ftp-retr 150 ftp-assert ]
[ binary <file-writer> stream-copy ] 2bi*
ftp-read dup 226 ftp-assert ;
host>> open-remote-port <inet> binary <client>
[ ftp-retr 150 ftp-assert drop ]
[ binary <file-writer> stream-copy ] 2bi
read-response dup 226 ftp-assert ;
: ftp-connect ( ftp-client -- stream )
[ host>> ] [ port>> ] bi <inet> ascii <client> ;
GENERIC: ftp-download ( path obj -- )
: with-ftp-client ( ftp-client quot -- )
dupd '[
, [ ftp-login ] [ @ ] bi
ftp-quit drop
] >r ftp-connect r> with-stream ; inline
M: ftp-client ftp-download ( path ftp-client -- )
dup ftp-login
[ >r parent-directory r> ftp-cwd drop ]
[ >r file-name r> ftp-get drop ]
[ dispose drop ] 2tri ;
[ drop parent-directory ftp-cwd drop ]
[ >r file-name r> ftp-get drop ] 2bi
] with-ftp-client ;
M: string ftp-download ( path string -- )
<ftp-client> ftp-download ;

View File

@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ FUNCTION: int getgrnam_r ( char* name, group* grp, char* buffer, size_t bufsize,
FUNCTION: int getpwnam_r ( char* login, passwd* pwd, char* buffer, size_t bufsize, passwd** result ) ;
FUNCTION: int getgroups ( int gidsetlen, gid_t* gidset ) ;
FUNCTION: int gethostname ( char* name, int len ) ;
FUNCTION: int getsockname ( int socket, sockaddr* address, socklen_t* address_len ) ;
FUNCTION: uid_t getuid ;
FUNCTION: uint htonl ( uint n ) ;
FUNCTION: ushort htons ( ushort n ) ;