Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
USING: delegate kernel arrays tools.test words math definitions
compiler.units parser generic prettyprint io.streams.string
accessors eval multiline generic.standard delegate.protocols
delegate.private assocs ;
delegate.private assocs see ;
IN: delegate.tests
TUPLE: hello this that ;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
USING: math definitions help.topics help tools.test
prettyprint parser io.streams.string kernel source-files
assocs namespaces words io sequences eval accessors ;
assocs namespaces words io sequences eval accessors see ;
IN: help.definitions.tests
[ ] [ \ + >link see ] unit-test
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ f describe
H{ } describe
H{ } describe
[ "fixnum instance\n" ] [ [ 3 describe ] with-string-writer ] unit-test
[ "fixnum instance\n\n" ] [ [ 3 describe ] with-string-writer ] unit-test
[ ] [ H{ } clone inspect ] unit-test
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ USING: locals math sequences tools.test hashtables words kernel
namespaces arrays strings prettyprint io.streams.string parser
accessors generic eval combinators combinators.short-circuit
|||| math.order math.functions
definitions compiler.units fry lexer words.symbol ;
definitions compiler.units fry lexer words.symbol see ;
IN: locals.tests
:: foo ( a b -- a a ) a a ;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
IN: macros.tests
USING: tools.test macros math kernel arrays
vectors io.streams.string prettyprint parser eval ;
vectors io.streams.string prettyprint parser eval see ;
MACRO: see-test ( a b -- c ) + ;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 Slava Pestov, Daniel Ehrenberg.
! See for BSD license.
USING: math kernel memoize tools.test parser generalizations
prettyprint io.streams.string sequences eval namespaces ;
prettyprint io.streams.string sequences eval namespaces see ;
IN: memoize.tests
MEMO: fib ( m -- n )
@ -5,15 +5,19 @@ images kernel namespaces ;
IN: opengl.textures.tests
[ ] [
{ 3 5 }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
} image boa "image" set
T{ image
{ dim { 3 5 } }
{ component-order RGB }
{ bitmap
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45
} "image" set
] unit-test
@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ ARTICLE: { "regexp" "operations" } "Matching operations with regular expressions
{ $subsection matches? }
{ $subsection re-contains? }
{ $subsection first-match }
{ $subsection all-matches }
{ $subsection re-split1 }
{ $subsection all-matching-slices }
{ $subsection all-matching-subseqs }
{ $subsection re-split }
{ $subsection re-replace }
{ $subsection count-matches } ;
@ -67,25 +67,21 @@ HELP: matches?
{ $values { "string" string } { "regexp" regexp } { "?" "a boolean" } }
{ $description "Tests if the string as a whole matches the given regular expression." } ;
HELP: re-split1
{ $values { "string" string } { "regexp" regexp } { "before" string } { "after/f" string } }
{ $description "Searches the string for a substring which matches the pattern. If found, the input string is split on the leftmost and longest occurence of the match, and the two halves are given as output. If no match is found, then the input string and " { $link f } " are output." } ;
HELP: all-matches
HELP: all-matching-slices
{ $values { "string" string } { "regexp" regexp } { "seq" "a sequence of slices of the input" } }
{ $description "Finds a sequence of disjoint substrings which each match the pattern. It chooses this by finding the leftmost longest match, and then the leftmost longest match which starts after the end of the previous match, and so on." } ;
HELP: count-matches
{ $values { "string" string } { "regexp" regexp } { "n" integer } }
{ $description "Counts how many disjoint matches the regexp has in the string, as made unambiguous by " { $link all-matches } "." } ;
{ $description "Counts how many disjoint matches the regexp has in the string, as made unambiguous by " { $link all-matching-slices } "." } ;
HELP: re-split
{ $values { "string" string } { "regexp" regexp } { "seq" "a sequence of slices of the input" } }
{ $description "Splits the input string into chunks separated by the regular expression. Each chunk contains no match of the regexp. The chunks are chosen by the strategy of " { $link all-matches } "." } ;
{ $description "Splits the input string into chunks separated by the regular expression. Each chunk contains no match of the regexp. The chunks are chosen by the strategy of " { $link all-matching-slices } "." } ;
HELP: re-replace
{ $values { "string" string } { "regexp" regexp } { "replacement" string } { "result" string } }
{ $description "Replaces substrings which match the input regexp with the given replacement text. The boundaries of the substring are chosen by the strategy used by " { $link all-matches } "." } ;
{ $description "Replaces substrings which match the input regexp with the given replacement text. The boundaries of the substring are chosen by the strategy used by " { $link all-matching-slices } "." } ;
HELP: first-match
{ $values { "string" string } { "regexp" regexp } { "slice/f" "the match, if one exists" } }
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ IN: regexp-tests
[ { "a" "" } ] [ "a=" R/ =/ re-split [ >string ] map ] unit-test
[ { "ABC" "DEF" "GHI" } ]
[ "1ABC2DEF3GHI4" R/ [A-Z]+/ all-matches [ >string ] map ] unit-test
[ "1ABC2DEF3GHI4" R/ [A-Z]+/ all-matching-subseqs ] unit-test
[ 3 ]
[ "1ABC2DEF3GHI4" R/ [A-Z]+/ count-matches ] unit-test
@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ IN: regexp-tests
[ f ] [ "a bar b" R/ foo/ re-contains? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "foo" R/ foo/ re-contains? ] unit-test
[ { "foo" "fxx" "fab" } ] [ "fab fxx foo" R/ f../r all-matches [ >string ] map ] unit-test
[ { "foo" "fxx" "fab" } ] [ "fab fxx foo" R/ f../r all-matching-subseqs ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "foo" "\\bfoo\\b" <regexp> re-contains? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "afoob" "\\Bfoo\\B" <regexp> re-contains? ] unit-test
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Doug Coleman, Daniel Ehrenberg.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors combinators kernel math sequences strings sets
assocs prettyprint.backend prettyprint.custom make lexer
namespaces parser arrays fry locals regexp.parser splitting
sorting regexp.ast regexp.negation regexp.compiler words
call call.private math.ranges ;
USING: accessors combinators kernel kernel.private math sequences
sequences.private strings sets assocs prettyprint.backend
prettyprint.custom make lexer namespaces parser arrays fry locals
regexp.parser splitting sorting regexp.ast regexp.negation
regexp.compiler words call call.private math.ranges ;
IN: regexp
TUPLE: regexp
@ -44,93 +44,82 @@ M: reverse-regexp end/start drop length 1- -1 swap ;
: matches? ( string regexp -- ? )
[ end/start ] 2keep
[ check-string ] dip
[ end/start ] 2keep
[ swap = ] [ drop f ] if* ;
[ = ] [ drop f ] if* ;
TUPLE: match { i read-only } { j read-only } { seq read-only } ;
: match-slice ( i string quot -- match/f )
[ 2dup ] dip call
[ swap match boa ] [ 2drop f ] if* ; inline
:: (next-match) ( i string regexp quot: ( i string regexp -- j ) reverse? -- i start end ? )
i string regexp quot call dup [| j |
j i j
reverse? [ swap [ 1+ ] bi@ ] when
] [ drop f f f f ] if ; inline
: search-range ( i string reverse? -- seq )
[ drop 0 [a,b] ] [ length [a,b) ] if ; inline
[ drop dup 1+ -1 ] [ length 1 ] if range boa ; inline
: match>result ( match reverse? -- i start end string )
over [
[ [ i>> ] [ j>> tuck ] [ seq>> ] tri ] dip
[ [ swap [ 1+ ] bi@ ] dip ] when
] [ 2drop f f f f ] if ; inline
:: next-match ( i string quot reverse? -- i start end string )
:: next-match ( i string regexp quot: ( i string regexp -- j ) reverse? -- i start end ? )
f f f f
i string reverse? search-range
[ string quot match-slice ] map-find drop
reverse? match>result ; inline
[ [ 2drop 2drop ] dip string regexp quot reverse? (next-match) dup ] find 2drop ; inline
: do-next-match ( i string regexp -- i start end string )
: do-next-match ( i string regexp -- i start end ? )
dup next-match>>
execute-unsafe( i string regexp -- i start end string ) ;
execute-unsafe( i string regexp -- i start end ? ) ; inline
: next-slice ( i string regexp -- i/f slice/f )
[ slice boa ] [ drop ] if* ; inline
:: (each-match) ( i string regexp quot: ( start end string -- ) -- )
i string regexp do-next-match [| i' start end |
start end string quot call
i' string regexp quot (each-match)
] [ 3drop ] if ; inline recursive
: prepare-match-iterator ( string regexp -- i string regexp )
[ check-string ] dip [ end/start nip ] 2keep ; inline
TUPLE: match-iterator
{ string read-only }
{ regexp read-only }
{ i read-only }
{ value read-only } ;
: each-match ( string regexp quot: ( start end string -- ) -- )
[ prepare-match-iterator ] dip (each-match) ; inline
: iterate ( iterator -- iterator'/f )
[ i>> ] [ string>> ] [ regexp>> ] tri next-slice
[ [ [ string>> ] [ regexp>> ] bi ] 2dip match-iterator boa ]
[ 2drop f ] if* ;
: map-matches ( string regexp quot: ( start end string -- obj ) -- seq )
accumulator [ each-match ] dip >array ; inline
: value ( iterator/f -- value/f )
dup [ value>> ] when ;
: all-matching-slices ( string regexp -- seq )
[ slice boa ] map-matches ;
: <match-iterator> ( string regexp -- match-iterator )
[ check-string ] dip
2dup end/start nip f
match-iterator boa
iterate ; inline
: all-matches ( string regexp -- seq )
<match-iterator> [ iterate ] follow [ value ] map ;
: all-matching-subseqs ( string regexp -- seq )
[ subseq ] map-matches ;
: count-matches ( string regexp -- n )
all-matches length ;
[ 0 ] 2dip [ 3drop 1+ ] each-match ;
:: split-slices ( string slices -- new-slices )
slices [ to>> ] map 0 prefix
slices [ from>> ] map string length suffix
[ string <slice> ] 2map ;
:: (re-split) ( string regexp quot -- new-slices )
0 string regexp [| end start end' string |
end' ! leave it on the stack for the next iteration
end start string quot call
] map-matches
! Final chunk
swap string length string quot call suffix ; inline
: first-match ( string regexp -- slice/f )
<match-iterator> value ;
[ prepare-match-iterator do-next-match ] [ drop ] 2bi
'[ _ slice boa nip ] [ 3drop f ] if ;
: re-contains? ( string regexp -- ? )
first-match >boolean ;
: re-split1 ( string regexp -- before after/f )
dupd first-match [ 1array split-slices first2 ] [ f ] if* ;
prepare-match-iterator do-next-match [ 3drop ] dip >boolean ;
: re-split ( string regexp -- seq )
dupd all-matches split-slices ;
[ slice boa ] (re-split) ;
: re-replace ( string regexp replacement -- result )
[ re-split ] dip join ;
[ [ subseq ] (re-split) ] dip join ;
@ -162,8 +151,8 @@ DEFER: compile-next-match
: compile-next-match ( regexp -- regexp )
dup '[
dup \ next-initial-word = [
drop _ [ compile-regexp dfa>> ] [ reverse-regexp? ] bi
'[ _ '[ _ _ execute ] _ next-match ]
drop _ [ compile-regexp dfa>> def>> ] [ reverse-regexp? ] bi
'[ { array-capacity string regexp } declare _ _ next-match ]
(( i string regexp -- i start end string )) simple-define-temp
] when
] change-next-match ;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ USING: alien ui.gadgets.panes ui.gadgets namespaces
kernel sequences io io.styles io.streams.string tools.test
prettyprint definitions help help.syntax help.markup
help.stylesheet splitting tools.test.ui models math summary
inspector accessors help.topics ;
inspector accessors help.topics see ;
IN: ui.gadgets.panes.tests
: #children "pane" get children>> length ;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
USING: kernel classes.singleton tools.test prettyprint io.streams.string ;
USING: kernel classes.singleton tools.test prettyprint io.streams.string see ;
IN: classes.singleton.tests
[ ] [ SINGLETON: bzzt ] unit-test
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ namespaces quotations sequences.private classes continuations
generic.standard effects classes.tuple classes.tuple.private
arrays vectors strings compiler.units accessors classes.algebra
calendar prettyprint io.streams.string splitting summary
columns math.order classes.private slots slots.private eval ;
columns math.order classes.private slots slots.private eval see ;
IN: classes.tuple.tests
TUPLE: rect x y w h ;
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ tools.test vectors words quotations classes
classes.private classes.union classes.mixin classes.predicate
classes.algebra vectors definitions source-files
compiler.units kernel.private sorting vocabs io.streams.string
eval ;
eval see ;
IN: classes.union.tests
! DEFER: bah
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ specialized-arrays.double byte-arrays bit-arrays parser
namespaces make quotations stack-checker vectors growable
hashtables sbufs prettyprint byte-vectors bit-vectors
specialized-vectors.double definitions generic sets graphs assocs
grouping ;
grouping see ;
GENERIC: lo-tag-test ( obj -- obj' )
@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ $nl
"This operation is efficient and does not copy the quotation." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: kernel prettyprint ;" "5 [ . ] curry ." "[ 5 . ]" }
{ $example "USING: kernel prettyprint ;" "\\ = [ see ] curry ." "[ \\ = see ]" }
{ $example "USING: kernel prettyprint see ;" "\\ = [ see ] curry ." "[ \\ = see ]" }
{ $example "USING: kernel math prettyprint sequences ;" "{ 1 2 3 } 2 [ - ] curry map ." "{ -1 0 1 }" }
} ;
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
USING: descriptive kernel math tools.test continuations prettyprint io.streams.string ;
USING: descriptive kernel math tools.test continuations prettyprint io.streams.string see ;
IN: descriptive.tests
DESCRIPTIVE: divide ( num denom -- fraction ) / ;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
IN: multi-methods.tests
USING: multi-methods tools.test math sequences namespaces system
kernel strings definitions prettyprint debugger arrays
hashtables continuations classes assocs accessors ;
hashtables continuations classes assocs accessors see ;
GENERIC: first-test
Reference in New Issue