io.encodings.utf7: decoder implementation, doesn't support utf7imap4 yet

Björn Lindqvist 2013-12-17 23:43:48 +01:00 committed by John Benediktsson
parent 9c90bc0c67
commit 9a7a2648fd
2 changed files with 39 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -29,3 +29,16 @@ IN: io.encodings.utf7.tests
} [ utf7imap4 encode >string ] map
] unit-test
[ t ] [
"Ting & Såger"
"~/Følder/mailbåx & stuff + more"
} dup [ utf7 encode utf7 decode ] map =
] unit-test

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@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ USING:
io.encodings io.encodings.string io.encodings.utf16
math math.functions
strings ;
@ -27,6 +29,9 @@ CONSTANT: dialect-data {
: >raw-base64 ( byte-array -- str )
>string utf16be encode >base64 [ CHAR: = = ] trim-tail ;
: raw-base64> ( str -- str' )
dup length 4 / ceiling 4 * CHAR: = pad-tail base64> utf16be decode ;
: (group-by-loop) ( elt key groups -- groups' )
2dup [ nip empty? ] [ ?last ?first = not ] 2bi or [
-rot swap 1array
@ -42,12 +47,30 @@ CONSTANT: dialect-data {
[ >raw-base64 -rot [ first2 replace ] [ first2 surround ] bi* ] if ;
: encode-utf7-string ( str dialect -- byte-array )
dialect-data at first2 '[ _ _ rot first2 swap encode-chunk ]
[ [ printable? ] group-by ] dip map concat ;
[ [ printable? ] group-by ] dip
dialect-data at first2 '[ _ _ rot first2 swap encode-chunk ] map concat ;
: stream-write-utf7 ( string stream encoding -- )
swapd encode-utf7-string >byte-array swap stream-write ;
M: utf7 encode-string stream-write-utf7 ;
M: utf7imap4 encode-string stream-write-utf7 ;
! UTF-7 decoding is stateful, hence this ugly workaround is needed.
SYMBOL: decoding-buffer
: emit-next-char ( buffer -- ch buffer' )
read1 dup CHAR: + = [
drop { CHAR: - } read-until drop
[ CHAR: + { } ] [ raw-base64> emit-next-char ] if-empty
] [ { } ] if
] [ unclip swap ] if-empty ;
: decode-utf7 ( stream encoding -- char/f )
drop [
decoding-buffer [ [ { } ] unless* emit-next-char ] change-global
] with-input-stream ;
M: utf7 decode-char decode-utf7 ;
M: utf7imap4 decode-char decode-utf7 ;