Compiler fixes
@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
IN: compiler.tests
USING: alien alien.c-types alien.syntax compiler kernel
namespaces namespaces tools.test sequences inference words
arrays parser quotations continuations inference.backend effects
namespaces.private io io.streams.string memory system threads
tools.test math ;
FUNCTION: void ffi_test_0 ;
[ ] [ ffi_test_0 ] unit-test
FUNCTION: int ffi_test_1 ;
[ 3 ] [ ffi_test_1 ] unit-test
FUNCTION: int ffi_test_2 int x int y ;
[ 5 ] [ 2 3 ffi_test_2 ] unit-test
[ "hi" 3 ffi_test_2 ] must-fail
FUNCTION: int ffi_test_3 int x int y int z int t ;
[ 25 ] [ 2 3 4 5 ffi_test_3 ] unit-test
FUNCTION: float ffi_test_4 ;
[ 1.5 ] [ ffi_test_4 ] unit-test
FUNCTION: double ffi_test_5 ;
[ 1.5 ] [ ffi_test_5 ] unit-test
FUNCTION: int ffi_test_9 int a int b int c int d int e int f int g ;
[ 28 ] [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ffi_test_9 ] unit-test
[ "a" 2 3 4 5 6 7 ffi_test_9 ] must-fail
[ 1 2 3 4 5 6 "a" ffi_test_9 ] must-fail
{ "int" "x" }
{ "int" "y" }
: make-foo ( x y -- foo )
"foo" <c-object> [ set-foo-y ] keep [ set-foo-x ] keep ;
FUNCTION: int ffi_test_11 int a foo b int c ;
[ 14 ] [ 1 2 3 make-foo 4 ffi_test_11 ] unit-test
FUNCTION: int ffi_test_13 int a int b int c int d int e int f int g int h int i int j int k ;
[ 66 ] [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ffi_test_13 ] unit-test
FUNCTION: foo ffi_test_14 int x int y ;
[ 11 6 ] [ 11 6 ffi_test_14 dup foo-x swap foo-y ] unit-test
FUNCTION: char* ffi_test_15 char* x char* y ;
[ "foo" ] [ "xy" "zt" ffi_test_15 ] unit-test
[ "bar" ] [ "xy" "xy" ffi_test_15 ] unit-test
[ 1 2 ffi_test_15 ] must-fail
{ "long" "x" }
{ "long" "y" }
{ "long" "z" }
FUNCTION: bar ffi_test_16 long x long y long z ;
[ 11 6 -7 ] [
11 6 -7 ffi_test_16 dup bar-x over bar-y rot bar-z
] unit-test
C-STRUCT: tiny
{ "int" "x" }
FUNCTION: tiny ffi_test_17 int x ;
[ 11 ] [ 11 ffi_test_17 tiny-x ] unit-test
[ [ alien-indirect ] infer ] [ inference-error? ] must-fail-with
: indirect-test-1 ( ptr -- result )
"int" { } "cdecl" alien-indirect ;
{ 1 1 } [ indirect-test-1 ] must-infer-as
[ 3 ] [ "ffi_test_1" f dlsym indirect-test-1 ] unit-test
[ -1 indirect-test-1 ] must-fail
: indirect-test-2 ( x y ptr -- result )
"int" { "int" "int" } "cdecl" alien-indirect gc ;
{ 3 1 } [ indirect-test-2 ] must-infer-as
[ 5 ]
[ 2 3 "ffi_test_2" f dlsym indirect-test-2 ]
: indirect-test-3 ( a b c d ptr -- result )
"int" { "int" "int" "int" "int" } "stdcall" alien-indirect
gc ;
<< "f-stdcall" f "stdcall" add-library >>
[ f ] [ "f-stdcall" load-library ] unit-test
[ "stdcall" ] [ "f-stdcall" library library-abi ] unit-test
: ffi_test_18 ( w x y z -- int )
"int" "f-stdcall" "ffi_test_18" { "int" "int" "int" "int" }
alien-invoke gc ;
[ 25 ] [ 2 3 4 5 ffi_test_18 ] unit-test
: ffi_test_19 ( x y z -- bar )
"bar" "f-stdcall" "ffi_test_19" { "long" "long" "long" }
alien-invoke gc ;
[ 11 6 -7 ] [
11 6 -7 ffi_test_19 dup bar-x over bar-y rot bar-z
] unit-test
FUNCTION: double ffi_test_6 float x float y ;
[ 6.0 ] [ 3.0 2.0 ffi_test_6 ] unit-test
[ "a" "b" ffi_test_6 ] must-fail
FUNCTION: double ffi_test_7 double x double y ;
[ 6.0 ] [ 3.0 2.0 ffi_test_7 ] unit-test
FUNCTION: double ffi_test_8 double x float y double z float t int w ;
[ 19.0 ] [ 3.0 2.0 1.0 6.0 7 ffi_test_8 ] unit-test
FUNCTION: int ffi_test_10 int a int b double c int d float e int f int g int h ;
[ -34 ] [ 1 2 3.0 4 5.0 6 7 8 ffi_test_10 ] unit-test
FUNCTION: void ffi_test_20 double x1, double x2, double x3,
double y1, double y2, double y3,
double z1, double z2, double z3 ;
[ ] [ 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 ffi_test_20 ] unit-test
! Make sure XT doesn't get clobbered in stack frame
: ffi_test_31 ( a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ptr -- result y )
f "ffi_test_31"
{ "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" "int" }
alien-invoke gc 3 ;
[ 3 ] [ 42 [ ] each ffi_test_31 ] unit-test
FUNCTION: longlong ffi_test_21 long x long y ;
[ 121932631112635269 ]
[ 123456789 987654321 ffi_test_21 ] unit-test
FUNCTION: long ffi_test_22 long x longlong y longlong z ;
[ 987655432 ]
[ 1111 121932631112635269 123456789 ffi_test_22 ] unit-test
[ 1111 f 123456789 ffi_test_22 ] must-fail
C-STRUCT: rect
{ "float" "x" }
{ "float" "y" }
{ "float" "w" }
{ "float" "h" }
: <rect>
"rect" <c-object>
[ set-rect-h ] keep
[ set-rect-w ] keep
[ set-rect-y ] keep
[ set-rect-x ] keep ;
FUNCTION: int ffi_test_12 int a int b rect c int d int e int f ;
[ 45 ] [ 1 2 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 <rect> 7 8 9 ffi_test_12 ] unit-test
[ 1 2 { 1 2 3 } 7 8 9 ffi_test_12 ] must-fail
FUNCTION: float ffi_test_23 ( float[3] x, float[3] y ) ;
[ 32.0 ] [ { 1.0 2.0 3.0 } >c-float-array { 4.0 5.0 6.0 } >c-float-array ffi_test_23 ] unit-test
! Test odd-size structs
C-STRUCT: test-struct-1 { { "char" 1 } "x" } ;
FUNCTION: test-struct-1 ffi_test_24 ;
[ B{ 1 } ] [ ffi_test_24 ] unit-test
C-STRUCT: test-struct-2 { { "char" 2 } "x" } ;
FUNCTION: test-struct-2 ffi_test_25 ;
[ B{ 1 2 } ] [ ffi_test_25 ] unit-test
C-STRUCT: test-struct-3 { { "char" 3 } "x" } ;
FUNCTION: test-struct-3 ffi_test_26 ;
[ B{ 1 2 3 } ] [ ffi_test_26 ] unit-test
C-STRUCT: test-struct-4 { { "char" 4 } "x" } ;
FUNCTION: test-struct-4 ffi_test_27 ;
[ B{ 1 2 3 4 } ] [ ffi_test_27 ] unit-test
C-STRUCT: test-struct-5 { { "char" 5 } "x" } ;
FUNCTION: test-struct-5 ffi_test_28 ;
[ B{ 1 2 3 4 5 } ] [ ffi_test_28 ] unit-test
C-STRUCT: test-struct-6 { { "char" 6 } "x" } ;
FUNCTION: test-struct-6 ffi_test_29 ;
[ B{ 1 2 3 4 5 6 } ] [ ffi_test_29 ] unit-test
C-STRUCT: test-struct-7 { { "char" 7 } "x" } ;
FUNCTION: test-struct-7 ffi_test_30 ;
[ B{ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 } ] [ ffi_test_30 ] unit-test
C-STRUCT: test-struct-8 { "double" "x" } { "double" "y" } ;
FUNCTION: double ffi_test_32 test-struct-8 x int y ;
[ 9.0 ] [
"test-struct-8" <c-object>
1.0 over set-test-struct-8-x
2.0 over set-test-struct-8-y
3 ffi_test_32
] unit-test
C-STRUCT: test-struct-9 { "float" "x" } { "float" "y" } ;
FUNCTION: double ffi_test_33 test-struct-9 x int y ;
[ 9.0 ] [
"test-struct-9" <c-object>
1.0 over set-test-struct-9-x
2.0 over set-test-struct-9-y
3 ffi_test_33
] unit-test
C-STRUCT: test-struct-10 { "float" "x" } { "int" "y" } ;
FUNCTION: double ffi_test_34 test-struct-10 x int y ;
[ 9.0 ] [
"test-struct-10" <c-object>
1.0 over set-test-struct-10-x
2 over set-test-struct-10-y
3 ffi_test_34
] unit-test
C-STRUCT: test-struct-11 { "int" "x" } { "int" "y" } ;
FUNCTION: double ffi_test_35 test-struct-11 x int y ;
[ 9.0 ] [
"test-struct-11" <c-object>
1 over set-test-struct-11-x
2 over set-test-struct-11-y
3 ffi_test_35
] unit-test
C-STRUCT: test-struct-12 { "int" "a" } { "double" "x" } ;
: make-struct-12
"test-struct-12" <c-object>
[ set-test-struct-12-x ] keep ;
FUNCTION: double ffi_test_36 ( test-struct-12 x ) ;
[ 1.23456 ] [ 1.23456 make-struct-12 ffi_test_36 ] unit-test
FUNCTION: ulonglong ffi_test_38 ( ulonglong x, ulonglong y ) ;
[ t ] [ 31 2^ 32 2^ ffi_test_38 63 2^ = ] unit-test
! Test callbacks
: callback-1 ( -- callback ) "void" { } "cdecl" [ ] alien-callback ;
[ 0 1 ] [ [ callback-1 ] infer dup effect-in swap effect-out ] unit-test
[ t ] [ callback-1 alien? ] unit-test
: callback_test_1 ( ptr -- ) "void" { } "cdecl" alien-indirect ;
[ ] [ callback-1 callback_test_1 ] unit-test
: callback-2 ( -- callback ) "void" { } "cdecl" [ [ 5 throw ] ignore-errors ] alien-callback ;
[ ] [ callback-2 callback_test_1 ] unit-test
: callback-3 ( -- callback ) "void" { } "cdecl" [ 5 "x" set ] alien-callback ;
[ t ] [
3 "x" set callback-3 callback_test_1
namestack* eq?
] unit-test
[ 5 ] [
3 "x" set callback-3 callback_test_1 "x" get
] with-scope
] unit-test
: callback-4 ( -- callback )
"void" { } "cdecl" [ "Hello world" write ] alien-callback
gc ;
[ "Hello world" ] [
[ callback-4 callback_test_1 ] with-string-writer
] unit-test
: callback-5 ( -- callback )
"void" { } "cdecl" [ gc ] alien-callback ;
[ "testing" ] [
"testing" callback-5 callback_test_1
] unit-test
: callback-5a ( -- callback )
"void" { } "cdecl" [ 8000000 f <array> drop ] alien-callback ;
! Hack; if we're on ARM, we probably don't have much RAM, so
! skip this test.
! cpu "arm" = [
! [ "testing" ] [
! "testing" callback-5a callback_test_1
! ] unit-test
! ] unless
: callback-6 ( -- callback )
"void" { } "cdecl" [ [ continue ] callcc0 ] alien-callback ;
[ 1 2 3 ] [ callback-6 callback_test_1 1 2 3 ] unit-test
: callback-7 ( -- callback )
"void" { } "cdecl" [ 1000 sleep ] alien-callback ;
[ 1 2 3 ] [ callback-7 callback_test_1 1 2 3 ] unit-test
[ f ] [ namespace global eq? ] unit-test
: callback-8 ( -- callback )
"void" { } "cdecl" [
[ continue ] callcc0
] alien-callback ;
[ ] [ callback-8 callback_test_1 ] unit-test
: callback-9 ( -- callback )
"int" { "int" "int" "int" } "cdecl" [
+ + 1+
] alien-callback ;
FUNCTION: void ffi_test_36_point_5 ( ) ;
[ ] [ ffi_test_36_point_5 ] unit-test
FUNCTION: int ffi_test_37 ( void* func ) ;
[ 1 ] [ callback-9 ffi_test_37 ] unit-test
[ 7 ] [ callback-9 ffi_test_37 ] unit-test
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
! Testing templates machinery without compiling anything
IN: compiler.tests
USING: compiler compiler.generator compiler.generator.registers
generator.registers.private tools.test namespaces sequences
words kernel math effects definitions compiler.units accessors
cpu.architecture ;
compiler.generator.registers.private tools.test namespaces
sequences words kernel math effects definitions compiler.units
accessors cpu.architecture ;
: <int-vreg> ( n -- vreg ) int-regs <vreg> ;
@ -30,13 +30,10 @@ M: node delete-node drop ;
GENERIC: cleanup* ( node -- node/nodes )
: termination-cleanup ( nodes -- nodes' )
dup [ #terminate? ] find drop [ 1+ cut delete-nodes ] when* ;
: cleanup ( nodes -- nodes' )
#! We don't recurse into children here, instead the methods
#! do it since the logic is a bit more involved
[ cleanup* ] map flatten ; ! termination-cleanup ;
[ cleanup* ] map flatten ;
: cleanup-folding? ( #call -- ? )
node-output-infos dup empty?
@ -70,21 +67,11 @@ GENERIC: cleanup* ( node -- node/nodes )
: remove-overflow-check ( #call -- #call )
[ in-d>> ] [ out-d>> ] [ word>> no-overflow-variant ] tri #call cleanup* ;
: immutable-tuple-boa? ( #call -- ? )
dup word>> \ <tuple-boa> eq? [
dup in-d>> peek node-value-info
literal>> class>> immutable-tuple-class?
] [ drop f ] if ;
: immutable-tuple-boa ( #call -- #call )
\ <immutable-tuple-boa> >>word ;
M: #call cleanup*
{ [ dup body>> ] [ cleanup-inlining ] }
{ [ dup cleanup-folding? ] [ cleanup-folding ] }
{ [ dup remove-overflow-check? ] [ remove-overflow-check ] }
{ [ dup immutable-tuple-boa? ] [ immutable-tuple-boa ] }
[ ]
} cond ;
@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ compiler.tree.propagation compiler.tree.cleanup
compiler.tree.combinators compiler.tree sequences math math.private
kernel tools.test accessors slots.private quotations.private
prettyprint classes.tuple.private classes classes.tuple
compiler.tree.intrinsics namespaces ;
compiler.tree.intrinsics namespaces
stack-checker.errors ;
\ escape-analysis must-infer
@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ GENERIC: count-unboxed-allocations* ( m node -- n )
out-d>> first escaping-allocation? [ 1+ ] unless ;
M: #call count-unboxed-allocations*
dup word>> { <immutable-tuple-boa> <complex> } memq?
dup [ immutable-tuple-boa? ] [ word>> \ <complex> eq? ] bi or
[ (count-unboxed-allocations) ] [ drop ] if ;
M: #push count-unboxed-allocations*
@ -310,3 +311,8 @@ C: <ro-box> ro-box
[ dup -1 over >= [ 0 >= [ "A" throw ] unless ] [ drop ] if ]
] unit-test
[ 0 ] [
[ \ too-many->r boa f f \ inference-error boa ]
] unit-test
@ -42,14 +42,13 @@ IN: compiler.tree.escape-analysis.recursive
] 2bi ;
M: #recursive escape-analysis* ( #recursive -- )
{ 0 } clone [ USE: math
dup first 10 = [ "OOPS" throw ] [ dup first 1+ swap set-first ] if
[ first out-d>> introduce-values ]
[ first analyze-recursive-phi ]
[ (escape-analysis) ]
] curry until-fixed-point ;
] until-fixed-point ;
M: #enter-recursive escape-analysis* ( #enter-recursive -- )
#! Handled by #recursive
@ -40,8 +40,15 @@ M: #push escape-analysis*
#! Delegation.
[ out-d>> first ] [ literal>> ] bi record-literal-allocation ;
: record-unknown-allocation ( #call -- )
[ in-d>> add-escaping-values ]
[ out-d>> unknown-allocations ] bi ;
: record-tuple-allocation ( #call -- )
[ in-d>> but-last ] [ out-d>> first ] bi record-allocation ;
dup immutable-tuple-boa?
[ [ in-d>> but-last ] [ out-d>> first ] bi record-allocation ]
[ record-unknown-allocation ]
if ;
: record-complex-allocation ( #call -- )
[ in-d>> ] [ out-d>> first ] bi record-allocation ;
@ -66,14 +73,10 @@ M: #push escape-analysis*
M: #call escape-analysis*
dup word>> {
{ \ <immutable-tuple-boa> [ record-tuple-allocation ] }
{ \ <tuple-boa> [ record-tuple-allocation ] }
{ \ <complex> [ record-complex-allocation ] }
{ \ slot [ record-slot-call ] }
[ in-d>> add-escaping-values ]
[ out-d>> unknown-allocations ] bi
[ drop record-unknown-allocation ]
} case ;
M: #return escape-analysis*
@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ USING: kernel classes.tuple classes.tuple.private math arrays
byte-arrays words stack-checker.known-words ;
IN: compiler.tree.intrinsics
: <immutable-tuple-boa> ( ... class -- tuple ) <tuple-boa> ;
: (tuple) ( layout -- tuple )
"BUG: missing (tuple) intrinsic" throw ;
@ -26,4 +26,7 @@ IN: compiler.tree.optimizer
! strength-reduce
USE: kernel
dup check-nodes
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: assocs classes classes.algebra kernel
accessors math math.intervals namespaces sequences words
combinators combinators.short-circuit arrays
compiler.tree.propagation.copy ;
USING: assocs classes classes.algebra classes.tuple
classes.tuple.private kernel accessors math math.intervals
namespaces sequences words combinators combinators.short-circuit
arrays compiler.tree.propagation.copy ;
: false-class? ( class -- ? ) \ f class<= ;
@ -276,3 +276,9 @@ SYMBOL: value-infos
: node-output-infos ( node -- seq )
dup out-d>> [ node-value-info ] with map ;
: immutable-tuple-boa? ( #call -- ? )
dup word>> \ <tuple-boa> eq? [
dup in-d>> peek node-value-info
literal>> class>> immutable-tuple-class?
] [ drop f ] if ;
@ -52,8 +52,7 @@ IN: compiler.tree.propagation.recursive
3bi ;
M: #recursive propagate-around ( #recursive -- )
{ 0 } clone [ USE: math
dup first 10 = [ "OOPS" throw ] [ dup first 1+ swap set-first ] if
constraints [ clone ] change
@ -61,7 +60,7 @@ M: #recursive propagate-around ( #recursive -- )
[ first propagate-recursive-phi ]
[ (propagate) ]
] curry until-fixed-point ;
] until-fixed-point ;
: generalize-return-interval ( info -- info' )
dup [ literal?>> ] [ class>> null-class? ] bi or
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ stack-checker.branches
compiler.tree.escape-analysis.allocations ;
IN: compiler.tree.tuple-unboxing
@ -58,16 +59,12 @@ M: #push unbox-tuples* ( #push -- nodes )
: unbox-slot-access ( #call -- nodes )
dup out-d>> first unboxed-slot-access? [
! [ in-d>> second 1array #drop ]
! [
prepare-slot-access slot-access-shuffle
! ]
! bi 2array
prepare-slot-access slot-access-shuffle
] when ;
M: #call unbox-tuples*
dup word>> {
{ \ <immutable-tuple-boa> [ unbox-<tuple-boa> ] }
{ \ <tuple-boa> [ unbox-<tuple-boa> ] }
{ \ <complex> [ unbox-<complex> ] }
{ \ slot [ unbox-slot-access ] }
[ drop ]
Reference in New Issue