Merge branch 'master' of
Conflicts: basis/opengl/debug/debug.factordb4
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ IN: compiler.tests.alien
: libfactor-ffi-tests-path ( -- string )
"resource:" (normalize-path)
"resource:" absolute-path
{ [ os winnt? ] [ "libfactor-ffi-test.dll" ] }
{ [ os macosx? ] [ "libfactor-ffi-test.dylib" ] }
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ SYMBOL: edit-hook
require ;
: edit-location ( file line -- )
[ (normalize-path) ] dip edit-hook get-global
[ absolute-path ] dip edit-hook get-global
[ call( file line -- ) ] [ no-edit-hook edit-location ] if* ;
ERROR: cannot-find-source definition ;
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ IN: ftp.server.tests
: create-test-file ( -- path )
"ftp.server" "test" make-unique-file
[ ascii set-file-contents ] keep canonicalize-path ;
[ ascii set-file-contents ] [ normalize-path ] bi ;
: test-ftp-server ( quot -- )
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ C: <ftp-disconnect> ftp-disconnect
send-response ;
: serving? ( path -- ? )
canonicalize-path server get serving-directory>> head? ;
normalize-path server get serving-directory>> head? ;
: can-serve-directory? ( path -- ? )
{ [ exists? ] [ file-info directory? ] [ serving? ] } 1&& ;
@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ M: ftp-server handle-client* ( server -- )
: <ftp-server> ( directory port -- server )
latin1 ftp-server new-threaded-server
swap >>insecure
swap canonicalize-path >>serving-directory
swap normalize-path >>serving-directory
"ftp.server" >>name
5 minutes >>timeout ;
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ IN: images.testing
: fig-name ( path -- newpath )
[ parent-directory canonicalize-path ]
[ parent-directory normalize-path ]
[ file-stem ".fig" append ] bi
append-path ;
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ ARTICLE: "current-directory" "Current working directory"
"This variable is independent of the operating system notion of “current working directory”. While all Factor I/O operations use the variable and not the operating system's value, care must be taken when making FFI calls which expect a pathname. The first option is to resolve relative paths:"
{ $subsections (normalize-path) }
{ $subsections absolute-path }
"The second is to change the working directory of the current process:"
{ $subsections
@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ sequences system vocabs.loader fry ;
IN: io.directories
: set-current-directory ( path -- )
(normalize-path) current-directory set ;
absolute-path current-directory set ;
: with-directory ( path quot -- )
[ (normalize-path) current-directory ] dip with-variable ; inline
[ absolute-path current-directory ] dip with-variable ; inline
! Creating directories
HOOK: make-directory io-backend ( path -- )
@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ locals math sequences sorting system vocabs.loader ;
: qualified-directory-entries ( path -- seq )
dup directory-entries [ [ append-path ] change-name ] with map ;
: qualified-directory-files ( path -- seq )
dup directory-files [ append-path ] with map ;
: with-qualified-directory-files ( path quot -- )
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ M: linux file-systems
] if ;
: find-mount-point ( path -- mtab-entry )
parse-mtab [ [ mount-point>> ] keep ] H{ } map>assoc (find-mount-point) ;
ERROR: file-system-not-found ;
@ -13,6 +13,6 @@ M: unix make-hard-link ( path1 path2 -- )
M: unix read-link ( path -- path' )
normalize-path read-symbolic-link ;
M: unix canonicalize-path ( path -- path' )
M: unix resolve-symlinks ( path -- path' )
path-components "/"
[ append-path dup exists? [ follow-links ] when ] reduce ;
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ M: winnt root-directory? ( path -- ? )
TR: normalize-separators "/" "\\" ;
M: winnt normalize-path ( string -- string' )
prepend-prefix ;
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ IN: io.launcher.unix
: spawn-process ( process -- * )
[ setup-priority ] [ 250 _exit ] recover
[ setup-redirection ] [ 251 _exit ] recover
[ current-directory get (normalize-path) cd ] [ 252 _exit ] recover
[ current-directory get absolute-path cd ] [ 252 _exit ] recover
[ setup-environment ] [ 253 _exit ] recover
[ get-arguments exec-args-with-path ] [ 254 _exit ] recover
255 _exit ;
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ M: windows current-process-handle ( -- handle )
M: windows run-process* ( process -- handle )
current-directory get (normalize-path) cd
current-directory get absolute-path cd
dup make-CreateProcess-args
tuck fill-redirection
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ TUPLE: linux-monitor < monitor wd inotify watches ;
inotify-fd -rot inotify_add_watch dup io-error dup check-existing ;
: add-watch ( path mask mailbox -- monitor )
[ [ (normalize-path) ] dip [ (add-watch) ] [ drop ] 2bi ] dip
[ [ absolute-path ] dip [ (add-watch) ] [ drop ] 2bi ] dip
<linux-monitor> [ ] [ ] [ wd>> ] tri watches get set-at ;
: check-inotify ( -- )
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ M: recursive-monitor dispose*
ready>> ?promise ?linked drop ;
: <recursive-monitor> ( path mailbox -- monitor )
[ (normalize-path) ] dip
[ absolute-path ] dip
recursive-monitor new-monitor
H{ } clone >>children
<promise> >>ready
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ TUPLE: openssl-context < secure-context aliens sessions ;
: load-certificate-chain ( ctx -- )
dup config>> key-file>> [
[ handle>> ] [ config>> key-file>> (normalize-path) ] bi
[ handle>> ] [ config>> key-file>> absolute-path ] bi
] [ drop ] if ;
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ TUPLE: openssl-context < secure-context aliens sessions ;
: use-private-key-file ( ctx -- )
dup config>> key-file>> [
[ handle>> ] [ config>> key-file>> (normalize-path) ] bi
[ handle>> ] [ config>> key-file>> absolute-path ] bi
SSL_FILETYPE_PEM SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file
] [ drop ] if ;
@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ TUPLE: openssl-context < secure-context aliens sessions ;
[ handle>> ]
[ ca-file>> dup [ (normalize-path) ] when ]
[ ca-path>> dup [ (normalize-path) ] when ] bi
[ ca-file>> dup [ absolute-path ] when ]
[ ca-path>> dup [ absolute-path ] when ] bi
] bi
] [ handle>> SSL_CTX_set_default_verify_paths ] if ssl-error ;
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ M: local sockaddr-size drop sockaddr-un heap-size ;
M: local empty-sockaddr drop sockaddr-un <struct> ;
M: local make-sockaddr
path>> (normalize-path)
path>> absolute-path
dup length 1 + max-un-path > [ "Path too long" throw ] when
sockaddr-un <struct>
AF_UNIX >>family
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ FUNCTION: HINSTANCE ShellExecuteW ( HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR lpOperation, LPCTSTR lpFi
ALIAS: ShellExecute ShellExecuteW
: open-in-explorer ( dir -- )
[ f "open" ] dip (normalize-path) f f SW_SHOWNORMAL ShellExecute drop ;
[ f "open" ] dip absolute-path f f SW_SHOWNORMAL ShellExecute drop ;
: shell32-directory ( n -- str )
@ -101,15 +101,15 @@ HELP: normalize-path
} ;
HELP: (normalize-path)
HELP: absolute-path
{ $values
{ "path" "a pathname string" }
{ "path'" "a pathname string" }
{ $description "Prepends the " { $link current-directory } " to the pathname and resolves a " { $snippet "resource:" } " prefix, if present." }
{ $notes "On Windows NT platforms, this word does not prepend the Unicode path prefix." } ;
{ $notes "This word is exaclty the same as " { $link normalize-path } ", except on Windows NT platforms, where it does not prepend the Unicode path prefix. Most code should call " { $link normalize-path } " instead." } ;
HELP: canonicalize-path
HELP: resolve-symlinks
{ $values { "path" "a pathname string" } { "path'" "a new pathname string" } }
{ $description "Outputs a path where none of the path components are symlinks. This word is useful for determining the actual path on disk where a file is stored; the root of this absolute path is a mount point in the file-system." }
{ $notes "Most code should not need to call this word except in very special circumstances. One use case is finding the actual file-system on which a file is stored." } ;
@ -150,11 +150,11 @@ ARTICLE: "io.pathnames" "Pathnames"
"Literal pathnames:"
{ $subsections POSTPONE: P" }
"Low-level words:"
{ $subsections
} ;
"Normalizing pathnames for use with native APIs:"
{ $subsections normalize-path }
"Outputting an absolute path from a path:"
{ $subsection absolute-path }
"Removing symlinks from a path:"
{ $subsections resolve-symlinks } ;
ABOUT: "io.pathnames"
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ IN: io.pathnames.tests
"." current-directory set
".." "resource-path" set
[ "../core/bootstrap/stage2.factor" ]
[ "resource:core/bootstrap/stage2.factor" (normalize-path) ]
[ "resource:core/bootstrap/stage2.factor" absolute-path ]
] with-scope
@ -127,38 +127,38 @@ PRIVATE>
: path-components ( path -- seq )
normalize-path path-separator split harvest ;
HOOK: canonicalize-path os ( path -- path' )
HOOK: resolve-symlinks os ( path -- path' )
M: object canonicalize-path normalize-path ;
M: object resolve-symlinks normalize-path ;
: resource-path ( path -- newpath )
"resource-path" get prepend-path ;
GENERIC: vocab-path ( path -- newpath )
GENERIC: (normalize-path) ( path -- path' )
GENERIC: absolute-path ( path -- path' )
M: string (normalize-path)
M: string absolute-path
"resource:" ?head [
trim-head-separators resource-path
] [
"vocab:" ?head [
trim-head-separators vocab-path
] [
current-directory get prepend-path
] if
] if ;
M: object normalize-path ( path -- path' )
(normalize-path) ;
absolute-path ;
TUPLE: pathname string ;
C: <pathname> pathname
M: pathname (normalize-path) string>> (normalize-path) ;
M: pathname absolute-path string>> absolute-path ;
M: pathname <=> [ string>> ] compare ;
@ -139,11 +139,11 @@ PRIVATE>
: fuel-scaffold-vocab ( root name devname -- )
[ fuel-scaffold-name dup [ scaffold-vocab ] dip ] with-scope
dup require vocab-source-path (normalize-path) fuel-eval-set-result ;
dup require vocab-source-path absolute-path fuel-eval-set-result ;
: fuel-scaffold-help ( name devname -- )
[ fuel-scaffold-name dup require dup scaffold-help ] with-scope
vocab-docs-path (normalize-path) fuel-eval-set-result ;
vocab-docs-path absolute-path fuel-eval-set-result ;
: fuel-scaffold-get-root ( name -- ) find-vocab-root fuel-eval-set-result ;
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ IN: fuel.xref
: normalize-loc ( seq -- path line )
[ dup length 0 > [ first (normalize-path) ] [ drop f ] if ]
[ dup length 0 > [ first absolute-path ] [ drop f ] if ]
[ dup length 1 > [ second ] [ drop 1 ] if ] bi ;
: get-loc ( object -- loc ) normalize-loc 2array ;
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ CONSTANT: db-url "
: download-db ( -- path )
db-path dup exists? [
db-url over ".gz" append download-to
{ "gunzip" } over ".gz" append (normalize-path) suffix try-process
{ "gunzip" } over ".gz" append absolute-path suffix try-process
] unless ;
TUPLE: ip-entry from to registry assigned city cntry country ;
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ HOOK: really-delete-tree os ( path -- )
M: windows really-delete-tree
#! Workaround: Cygwin GIT creates read-only files for
#! some reason.
[ { "chmod" "ug+rw" "-R" } swap (normalize-path) suffix short-running-process ]
[ { "chmod" "ug+rw" "-R" } swap absolute-path suffix short-running-process ]
[ delete-tree ]
bi ;
@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ CONSTANT: SOUND-WALK4 7
: init-sound ( index cpu filename -- )
canonicalize-path swapd [ sounds>> nth AL_BUFFER ] dip
absolte-path swapd [ sounds>> nth AL_BUFFER ] dip
create-buffer-from-wav set-source-param ;
: init-sounds ( cpu -- )
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# change directories to a factor module
function cdfactor {
code=$(printf "USING: io io.pathnames vocabs vocabs.loader ; "
printf "\"%s\" <vocab> vocab-source-path (normalize-path) print" $1)
printf "\"%s\" <vocab> vocab-source-path absolute-path print" $1)
echo $code > $HOME/.cdfactor
fn=$(factor $HOME/.cdfactor)
dn=$(dirname $fn)
Reference in New Issue