ui.frp: template creation moved to runtime
@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
USING: accessors assocs arrays kernel models monads sequences
ui.frp.signals ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.borders ui.gadgets.buttons
ui.gadgets.buttons.private ui.gadgets.editors words images.loader
ui.gadgets.scrollers ui.gadgets.tables ui.images vocabs.parser lexer ;
ui.gadgets.scrollers ui.gadgets.tables ui.images vocabs.parser lexer
models.range ui.gadgets.sliders ;
IN: ui.frp.gadgets
TUPLE: frp-button < button hook value ;
@ -53,6 +54,8 @@ M: frp-field model-changed 2dup frp-model>> =
: <frp-action-field> ( -- field ) f <action-field> dup [ set-control-value ] curry >>quot
f <model> >>model ;
: <frp-slider> ( init page min max step -- slider ) <range> horizontal <slider> ;
: image-prep ( -- image ) scan current-vocab name>> "vocab:" "/icons/" surround ".tiff" surround <image-name> dup cached-image drop ;
SYNTAX: IMG-FRP-BTN: image-prep [ <frp-button> ] curry over push-all ;
@ -65,6 +68,7 @@ M: table output-model dup multiple-selection?>>
[ dup val-quot>> [ selected-value>> ] [ selected-index*>> ] if ] if ;
M: frp-field output-model frp-model>> ;
M: scroller output-model viewport>> children>> first output-model ;
M: slider output-model model>> range-model ;
IN: accessors
M: frp-button text>> children>> first text>> ;
@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
USING: accessors arrays fry kernel lexer make math.parser
USING: accessors assocs arrays fry kernel lexer make math.parser
models monads namespaces parser sequences
sequences.extras ui.frp.gadgets ui.frp.signals ui.gadgets
ui.gadgets.books ui.gadgets.tracks words ;
IN: ui.frp.layout
SYMBOL: templates
TUPLE: layout gadget size ; C: <layout> layout
TUPLE: placeholder < gadget members ;
: <placeholder> ( -- placeholder ) placeholder new V{ } clone >>members ;
@ -22,7 +23,7 @@ TUPLE: placeholder < gadget members ;
! If there is no previously mentioned placeholder, we're probably making a box, and will create the placeholder ourselves
DEFER: with-interface
: insertion-quot ( quot -- quot' ) make:building get [ [ placeholder? ] find-last nip [ <placeholder> dup , ] unless*
swap '[ [ _ , @ ] with-interface ] ] when* ;
templates get spin '[ [ _ templates set _ , @ ] with-interface ] ] when* ;
SYNTAX: ,% scan string>number [ <layout> , ] curry over push-all ;
SYNTAX: ->% scan string>number '[ [ _ <layout> , ] [ output-model ] bi ] over push-all ;
@ -50,9 +51,10 @@ M: model -> dup , ;
: <frp-book> ( quot: ( -- model ) -- book ) f make-layout rot 0 >>value make-book ; inline
: <frp-book*> ( quot -- book ) f make-layout f make-book ; inline
SYNTAX: $ CREATE-WORD <placeholder>
[ [ , ] curry (( -- )) define-declared "$" expect ]
[ [ , ] curry ] bi over push-all ;
ERROR: not-in-template word ;
[ [ dup templates get at [ nip , ] [ not-in-template ] if* ] curry (( -- )) define-declared "$" expect ]
[ [ <placeholder> [ swap templates get set-at ] keep , ] curry ] bi over push-all ;
: insert-gadget ( number parent gadget -- ) -rot [ but-last insert-nth ] change-children drop ;
: insert-size ( number parent size -- ) -rot [ but-last insert-nth ] change-sizes drop ;
@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ M: model (insert-item) parent>> dup book? [ "No models in books" throw ]
: insert-items ( makelist -- ) t swap [ dup placeholder? [ nip ] [ over insert-item ] if ] each drop ;
: with-interface ( quot -- ) make* [ insert-items ] with-scope ; inline
: with-interface ( quot -- ) [ make* ] curry H{ } clone templates rot with-variable [ insert-items ] with-scope ; inline
M: model >>= [ swap insertion-quot <action> ] curry ;
M: model fmap insertion-quot <mapped> ;
Reference in New Issue