compiler.cfg.*: better way to store the block height

It is stored as a height-state instance on the height slot of the
basic-block. It will make better analysis possible because you see how
much the height increased or decreased in the block.
Björn Lindqvist 2016-09-08 01:58:30 +02:00
parent 670d2c344e
commit 9decb6a91e
8 changed files with 35 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
USING: compiler.cfg.instructions compiler.cfg.rpo
compiler.cfg.stack-frame compiler.tree cpu.x86.assembler.operands
help.markup help.syntax kernel math namespaces sequences vectors words
compiler.cfg.stack-frame compiler.cfg.stacks.local compiler.tree
cpu.x86.assembler.operands help.markup help.syntax kernel math
namespaces sequences vectors words ;
IN: compiler.cfg
HELP: basic-block
@ -29,12 +29,8 @@ HELP: basic-block
{ "The first and the last block in a cfg and all blocks containing " { $link ##call } " instructions are kill blocks. Kill blocks can't be optimized so they are omitted from certain optimization steps." }
{ $slot "ds-height" }
"The datastacks height at the entry of the block. Used during cfg construction."
{ $slot "rs-height" }
"The retainstacks height at the entry of the block. Used during cfg construction."
{ $slot "height" }
"Block's height as a " { $link height-state } ". What the heights of the block was at entry and how much they were increased in the block."
{ $slot "replaces" }

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ TUPLE: basic-block < identity-tuple
{ successors vector }
{ predecessors vector }
{ kill-block? boolean }
ds-height rs-height
kills ;

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@ -49,10 +49,10 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.intrinsics.simd.tests
: test-compiler-env ( -- x )
H{ } clone
T{ basic-block } 0 >>ds-height 0 >>rs-height
T{ basic-block } 0 0 0 0 height-state boa >>height
\ basic-block pick set-at
initial-height-state \ height-state pick set-at
0 0 0 0 height-state boa \ height-state pick set-at
HS{ } clone \ local-peek-set pick set-at
H{ } clone \ replaces pick set-at
H{ } <biassoc> \ locs>vregs pick set-at ;

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@ -12,14 +12,3 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.stacks.finalize.tests
[ successors>> first instructions>> first ]
[ predecessors>> first instructions>> first ] bi*
] unit-test
T{ ds-loc f 4 }
T{ rs-loc f 5 }
} [
3 4 T{ basic-block }
[ record-stack-heights ]
[ D: 1 swap local-loc>global ]
[ R: 1 swap local-loc>global ] tri
] unit-test

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.stacks.finalize
: each-insertion ( ... set bb quot: ( ... vreg loc -- ... ) -- ... )
[ members ] 2dip
'[ [ loc>vreg ] [ _ local-loc>global ] bi @ ] each ; inline
'[ [ loc>vreg ] [ _ height>> local-loc>global ] bi @ ] each ; inline
ERROR: bad-peek dst loc ;

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@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ compiler.cfg.registers compiler.cfg.stacks hash-sets hashtables
help.markup help.syntax kernel math sequences ;
IN: compiler.cfg.stacks.local
HELP: begin-local-analysis
{ $values { "basic-block" basic-block } }
{ $description "Begins the local analysis of the block. The height slot of the block is initialized with the resulting height of the last block." } ;
HELP: emit-insns
{ $values { "replaces" sequence } { "state" sequence } }
{ $description "Insert height and stack changes prior to the last instruction." } ;
@ -87,10 +91,6 @@ HELP: peek-loc
{ $values { "loc" loc } { "vreg" "virtual register" } }
{ $description "Retrieves the virtual register at the given stack location. If no register has been stored at that location, then a new vreg is returned." } ;
HELP: record-stack-heights
{ $values { "ds-height" number } { "rs-height" number } { "bb" basic-block } }
{ $description "Sets the data and retain stack heights in relation to the cfg of this basic block." } ;
HELP: replace-loc
{ $values { "vreg" "virtual register" } { "loc" loc } }
{ $description "Registers that the absolute stack location " { $snippet "loc" } " should be overwritten with the contents of the virtual register." }
@ -101,13 +101,15 @@ HELP: replaces
{ $see-also replace-loc } ;
ARTICLE: "compiler.cfg.stacks.local" "Local stack analysis"
"Local stack analysis. For each " { $link basic-block } " in the " { $link cfg } ", three sets containing stack locations are built:"
"For each " { $link basic-block } " in the " { $link cfg } ", local stack analysis is performed. The analysis is started right after the block is created with " { $link begin-local-analysis } " and finished with " { $link end-local-analysis } ", when the construction of the block is complete. During the analysis, three sets containing stack locations are built:"
{ $list
{ { $slot "peeks" } " all stack locations that the block reads before writing" }
{ { $slot "replaces" } " all stack locations that the block writes" }
{ { $slot "kills" } " all stack locations which become unavailable after the block ends because of the stack height being decremented. For example, if the block contains " { $link drop } ", then D: 0 will be contained in kills because that stack location will not be live anymore." }
"This is done while constructing the CFG."
"This is done while constructing the CFG. These sets are then used by the " { $link end-stack-analysis } " word to emit optimal sequences of " { $link ##peek } " and " { $link ##replace } " instructions to the cfg."
"For example, the code [ dup dup dup ] will only execute ##peek once, instead of three time which a 'non-lazy' method would."
"Words for reading the stack state:"
{ $subsections

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@ -13,23 +13,31 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.stacks.local.tests
HS{ }
} [
V{ } 137 insns>block
[ 0 0 rot record-stack-heights ]
[ [ "eh" , end-local-analysis ] V{ } make drop ]
[ [ peeks>> ] [ replaces>> ] [ kills>> ] tri ] tri
[ [ peeks>> ] [ replaces>> ] [ kills>> ] tri ] bi
] cfg-unit-test
HS{ D: 3 }
} [
V{ } 137 insns>block
[ 0 0 rot record-stack-heights ]
[ [ 3 D: 3 replace-loc "eh" , end-local-analysis ] V{ } make drop ]
[ replaces>> ] tri
[ replaces>> ] bi
] cfg-unit-test
! local-loc>global
{ D: 6 } [
D: 3 <basic-block> 3 >>ds-height local-loc>global
D: 3 3 0 0 0 height-state boa
] unit-test
D: 4
R: 5
} [
3 4 0 0 height-state boa
[ D: 1 swap local-loc>global ]
[ R: 1 swap local-loc>global ] bi
] unit-test
! kill-locations

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@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ TUPLE: height-state ds-begin rs-begin ds-inc rs-inc ;
: global-loc>local ( loc height-state -- loc' )
[ clone dup >loc< ] dip swap [ ds-height ] [ rs-height ] if - >>n ;
: local-loc>global ( loc bb -- loc' )
[ clone dup >loc< ] dip swap [ ds-height>> ] [ rs-height>> ] if + >>n ;
: local-loc>global ( loc height-state -- loc' )
[ clone dup >loc< ] dip swap [ ds-begin>> ] [ rs-begin>> ] if + >>n ;
: inc-stack ( loc -- )
>loc< height-state get swap
@ -55,11 +55,7 @@ SYMBOLS: locs>vregs local-peek-set replaces ;
[ ] [ dup local-peek-set get adjoin loc>vreg ] ?if ;
: replace-loc ( vreg loc -- )
height-state get global-loc>local
replaces get set-at ;
: record-stack-heights ( ds-height rs-height bb -- )
[ rs-height<< ] keep ds-height<< ;
height-state get global-loc>local replaces get set-at ;
: kill-locations ( begin inc -- seq )
0 min neg iota [ swap - ] with map ;
@ -74,8 +70,8 @@ SYMBOLS: locs>vregs local-peek-set replaces ;
local-kill-set ;
: begin-local-analysis ( basic-block -- )
height-state get reset-incs
height-state get [ ds-begin>> ] [ rs-begin>> ] bi rot record-stack-heights
height-state [ clone ] change
height-state get [ reset-incs ] keep >>height drop
HS{ } clone local-peek-set namespaces:set
H{ } clone replaces namespaces:set ;