compiler.cfg.stack-analysis: progress

Slava Pestov 2009-05-25 19:18:13 -05:00
parent dead771b3f
commit a08bbde2e7
2 changed files with 156 additions and 86 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
USING: compiler.cfg.debugger compiler.cfg.linearization
compiler.cfg.predecessors compiler.cfg.stack-analysis
compiler.cfg.instructions sequences kernel tools.test accessors
sequences.private alien math combinators.private compiler.cfg
compiler.cfg.checker ;
IN: compiler.cfg.stack-analysis.tests
[ f ] [ 1 2 H{ { 2 1 } } maybe-set-at ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 1 3 H{ { 2 1 } } clone maybe-set-at ] unit-test
[ t ] [ 3 2 H{ { 2 1 } } clone maybe-set-at ] unit-test
: linearize ( cfg -- seq )
build-mr instructions>> ;
: test-stack-analysis ( quot -- mr )
dup cfg? [ test-cfg first ] unless
compute-predecessors optimize-stack
dup check-cfg ;
[ ] [ [ ] test-stack-analysis drop ] unit-test
! Only peek once
[ 1 ] [ [ dup drop dup ] test-stack-analysis linearize [ ##peek? ] count ] unit-test
! Redundant replace is redundant
[ f ] [ [ dup drop ] test-stack-analysis linearize [ ##replace? ] any? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ [ swap swap ] test-stack-analysis linearize [ ##replace? ] any? ] unit-test
! Replace required here
[ t ] [ [ dup ] test-stack-analysis linearize [ ##replace? ] any? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ [ [ drop 1 ] when ] test-stack-analysis linearize [ ##replace? ] any? ] unit-test
! Only one replace, at the end
[ 1 ] [ [ [ 1 ] [ 2 ] if ] test-stack-analysis linearize [ ##replace? ] count ] unit-test
! Do we support the full language?
[ ] [ [ { [ ] [ ] } dispatch ] test-stack-analysis drop ] unit-test
[ ] [ [ { [ ] [ ] } dispatch dup ] test-stack-analysis drop ] unit-test
[ ] [
[ "int" { "int" "int" } "cdecl" [ + ] alien-callback ]
test-cfg second test-stack-analysis drop
] unit-test
! Test loops
[ ] [ [ [ t ] loop ] test-stack-analysis drop ] unit-test
[ ] [ [ [ dup ] loop ] test-stack-analysis drop ] unit-test
! Make sure that peeks are inserted in the right place
[ ] [ [ [ drop 1 ] when ] test-stack-analysis drop ] unit-test
! This should be a total no-op
[ f ] [ [ [ ] dip ] test-stack-analysis linearize [ ##replace? ] any? ] unit-test
! Don't insert inc-d/inc-r; that's wrong!
[ 2 ] [ [ dup ] test-stack-analysis linearize [ ##inc-d? ] count ] unit-test
! Bug in height tracking
[ ] [ [ dup [ ] [ reverse ] if ] test-stack-analysis drop ] unit-test
[ ] [ [ dup [ ] [ dup reverse drop ] if ] test-stack-analysis drop ] unit-test
[ ] [ [ [ drop dup 4.0 > ] find-last-integer ] test-stack-analysis drop ] unit-test
! Bugs with code that throws
[ ] [ [ [ "Oops" throw ] unless ] test-stack-analysis drop ] unit-test
[ ] [ [ [ ] (( -- * )) call-effect-unsafe ] test-stack-analysis drop ] unit-test
[ ] [ [ dup [ "Oops" throw ] when dup ] test-stack-analysis drop ] unit-test
[ ] [ [ B{ 1 2 3 4 } over [ "Oops" throw ] when swap ] test-stack-analysis drop ] unit-test

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@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.stack-analysis
! If 'poisoned' is set, disregard height information. This is set if we don't have
! height change information for an instruction.
TUPLE: state locs>vregs vregs>locs changed-locs d-height r-height poisoned? ;
TUPLE: state locs>vregs actual-locs>vregs changed-locs d-height r-height poisoned? ;
: <state> ( -- state )
state new
H{ } clone >>locs>vregs
H{ } clone >>vregs>locs
H{ } clone >>actual-locs>vregs
H{ } clone >>changed-locs
0 >>d-height
0 >>r-height ;
@ -23,34 +23,25 @@ TUPLE: state locs>vregs vregs>locs changed-locs d-height r-height poisoned? ;
M: state clone
[ clone ] change-locs>vregs
[ clone ] change-vregs>locs
[ clone ] change-actual-locs>vregs
[ clone ] change-changed-locs ;
: loc>vreg ( loc -- vreg ) state get locs>vregs>> at ;
: record-peek ( dst loc -- )
state get
[ locs>vregs>> set-at ]
[ swapd vregs>locs>> set-at ]
3bi ;
: delete-old-vreg ( loc -- )
state get locs>vregs>> at [ state get vregs>locs>> delete-at ] when* ;
state get [ locs>vregs>> set-at ] [ actual-locs>vregs>> set-at ] 3bi ;
: changed-loc ( loc -- )
state get changed-locs>> conjoin ;
: redundant-replace? ( src loc -- ? )
loc>vreg = ;
: changed-loc? ( loc -- ? )
state get changed-locs>> key? ;
: record-replace ( src loc -- )
! Locs are not single assignment, which means we have to forget
! that the previous vreg, if any, points at this loc. Also, record
! that the loc changed so that all the right ##replace instructions
! are emitted at a sync point.
2dup redundant-replace? [ 2drop ] [
dup delete-old-vreg dup changed-loc record-peek
] if ;
dup changed-loc state get locs>vregs>> set-at ;
: redundant-replace? ( vreg loc -- ? )
state get actual-locs>vregs>> at = ;
: save-changed-locs ( state -- )
[ changed-locs>> ] [ locs>vregs>> ] bi '[
@ -59,13 +50,10 @@ M: state clone
] assoc-each ;
: clear-state ( state -- )
[ 0 >>d-height drop ]
[ 0 >>r-height drop ]
[ changed-locs>> clear-assoc ]
[ locs>vregs>> clear-assoc ]
[ vregs>locs>> clear-assoc ]
} cleave ;
[ locs>vregs>> clear-assoc ]
[ actual-locs>vregs>> clear-assoc ]
[ changed-locs>> clear-assoc ]
tri ;
ERROR: poisoned-state state ;
@ -73,8 +61,6 @@ ERROR: poisoned-state state ;
state get {
[ dup poisoned?>> [ poisoned-state ] [ drop ] if ]
[ save-changed-locs ]
[ d-height>> dup 0 = [ drop ] [ ##inc-d ] if ]
[ r-height>> dup 0 = [ drop ] [ ##inc-r ] if ]
[ clear-state ]
} cleave ;
@ -95,7 +81,8 @@ UNION: neutral-insn
##conditional-branch ;
##compare-imm-branch ;
M: neutral-insn visit , ;
@ -140,8 +127,6 @@ UNION: poison-insn
@ -173,6 +158,10 @@ M: ##alien-invoke visit
M: ##alien-indirect visit
[ call-next-method ] [ visit-alien-node ] bi ;
M: ##alien-callback visit , ;
M: ##dispatch-label visit , ;
! Basic blocks we still need to look at
SYMBOL: work-list
@ -182,14 +171,18 @@ SYMBOL: work-list
! Maps basic-blocks to states
SYMBOLS: state-in state-out ;
: sync-unpoisoned-states ( predecessors states -- )
dup poisoned?>> [ 2drop ] [
state [
instructions>> building set
] with-variable
] if
: modify-instructions ( predecessor quot -- )
[ instructions>> building ] dip
'[ building get pop _ dip building get push ] with-variable ; inline
: with-state ( state quot -- )
[ state ] dip with-variable ; inline
: handle-back-edge ( bb states -- )
[ predecessors>> ] dip [
dup [
[ [ sync-state ] modify-instructions ] with-state
] [ 2drop ] if
] 2each ;
ERROR: must-equal-failed seq ;
@ -202,64 +195,82 @@ ERROR: must-equal-failed seq ;
[ [ d-height>> ] map must-equal >>d-height ]
[ [ r-height>> ] map must-equal >>r-height ] bi ;
ERROR: inconsistent-vreg>loc states ;
: check-vreg>loc ( states -- )
! The same vreg should not store different locs in
! different branches
[ vregs>locs>> ] map
[ [ keys ] map concat prune ] keep
'[ _ [ at ] with map sift all-equal? ] all?
[ drop ] [ inconsistent-vreg>loc ] if ;
: insert-peek ( predecessor loc -- vreg )
! XXX critical edges
[ instructions>> building ] dip '[ _ ^^peek ] with-variable ;
'[ _ ^^peek ] modify-instructions ;
SYMBOL: phi-nodes
: find-phis ( insns -- assoc )
[ ##phi? ] filter [ [ inputs>> ] [ dst>> ] bi ] H{ } map>assoc ;
: insert-phi ( inputs -- vreg )
phi-nodes get [ ^^phi ] cache ;
: merge-loc ( predecessors locs>vregs loc -- vreg )
! Insert a ##phi in the current block where the input
! is the vreg storing loc from each predecessor block
[ '[ [ _ ] dip at ] map ] keep
'[ [ ] [ _ insert-peek ] if ] 2map
^^phi ;
'[ [ ] [ _ insert-peek ] ?if ] 2map
dup all-equal? [ first ] [ insert-phi ] if ;
: (merge-locs) ( predecessors assocs -- assoc )
dup [ keys ] map concat prune
[ [ 2nip ] [ merge-loc ] 3bi ] with with
H{ } map>assoc ;
: merge-locs ( state predecessors states -- state )
[ locs>vregs>> ] map dup [ keys ] map prune
[ 2nip ] [ merge-loc ] 3bi
] with with H{ } map>assoc
>>locs>vregs ;
[ locs>vregs>> ] map (merge-locs) >>locs>vregs ;
: merge-states ( predecessors states -- state )
: merge-actual-locs ( state predecessors states -- state )
[ actual-locs>vregs>> ] map (merge-locs) >>actual-locs>vregs ;
: merge-changed-locs ( state predecessors states -- state )
nip [ changed-locs>> ] map assoc-combine >>changed-locs ;
ERROR: cannot-merge-poisoned states ;
: merge-states ( bb states -- state )
! If any states are poisoned, save all registers
! to the stack in each branch
[ drop <state> ] [
dup [ poisoned?>> ] any? [
sync-unpoisoned-states <state>
] [
dup check-vreg>loc
[ state new ] 2dip
[ merge-heights ]
[ merge-locs ] 2bi
! what about vregs>locs
] if
] if-empty ;
dup length {
{ 0 [ 2drop <state> ] }
{ 1 [ nip first clone ] }
dup [ not ] any? [
handle-back-edge <state>
] [
dup [ poisoned?>> ] any? [
] [
[ state new ] 2dip
[ [ instructions>> find-phis phi-nodes set ] [ predecessors>> ] bi ] dip
[ merge-locs ]
[ merge-actual-locs ]
[ merge-heights ]
[ merge-changed-locs ]
} 2cleave
] if
] if
} case ;
: block-in-state ( bb -- states )
predecessors>> dup state-out get '[ _ at ] map merge-states ;
dup predecessors>> state-out get '[ _ at ] map merge-states ;
: maybe-set-at ( value key assoc -- changed? )
3dup at* [ = [ 3drop f ] [ set-at t ] if ] [ 2drop set-at t ] if ;
: set-block-in-state ( state b -- )
state-in get set-at ;
: set-block-in-state ( state bb -- )
[ clone ] dip state-in get set-at ;
: set-block-out-state ( bb state -- changed? )
swap state-out get maybe-set-at ;
: set-block-out-state ( state bb -- changed? )
[ clone ] dip state-out get maybe-set-at ;
: finish-block ( bb state -- )
[ drop ] [ set-block-out-state ] 2bi
[ drop ] [ swap set-block-out-state ] 2bi
[ successors>> [ add-to-work-list ] each ] [ drop ] if ;
: visit-block ( bb -- )
@ -268,18 +279,17 @@ ERROR: inconsistent-vreg>loc states ;
dup block-in-state
[ swap set-block-in-state ] [
state [
[ instructions>> [ visit ] each ]
[ state get finish-block ]
[ ]
] with-variable
] with-state
] 2bi
] V{ } make >>instructions drop ;
: visit-blocks ( bb -- )
reverse-post-order work-list get
[ '[ _ push-front ] each ] [ [ visit-block ] slurp-deque ] bi ;
reverse-post-order [ visit-block ] each ;
: optimize-stack ( cfg -- cfg )
@ -289,9 +299,3 @@ ERROR: inconsistent-vreg>loc states ;
<hashed-dlist> work-list set
dup entry>> visit-blocks
] with-scope ;
! XXX: what if our height doesn't match
! a future block we're merging with?
! - we should only poison tail calls
! - non-tail poisoning nodes: ##alien-callback, ##call of a non-tail dispatch
! do we need a distinction between height changes in code and height changes done by the callee