Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (C) 2004, 2005 Slava Pestov.
! Copyright (C) 2004, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USE: math
IN: math.constants
: e ( -- e ) 2.7182818284590452354 ; inline
@ -7,3 +8,5 @@ IN: math.constants
: phi ( -- phi ) 1.61803398874989484820 ; inline
: pi ( -- pi ) 3.14159265358979323846 ; inline
: epsilon ( -- epsilon ) 2.2204460492503131e-16 ; inline
: smallest-float ( -- x ) HEX: 1 bits>double ; foldable
: largest-float ( -- x ) HEX: 7fefffffffffffff bits>double ; foldable
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Daniel Ehrenberg
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
USING: help.markup help.syntax kernel sequences ;
IN: persistent.deques
ARTICLE: "persistent.deques" "Persistent deques"
"A deque is a data structure that can be used as both a queue and a stack. That is, there are two ends, the left and the right, and values can be pushed onto and popped off of both ends. These operations take O(1) amortized time and space in a normal usage pattern."
"This vocabulary provides a deque implementation which is persistent and purely functional: old versions of deques are not modified by operations. Instead, each push and pop operation creates a new deque based off the old one."
"The class of persistent deques:"
{ $subsection deque }
"To create a deque:"
{ $subsection <deque> }
{ $subsection sequence>deque }
"To test if a deque is empty:"
{ $subsection deque-empty? }
"To manipulate deques:"
{ $subsection push-left }
{ $subsection push-right }
{ $subsection pop-left }
{ $subsection pop-right }
{ $subsection deque>sequence } ;
HELP: deque
{ $class-description "This is the class of persistent (functional) double-ended queues. All deque operations can be done in O(1) amortized time for single-threaded access while maintaining the old version. For more information, see " { $link "persistent.deques" } "." } ;
HELP: <deque>
{ $values { "deque" "an empty deque" } }
{ $description "Creates an empty deque." } ;
HELP: sequence>deque
{ $values { "sequence" sequence } { "deque" deque } }
{ $description "Given a sequence, creates a deque containing those elements in the order such that the beginning of the sequence is on the left and the end is on the right." } ;
HELP: deque>sequence
{ $values { "deque" deque } { "sequence" sequence } }
{ $description "Given a deque, creates a sequence containing those elements, such that the left side of the deque is the beginning of the sequence." } ;
HELP: deque-empty?
{ $values { "deque" deque } { "?" "t/f" } }
{ $description "Returns true if the deque is empty. This takes constant time." } ;
HELP: push-left
{ $values { "deque" deque } { "item" object } { "newdeque" deque } }
{ $description "Creates a new deque with the given object pushed onto the left side. This takes constant time." } ;
HELP: push-right
{ $values { "deque" deque } { "item" object } { "newdeque" deque } }
{ $description "Creates a new deque with the given object pushed onto the right side. This takes constant time." } ;
HELP: pop-left
{ $values { "deque" object } { "item" object } { "newdeque" deque } }
{ $description "Creates a new deque with the leftmost item removed. This takes amortized constant time with single-threaded access." } ;
HELP: pop-right
{ $values { "deque" object } { "item" object } { "newdeque" deque } }
{ $description "Creates a new deque with the rightmost item removed. This takes amortized constant time with single-threaded access." } ;
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Daniel Ehrenberg
! See for BSD license.
USING: tools.test persistent.deques kernel math ;
IN: persistent.deques.tests
[ 3 2 1 t ]
[ { 1 2 3 } sequence>deque 3 [ pop-right ] times deque-empty? ] unit-test
[ 1 2 3 t ]
[ { 1 2 3 } sequence>deque 3 [ pop-left ] times deque-empty? ] unit-test
[ 1 3 2 t ]
[ { 1 2 3 } sequence>deque pop-left 2 [ pop-right ] times deque-empty? ]
[ { 2 3 4 5 6 1 } ]
[ { 1 2 3 4 5 6 } sequence>deque pop-left swap push-right deque>sequence ]
[ 1 t ] [ <deque> 1 push-left pop-right deque-empty? ] unit-test
[ 1 t ] [ <deque> 1 push-left pop-left deque-empty? ] unit-test
[ 1 t ] [ <deque> 1 push-right pop-left deque-empty? ] unit-test
[ 1 t ] [ <deque> 1 push-right pop-right deque-empty? ] unit-test
[ 1 f ]
[ <deque> 1 push-left 2 push-left pop-right deque-empty? ] unit-test
[ 1 f ]
[ <deque> 1 push-right 2 push-right pop-left deque-empty? ] unit-test
[ 2 f ]
[ <deque> 1 push-right 2 push-right pop-right deque-empty? ] unit-test
[ 2 f ]
[ <deque> 1 push-left 2 push-left pop-left deque-empty? ] unit-test
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Daniel Ehrenberg
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel accessors math qualified ;
QUALIFIED: sequences
IN: persistent.deques
! Amortized O(1) push/pop on both ends for single-threaded access
! In a pathological case, if there are m modified versions from the
! same source, it could take O(m) amortized time per update.
TUPLE: cons { car read-only } { cdr read-only } ;
C: <cons> cons
: each ( list quot -- )
[ [ >r car>> r> call ] [ >r cdr>> r> ] 2bi each ]
[ 2drop ] if ; inline
: reduce ( list start quot -- end )
swapd each ; inline
: reverse ( list -- reversed )
f [ swap <cons> ] reduce ;
: length ( list -- length )
0 [ drop 1+ ] reduce ;
: cut ( list index -- back front-reversed )
f swap [ >r [ cdr>> ] [ car>> ] bi r> <cons> ] times ;
: split-reverse ( list -- back-reversed front )
dup length 2/ cut [ reverse ] bi@ ;
TUPLE: deque { lhs read-only } { rhs read-only } ;
: <deque> ( -- deque ) T{ deque } ;
: deque-empty? ( deque -- ? )
[ lhs>> ] [ rhs>> ] bi or not ;
: push-left ( deque item -- newdeque )
swap [ lhs>> <cons> ] [ rhs>> ] bi deque boa ;
: push-right ( deque item -- newdeque )
swap [ rhs>> <cons> ] [ lhs>> ] bi swap deque boa ;
: (pop-left) ( deque -- item newdeque )
[ lhs>> car>> ] [ [ lhs>> cdr>> ] [ rhs>> ] bi deque boa ] bi ;
: transfer-left ( deque -- item newdeque )
rhs>> [ split-reverse deque boa (pop-left) ]
[ "Popping from an empty deque" throw ] if* ;
: pop-left ( deque -- item newdeque )
dup lhs>> [ (pop-left) ] [ transfer-left ] if ;
: (pop-right) ( deque -- item newdeque )
[ rhs>> car>> ] [ [ lhs>> ] [ rhs>> cdr>> ] bi deque boa ] bi ;
: transfer-right ( deque -- newdeque item )
lhs>> [ split-reverse deque boa (pop-left) ]
[ "Popping from an empty deque" throw ] if* ;
: pop-right ( deque -- item newdeque )
dup rhs>> [ (pop-right) ] [ transfer-right ] if ;
: sequence>deque ( sequence -- deque )
<deque> [ push-right ] sequences:reduce ;
: deque>sequence ( deque -- sequence )
[ dup deque-empty? not ] [ pop-left swap ] [ ] sequences:produce nip ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Persistent amortized O(1) deques
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ DEFER: (del-page)
: del-page ( name tabbed -- )
[ names>> index ] 2keep (del-page) ;
: <tabbed> ( assoc -- tabbed )
tabbed new-frame
: new-tabbed ( assoc class -- tabbed )
0 <model> >>model
<pile> 1 >>fill >>toggler
dup toggler>> @left grid-add
@ -59,3 +59,4 @@ DEFER: (del-page)
dup redo-toggler ;
: <tabbed> ( assoc -- tabbed ) tabbed new-tabbed ;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel math namespaces sequences strings words assocs
combinators accessors arrays ;
USING: kernel math math.parser namespaces sequences strings
words assocs combinators accessors arrays ;
IN: effects
TUPLE: effect in out terminated? ;
@ -25,10 +25,11 @@ TUPLE: effect in out terminated? ;
GENERIC: effect>string ( obj -- str )
M: string effect>string ;
M: word effect>string name>> ;
M: integer effect>string drop "object" ;
M: integer effect>string number>string ;
M: pair effect>string first2 [ effect>string ] bi@ ": " swap 3append ;
: stack-picture ( seq -- string )
dup integer? [ "object" <repetition> ] when
[ [ effect>string % CHAR: \s , ] each ] "" make ;
M: effect effect>string ( effect -- string )
@ -629,7 +629,7 @@ HELP: 2bi*
"The following two lines are equivalent:"
{ $code
"[ p ] [ q ] 2bi*"
">r >r q r> r> q"
">r >r p r> r> q"
} ;
@ -66,3 +66,5 @@ MACRO: amb-execute ( seq -- quot )
tri* if
] with-scope ; inline
: cut-amb ( -- )
f failure set ;
@ -6,8 +6,15 @@ USING: accessors kernel irc.client irc.messages irc.ui namespaces ;
IN: irc.ui.commands
: say ( string -- )
[ client get profile>> nickname>> <own-message> print-irc ]
[ listener get write-message ] bi ;
irc-tab get
[ window>> client>> profile>> nickname>> <own-message> print-irc ]
[ listener>> write-message ] 2bi ;
: join ( string -- )
irc-tab get window>> join-channel ;
: query ( string -- )
irc-tab get window>> query-nick ;
: quote ( string -- )
@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ SYMBOL: listener
SYMBOL: client
TUPLE: ui-window client tabs ;
TUPLE: ui-window < tabbed client ;
TUPLE: irc-tab < frame listener client userlist ;
TUPLE: irc-tab < frame listener client window userlist ;
: write-color ( str color -- )
foreground associate format ;
@ -161,44 +161,54 @@ M: object handle-inbox
[ <pane-stream> swap display ] 2keep ;
TUPLE: irc-editor < editor outstream listener client ;
TUPLE: irc-editor < editor outstream tab ;
: <irc-editor> ( tab pane -- tab editor )
over irc-editor new-editor
swap listener>> >>listener swap <pane-stream> >>outstream
over client>> >>client ;
irc-editor new-editor
swap <pane-stream> >>outstream ;
: editor-send ( irc-editor -- )
{ [ outstream>> ]
[ listener>> ]
[ client>> ]
[ [ irc-tab? ] find-parent ]
[ editor-string ]
[ "" swap set-editor-string ] } cleave
'[ , listener set , client set , parse-message ] with-output-stream ;
'[ , irc-tab set , parse-message ] with-output-stream ;
irc-editor "general" f {
{ T{ key-down f f "RET" } editor-send }
{ T{ key-down f f "ENTER" } editor-send }
} define-command-map
: <irc-tab> ( listener client -- irc-tab )
irc-tab new-frame
swap client>> >>client swap >>listener
: new-irc-tab ( listener ui-window class -- irc-tab )
swap >>window
swap >>listener
<irc-pane> [ <scroller> @center grid-add ] keep
<irc-editor> <scroller> @bottom grid-add ;
: <irc-channel-tab> ( listener client -- irc-tab )
<pile> [ <scroller> @right grid-add ] keep >>userlist ;
: <irc-server-tab> ( listener client -- irc-tab )
<irc-tab> ;
M: irc-tab graft*
[ listener>> ] [ client>> ] bi add-listener ;
[ listener>> ] [ window>> client>> ] bi add-listener ;
M: irc-tab ungraft*
[ listener>> ] [ client>> ] bi remove-listener ;
[ listener>> ] [ window>> client>> ] bi remove-listener ;
TUPLE: irc-channel-tab < irc-tab userlist ;
: <irc-channel-tab> ( listener ui-window -- irc-tab )
irc-tab new-irc-tab
<pile> [ <scroller> @right grid-add ] keep >>userlist ;
TUPLE: irc-server-tab < irc-tab ;
: <irc-server-tab> ( listener -- irc-tab )
f irc-server-tab new-irc-tab ;
M: irc-server-tab ungraft*
[ window>> client>> terminate-irc ]
[ listener>> ] [ window>> client>> ] tri remove-listener ;
: <irc-nick-tab> ( listener ui-window -- irc-tab )
irc-tab new-irc-tab ;
M: irc-tab pref-dim*
drop { 480 480 } ;
@ -206,19 +216,25 @@ M: irc-tab pref-dim*
: join-channel ( name ui-window -- )
[ dup <irc-channel-listener> ] dip
[ <irc-channel-tab> swap ] keep
tabs>> add-page ;
add-page ;
: query-nick ( nick ui-window -- )
[ dup <irc-nick-listener> ] dip
[ <irc-nick-tab> swap ] keep
add-page ;
: irc-window ( ui-window -- )
[ tabs>> ]
[ ]
[ client>> profile>> server>> ] bi
open-window ;
: ui-connect ( profile -- ui-window )
<irc-client> ui-window new over >>client swap
[ connect-irc ]
[ [ <irc-server-listener> ] dip add-listener ]
[ listeners>> +server-listener+ swap at over <irc-tab>
"Server" associate <tabbed> >>tabs ] tri ;
{ [ [ <irc-server-listener> ] dip add-listener ]
[ listeners>> +server-listener+ swap at <irc-server-tab> dup
"Server" associate ui-window new-tabbed [ swap (>>window) ] keep ]
[ >>client ]
[ connect-irc ] } cleave ;
: server-open ( server port nick password channels -- )
[ <irc-profile> ui-connect [ irc-window ] keep ] dip
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
IN: compiler.cfg.builder.tests
USING: compiler.cfg.builder tools.test ;
\ build-cfg must-infer
@ -1,29 +1,33 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays kernel assocs sequences sequences.lib fry accessors
compiler.cfg compiler.vops compiler.vops.builder
namespaces math inference.dataflow optimizer.allot combinators
math.order ;
namespaces math combinators math.order
compiler.vops.builder ;
IN: compiler.cfg.builder
! Convert dataflow IR to procedure CFG.
! Convert tree SSA IR to CFG SSA IR.
! We construct the graph and set successors first, then we
! set predecessors in a separate pass. This simplifies the
! logic.
SYMBOL: procedures
SYMBOL: values>vregs
SYMBOL: loop-nesting
GENERIC: convert* ( node -- )
SYMBOL: values>vregs
GENERIC: convert ( node -- )
M: #introduce convert drop ;
: init-builder ( -- )
H{ } clone values>vregs set
V{ } clone loop-nesting set ;
H{ } clone values>vregs set ;
: end-basic-block ( -- )
basic-block get [ %b emit ] when ;
@ -40,15 +44,12 @@ GENERIC: convert ( node -- )
set-basic-block ;
: convert-nodes ( node -- )
dup basic-block get and [
[ convert ] [ successor>> convert-nodes ] bi
] [ drop ] if ;
[ convert ] each ;
: (build-cfg) ( node word -- )
basic-block get swap procedures get set-at
%prolog emit
convert-nodes ;
: build-cfg ( node word -- procedures )
@ -73,10 +74,9 @@ GENERIC: convert ( node -- )
] if ;
: load-inputs ( node -- )
[ in-d>> %data (load-inputs) ]
[ in-r>> %retain (load-inputs) ]
bi ;
: load-in-d ( node -- ) in-d>> %data (load-inputs) ;
: load-in-r ( node -- ) in-r>> %retain (load-inputs) ;
: (store-outputs) ( seq stack -- )
over empty? [ 2drop ] [
@ -86,40 +86,21 @@ GENERIC: convert ( node -- )
] if ;
: store-outputs ( node -- )
[ out-d>> %data (store-outputs) ]
[ out-r>> %retain (store-outputs) ]
bi ;
: store-out-d ( node -- ) out-d>> %data (store-outputs) ;
M: #push convert*
out-d>> [
[ produce-vreg ] [ value-literal ] bi
] each ;
M: #shuffle convert* drop ;
M: #>r convert* drop ;
M: #r> convert* drop ;
M: node convert
[ load-inputs ]
[ convert* ]
[ store-outputs ]
tri ;
: store-out-r ( node -- ) out-r>> %retain (store-outputs) ;
: (emit-call) ( word -- )
begin-basic-block %call emit begin-basic-block ;
: intrinsic-inputs ( node -- )
[ load-inputs ]
[ load-in-d ]
[ in-d>> { #1 #2 #3 #4 } [ [ value>vreg ] dip set ] 2each ]
bi ;
: intrinsic-outputs ( node -- )
[ out-d>> { ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 } [ get output-vreg ] 2each ]
[ store-outputs ]
[ store-out-d ]
bi ;
: intrinsic ( node quot -- )
@ -132,19 +113,17 @@ M: node convert
] with-scope ; inline
USING: kernel.private math.private slots.private
optimizer.allot ;
USING: kernel.private math.private slots.private ;
: maybe-emit-fixnum-shift-fast ( node -- node )
dup dup in-d>> second node-literal? [
dup dup in-d>> second node-literal
dup dup in-d>> second node-value-info literal>> dup fixnum? [
'[ , emit-fixnum-shift-fast ] intrinsic
] [
dup param>> (emit-call)
drop dup word>> (emit-call)
] if ;
: emit-call ( node -- )
dup param>> {
dup word>> {
{ \ tag [ [ emit-tag ] intrinsic ] }
{ \ slot [ [ dup emit-slot ] intrinsic ] }
@ -175,24 +154,43 @@ optimizer.allot ;
{ \ float> [ [ emit-float> ] intrinsic ] }
{ \ float? [ [ emit-float= ] intrinsic ] }
{ \ (tuple) [ dup first-input '[ , emit-(tuple) ] intrinsic ] }
{ \ (array) [ dup first-input '[ , emit-(array) ] intrinsic ] }
{ \ (byte-array) [ dup first-input '[ , emit-(byte-array) ] intrinsic ] }
! { \ (tuple) [ dup first-input '[ , emit-(tuple) ] intrinsic ] }
! { \ (array) [ dup first-input '[ , emit-(array) ] intrinsic ] }
! { \ (byte-array) [ dup first-input '[ , emit-(byte-array) ] intrinsic ] }
[ (emit-call) ]
} case drop ;
M: #call convert emit-call ;
M: #call-label convert
dup param>> loop-nesting get at [
basic-block get successors>> push
basic-block off
] [
] if* ;
: emit-call-loop ( #recursive -- )
dup label>> loop-nesting get at basic-block get successors>> push
basic-block off
drop ;
: emit-call-recursive ( #recursive -- )
label>> id>> (emit-call) ;
M: #call-recursive convert
dup label>> loop?>>
[ emit-call-loop ] [ emit-call-recursive ] if ;
M: #push convert
[ out-d>> first produce-vreg ]
[ node-output-infos first literal>> ]
bi emit-literal
[ store-out-d ] bi ;
M: #shuffle convert [ load-in-d ] [ store-out-d ] bi ;
M: #>r convert [ load-in-d ] [ store-out-r ] bi ;
M: #r> convert [ load-in-r ] [ store-out-d ] bi ;
M: #terminate convert drop ;
: integer-conditional ( in1 in2 cc -- )
[ [ next-vreg dup ] 2dip %icmp emit ] dip %bi emit ; inline
@ -221,50 +219,38 @@ M: #call-label convert
[ set-basic-block ]
bi ;
: phi-inputs ( #if -- vregs-seq )
[ last-node ] map
[ #values? ] filter
[ in-d>> [ value>vreg ] map ] map ;
: phi-outputs ( #if -- vregs )
successor>> out-d>> [ produce-vreg ] map ;
: emit-phi ( #if -- )
[ phi-outputs ] [ phi-inputs ] bi %phi emit ;
M: #if convert
[ load-inputs ]
[ emit-if ]
[ convert-if-children ]
[ emit-phi ]
} cleave ;
[ load-in-d ] [ emit-if ] [ convert-if-children ] tri ;
M: #values convert drop ;
M: #dispatch convert
"Unimplemented" throw ;
M: #merge convert drop ;
M: #entry convert drop ;
M: #phi convert drop ;
M: #declare convert drop ;
M: #terminate convert drop ;
M: #return convert drop %return emit ;
M: #label convert
#! Labels create a new procedure.
[ [ param>> ] [ node-child ] bi (build-cfg) ] [ (emit-call) ] bi ;
: convert-recursive ( #recursive -- )
[ [ label>> id>> ] [ child>> ] bi (build-cfg) ]
[ (emit-call) ]
bi ;
M: #loop convert
#! Loops become part of the current CFG.
[ param>> basic-block get 2array loop-nesting get push ]
[ node-child convert-nodes ]
: begin-loop ( #recursive -- )
label>> basic-block get 2array loop-nesting get push ;
: end-loop ( -- )
loop-nesting get pop* ;
M: #return convert
param>> loop-nesting get key? [
%epilog emit
%return emit
] unless ;
: convert-loop ( #recursive -- )
[ begin-loop ]
[ child>> convert-nodes ]
[ drop end-loop ]
tri ;
M: #recursive convert
dup label>> loop?>>
[ convert-loop ] [ convert-recursive ] if ;
M: #copy convert drop ;
@ -1,12 +1,17 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors kernel namespaces sequences assocs io
prettyprint inference generator optimizer compiler.vops
compiler.cfg.builder compiler.cfg.simplifier
compiler.machine.builder compiler.machine.simplifier ;
IN: compiler.machine.debug
prettyprint inference generator optimizer
compiler.machine.simplifier ;
IN: compiler.machine.debugger
: dataflow>linear ( dataflow word -- linear )
: tree>linear ( tree word -- linear )
@ -20,15 +25,16 @@ IN: compiler.machine.debug
] assoc-each ;
: linearized-quot. ( quot -- )
dataflow optimize
"Anonymous quotation" dataflow>linear
build-tree optimize-tree
"Anonymous quotation" tree>linear
linear. ;
: linearized-word. ( word -- )
dup word-dataflow nip optimize swap dataflow>linear linear. ;
dup build-tree-from-word nip optimize-tree
dup word-dataflow nip optimize swap tree>linear linear. ;
: >basic-block ( quot -- basic-block )
dataflow optimize
build-tree optimize-tree
"Anonymous quotation" build-cfg
@ -22,6 +22,11 @@ IN: compiler.tree.builder
] with-tree-builder nip
unclip-last in-d>> ;
: build-sub-tree ( #call quot -- nodes )
[ [ out-d>> ] [ in-d>> ] bi ] dip
rot #copy suffix ;
: (make-specializer) ( class picker -- quot )
swap "predicate" word-prop append ;
@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: sequences kernel sets namespaces accessors assocs
arrays combinators continuations
compiler.tree.combinators ;
IN: compiler.tree.checker
! Check some invariants.
ERROR: check-use-error value message ;
: check-use ( value uses -- )
[ empty? [ "No use" check-use-error ] [ drop ] if ]
[ all-unique? [ drop ] [ "Uses not all unique" check-use-error ] if ] 2bi ;
: check-def-use ( -- )
def-use get [ uses>> check-use ] assoc-each ;
GENERIC: check-node ( node -- )
M: #shuffle check-node
[ [ mapping>> values ] [ in-d>> ] bi subset? [ "Bad mapping inputs" throw ] unless ]
[ [ mapping>> keys ] [ out-d>> ] bi set= [ "Bad mapping outputs" throw ] unless ]
bi ;
: check-lengths ( seq -- )
[ length ] map all-equal? [ "Bad lengths" throw ] unless ;
M: #copy check-node inputs/outputs 2array check-lengths ;
M: #>r check-node inputs/outputs 2array check-lengths ;
M: #r> check-node inputs/outputs 2array check-lengths ;
M: #return-recursive check-node inputs/outputs 2array check-lengths ;
M: #phi check-node
[ [ phi-in-d>> ] [ out-d>> ] bi 2array check-lengths ]
[ [ phi-in-r>> ] [ out-r>> ] bi 2array check-lengths ]
[ phi-in-d>> check-lengths ]
[ phi-in-r>> check-lengths ]
} cleave ;
M: #enter-recursive check-node
[ [ in-d>> ] [ out-d>> ] bi 2array check-lengths ]
[ [ label>> calls>> [ in-d>> ] map ] [ in-d>> ] bi suffix check-lengths ]
bi ;
M: #push check-node
out-d>> length 1 = [ "Bad #push" throw ] unless ;
M: node check-node drop ;
ERROR: check-node-error node error ;
: check-nodes ( nodes -- )
[ [ check-node ] [ check-node-error ] recover ] each-node ;
@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ SYMBOL: live-branches
M: #branch cleanup*
[ live-branches>> live-branches set ]
[ delete-unreachable-branches ]
[ cleanup-children ]
[ fold-only-branch ]
[ live-branches>> live-branches set ]
} cleave ;
: cleanup-phi-in ( phi-in live-branches -- phi-in' )
@ -122,7 +122,8 @@ M: #phi cleanup*
[ '[ , cleanup-phi-in ] change-phi-in-r ]
[ '[ , cleanup-phi-in ] change-phi-info-d ]
[ '[ , cleanup-phi-in ] change-phi-info-r ]
} cleave ;
} cleave
live-branches off ;
: >copy ( node -- #copy ) [ in-d>> ] [ out-d>> ] bi #copy ;
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: fry accessors namespaces assocs dequeues search-dequeues
kernel sequences words sets stack-checker.inlining compiler.tree
compiler.tree.def-use compiler.tree.combinators ;
kernel sequences words sets
stack-checker.branches stack-checker.inlining
compiler.tree compiler.tree.def-use compiler.tree.combinators ;
IN: compiler.tree.dataflow-analysis
! Dataflow analysis
@ -34,5 +35,5 @@ SYMBOL: work-list
: dfa ( node mark-quot iterate-quot -- assoc )
[ each-node ] dip
work-list get H{ { f f } } clone
work-list get H{ { +bottom+ f } } clone
[ rot '[ , , iterate-dfa ] slurp-dequeue ] keep ; inline
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
IN: compiler.tree.debugger.tests
USING: compiler.tree.debugger tools.test ;
\ optimized-quot. must-infer
\ optimized-word. must-infer
\ optimizer-report. must-infer
@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
! Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel assocs fry match accessors namespaces effects
sequences sequences.private quotations generic macros arrays
prettyprint prettyprint.backend prettyprint.sections math words
combinators io sorting
|||| ;
IN: compiler.tree.debugger
! A simple tool for turning tree IR into quotations and
! printing reports, for debugging purposes.
GENERIC: node>quot ( node -- )
MACRO: match-choose ( alist -- )
[ '[ , ] ] assoc-map '[ , match-cond ] ;
MATCH-VARS: ?a ?b ?c ;
: pretty-shuffle ( in out -- word/f )
2array {
{ { { } { } } [ ] }
{ { { ?a } { ?a } } [ ] }
{ { { ?a ?b } { ?a ?b } } [ ] }
{ { { ?a ?b ?c } { ?a ?b ?c } } [ ] }
{ { { ?a } { } } [ drop ] }
{ { { ?a ?b } { } } [ 2drop ] }
{ { { ?a ?b ?c } { } } [ 3drop ] }
{ { { ?a } { ?a ?a } } [ dup ] }
{ { { ?a ?b } { ?a ?b ?a ?b } } [ 2dup ] }
{ { { ?a ?b ?c } { ?a ?b ?c ?a ?b ?c } } [ 3dup ] }
{ { { ?a ?b } { ?a ?b ?a } } [ over ] }
{ { { ?b ?a } { ?a ?b } } [ swap ] }
{ { { ?b ?a ?c } { ?a ?b ?c } } [ swapd ] }
{ { { ?a ?b } { ?a ?a ?b } } [ dupd ] }
{ { { ?a ?b } { ?b ?a ?b } } [ tuck ] }
{ { { ?a ?b ?c } { ?a ?b ?c ?a } } [ pick ] }
{ { { ?a ?b ?c } { ?c ?a ?b } } [ -rot ] }
{ { { ?a ?b ?c } { ?b ?c ?a } } [ rot ] }
{ { { ?a ?b } { ?b } } [ nip ] }
{ { { ?a ?b ?c } { ?c } } [ 2nip ] }
{ _ f }
} match-choose ;
TUPLE: shuffle effect ;
M: shuffle pprint* effect>> effect>string text ;
: shuffle-inputs/outputs ( node -- in out )
[ in-d>> ] [ out-d>> ] [ mapping>> ] tri
[ at ] curry map ;
M: #shuffle node>quot
shuffle-inputs/outputs 2dup pretty-shuffle dup
[ 2nip % ] [ drop <effect> shuffle boa , ] if ;
: pushed-literals ( node -- seq )
dup out-d>> [ node-value-info literal>> literalize ] with map ;
M: #push node>quot pushed-literals % ;
M: #call node>quot word>> , ;
M: #call-recursive node>quot label>> id>> , ;
DEFER: nodes>quot
DEFER: label
M: #recursive node>quot
[ label>> id>> literalize , ]
[ child>> nodes>quot , \ label , ]
bi ;
M: #if node>quot
children>> [ nodes>quot ] map % \ if , ;
M: #dispatch node>quot
children>> [ nodes>quot ] map , \ dispatch , ;
M: #>r node>quot in-d>> length \ >r <repetition> % ;
M: #r> node>quot out-d>> length \ r> <repetition> % ;
M: node node>quot drop ;
: nodes>quot ( node -- quot )
[ [ node>quot ] each ] [ ] make ;
: optimized. ( quot/word -- )
dup word? [ specialized-def ] when
build-tree optimize-tree nodes>quot . ;
SYMBOL: words-called
SYMBOL: generics-called
SYMBOL: methods-called
SYMBOL: intrinsics-called
SYMBOL: node-count
: make-report ( word/quot -- assoc )
dup word? [ build-tree-from-word nip ] [ build-tree ] if
H{ } clone words-called set
H{ } clone generics-called set
H{ } clone methods-called set
H{ } clone intrinsics-called set
0 swap [
>r 1+ r>
dup #call? [
word>> {
{ [ dup "intrinsics" word-prop over "if-intrinsics" word-prop or ] [ intrinsics-called ] }
{ [ dup generic? ] [ generics-called ] }
{ [ dup method-body? ] [ methods-called ] }
[ words-called ]
} cond 1 -rot get at+
] [ drop ] if
] each-node
node-count set
] H{ } make-assoc ;
: report. ( report -- )
"==== Total number of IR nodes:" print
node-count get .
{ generics-called "==== Generic word calls:" }
{ words-called "==== Ordinary word calls:" }
{ methods-called "==== Non-inlined method calls:" }
{ intrinsics-called "==== Open-coded intrinsic calls:" }
} [
nl print get keys natural-sort stack.
] assoc-each
] bind ;
: optimizer-report. ( word -- )
make-report report. ;
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
USING: accessors namespaces assocs kernel sequences math
tools.test words sets combinators.short-circuit
stack-checker.state compiler.tree compiler.tree.builder
compiler.tree.def-use arrays kernel.private ;
compiler.tree.normalization compiler.tree.propagation
compiler.tree.cleanup compiler.tree.def-use arrays kernel.private
sorting math.order binary-search compiler.tree.checker ;
IN: compiler.tree.def-use.tests
\ compute-def-use must-infer
@ -14,8 +16,16 @@ IN: compiler.tree.def-use.tests
} 1&&
] unit-test
! compute-def-use checks for SSA violations, so we make sure
! some common patterns are generated correctly.
: test-def-use ( quot -- )
check-nodes ;
! compute-def-use checks for SSA violations, so we use that to
! ensure we generate some common patterns correctly.
[ [ drop ] each-integer ]
[ [ 2drop ] curry each-integer ]
@ -28,6 +38,10 @@ IN: compiler.tree.def-use.tests
[ [ 1 ] 2 [ + ] curry compose call + ]
[ [ 1 ] [ call 2 ] curry call + ]
[ [ 1 ] [ 2 ] compose swap [ 1 ] [ 2 ] if + * ]
[ dup slice? [ dup array? [ ] [ ] if ] [ ] if ]
[ dup [ drop f ] [ "A" throw ] if ]
[ [ <=> ] sort ]
[ [ <=> ] with search ]
} [
[ ] swap [ build-tree compute-def-use drop ] curry unit-test
[ ] swap [ test-def-use ] curry unit-test
] each
@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays namespaces assocs sequences kernel generic assocs
classes vectors accessors combinators sets stack-checker.state
compiler.tree compiler.tree.combinators ;
classes vectors accessors combinators sets
compiler.tree.combinators ;
IN: compiler.tree.def-use
SYMBOL: def-use
@ -37,7 +40,8 @@ M: #introduce node-uses-values drop f ;
M: #push node-uses-values drop f ;
M: #r> node-uses-values in-r>> ;
M: #phi node-uses-values
[ phi-in-d>> ] [ phi-in-r>> ] bi append concat sift prune ;
[ phi-in-d>> ] [ phi-in-r>> ] bi
append concat remove-bottom prune ;
M: #declare node-uses-values declaration>> keys ;
M: node node-uses-values in-d>> ;
@ -57,14 +61,6 @@ M: node node-defs-values out-d>> ;
[ dup node-uses-values [ use-value ] with each ]
[ dup node-defs-values [ def-value ] with each ] bi ;
: check-use ( uses -- )
[ empty? [ "No use" throw ] when ]
[ all-unique? [ "Uses not all unique" throw ] unless ] bi ;
: check-def-use ( -- )
def-use get [ nip uses>> check-use ] assoc-each ;
: compute-def-use ( node -- node )
H{ } clone def-use set
dup [ node-def-use ] each-node
check-def-use ;
dup [ node-def-use ] each-node ;
@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ compiler.tree.escape-analysis.allocations ;
IN: compiler.tree.escape-analysis.branches
M: #branch escape-analysis*
live-children sift [ (escape-analysis) ] each ;
[ in-d>> add-escaping-values ]
[ live-children sift [ (escape-analysis) ] each ]
bi ;
: (merge-allocations) ( values -- allocation )
@ -25,7 +27,7 @@ M: #branch escape-analysis*
] map ;
: merge-allocations ( in-values out-values -- )
[ [ sift ] map ] dip
[ [ remove-bottom ] map ] dip
[ [ merge-values ] 2each ]
[ [ (merge-allocations) ] dip record-allocations ]
2bi ;
@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ compiler.tree.normalization math.functions
compiler.tree.propagation compiler.tree.cleanup
compiler.tree.combinators compiler.tree sequences math math.private
kernel tools.test accessors slots.private quotations.private
prettyprint classes.tuple.private classes classes.tuple ;
prettyprint classes.tuple.private classes classes.tuple
compiler.tree.intrinsics ;
\ escape-analysis must-infer
@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ GENERIC: count-unboxed-allocations* ( m node -- n )
out-d>> first escaping-allocation? [ 1+ ] unless ;
M: #call count-unboxed-allocations*
dup word>> { <tuple-boa> <complex> } memq?
dup word>> { <immutable-tuple-boa> <complex> } memq?
[ (count-unboxed-allocations) ] [ drop ] if ;
M: #push count-unboxed-allocations*
@ -18,9 +18,7 @@ IN: compiler.tree.escape-analysis.recursive
} cond ;
: check-fixed-point ( node alloc1 alloc2 -- )
[ congruent? ] 2all? [ drop ] [
label>> f >>fixed-point drop
] if ;
[ congruent? ] 2all? [ drop ] [ label>> f >>fixed-point drop ] if ;
: node-input-allocations ( node -- allocations )
in-d>> [ allocation ] map ;
@ -44,13 +42,14 @@ IN: compiler.tree.escape-analysis.recursive
] 2bi ;
M: #recursive escape-analysis* ( #recursive -- )
{ 0 } clone [ USE: math
dup first 10 = [ "OOPS" throw ] [ dup first 1+ swap set-first ] if
[ first out-d>> introduce-values ]
[ first analyze-recursive-phi ]
[ (escape-analysis) ]
] until-fixed-point ;
] curry until-fixed-point ;
M: #enter-recursive escape-analysis* ( #enter-recursive -- )
#! Handled by #recursive
@ -33,8 +33,10 @@ DEFER: record-literal-allocation
} cond ;
: record-literal-allocation ( value object -- )
object-slots dup
[ make-literal-slots swap record-allocation ] [ 2drop ] if ;
[ make-literal-slots swap record-allocation ]
[ unknown-allocation ]
if* ;
M: #push escape-analysis*
#! Delegation.
@ -1,6 +1,26 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel ;
USING: kernel classes.tuple classes.tuple.private math arrays
byte-arrays words stack-checker.known-words ;
IN: compiler.tree.intrinsics
: <immutable-tuple-boa> ( ... class -- tuple ) "Intrinsic" throw ;
: <immutable-tuple-boa> ( ... class -- tuple )
"BUG: missing <immutable-tuple-boa> intrinsic" throw ;
: (tuple) ( layout -- tuple )
"BUG: missing (tuple) intrinsic" throw ;
\ (tuple) { tuple-layout } { tuple } define-primitive
\ (tuple) make-flushable
: (array) ( n -- array )
"BUG: missing (array) intrinsic" throw ;
\ (array) { integer } { array } define-primitive
\ (array) make-flushable
: (byte-array) ( n -- byte-array )
"BUG: missing (byte-array) intrinsic" throw ;
\ (byte-array) { integer } { byte-array } define-primitive
\ (byte-array) make-flushable
@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
IN: compiler.tree.loop.detection.tests
USING: compiler.tree.loop.detection tools.test
kernel combinators.short-circuit math sequences accessors
compiler.tree.combinators ;
[ { f f f f } ] [ f { f t f f } (tail-calls) ] unit-test
[ { f f f t } ] [ t { f t f f } (tail-calls) ] unit-test
[ { f t t t } ] [ t { f f t t } (tail-calls) ] unit-test
[ { f f f t } ] [ t { f f t f } (tail-calls) ] unit-test
\ detect-loops must-infer
: label-is-loop? ( nodes word -- ? )
[ drop #recursive? ]
[ drop label>> loop?>> ]
[ swap label>> word>> eq? ]
} 2&&
] curry contains-node? ;
\ label-is-loop? must-infer
: label-is-not-loop? ( nodes word -- ? )
[ drop #recursive? ]
[ drop label>> loop?>> not ]
[ swap label>> word>> eq? ]
} 2&&
] curry contains-node? ;
\ label-is-not-loop? must-infer
: loop-test-1 ( a -- )
dup [ 1+ loop-test-1 ] [ drop ] if ; inline recursive
[ t ] [
[ loop-test-1 ] build-tree detect-loops
\ loop-test-1 label-is-loop?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ loop-test-1 1 2 3 ] build-tree detect-loops
\ loop-test-1 label-is-loop?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ [ loop-test-1 ] each ] build-tree detect-loops
\ loop-test-1 label-is-loop?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ [ loop-test-1 ] each ] build-tree detect-loops
\ (each-integer) label-is-loop?
] unit-test
: loop-test-2 ( a -- )
dup [ 1+ loop-test-2 1- ] [ drop ] if ; inline recursive
[ t ] [
[ loop-test-2 ] build-tree detect-loops
\ loop-test-2 label-is-not-loop?
] unit-test
: loop-test-3 ( a -- )
dup [ [ loop-test-3 ] each ] [ drop ] if ; inline recursive
[ t ] [
[ loop-test-3 ] build-tree detect-loops
\ loop-test-3 label-is-not-loop?
] unit-test
: loop-test-4 ( a -- )
dup [
] [
] if ; inline recursive
[ f ] [
[ [ [ ] map ] map ] build-tree detect-loops
dup #recursive? [ label>> loop?>> not ] [ drop f ] if
] contains-node?
] unit-test
: blah f ;
: b ( -- )
blah [ b ] [ a ] if ; inline recursive
: a ( -- )
blah [ b ] [ a ] if ; inline recursive
[ t ] [
[ a ] build-tree detect-loops
\ a label-is-loop?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ a ] build-tree detect-loops
\ b label-is-loop?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ b ] build-tree detect-loops
\ a label-is-loop?
] unit-test
[ t ] [
[ a ] build-tree detect-loops
\ b label-is-loop?
] unit-test
: b' ( -- )
blah [ b' b' ] [ a' ] if ; inline recursive
: a' ( -- )
blah [ b' ] [ a' ] if ; inline recursive
[ f ] [
[ a' ] build-tree detect-loops
\ a' label-is-loop?
] unit-test
[ f ] [
[ b' ] build-tree detect-loops
\ b' label-is-loop?
] unit-test
! I used to think this should be f, but doing this on pen and
! paper almost convinced me that a loop conversion here is
! sound.
[ t ] [
[ b' ] build-tree detect-loops
\ a' label-is-loop?
] unit-test
[ f ] [
[ a' ] build-tree detect-loops
\ b' label-is-loop?
] unit-test
@ -1,5 +1,88 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
IN: compiler.tree.loop-detection
USING: kernel sequences namespaces assocs accessors fry
compiler.tree dequeues search-dequeues ;
IN: compiler.tree.loop.detection
: detect-loops ( nodes -- nodes' ) ;
! A loop is a #recursive which only tail calls itself, and those
! calls are nested inside other loops only. We optimistically
! assume all #recursive nodes are loops, disqualifying them as
! we see evidence to the contrary.
: (tail-calls) ( tail? seq -- seq' )
reverse [ swap [ and ] keep ] map nip reverse ;
: tail-calls ( tail? node -- seq )
[ #phi? ]
[ #return? ]
[ #return-recursive? ]
tri or or
] map (tail-calls) ;
SYMBOL: loop-heights
SYMBOL: loop-calls
SYMBOL: loop-stack
SYMBOL: work-list
GENERIC: collect-loop-info* ( tail? node -- )
: non-tail-label-info ( nodes -- )
[ f swap collect-loop-info* ] each ;
: (collect-loop-info) ( tail? nodes -- )
[ tail-calls ] keep [ collect-loop-info* ] 2each ;
: remember-loop-info ( label -- )
loop-stack get length swap loop-heights get set-at ;
M: #recursive collect-loop-info*
[ loop-stack [ swap suffix ] change ]
[ remember-loop-info ]
[ t >>loop? drop ]
[ t swap child>> (collect-loop-info) ] bi
] with-scope ;
: current-loop-nesting ( label -- labels )
loop-stack get swap loop-heights get at tail ;
: disqualify-loop ( label -- )
work-list get push-front ;
M: #call-recursive collect-loop-info*
swap [ dup disqualify-loop ] unless
dup current-loop-nesting [ loop-calls get push-at ] with each ;
M: #if collect-loop-info*
children>> [ (collect-loop-info) ] with each ;
M: #dispatch collect-loop-info*
children>> [ (collect-loop-info) ] with each ;
M: node collect-loop-info* 2drop ;
: collect-loop-info ( node -- )
{ } loop-stack set
H{ } clone loop-calls set
H{ } clone loop-heights set
<hashed-dlist> work-list set
t swap (collect-loop-info) ;
: disqualify-loops ( -- )
work-list get [
dup loop?>> [
[ f >>loop? drop ]
[ loop-calls get at [ disqualify-loop ] each ]
] [ drop ] if
] slurp-dequeue ;
: detect-loops ( nodes -- nodes )
dup collect-loop-info disqualify-loops ;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
IN: compiler.tree.elaboration
IN: compiler.tree.loop.inversion
: elaborate ( nodes -- nodes' ) ;
: invert-loops ( nodes -- nodes' ) ;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
IN: compiler.tree.normalization.tests
USING: compiler.tree.builder compiler.tree.normalization
compiler.tree sequences accessors tools.test kernel ;
compiler.tree sequences accessors tools.test kernel math ;
\ count-introductions must-infer
\ fixup-enter-recursive must-infer
@ -25,3 +25,5 @@ compiler.tree sequences accessors tools.test kernel ;
[ recursive-inputs ]
[ normalize recursive-inputs ] bi
] unit-test
[ ] [ [ [ 1 ] [ 2 ] if + * ] build-tree normalize drop ] unit-test
@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: fry namespaces sequences math accessors kernel arrays
stack-checker.backend stack-checker.inlining compiler.tree
compiler.tree.combinators ;
IN: compiler.tree.normalization
@ -97,7 +100,12 @@ M: #branch eliminate-introductions*
bi ;
: eliminate-phi-introductions ( introductions seq terminated -- seq' )
[ flip ] dip [ [ nip ] [ over length tail append ] if ] 3map flip ;
[ flip ] dip [
[ nip ] [
dup [ +bottom+ eq? ] left-trim
[ [ length ] bi@ - tail* ] keep append
] if
] 3map flip ;
M: #phi eliminate-introductions*
remaining-introductions get swap dup terminated>>
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
USING: compiler.tree.optimizer tools.test ;
IN: compiler.tree.optimizer.tests
\ optimize-tree must-infer
@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ compiler.tree.tuple-unboxing
compiler.tree.branch-fusion ;
IN: compiler.tree.optimizer
@ -16,11 +17,11 @@ IN: compiler.tree.optimizer
elaborate ;
strength-reduce ;
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: fry kernel sequences assocs accessors namespaces
math.intervals arrays classes.algebra combinators
@ -59,7 +60,14 @@ SYMBOL: infer-children-data
: compute-phi-input-infos ( phi-in -- phi-info )
infer-children-data get
'[ , [ [ [ value-info ] [ null-info ] if* ] bind ] 2map ] map ;
, [
dup +bottom+ eq?
[ drop null-info ] [ value-info ] if
] bind
] 2map
] map ;
: annotate-phi-inputs ( #phi -- )
dup phi-in-d>> compute-phi-input-infos >>phi-info-d
@ -139,10 +147,10 @@ M: #phi propagate-before ( #phi -- )
M: #phi propagate-after ( #phi -- )
condition-value get [
[ out-d>> ] [ phi-in-d>> ] [ phi-info-d>> ] tri
3array flip [
first3 [ possible-boolean-values ] map
[ possible-boolean-values ] map
] each
] 3each
] [ drop ] if ;
M: #phi propagate-around ( #phi -- )
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: namespaces sequences assocs math kernel accessors fry
combinators sets locals
compiler.tree.combinators ;
@ -42,7 +43,7 @@ M: #renaming compute-copy-equiv* inputs/outputs are-copies-of ;
#! An output is a copy of every input if all inputs are
#! copies of the same original value.
swap sift [ resolve-copy ] map
swap remove-bottom [ resolve-copy ] map
dup [ all-equal? ] [ empty? not ] bi and
[ first swap is-copy-of ] [ 2drop ] if
] 2each ;
@ -18,10 +18,7 @@ M: word splicing-nodes
[ [ in-d>> ] [ out-d>> ] bi ] dip #call 1array ;
M: quotation splicing-nodes
[ [ out-d>> ] [ in-d>> ] bi ] dip
rot #copy suffix
normalize ;
build-sub-tree normalize ;
: propagate-body ( #call -- )
body>> (propagate) ;
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ IN: compiler.tree.propagation.recursive
: unify-recursive-stacks ( stacks initial -- infos )
over empty? [ nip ] [
[ sift value-infos-union ] dip
[ value-infos-union ] dip
[ generalize-counter ] keep
] 2map
@ -1,24 +1,22 @@
IN: compiler.tree.tuple-unboxing.tests
USING: tools.test compiler.tree.tuple-unboxing
compiler.tree compiler.tree.builder compiler.tree.normalization
USING: tools.test compiler.tree.tuple-unboxing compiler.tree
compiler.tree.builder compiler.tree.normalization
compiler.tree.propagation compiler.tree.cleanup
compiler.tree.escape-analysis compiler.tree.tuple-unboxing
compiler.tree.def-use kernel accessors sequences math
sorting math.order binary-search ;
compiler.tree.checker compiler.tree.def-use kernel accessors
sequences math math.private sorting math.order binary-search
sequences.private slots.private ;
\ unbox-tuples must-infer
: test-unboxing ( quot -- )
#! Just make sure it doesn't throw errors; compute def use
#! for kicks.
drop ;
check-nodes ;
TUPLE: cons { car read-only } { cdr read-only } ;
@ -30,6 +28,12 @@ TUPLE: empty-tuple ;
[ cons boa [ car>> ] [ cdr>> ] bi ]
[ [ 1 cons boa ] [ 2 cons boa ] if car>> ]
[ dup cons boa 10 [ nip dup cons boa ] each-integer car>> ]
[ 2 cons boa { [ ] [ ] } dispatch ]
[ dup [ drop f ] [ "A" throw ] if ]
[ [ ] [ ] curry curry dup 3 slot swap 4 slot dup 3 slot swap 4 slot drop ]
[ [ ] [ ] curry curry call ]
[ <complex> <complex> dup 1 slot drop 2 slot drop ]
[ 1 cons boa over [ "A" throw ] when car>> ]
[ [ <=> ] sort ]
[ [ <=> ] with search ]
} [ [ ] swap [ test-unboxing ] curry unit-test ] each
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
USING: namespaces assocs accessors kernel combinators
classes.algebra sequences sequences.deep slots.private
classes.tuple.private math math.private arrays
@ -43,15 +44,13 @@ M: #push unbox-tuples* ( #push -- nodes )
: flatten-values ( values -- values' )
(flatten-values) flatten ;
: flatten-value ( values -- values )
[ unboxed-allocation ] [ 1array ] bi or ;
: prepare-slot-access ( #call -- tuple-values outputs slot-values )
[ in-d>> first flatten-value ]
[ in-d>> flatten-values ]
[ out-d>> flatten-values ]
out-d>> first slot-accesses get at
[ slot#>> ] [ value>> ] bi allocation nth flatten-value
[ slot#>> ] [ value>> ] bi allocation nth
1array flatten-values
] tri ;
: slot-access-shuffle ( tuple-values outputs slot-values -- #shuffle )
@ -73,7 +72,8 @@ M: #call unbox-tuples*
} case ;
M: #declare unbox-tuples*
[ unzip [ flatten-values ] dip zip ] change-declaration ;
#! We don't look at declarations after propagation anyway.
f >>declaration ;
M: #copy unbox-tuples*
[ flatten-values ] change-in-d
@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ M: #terminate unbox-tuples*
[ flatten-values ] change-in-d ;
M: #phi unbox-tuples*
[ flip [ flatten-values ] map flip ] change-phi-in-d
[ flip [ flatten-values ] map flip ] change-phi-in-r
[ flatten-values ] change-out-d
[ flip [ flatten-values ] map pad-with-bottom flip ] change-phi-in-d
[ flip [ flatten-values ] map pad-with-bottom flip ] change-phi-in-r
[ flatten-values ] change-out-d
[ flatten-values ] change-out-r ;
M: #recursive unbox-tuples*
@ -9,21 +9,30 @@ IN: stack-checker.branches
: balanced? ( pairs -- ? )
[ second ] filter [ first2 length - ] map all-equal? ;
: unify-inputs ( max-d-in d-in meta-d -- new-meta-d )
dup [ [ - f <repetition> ] dip append ] [ 3drop f ] if ;
SYMBOL: +bottom+
: pad-with-f ( seq -- newseq )
dup [ length ] map supremum '[ , f pad-left ] map ;
: unify-inputs ( max-d-in d-in meta-d -- new-meta-d )
dup [ [ - +bottom+ <repetition> ] dip append ] [ 3drop f ] if ;
: pad-with-bottom ( seq -- newseq )
dup empty? [
dup [ length ] map supremum
'[ , +bottom+ pad-left ] map
] unless ;
: phi-inputs ( max-d-in pairs -- newseq )
dup empty? [ nip ] [
swap '[ , _ first2 unify-inputs ] map
] if ;
: remove-bottom ( seq -- seq' )
+bottom+ swap remove ;
: unify-values ( values -- phi-out )
sift dup empty? [ drop <value> ] [
dup empty? [ drop <value> ] [
[ known ] map dup all-eq?
[ first make-known ] [ drop <value> ] if
] if ;
@ -17,15 +17,21 @@ IN: stack-checker.inlining
: (inline-word) ( word label -- )
[ [ def>> ] keep ] dip infer-quot-recursive ;
TUPLE: inline-recursive
TUPLE: inline-recursive < identity-tuple
enter-out enter-recursive
return calls
introductions ;
loop? ;
M: inline-recursive hashcode* id>> hashcode* ;
: <inline-recursive> ( word -- label )
inline-recursive new swap >>word ;
inline-recursive new
gensym >>id
swap >>word ;
: quotation-param? ( obj -- ? )
dup pair? [ second effect? ] [ drop f ] if ;
@ -165,24 +165,27 @@ M: object infer-call*
{ call execute dispatch load-locals get-local drop-locals }
[ t "no-compile" set-word-prop ] each
SYMBOL: +primitive+
: non-inline-word ( word -- )
dup +called+ depends-on
{ [ dup +shuffle+ word-prop ] [ infer-shuffle-word ] }
{ [ dup +special+ word-prop ] [ infer-special ] }
{ [ dup primitive? ] [ infer-primitive ] }
{ [ dup +primitive+ word-prop ] [ infer-primitive ] }
{ [ dup +cannot-infer+ word-prop ] [ cannot-infer-effect ] }
{ [ dup +inferred-effect+ word-prop ] [ cached-infer ] }
{ [ dup +transform-quot+ word-prop ] [ apply-transform ] }
{ [ dup +inferred-effect+ word-prop ] [ cached-infer ] }
{ [ dup "macro" word-prop ] [ apply-macro ] }
{ [ dup recursive-label ] [ call-recursive-word ] }
[ dup infer-word apply-word/effect ]
} cond ;
: define-primitive ( word inputs outputs -- )
[ 2drop t +primitive+ set-word-prop ]
[ drop "input-classes" set-word-prop ]
[ nip "default-output-classes" set-word-prop ]
3bi ;
3tri ;
! Stack effects for all primitives
\ fixnum< { fixnum fixnum } { object } define-primitive
@ -11,31 +11,45 @@ IN: stack-checker.transforms
SYMBOL: +transform-quot+
SYMBOL: +transform-n+
: (apply-transform) ( quot n -- newquot )
dup zero? [
drop recursive-state get 1array
] [
[ #drop, ]
[ [ literal value>> ] map ]
[ first literal recursion>> ] tri prefix
] if
swap with-datastack ;
: give-up-transform ( word -- )
dup recursive-label
[ call-recursive-word ]
[ dup infer-word apply-word/effect ]
if ;
: ((apply-transform)) ( word quot stack -- )
swap with-datastack first2
dup [ swap infer-quot drop ] [ 2drop give-up-transform ] if ;
: (apply-transform) ( word quot n -- )
consume-d dup [ known literal? ] all? [
dup empty? [
drop recursive-state get 1array
] [
[ #drop, ]
[ [ literal value>> ] map ]
[ first literal recursion>> ] tri prefix
] if
] [ 2drop give-up-transform ] if ;
: apply-transform ( word -- )
[ +inlined+ depends-on ] [
[ ]
[ +transform-quot+ word-prop ]
[ +transform-n+ word-prop ]
bi (apply-transform)
first2 swap infer-quot
] bi ;
: apply-macro ( word -- )
[ +inlined+ depends-on ] [
[ ]
[ "macro" word-prop ]
[ "declared-effect" word-prop in>> length ]
bi (apply-transform)
first2 swap infer-quot
] bi ;
: define-transform ( word quot n -- )
@ -66,20 +80,80 @@ SYMBOL: +transform-n+
\ spread [ spread>quot ] 1 define-transform
\ (call-next-method) [
[ [ +inlined+ depends-on ] bi@ ] [ next-method-quot ] 2bi
] 2 define-transform
! Constructors
\ boa [
dup tuple-class? [
dup +inlined+ depends-on
[ "boa-check" word-prop ]
[ tuple-layout '[ , <tuple-boa> ] ]
bi append
] [
\ boa \ no-method boa time-bomb
] if
] [ drop f ] if
] 1 define-transform
\ (call-next-method) [
[ [ +inlined+ depends-on ] bi@ ] [ next-method-quot ] 2bi
] 2 define-transform
\ new [
dup tuple-class? [
dup +inlined+ depends-on
dup all-slots rest-slice ! delegate slot
[ [ initial>> literalize , ] each literalize , \ boa , ] [ ] make
] [ drop f ] if
] 1 define-transform
! Membership testing
: bit-member-n 256 ; inline
: bit-member? ( seq -- ? )
#! Can we use a fast byte array test here?
{ [ dup length 8 < ] [ f ] }
{ [ dup [ integer? not ] contains? ] [ f ] }
{ [ dup [ 0 < ] contains? ] [ f ] }
{ [ dup [ bit-member-n >= ] contains? ] [ f ] }
[ t ]
} cond nip ;
: bit-member-seq ( seq -- flags )
bit-member-n swap [ member? 1 0 ? ] curry B{ } map-as ;
: exact-float? ( f -- ? )
dup float? [ dup >integer >float = ] [ drop f ] if ; inline
: bit-member-quot ( seq -- newquot )
[ drop ] % ! drop the sequence itself; we don't use it at run time
bit-member-seq ,
{ [ over fixnum? ] [ ?nth 1 eq? ] }
{ [ over bignum? ] [ ?nth 1 eq? ] }
{ [ over exact-float? ] [ ?nth 1 eq? ] }
[ 2drop f ]
} cond
] %
] [ ] make ;
: member-quot ( seq -- newquot )
dup bit-member? [
] [
[ literalize [ t ] ] { } map>assoc
[ drop f ] suffix [ nip case ] curry
] if ;
\ member? [
dup sequence? [ member-quot ] [ drop f ] if
] 1 define-transform
: memq-quot ( seq -- newquot )
[ [ dupd eq? ] curry [ drop t ] ] { } map>assoc
[ drop f ] suffix [ nip cond ] curry ;
\ memq? [
dup sequence? [ memq-quot ] [ drop f ] if
] 1 define-transform
! Deprecated
\ get-slots [ [ 1quotation ] map [ cleave ] curry ] 1 define-transform
Reference in New Issue