rename graphics to images, add an <image> word to load a path

Doug Coleman 2009-02-09 20:57:26 -06:00
parent 045cd614c6
commit a1e45570f5
19 changed files with 576 additions and 0 deletions

extra/images/authors.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman

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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors kernel ;
IN: images.backend
TUPLE: image width height depth pitch buffer ;
GENERIC: load-image* ( path tuple -- image )
: load-image ( path class -- image )
new load-image* ;
: new-image ( width height depth buffer class -- image )
swap >>buffer
swap >>depth
swap >>height
swap >>width ; inline

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
USING: images.bitmap images.viewer io.encodings.binary
io.files io.files.unique kernel tools.test ;
IN: images.bitmap.tests
: test-bitmap32-alpha ( -- path )
"resource:extra/images/bitmap/test-images/32alpha.bmp" ;
: test-bitmap24 ( -- path )
"resource:extra/images/bitmap/test-images/thiswayup24.bmp" ;
: test-bitmap16 ( -- path )
"resource:extra/images/bitmap/test-images/rgb16bit.bmp" ;
: test-bitmap8 ( -- path )
"resource:extra/images/bitmap/test-images/rgb8bit.bmp" ;
: test-bitmap4 ( -- path )
"resource:extra/images/bitmap/test-images/rgb4bit.bmp" ;
: test-bitmap1 ( -- path )
"resource:extra/images/bitmap/test-images/1bit.bmp" ;
[ t ]
[ binary file-contents ] [ load-bitmap ] bi
"test-bitmap24" unique-file
[ save-bitmap ] [ binary file-contents ] bi =
] unit-test

extra/images/bitmap/bitmap.factor Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007, 2009 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors alien alien.c-types arrays byte-arrays columns
combinators fry grouping io io.binary io.encodings.binary
io.files kernel libc macros math math.bitwise math.functions
namespaces opengl prettyprint sequences strings
summary ui ui.gadgets.panes images.backend ;
IN: images.bitmap
TUPLE: bitmap-image < image ;
! Currently can only handle 24/32bit bitmaps.
! Handles row-reversed bitmaps (their height is negative)
TUPLE: bitmap magic size reserved offset header-length width
height planes bit-count compression size-image
x-pels y-pels color-used color-important rgb-quads color-index
buffer ;
: array-copy ( bitmap array -- bitmap array' )
over size-image>> abs memory>byte-array ;
MACRO: (nbits>bitmap) ( bits -- )
[ -3 shift ] keep '[
bitmap new
2over * _ * >>size-image
swap >>height
swap >>width
swap array-copy [ >>buffer ] [ >>color-index ] bi
_ >>bit-count
] ;
: bgr>bitmap ( array height width -- bitmap )
24 (nbits>bitmap) ;
: bgra>bitmap ( array height width -- bitmap )
32 (nbits>bitmap) ;
: 8bit>buffer ( bitmap -- array )
[ rgb-quads>> 4 <sliced-groups> [ 3 head-slice ] map ]
[ color-index>> >array ] bi [ swap nth ] with map concat ;
ERROR: bmp-not-supported n ;
: raw-bitmap>buffer ( bitmap -- array )
dup bit-count>>
{ 32 [ color-index>> ] }
{ 24 [ color-index>> ] }
{ 16 [ bmp-not-supported ] }
{ 8 [ 8bit>buffer ] }
{ 4 [ bmp-not-supported ] }
{ 2 [ bmp-not-supported ] }
{ 1 [ bmp-not-supported ] }
} case >byte-array ;
ERROR: bitmap-magic ;
M: bitmap-magic summary
drop "First two bytes of bitmap stream must be 'BM'" ;
: read2 ( -- n ) 2 read le> ;
: read4 ( -- n ) 4 read le> ;
: parse-file-header ( bitmap -- bitmap )
2 read >string dup "BM" = [ bitmap-magic ] unless >>magic
read4 >>size
read4 >>reserved
read4 >>offset ;
: parse-bitmap-header ( bitmap -- bitmap )
read4 >>header-length
read4 >>width
read4 >>height
read2 >>planes
read2 >>bit-count
read4 >>compression
read4 >>size-image
read4 >>x-pels
read4 >>y-pels
read4 >>color-used
read4 >>color-important ;
: rgb-quads-length ( bitmap -- n )
[ offset>> 14 - ] [ header-length>> ] bi - ;
: color-index-length ( bitmap -- n )
[ width>> ]
[ planes>> * ]
[ bit-count>> * 31 + 32 /i 4 * ]
[ height>> abs * ]
} cleave ;
: parse-bitmap ( bitmap -- bitmap )
dup rgb-quads-length read >>rgb-quads
dup color-index-length read >>color-index ;
: load-bitmap ( path -- bitmap )
binary [
bitmap new
parse-file-header parse-bitmap-header parse-bitmap
] with-file-reader ;
: alpha-channel-zero? ( bitmap -- ? )
buffer>> 4 <sliced-groups> 3 <column> [ 0 = ] all? ;
: bitmap>image ( bitmap -- bitmap-image )
{ [ width>> ] [ height>> ] [ bit-count>> ] [ buffer>> ] } cleave
bitmap-image new-image ;
M: bitmap-image load-image* ( path bitmap -- bitmap-image )
drop load-bitmap
dup raw-bitmap>buffer >>buffer
dup alpha-channel-zero? >>alpha-channel-zero?
bitmap>image ;
: write2 ( n -- ) 2 >le write ;
: write4 ( n -- ) 4 >le write ;
: save-bitmap ( bitmap path -- )
binary [
B{ CHAR: B CHAR: M } write
buffer>> length 14 + 40 + write4
0 write4
54 write4
40 write4
] [
[ width>> write4 ]
[ height>> write4 ]
[ planes>> 1 or write2 ]
[ bit-count>> 24 or write2 ]
[ compression>> 0 or write4 ]
[ size-image>> write4 ]
[ x-pels>> 0 or write4 ]
[ y-pels>> 0 or write4 ]
[ color-used>> 0 or write4 ]
[ color-important>> 0 or write4 ]
[ rgb-quads>> write ]
[ color-index>> write ]
} cleave
] bi
] with-file-writer ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: constructors kernel splitting combinators
accessors images.bitmap images.tiff images.backend io.backend
io.pathnames ;
IN: images
: <image> ( path -- image )
normalize-path dup "." split1-last nip >lower
{ "bmp" [ bitmap-image load-image ] }
{ "tiff" [ tiff-image load-image ] }
} case ;

extra/images/tags.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
bitmap graphics

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.6 KiB

Binary file not shown.

extra/images/test-images/rgb.tiff Executable file

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 5.2 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 11 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 59 KiB

extra/images/tiff/authors.txt Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: tools.test images.tiff ;
IN: images.tiff.tests
: tiff-test-path ( -- path )
"resource:extra/images/tiff/rgb.tiff" ;
: tiff-test-path2 ( -- path )
"resource:extra/images/tiff/octagon.tiff" ;

extra/images/tiff/tiff.factor Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors combinators io io.encodings.binary io.files
kernel pack endian tools.hexdump constructors sequences arrays
sorting.slots math.order math.parser prettyprint classes
io.binary assocs math math.bitwise byte-arrays grouping
images.backend ;
IN: images.tiff
TUPLE: tiff-image < image ;
TUPLE: parsed-tiff endianness the-answer ifd-offset ifds ;
CONSTRUCTOR: parsed-tiff ( -- tiff ) V{ } clone >>ifds ;
TUPLE: ifd count ifd-entries next
processed-tags strips buffer ;
CONSTRUCTOR: ifd ( count ifd-entries next -- ifd ) ;
TUPLE: ifd-entry tag type count offset/value ;
CONSTRUCTOR: ifd-entry ( tag type count offset/value -- ifd-entry ) ;
SINGLETONS: photometric-interpretation
photometric-interpretation-palette-color ;
ERROR: bad-photometric-interpretation n ;
: lookup-photometric-interpretation ( n -- singleton )
{ 0 [ photometric-interpretation-white-is-zero ] }
{ 1 [ photometric-interpretation-black-is-zero ] }
{ 2 [ photometric-interpretation-rgb ] }
{ 3 [ photometric-interpretation-palette-color ] }
[ bad-photometric-interpretation ]
} case ;
SINGLETONS: compression
compression-pack-bits ;
ERROR: bad-compression n ;
: lookup-compression ( n -- compression )
{ 1 [ compression-none ] }
{ 2 [ compression-CCITT-2 ] }
{ 5 [ compression-lzw ] }
{ 32773 [ compression-pack-bits ] }
[ bad-compression ]
} case ;
SINGLETONS: resolution-unit
resolution-unit-centimeter ;
ERROR: bad-resolution-unit n ;
: lookup-resolution-unit ( n -- object )
{ 1 [ resolution-unit-none ] }
{ 2 [ resolution-unit-inch ] }
{ 3 [ resolution-unit-centimeter ] }
[ bad-resolution-unit ]
} case ;
SINGLETONS: predictor
predictor-horizontal-differencing ;
ERROR: bad-predictor n ;
: lookup-predictor ( n -- object )
{ 1 [ predictor-none ] }
{ 2 [ predictor-horizontal-differencing ] }
[ bad-predictor ]
} case ;
SINGLETONS: planar-configuration
planar-configuration-planar ;
ERROR: bad-planar-configuration n ;
: lookup-planar-configuration ( n -- object )
{ 1 [ planar-configuration-chunky ] }
{ 2 [ planar-configuration-planar ] }
[ bad-planar-configuration ]
} case ;
SINGLETONS: sample-format
sample-format-undefined-data ;
ERROR: bad-sample-format n ;
: lookup-sample-format ( sequence -- object )
{ 1 [ sample-format-unsigned-integer ] }
{ 2 [ sample-format-signed-integer ] }
{ 3 [ sample-format-ieee-float ] }
{ 4 [ sample-format-undefined-data ] }
[ bad-sample-format ]
} case
] map ;
SINGLETONS: extra-samples
extra-samples-unassociated-alpha-data ;
ERROR: bad-extra-samples n ;
: lookup-extra-samples ( sequence -- object )
{ 0 [ extra-samples-unspecified-alpha-data ] }
{ 1 [ extra-samples-associated-alpha-data ] }
{ 2 [ extra-samples-unassociated-alpha-data ] }
[ bad-extra-samples ]
} case ;
SINGLETONS: image-length image-width x-resolution y-resolution
rows-per-strip strip-offsets strip-byte-counts bits-per-sample
samples-per-pixel new-subfile-type orientation
unhandled-ifd-entry ;
ERROR: bad-tiff-magic bytes ;
: tiff-endianness ( byte-array -- ? )
{ B{ CHAR: M CHAR: M } [ big-endian ] }
{ B{ CHAR: I CHAR: I } [ little-endian ] }
[ bad-tiff-magic ]
} case ;
: read-header ( tiff -- tiff )
2 read tiff-endianness [ >>endianness ] keep
2 read endian> >>the-answer
4 read endian> >>ifd-offset
] with-endianness ;
: push-ifd ( tiff ifd -- tiff ) over ifds>> push ;
: read-ifd ( -- ifd )
2 read endian>
2 read endian>
4 read endian>
4 read endian> <ifd-entry> ;
: read-ifds ( tiff -- tiff )
dup ifd-offset>> seek-absolute seek-input
2 read endian>
dup [ read-ifd ] replicate
4 read endian>
[ <ifd> push-ifd ] [ 0 = [ read-ifds ] unless ] bi ;
ERROR: no-tag class ;
: ?at ( key assoc -- value/key ? )
dupd at* [ nip t ] [ drop f ] if ; inline
: find-tag ( idf class -- tag )
swap processed-tags>> ?at [ no-tag ] unless ;
: read-strips ( ifd -- ifd )
[ strip-byte-counts find-tag ]
[ strip-offsets find-tag ] bi
2dup [ integer? ] both? [
seek-absolute seek-input read 1array
] [
[ seek-absolute seek-input read ] { } 2map-as
] if >>strips ;
ERROR: unknown-ifd-type n ;
: bytes>bits ( n/byte-array -- n )
dup byte-array? [ byte-array>bignum ] when ;
: value-length ( ifd-entry -- n )
[ count>> ] [ type>> ] bi {
{ 1 [ ] }
{ 2 [ ] }
{ 3 [ 2 * ] }
{ 4 [ 4 * ] }
{ 5 [ 8 * ] }
{ 6 [ ] }
{ 7 [ ] }
{ 8 [ 2 * ] }
{ 9 [ 4 * ] }
{ 10 [ 8 * ] }
{ 11 [ 4 * ] }
{ 12 [ 8 * ] }
[ unknown-ifd-type ]
} case ;
ERROR: bad-small-ifd-type n ;
: adjust-offset/value ( ifd-entry -- obj )
[ offset/value>> 4 >endian ] [ type>> ] bi
{ 1 [ 1 head endian> ] }
{ 3 [ 2 head endian> ] }
{ 4 [ endian> ] }
{ 6 [ 1 head endian> 8 >signed ] }
{ 8 [ 2 head endian> 16 >signed ] }
{ 9 [ endian> 32 >signed ] }
{ 11 [ endian> bits>float ] }
[ bad-small-ifd-type ]
} case ;
: offset-bytes>obj ( bytes type -- obj )
{ 1 [ ] } ! blank
{ 2 [ ] } ! read c strings here
{ 3 [ 2 <sliced-groups> [ endian> ] map ] }
{ 4 [ 4 <sliced-groups> [ endian> ] map ] }
{ 5 [ 8 <sliced-groups> [ "II" unpack first2 / ] map ] }
{ 6 [ [ 8 >signed ] map ] }
{ 7 [ ] } ! blank
{ 8 [ 2 <sliced-groups> [ endian> 16 >signed ] map ] }
{ 9 [ 4 <sliced-groups> [ endian> 32 >signed ] map ] }
{ 10 [ 8 group [ "ii" unpack first2 / ] map ] }
{ 11 [ 4 group [ "f" unpack ] map ] }
{ 12 [ 8 group [ "d" unpack ] map ] }
[ unknown-ifd-type ]
} case ;
: ifd-entry-value ( ifd-entry -- n )
dup value-length 4 <= [
] [
[ offset/value>> seek-absolute seek-input ]
[ value-length read ]
[ type>> ] tri offset-bytes>obj
] if ;
: process-ifd-entry ( ifd-entry -- value class )
[ ifd-entry-value ] [ tag>> ] bi {
{ 254 [ new-subfile-type ] }
{ 256 [ image-width ] }
{ 257 [ image-length ] }
{ 258 [ bits-per-sample ] }
{ 259 [ lookup-compression compression ] }
{ 262 [ lookup-photometric-interpretation photometric-interpretation ] }
{ 273 [ strip-offsets ] }
{ 274 [ orientation ] }
{ 277 [ samples-per-pixel ] }
{ 278 [ rows-per-strip ] }
{ 279 [ strip-byte-counts ] }
{ 282 [ x-resolution ] }
{ 283 [ y-resolution ] }
{ 284 [ planar-configuration ] }
{ 296 [ lookup-resolution-unit resolution-unit ] }
{ 317 [ lookup-predictor predictor ] }
{ 338 [ lookup-extra-samples extra-samples ] }
{ 339 [ lookup-sample-format sample-format ] }
[ nip unhandled-ifd-entry ]
} case ;
: process-ifd ( ifd -- ifd )
dup ifd-entries>>
[ process-ifd-entry swap ] H{ } map>assoc >>processed-tags ;
: strips>buffer ( ifd -- ifd )
dup strips>> concat >>buffer ;
: ifd>image ( ifd -- image )
[ image-width find-tag ]
[ image-length find-tag ]
[ bits-per-sample find-tag sum ]
[ buffer>> ]
} cleave tiff-image new-image ;
: parsed-tiff>images ( tiff -- sequence )
ifds>> [ ifd>image ] map ;
! tiff files can store several images -- we just take the first for now
M: tiff-image load-image* ( path tiff-image -- image )
drop binary [
read-header dup endianness>> [
dup ifds>> [ process-ifd read-strips strips>buffer drop ] each
] with-endianness
] with-file-reader
parsed-tiff>images first ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Doug Coleman

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays combinators images.bitmap kernel math
math.functions namespaces opengl ui ui.gadgets
ui.gadgets.panes ui.render images.tiff sequences multiline
images.backend images io.pathnames strings ;
IN: images.viewer
TUPLE: image-gadget < gadget { image image } ;
GENERIC: draw-image ( image -- )
M: image-gadget pref-dim*
[ width>> ] [ height>> ] bi
[ abs ] bi@ 2array ;
M: image-gadget draw-gadget* ( gadget -- )
origin get [ image>> draw-image ] with-translation ;
: <image-gadget> ( image -- gadget )
\ image-gadget new-gadget
swap >>image ;
: bits>gl-params ( n -- gl-bgr gl-format )
} case ;
M: bitmap-image draw-image ( bitmap -- )
height>> dup 0 < [
0 0 glRasterPos2i
1.0 -1.0 glPixelZoom
] [
0 swap abs glRasterPos2i
1.0 1.0 glPixelZoom
] if
[ width>> abs ]
[ height>> abs ]
[ depth>> bits>gl-params ]
[ buffer>> ]
} cleave glDrawPixels ;
: image-window ( path -- gadget )
[ <image> <image-gadget> dup ] [ open-window ] bi ;
M: tiff-image draw-image ( tiff -- )
0 0 glRasterPos2i 1.0 -1.0 glPixelZoom
[ height>> ]
[ width>> ]
[ depth>> bits>gl-params ]
[ buffer>> ]
} cleave glDrawPixels ;
GENERIC: image. ( image -- )
M: string image. ( image -- ) <image> <image-gadget> gadget. ;
M: pathname image. ( image -- ) <image> <image-gadget> gadget. ;
M: image image. ( image -- ) <image-gadget> gadget. ;