Merge branch 'for-slava' of git://
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Aaron Schaefer.
! See for BSD license.
USING: combinators.short-circuit grouping kernel math math.parser namespaces
sequences ;
USING: combinators.short-circuit grouping kernel math math.parser
math.text.utils namespaces sequences ;
IN: math.text.english
@ -31,9 +31,6 @@ SYMBOL: and-needed?
: negative-text ( n -- str )
0 < "Negative " "" ? ;
: 3digit-groups ( n -- seq )
[ dup 0 > ] [ 1000 /mod ] [ ] produce nip ;
: hundreds-place ( n -- str )
100 /mod over 0 = [
2drop ""
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Samuel Tardieu
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
USING: help.markup help.syntax ;
IN: math.text.french
HELP: number>text
{ $values { "n" "an integer" } { "str" "a string" } }
{ $description "Return the a string describing " { $snippet "n" } " in French. Numbers with absolute value equal to or greater than 10^12 will be returned using their numeric representation." } ;
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
USING: math math.functions math.parser math.text.french sequences tools.test ;
[ "zéro" ] [ 0 number>text ] unit-test
[ "vingt et un" ] [ 21 number>text ] unit-test
[ "vingt-deux" ] [ 22 number>text ] unit-test
[ "deux mille" ] [ 2000 number>text ] unit-test
[ "soixante et un" ] [ 61 number>text ] unit-test
[ "soixante-deux" ] [ 62 number>text ] unit-test
[ "quatre-vingts" ] [ 80 number>text ] unit-test
[ "quatre-vingt-un" ] [ 81 number>text ] unit-test
[ "quatre-vingt-onze" ] [ 91 number>text ] unit-test
[ "deux cents" ] [ 200 number>text ] unit-test
[ "mille deux cents" ] [ 1200 number>text ] unit-test
[ "mille deux cent quatre-vingts" ] [ 1280 number>text ] unit-test
[ "mille deux cent quatre-vingt-un" ] [ 1281 number>text ] unit-test
[ "un billion deux cent vingt milliards quatre-vingts millions trois cent quatre-vingt mille deux cents" ] [ 1220080380200 number>text ] unit-test
[ "un million" ] [ 1000000 number>text ] unit-test
[ "un million un" ] [ 1000001 number>text ] unit-test
[ "moins vingt" ] [ -20 number>text ] unit-test
[ 104 ] [ -1 10 102 ^ - number>text length ] unit-test
! Check that we do not exhaust stack
[ 1484 ] [ 10 100 ^ 1 - number>text length ] unit-test
@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
! Copyright (c) 2009 Samuel Tardieu.
! See for BSD license.
USING: arrays assocs combinators kernel math math.functions
math.parser math.text.utils memoize sequences ;
IN: math.text.french
DEFER: basic ( n -- str )
CONSTANT: literals
H{ { 0 "zéro" } { 1 "un" } { 2 "deux" } { 3 "trois" } { 4 "quatre" }
{ 5 "cinq" } { 6 "six" } { 7 "sept" } { 8 "huit" } { 9 "neuf" }
{ 10 "dix" } { 11 "onze" } { 12 "douze" } { 13 "treize" }
{ 14 "quatorze" } { 15 "quinze" } { 16 "seize" } { 17 "dix-sept" }
{ 18 "dix-huit" } { 19 "dix-neuf" } { 20 "vingt" } { 30 "trente" }
{ 40 "quarante" } { 50 "cinquante" } { 60 "soixante" }
{ 71 "soixante et onze" } { 80 "quatre-vingts" }
{ 81 "quatre-vingt-un" }
{ 100 "cent" } { 1000 "mille" } }
MEMO: units ( -- seq ) ! up to 10^99
{ "m" "b" "tr" "quadr" "quint" "sext" "sept" "oct"
"non" "déc" "unodéc" "duodéc" "trédéc" "quattuordéc"
"quindéc" "sexdéc" }
[ [ "illion" append ] [ "illiard" append ] bi 2array ] map concat
"mille" prefix ;
! The only plurals we have to remove are "quatre-vingts" and "cents",
! which are also the only strings ending with "ts".
: unpluralize ( str -- newstr ) dup "ts" tail? [ but-last ] when ;
: pluralize ( str -- newstr ) CHAR: s suffix ;
: space-append ( str1 str2 -- str ) " " glue ;
! Small numbers (below 100) use dashes between them unless they are
! separated with "et". Pluralized prefixes must be unpluralized.
: complete-small ( str n -- str )
{ { 0 [ ] }
{ 1 [ " et un" append ] }
[ [ unpluralize ] dip basic "-" glue ] } case ;
: smaller-than-60 ( n -- str )
dup 10 mod [ - ] keep [ basic ] dip complete-small ;
: base-onto ( n b -- str ) [ nip literals at ] [ - ] 2bi complete-small ;
: smaller-than-80 ( n -- str ) 60 base-onto ;
: smaller-than-100 ( n -- str ) 80 base-onto ;
: if-zero ( n quot quot -- )
[ dup zero? ] 2dip [ [ drop ] prepose ] dip if ; inline
: complete ( str n -- newstr )
[ ] [ basic space-append ] if-zero ;
: smaller-than-1000 ( n -- str )
100 /mod
[ "cent" swap dup 1 = [ drop ] [ basic swap space-append ] if ]
[ [ pluralize ] [ basic space-append ] if-zero ] bi* ;
: smaller-than-2000 ( n -- str ) "mille" swap 1000 - complete ;
: smaller-than-1000000 ( n -- str )
1000 /mod [ basic unpluralize " mille" append ] dip complete ;
: n-units ( n unit -- str/f )
{ [ over zero? ] [ 2drop f ] }
{ [ over 1 = ] [ [ basic ] dip space-append ] }
[ [ basic ] dip space-append pluralize ]
} cond ;
: over-1000000 ( n -- str )
3digit-groups [ 1+ units nth n-units ] map-index sift
reverse " " join ;
: decompose ( n -- str ) 1000000 /mod [ over-1000000 ] dip complete ;
: basic ( n -- str )
{ [ dup literals key? ] [ literals at ] }
{ [ dup 0 < ] [ abs basic "moins " swap append ] }
{ [ dup 60 < ] [ smaller-than-60 ] }
{ [ dup 80 < ] [ smaller-than-80 ] }
{ [ dup 100 < ] [ smaller-than-100 ] }
{ [ dup 1000 < ] [ smaller-than-1000 ] }
{ [ dup 2000 < ] [ smaller-than-2000 ] }
{ [ dup 1000000 < ] [ smaller-than-1000000 ] }
[ decompose ]
} cond ;
: number>text ( n -- str )
dup abs 10 102 ^ >= [ number>string ] [ basic ] if ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Convert integers to French text
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Aaron Schaefer
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Number to text conversion utilities
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
USING: help.markup help.syntax ;
IN: math.text.utils
HELP: 3digit-groups
{ $values { "n" "a positive integer" } { "seq" "a sequence" } }
{ $description "Decompose a number into 3 digits groups and return them in a sequence, starting with the units, then the tenths, etc." } ;
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
USING: math.text.utils tools.test ;
[ { 1 999 2 } ] [ 2999001 3digit-groups ] unit-test
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 Aaron Schaefer.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel math sequences ;
IN: math.text.utils
: 3digit-groups ( n -- seq )
[ dup 0 > ] [ 1000 /mod ] [ ] produce nip ;
Reference in New Issue