Merge branch 'master' of git:// into bags

Daniel Ehrenberg 2010-02-26 10:00:57 -05:00
commit a3c168cb5e
1111 changed files with 9195 additions and 3316 deletions

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@ -31,8 +31,10 @@
<string>Copyright © 2003-2009, Slava Pestov and friends</string>
<string>Copyright © 2003-2010 Factor developers</string>

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@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ ifdef CONFIG
AR = ar
LD = ld
VERSION = 0.92
VERSION = 0.93
LIBPATH = -L/usr/X11R6/lib

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien alien.strings alien.c-types alien.accessors
arrays words sequences math kernel namespaces fry cpu.architecture
io.encodings.utf8 accessors ;
io.encodings.binary io.encodings.utf8 accessors ;
IN: alien.arrays
INSTANCE: array value-type
@ -35,15 +35,12 @@ M: array box-return drop void* box-return ;
M: array stack-size drop void* stack-size ;
M: array c-type-boxer-quot
[ array-length ]
[ [ require-c-array ] keep ] bi*
[ <c-direct-array> ] 2curry ;
unclip [ array-length ] dip [ <c-direct-array> ] 2curry ;
M: array c-type-unboxer-quot drop [ >c-ptr ] ;
PREDICATE: string-type < pair
first2 [ char* = ] [ word? ] bi* and ;
first2 [ c-string = ] [ word? ] bi* and ;
M: string-type c-type ;
@ -88,10 +85,14 @@ M: string-type c-type-unboxer
drop void* c-type-unboxer ;
M: string-type c-type-boxer-quot
second '[ _ alien>string ] ;
second dup binary =
[ drop void* c-type-boxer-quot ]
[ '[ _ alien>string ] ] if ;
M: string-type c-type-unboxer-quot
second '[ _ string>alien ] ;
second dup binary =
[ drop void* c-type-unboxer-quot ]
[ '[ _ string>alien ] ] if ;
M: string-type c-type-getter
drop [ alien-cell ] ;
@ -99,8 +100,5 @@ M: string-type c-type-getter
M: string-type c-type-setter
drop [ set-alien-cell ] ;
{ char* utf8 } char* typedef
char* uchar* typedef
{ c-string utf8 } c-string typedef
char char* "pointer-c-type" set-word-prop
uchar uchar* "pointer-c-type" set-word-prop

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@ -6,10 +6,6 @@ QUALIFIED: math
QUALIFIED: sequences
IN: alien.c-types
HELP: byte-length
{ $values { "seq" "A byte array or float array" } { "n" "a non-negative integer" } }
{ $contract "Outputs the size of the byte array, struct, or specialized array data in bytes." } ;
HELP: heap-size
{ $values { "name" "a C type name" } { "size" math:integer } }
{ $description "Outputs the number of bytes needed for a heap-allocated value of this C type." }
@ -32,13 +28,10 @@ HELP: no-c-type
{ $description "Throws a " { $link no-c-type } " error." }
{ $error-description "Thrown by " { $link c-type } " if a given string does not name a C type. When thrown during compile time, indicates a typo in an " { $link alien-invoke } " or " { $link alien-callback } " form." } ;
HELP: c-types
{ $var-description "Global variable holding a hashtable mapping C type names to C types. Use the " { $link c-type } " word to look up C types." } ;
HELP: c-type
{ $values { "name" "a C type" } { "c-type" c-type } }
{ $description "Looks up a C type by name." }
{ $errors "Throws a " { $link no-c-type } " error if the type does not exist." } ;
{ $errors "Throws a " { $link no-c-type } " error if the type does not exist, or the word is not a C type." } ;
HELP: c-getter
{ $values { "name" "a C type" } { "quot" { $quotation "( c-ptr n -- obj )" } } }
@ -106,8 +99,8 @@ HELP: ulonglong
HELP: void
{ $description "This symbol is not a valid C type, but it can be used as the return type for a " { $link POSTPONE: FUNCTION: } " or " { $link POSTPONE: CALLBACK: } " definition or for an " { $link alien-invoke } " or " { $link alien-callback } " call." } ;
HELP: void*
{ $description "This C type represents a pointer to C memory. " { $link byte-array } " and " { $link alien } " values can be passed as " { $snippet "void*" } " function inputs, but see " { $link "byte-arrays-gc" } " for notes about passing byte arrays into C functions. " { $snippet "void*" } " output values are returned as " { $link alien } "s." } ;
HELP: char*
{ $description "This C type represents a generic pointer to C memory. See " { $link pointer } " for information on pointer C types." } ;
HELP: c-string
{ $description "This C type represents a pointer to a C string. See " { $link "c-strings" } " for details about using strings with the FFI." } ;
HELP: float
{ $description "This C type represents a single-precision IEEE 754 floating-point type. Input values will be converted to Factor " { $link math:float } "s and demoted to single-precision; output values will be returned as Factor " { $link math:float } "s." } ;
@ -118,6 +111,19 @@ HELP: complex-float
HELP: complex-double
{ $description "This C type represents a double-precision IEEE 754 floating-point complex type. Input values will be converted from Factor " { $link math:complex } " objects into a double-precision complex float type; output values will be returned as Factor " { $link math:complex } " objects." } ;
HELP: pointer:
{ $syntax "pointer: c-type" }
{ $description "Constructs a " { $link pointer } " C type." } ;
HELP: pointer
{ $class-description "Represents a pointer C type. The " { $snippet "to" } " slot contains the C type being pointed to." { $link byte-array } " and " { $link alien } " values can be provided as pointer function inputs, but see " { $link "byte-arrays-gc" } " for notes about passing byte arrays into C functions. Objects with methods on " { $link >c-ptr } ", such as structs and specialized arrays, may also be used as pointer inputs."
"Pointer output values are represented in Factor as " { $link alien } "s. If the pointed-to type is a struct, the alien will automatically be wrapped in a struct object if it is not null."
"In " { $link POSTPONE: TYPEDEF: } ", " { $link POSTPONE: FUNCTION: } ", " { $link POSTPONE: CALLBACK: } ", and " { $link POSTPONE: STRUCT: } " definitions, pointer types can be created by suffixing " { $snippet "*" } " to a C type name. Outside of FFI definitions, a pointer C type can be created using the " { $link POSTPONE: pointer: } " syntax word:"
{ $unchecked-example "FUNCTION: int* foo ( char* bar ) ;" }
{ $unchecked-example """: foo ( bar -- int* )
pointer: int f \"foo\" { pointer: char } alien-invoke ;""" } } ;
ARTICLE: "byte-arrays-gc" "Byte arrays and the garbage collector"
"The Factor garbage collector can move byte arrays around, and it is only safe to pass byte arrays to C functions if the garbage collector will not run while C code still has a reference to the data."
@ -194,11 +200,11 @@ ARTICLE: "c-types.primitives" "Primitive C types"
"When making alien calls, Factor numbers are converted to and from the above types in a canonical way. Converting a Factor number to a C value may result in a loss of precision." ;
ARTICLE: "c-types.pointers" "Pointer and array types"
"Pointer types are specified by suffixing a C type with " { $snippet "*" } ", for example " { $snippet "float*" } ". One special case is " { $link void* } ", which denotes a generic pointer; " { $link void } " by itself is not a valid C type specifier. With the exception of strings (see " { $link "c-strings" } "), all pointer types are identical to " { $snippet "void*" } " as far as the C library interface is concerned."
"Pointer types are specified by suffixing a C type with " { $snippet "*" } ", for example " { $snippet "float*" } ". One special case is " { $link void* } ", which denotes a generic pointer; " { $link void } " by itself is not a valid C type specifier. This syntax constructs a " { $link pointer } " object to represent the C type."
"Fixed-size array types are supported; the syntax consists of a C type name followed by dimension sizes in brackets; the following denotes a 3 by 4 array of integers:"
{ $code "int[3][4]" }
"Fixed-size arrays differ from pointers in that they are allocated inside structures and unions; however when used as function parameters they behave exactly like pointers and thus the dimensions only serve as documentation." ;
"Fixed-size arrays differ from pointers in that they are allocated inside structures and unions; however, when used as function parameters, they behave exactly like pointers with the dimensions only serving as documentation." ;
ARTICLE: "c-types.ambiguity" "Word name clashes with C types"
"Note that some of the C type word names clash with commonly-used Factor words:"
@ -231,7 +237,7 @@ ARTICLE: "c-types.structs" "Struct and union types"
"Struct and union types are identified by their class word. See " { $link "classes.struct" } "." ;
ARTICLE: "c-types-specs" "C type specifiers"
"C types are identified by special words, and type names occur as parameters to the " { $link alien-invoke } ", " { $link alien-indirect } " and " { $link alien-callback } " words."
"C types are identified by special words. Type names occur as parameters to the " { $link alien-invoke } ", " { $link alien-indirect } " and " { $link alien-callback } " words."
"Defining new C types:"
{ $subsections

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
USING: alien alien.syntax alien.c-types alien.parser
eval kernel tools.test sequences system libc alien.strings
io.encodings.utf8 math.constants classes.struct classes
io.encodings.ascii io.encodings.utf8 math.constants classes.struct classes
accessors compiler.units ;
IN: alien.c-types.tests
@ -16,36 +16,39 @@ UNION-STRUCT: foo
{ a int }
{ b int } ;
[ f ] [ char resolve-pointer-type c-type void* c-type eq? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ char* resolve-pointer-type c-type void* c-type eq? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ pointer: void c-type void* c-type = ] unit-test
[ t ] [ pointer: int c-type void* c-type = ] unit-test
[ t ] [ pointer: int* c-type void* c-type = ] unit-test
[ f ] [ pointer: foo c-type void* c-type = ] unit-test
[ t ] [ pointer: foo* c-type void* c-type = ] unit-test
[ t ] [ c-string c-type c-string c-type = ] unit-test
[ t ] [ foo heap-size int heap-size = ] unit-test
TYPEDEF: int MyInt
[ t ] [ int c-type MyInt c-type eq? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ void* c-type MyInt resolve-pointer-type c-type eq? ] unit-test
TYPEDEF: char MyChar
[ t ] [ char c-type MyChar c-type eq? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ void* c-type MyChar resolve-pointer-type c-type eq? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ char* c-type MyChar resolve-pointer-type c-type eq? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ int c-type MyInt c-type = ] unit-test
[ t ] [ void* c-type pointer: MyInt c-type = ] unit-test
[ 32 ] [ { int 8 } heap-size ] unit-test
TYPEDEF: char* MyString
TYPEDEF: char MyChar
[ t ] [ char* c-type MyString c-type eq? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ void* c-type MyString resolve-pointer-type c-type eq? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ pointer: void c-type pointer: MyChar c-type = ] unit-test
TYPEDEF: { c-string ascii } MyFunkyString
[ { c-string ascii } ] [ MyFunkyString c-type ] unit-test
TYPEDEF: c-string MyString
[ t ] [ c-string c-type MyString c-type = ] unit-test
[ t ] [ void* c-type pointer: MyString c-type = ] unit-test
TYPEDEF: int* MyIntArray
[ t ] [ void* c-type MyIntArray c-type eq? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ { char* utf8 } c-type MyLPBYTE c-type = ] unit-test
[ t ] [ void* c-type MyIntArray c-type = ] unit-test
0 B{ 1 2 3 4 } <displaced-alien> <void*>
@ -63,7 +66,7 @@ os windows? cpu x86.64? and [
C-TYPE: opaque
[ t ] [ void* c-type opaque resolve-pointer-type c-type eq? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ void* c-type pointer: opaque c-type = ] unit-test
[ opaque c-type ] [ no-c-type? ] must-fail-with
[ """

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@ -17,8 +17,9 @@ SYMBOLS:
long ulong
longlong ulonglong
float double
void* bool
void ;
void* bool ;
DEFER: <int>
DEFER: *char
@ -43,65 +44,24 @@ stack-align? ;
: <c-type> ( -- c-type )
\ c-type new ; inline
SYMBOL: c-types
global [
c-types [ H{ } assoc-like ] change
] bind
ERROR: no-c-type name ;
PREDICATE: c-type-word < word
"c-type" word-prop ;
UNION: c-type-name string c-type-word ;
! C type protocol
GENERIC: c-type ( name -- c-type ) foldable
GENERIC: resolve-pointer-type ( name -- c-type )
PREDICATE: c-type-word < word
"c-type" word-prop ;
<< \ void \ void* "pointer-c-type" set-word-prop >>
TUPLE: pointer { to initial: void read-only } ;
C: <pointer> pointer
: void? ( c-type -- ? )
{ void "void" } member? ;
M: word resolve-pointer-type
dup "pointer-c-type" word-prop
[ ] [ drop void* ] ?if ;
M: string resolve-pointer-type
dup "*" append dup c-types get at
[ nip ] [
c-types get at dup c-type-name?
[ resolve-pointer-type ] [ drop void* ] if
] if ;
M: array resolve-pointer-type
first resolve-pointer-type ;
UNION: c-type-name
c-type-word pointer ;
: resolve-typedef ( name -- c-type )
dup void? [ no-c-type ] when
dup c-type-name? [ c-type ] when ;
: parse-array-type ( name -- dims c-type )
"[" split unclip
[ [ "]" ?tail drop string>number ] map ] dip ;
M: string c-type ( name -- c-type )
CHAR: ] over member? [
parse-array-type prefix
] [
dup c-types get at [ ] [
"*" ?tail [ resolve-pointer-type ] [ no-c-type ] if
] ?if resolve-typedef
] if ;
M: word c-type
dup "c-type" word-prop resolve-typedef
[ ] [ no-c-type ] ?if ;
@ -233,12 +193,6 @@ M: c-type-name stack-size c-type stack-size ;
M: c-type stack-size size>> cell align ;
GENERIC: byte-length ( seq -- n ) flushable
M: byte-array byte-length length ; inline
M: f byte-length drop 0 ; inline
: >c-bool ( ? -- int ) 1 0 ? ; inline
: c-bool> ( int -- ? ) 0 = not ; inline
@ -263,24 +217,13 @@ MIXIN: value-type
\ swap , [ heap-size , [ * >fixnum ] % ] [ % ] bi*
] [ ] make ;
GENERIC: typedef ( old new -- )
PREDICATE: typedef-word < c-type-word
"c-type" word-prop c-type-name? ;
M: string typedef ( old new -- ) c-types get set-at ;
M: word typedef ( old new -- )
: typedef ( old new -- )
[ nip define-symbol ]
[ name>> typedef ]
[ swap "c-type" set-word-prop ]
swap dup c-type-name? [
"pointer-c-type" set-word-prop
] [ 2drop ] if
} 2cleave ;
TUPLE: long-long-type < c-type ;
@ -315,6 +258,10 @@ M: long-long-type box-return ( c-type -- )
: if-void ( c-type true false -- )
pick void? [ drop nip call ] [ nip call ] if ; inline
ptrdiff_t intptr_t uintptr_t size_t
c-string ;
CONSTANT: primitive-types
char uchar
@ -324,11 +271,30 @@ CONSTANT: primitive-types
longlong ulonglong
float double
void* bool
ptrdiff_t intptr_t uintptr_t size_t
char* uchar* ;
: (pointer-c-type) ( void* type -- void*' )
[ clone ] dip c-type-boxer-quot '[ _ [ f ] if* ] >>boxer-quot ;
: resolve-pointer-typedef ( type -- base-type )
dup "c-type" word-prop dup word?
[ nip resolve-pointer-typedef ] [
pointer? [ drop void* ] when
] if ;
: primitive-pointer-type? ( type -- ? )
dup c-type-word? [
resolve-pointer-typedef [ void? ] [ primitive-types member? ] bi or
] [ drop t ] if ;
M: pointer c-type
[ \ void* c-type ] dip
to>> dup primitive-pointer-type? [ drop ] [ (pointer-c-type) ] if ;
: 8-byte-alignment ( c-type -- c-type )
@ -541,6 +507,7 @@ SYMBOLS:
\ uint c-type \ uintptr_t typedef
\ uint c-type \ size_t typedef
] if
] with-compilation-unit
M: char-16-rep rep-component-type drop char ;

View File

@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ STRUCT: complex-holder
[ C{ 1.0 2.0 } ] [ "h" get z>> ] unit-test
[ complex ] [ "complex-float" c-type-boxed-class ] unit-test
[ complex ] [ complex-float c-type-boxed-class ] unit-test
[ complex ] [ "complex-double" c-type-boxed-class ] unit-test
[ complex ] [ complex-double c-type-boxed-class ] unit-test

View File

@ -6,8 +6,10 @@ IN: alien.complex
{ "float" "double" } [ dup "complex-" prepend define-complex-type ] each
! This overrides the fact that small structures are never returned
! in registers on NetBSD, Linux and Solaris running on 32-bit x86.
"complex-float" c-type t >>return-in-registers? drop
\ complex-float c-type t >>return-in-registers? drop

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@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ IN: alien.complex.functor
FUNCTOR: define-complex-type ( N T -- )
N-type IS ${N}
<T> DEFINES <${T}>
@ -14,7 +16,7 @@ T-class DEFINES-CLASS ${T}
STRUCT: T-class { real N } { imaginary N } ;
STRUCT: T-class { real N-type } { imaginary N-type } ;
: <T> ( z -- alien )
>rect T-class <struct-boa> >c-ptr ;

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@ -21,11 +21,6 @@ HELP: memory>byte-array
{ $values { "alien" c-ptr } { "len" "a non-negative integer" } { "byte-array" byte-array } }
{ $description "Reads " { $snippet "len" } " bytes starting from " { $snippet "base" } " and stores them in a new byte array." } ;
HELP: byte-array>memory
{ $values { "byte-array" byte-array } { "base" c-ptr } }
{ $description "Writes a byte array to memory starting from the " { $snippet "base" } " address." }
{ $warning "This word is unsafe. Improper use can corrupt memory." } ;
HELP: malloc-array
{ $values { "n" "a non-negative integer" } { "type" "a C type" } { "array" "a specialized array" } }
{ $description "Allocates an unmanaged memory block large enough to hold " { $snippet "n" } " values of a C type, then wraps the memory in a sequence object using " { $link <c-direct-array> } "." }
@ -75,9 +70,7 @@ $nl
"You can unsafely copy a range of bytes from one memory location to another:"
{ $subsections memcpy }
"You can copy a range of bytes from memory into a byte array:"
{ $subsections memory>byte-array }
"You can copy a byte array to memory unsafely:"
{ $subsections byte-array>memory } ;
{ $subsections memory>byte-array } ;
ARTICLE: "c-pointers" "Passing pointers to C functions"
"The following Factor objects may be passed to C function parameters with pointer types:"
@ -85,7 +78,7 @@ ARTICLE: "c-pointers" "Passing pointers to C functions"
{ "Instances of " { $link alien } "." }
{ "Instances of " { $link f } "; this is interpreted as a null pointer." }
{ "Instances of " { $link byte-array } "; the C function receives a pointer to the first element of the array." }
{ "Any data type which defines a method on " { $link >c-ptr } " that returns an instance of one of the above. This includes " { $link "classes.struct" } " and " { $link "specialized-arrays" } "." }
{ "Any data type which defines a method on " { $link >c-ptr } ". This includes " { $link "classes.struct" } " and " { $link "specialized-arrays" } "." }
"The class of primitive C pointer types:"
{ $subsections c-ptr }
@ -111,7 +104,7 @@ $nl
{ $subsections "byte-arrays-gc" }
"C-style enumerated types are supported:"
{ $subsections POSTPONE: C-ENUM: }
"C types can be aliased for convenience and consitency with native library documentation:"
"C types can be aliased for convenience and consistency with native library documentation:"
{ $subsections POSTPONE: TYPEDEF: }
"A utility for defining " { $link "destructors" } " for deallocating memory:"
{ $subsections "alien.destructors" }
@ -140,13 +133,13 @@ HELP: <c-direct-array>
{ $notes "The appropriate specialized array vocabulary must be loaded; otherwise, an error will be thrown. The vocabulary can be loaded with the " { $link require-c-array } " word. See the " { $vocab-link "specialized-arrays" } " vocabulary for details on the underlying sequence type constructed." } ;
ARTICLE: "c-strings" "C strings"
"C string types are arrays with shape " { $snippet "{ char* encoding }" } ", where " { $snippet "encoding" } " is an encoding descriptor. The type " { $link char* } " is an alias for " { $snippet "{ char* utf8 }" } ". See " { $link "encodings-descriptors" } " for information about encoding descriptors."
"C string types are arrays with shape " { $snippet "{ c-string encoding }" } ", where " { $snippet "encoding" } " is an encoding descriptor. The type " { $link c-string } " is an alias for " { $snippet "{ c-string utf8 }" } ". See " { $link "encodings-descriptors" } " for information about encoding descriptors. In " { $link POSTPONE: TYPEDEF: } ", " { $link POSTPONE: FUNCTION: } ", " { $link POSTPONE: CALLBACK: } ", and " { $link POSTPONE: STRUCT: } " definitions, the shorthand syntax " { $snippet "c-string[encoding]" } " can be used to specify the string encoding."
"Passing a Factor string to a C function expecting a C string allocates a " { $link byte-array } " in the Factor heap; the string is then converted to the requested format and a raw pointer is passed to the function."
"Passing a Factor string to a C function expecting a " { $link c-string } " allocates a " { $link byte-array } " in the Factor heap; the string is then converted to the requested format and a raw pointer is passed to the function."
"If the conversion fails, for example if the string contains null bytes or characters with values higher than 255, a " { $link c-string-error. } " is thrown."
"Care must be taken if the C function expects a " { $link char* } " with a length in bytes, rather than a null-terminated " { $link char* } "; passing the result of calling " { $link length } " on the string object will not suffice. This is because a Factor string of " { $emphasis "n" } " characters will not necessarily encode to " { $emphasis "n" } " bytes. The correct idiom for C functions which take a string with a length is to first encode the string using " { $link encode } ", and then pass the resulting byte array together with the length of this byte array."
"Care must be taken if the C function expects a pointer to a string with its length represented by another parameter rather than a null terminator. Passing the result of calling " { $link length } " on the string object will not suffice. This is because a Factor string of " { $emphasis "n" } " characters will not necessarily encode to " { $emphasis "n" } " bytes. The correct idiom for C functions which take a string with a length is to first encode the string using " { $link encode } ", and then pass the resulting byte array together with the length of this byte array."
"Sometimes a C function has a parameter type of " { $link void* } ", and various data types, among them strings, can be passed in. In this case, strings are not automatically converted to aliens, and instead you must call one of these words:"
{ $subsections
@ -155,7 +148,9 @@ $nl
"The first allocates " { $link byte-array } "s, and the latter allocates manually-managed memory which is not moved by the garbage collector and has to be explicitly freed by calling " { $link free } ". See " { $link "byte-arrays-gc" } " for a discussion of the two approaches."
"The C type " { $link char } { $snippet "*" } " represents a generic pointer to " { $snippet "char" } "; arguments with this type will expect and return " { $link alien } "s, and won't perform any implicit string conversion."
"A word to read strings from arbitrary addresses:"
{ $subsections alien>string }
"For example, if a C function returns a " { $link char* } " but stipulates that the caller must deallocate the memory afterward, you must define the function as returning " { $link void* } ", and call one of the above words before passing the pointer to " { $link free } "." ;
"For example, if a C function returns a " { $link c-string } " but stipulates that the caller must deallocate the memory afterward, you must define the function as returning " { $snippet "char*" } " and call one of the above words before passing the pointer to " { $link free } "." ;

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@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
! (c)2009 Slava Pestov, Joe Groff bsd license
! (c)2009, 2010 Slava Pestov, Joe Groff bsd license
USING: accessors alien alien.c-types alien.strings arrays
byte-arrays cpu.architecture fry io io.encodings.binary
io.files io.streams.memory kernel libc math sequences words ;
io.files io.streams.memory kernel libc math sequences words
byte-vectors ;
GENERIC: require-c-array ( c-type -- )
@ -48,7 +49,7 @@ M: word <c-direct-array>
heap-size malloc ; inline
: malloc-byte-array ( byte-array -- alien )
dup byte-length [ nip malloc dup ] 2keep memcpy ;
binary-object [ nip malloc dup ] 2keep memcpy ;
: memory>byte-array ( alien len -- byte-array )
[ nip (byte-array) dup ] 2keep memcpy ;
@ -62,8 +63,12 @@ M: memory-stream stream-read
swap memory>byte-array
] [ [ + ] change-index drop ] 2bi ;
: byte-array>memory ( byte-array base -- )
swap dup byte-length memcpy ; inline
M: byte-vector stream-write
[ dup byte-length tail-slice ]
[ [ [ byte-length ] bi@ + ] keep lengthen ]
[ drop byte-length ]
[ >c-ptr swap >c-ptr ] dip memcpy ;
M: value-type c-type-rep drop int-rep ;

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ alien.fortran alien.fortran.private alien.strings
classes.struct arrays assocs byte-arrays combinators fry
generalizations io.encodings.ascii kernel macros
macros.expander namespaces sequences shuffle tools.test vocabs.parser ;
FROM: alien.syntax => pointer: ;
QUALIFIED-WITH: alien.c-types c
IN: alien.fortran.tests
@ -100,16 +101,16 @@ intel-unix-abi fortran-abi [
! fortran-arg-type>c-type
[ c:void* { } ]
[ pointer: c:int { } ]
[ "integer" fortran-arg-type>c-type ] unit-test
[ c:void* { } ]
[ pointer: { c:int 3 } { } ]
[ "integer(3)" fortran-arg-type>c-type ] unit-test
[ c:void* { } ]
[ pointer: { c:int 0 } { } ]
[ "integer(*)" fortran-arg-type>c-type ] unit-test
[ c:void* { } ]
[ pointer: fortran_test_record { } ]
"alien.fortran.tests" use-vocab
@ -117,13 +118,13 @@ intel-unix-abi fortran-abi [
] with-manifest
] unit-test
[ c:char* { } ]
[ pointer: c:char { } ]
[ "character" fortran-arg-type>c-type ] unit-test
[ c:char* { } ]
[ pointer: c:char { } ]
[ "character(1)" fortran-arg-type>c-type ] unit-test
[ c:char* { long } ]
[ pointer: { c:char 17 } { long } ]
[ "character(17)" fortran-arg-type>c-type ] unit-test
! fortran-ret-type>c-type
@ -131,7 +132,7 @@ intel-unix-abi fortran-abi [
[ c:char { } ]
[ "character(1)" fortran-ret-type>c-type ] unit-test
[ c:void { c:char* long } ]
[ c:void { pointer: { c:char 17 } long } ]
[ "character(17)" fortran-ret-type>c-type ] unit-test
[ c:int { } ]
@ -143,22 +144,22 @@ intel-unix-abi fortran-abi [
[ c:float { } ]
[ "real" fortran-ret-type>c-type ] unit-test
[ c:void { c:void* } ]
[ c:void { pointer: { c:float 0 } } ]
[ "real(*)" fortran-ret-type>c-type ] unit-test
[ c:double { } ]
[ "double-precision" fortran-ret-type>c-type ] unit-test
[ c:void { c:void* } ]
[ c:void { pointer: complex-float } ]
[ "complex" fortran-ret-type>c-type ] unit-test
[ c:void { c:void* } ]
[ c:void { pointer: complex-double } ]
[ "double-complex" fortran-ret-type>c-type ] unit-test
[ c:void { c:void* } ]
[ c:void { pointer: { c:int 0 } } ]
[ "integer(*)" fortran-ret-type>c-type ] unit-test
[ c:void { c:void* } ]
[ c:void { pointer: fortran_test_record } ]
"alien.fortran.tests" use-vocab
@ -168,19 +169,19 @@ intel-unix-abi fortran-abi [
! fortran-sig>c-sig
[ c:float { c:void* c:char* c:void* c:void* c:long } ]
[ c:float { pointer: c:int pointer: { c:char 17 } pointer: c:float pointer: c:double c:long } ]
[ "real" { "integer" "character*17" "real" "real*8" } fortran-sig>c-sig ]
[ c:char { c:char* c:char* c:void* c:long } ]
[ c:char { pointer: { c:char 17 } pointer: c:char pointer: c:int c:long } ]
[ "character(1)" { "character*17" "character" "integer" } fortran-sig>c-sig ]
[ c:void { c:char* c:long c:char* c:char* c:void* c:long } ]
[ c:void { pointer: { c:char 18 } c:long pointer: { c:char 17 } pointer: c:char pointer: c:int c:long } ]
[ "character*18" { "character*17" "character" "integer" } fortran-sig>c-sig ]
[ c:void { c:void* c:char* c:char* c:void* c:long } ]
[ c:void { pointer: complex-float pointer: { c:char 17 } pointer: c:char pointer: c:int c:long } ]
[ "complex" { "character*17" "character" "integer" } fortran-sig>c-sig ]
@ -201,7 +202,7 @@ intel-unix-abi fortran-abi [
! [fortran-invoke]
c:void "funpack" "funtimes_"
{ c:char* c:void* c:void* c:void* c:void* c:long }
{ pointer: { c:char 12 } pointer: c:longlong pointer: c:float pointer: complex-float pointer: c:short c:long }
] 6 nkeep
! [fortran-results>]
@ -226,7 +227,7 @@ intel-unix-abi fortran-abi [
[ { [ drop ] } spread ]
} 1 ncleave
! [fortran-invoke]
[ c:float "funpack" "fun_times_" { void* } alien-invoke ]
[ c:float "funpack" "fun_times_" { pointer: { c:float 0 } } alien-invoke ]
1 nkeep
! [fortran-results>]
shuffle( reta aa -- reta aa )
@ -244,7 +245,7 @@ intel-unix-abi fortran-abi [
! [fortran-invoke]
c:void "funpack" "fun_times_"
{ void* void* }
{ pointer: complex-float pointer: { c:float 0 } }
] 2 nkeep
! [fortran-results>]
@ -261,7 +262,7 @@ intel-unix-abi fortran-abi [
! [fortran-invoke]
c:void "funpack" "fun_times_"
{ c:char* long }
{ pointer: { c:char 20 } long }
] 2 nkeep
! [fortran-results>]
@ -287,7 +288,7 @@ intel-unix-abi fortran-abi [
! [fortran-invoke]
c:void "funpack" "fun_times_"
{ c:char* long c:char* c:void* c:char* c:long c:long }
{ pointer: { c:char 10 } long pointer: { c:char 20 } pointer: c:float pointer: { c:char 30 } c:long c:long }
] 7 nkeep
! [fortran-results>]
@ -321,16 +322,16 @@ f2c-abi fortran-abi [
[ { c:char 1 } ]
[ "character(1)" fortran-type>c-type ] unit-test
[ c:char* { c:long } ]
[ pointer: c:char { c:long } ]
[ "character" fortran-arg-type>c-type ] unit-test
[ c:void { c:char* c:long } ]
[ c:void { pointer: c:char c:long } ]
[ "character" fortran-ret-type>c-type ] unit-test
[ c:double { } ]
[ "real" fortran-ret-type>c-type ] unit-test
[ c:void { void* } ]
[ c:void { pointer: { c:float 0 } } ]
[ "real(*)" fortran-ret-type>c-type ] unit-test
[ "fun_" ] [ "FUN" fortran-name>symbol-name ] unit-test
@ -344,7 +345,7 @@ gfortran-abi fortran-abi [
[ c:float { } ]
[ "real" fortran-ret-type>c-type ] unit-test
[ c:void { void* } ]
[ c:void { pointer: { c:float 0 } } ]
[ "real(*)" fortran-ret-type>c-type ] unit-test
[ complex-float { } ]
@ -356,10 +357,10 @@ gfortran-abi fortran-abi [
[ { char 1 } ]
[ "character(1)" fortran-type>c-type ] unit-test
[ c:char* { c:long } ]
[ pointer: c:char { c:long } ]
[ "character" fortran-arg-type>c-type ] unit-test
[ c:void { c:char* c:long } ]
[ c:void { pointer: c:char c:long } ]
[ "character" fortran-ret-type>c-type ] unit-test
[ complex-float { } ]
@ -368,7 +369,7 @@ gfortran-abi fortran-abi [
[ complex-double { } ]
[ "double-complex" fortran-ret-type>c-type ] unit-test
[ c:void { c:void* } ]
[ c:void { pointer: { complex-double 3 } } ]
[ "double-complex(3)" fortran-ret-type>c-type ] unit-test
] with-variable

View File

@ -392,13 +392,13 @@ PRIVATE>
: fortran-arg-type>c-type ( fortran-type -- c-type added-args )
[ (fortran-type>c-type) resolve-pointer-type ]
[ (fortran-type>c-type) <pointer> ]
[ added-c-args ] bi ;
: fortran-ret-type>c-type ( fortran-type -- c-type added-args )
parse-fortran-type dup returns-by-value?
[ (fortran-ret-type>c-type) { } ] [
c:void swap
[ added-c-args ] [ (fortran-type>c-type) resolve-pointer-type ] bi prefix
[ added-c-args ] [ (fortran-type>c-type) <pointer> ] bi prefix
] if ;
: fortran-arg-types>c-types ( fortran-types -- c-types )

View File

@ -1 +1,2 @@
Slava Pestov
Joe Groff

View File

@ -60,6 +60,10 @@ $nl
"Note the parse time evaluation with " { $link POSTPONE: << } "." } ;
HELP: deploy-library
{ $values { "name" string } }
{ $description "Specifies that the logical library named " { $snippet "name" } " should be included during " { $link "tools.deploy" } ". " { $snippet "name" } " must be the name of a library previously loaded with " { $link add-library } "." } ;
HELP: remove-library
{ $values { "name" string } }
{ $description "Unloads a library and removes it from the internal list of libraries. The " { $snippet "name" } " parameter should be a name that was previously passed to " { $link add-library } ". If no library with that name exists, this word does nothing." } ;
@ -72,4 +76,9 @@ ARTICLE: "loading-libs" "Loading native libraries"
"Once a library has been defined, you can try loading it to see if the path name is correct:"
{ $subsections load-library }
"If the compiler cannot load a library, or cannot resolve a symbol in a library, a linkage error is reported using the compiler error mechanism (see " { $link "compiler-errors" } "). Once you install the right library, reload the source file containing the " { $link add-library } " form to force the compiler to try loading the library again." ;
"If the compiler cannot load a library, or cannot resolve a symbol in a library, a linkage error is reported using the compiler error mechanism (see " { $link "compiler-errors" } "). Once you install the right library, reload the source file containing the " { $link add-library } " form to force the compiler to try loading the library again."
"Libraries that do not come standard with the operating system need to be included with deployed applications that use them. A word is provided to instruct " { $link "tools.deploy" } " that a library must be so deployed:"
{ $subsections
} ;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Slava Pestov, Joe Groff.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors alien alien.strings assocs io.backend
kernel namespaces destructors ;
kernel namespaces destructors sequences system io.pathnames ;
IN: alien.libraries
: dlopen ( path -- dll ) native-string>alien (dlopen) ;
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ libraries [ H{ } clone ] initialize
TUPLE: library path abi dll ;
ERROR: no-library name ;
: library ( name -- library ) libraries get at ;
: <library> ( path abi -- library )
@ -31,4 +33,31 @@ M: library dispose dll>> [ dispose ] when* ;
: add-library ( name path abi -- )
[ 2drop remove-library ]
[ <library> swap libraries get set-at ] 3bi ;
[ <library> swap libraries get set-at ] 3bi ;
: library-abi ( library -- abi )
library [ abi>> ] [ "cdecl" ] if* ;
SYMBOL: deploy-libraries
deploy-libraries [ V{ } clone ] initialize
: deploy-library ( name -- )
dup libraries get key?
[ deploy-libraries get 2dup member? [ 2drop ] [ push ] if ]
[ no-library ] if ;
HOOK: >deployed-library-path os ( path -- path' )
M: windows >deployed-library-path
file-name ;
M: unix >deployed-library-path
file-name "$ORIGIN" prepend-path ;
M: macosx >deployed-library-path
file-name "@executable_path/../Frameworks" prepend-path ;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: accessors alien.c-types alien.parser alien.syntax
tools.test vocabs.parser parser eval vocabs.parser debugger
continuations ;
tools.test vocabs.parser parser eval debugger kernel
continuations words ;
IN: alien.parser.tests
TYPEDEF: char char2
@ -18,22 +18,28 @@ CONSTANT: eleven 11
[ { int 5 } ] [ "int[5]" parse-c-type ] unit-test
[ { int 5 10 11 } ] [ "int[5][10][11]" parse-c-type ] unit-test
[ { int 5 10 eleven } ] [ "int[5][10][eleven]" parse-c-type ] unit-test
[ void* ] [ "int*" parse-c-type ] unit-test
[ void* ] [ "int**" parse-c-type ] unit-test
[ void* ] [ "int***" parse-c-type ] unit-test
[ void* ] [ "int****" parse-c-type ] unit-test
[ char* ] [ "char*" parse-c-type ] unit-test
[ void* ] [ "char**" parse-c-type ] unit-test
[ void* ] [ "char***" parse-c-type ] unit-test
[ void* ] [ "char****" parse-c-type ] unit-test
[ pointer: void ] [ "void*" parse-c-type ] unit-test
[ pointer: int ] [ "int*" parse-c-type ] unit-test
[ pointer: int* ] [ "int**" parse-c-type ] unit-test
[ pointer: int** ] [ "int***" parse-c-type ] unit-test
[ pointer: int*** ] [ "int****" parse-c-type ] unit-test
[ c-string ] [ "c-string" parse-c-type ] unit-test
[ char2 ] [ "char2" parse-c-type ] unit-test
[ char* ] [ "char2*" parse-c-type ] unit-test
[ pointer: char2 ] [ "char2*" parse-c-type ] unit-test
[ "not-c-type" parse-c-type ] [ no-c-type? ] must-fail-with
[ "not-word" parse-c-type ] [ error>> no-word-error? ] must-fail-with
] with-file-vocabs
FUNCTION: void* alien-parser-function-effect-test ( int *arg1 float arg2 ) ;
[ (( arg1 arg2 -- void* )) ] [
\ alien-parser-function-effect-test "declared-effect" word-prop
] unit-test
CALLBACK: void* alien-parser-callback-effect-test ( int *arg1 float arg2 ) ;
[ (( arg1 arg2 -- void* )) ] [
\ alien-parser-callback-effect-test "callback-effect" word-prop
] unit-test
! Reported by mnestic
TYPEDEF: int alien-parser-test-int ! reasonably unique name...

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Slava Pestov, Doug Coleman.
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2010 Slava Pestov, Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors alien alien.c-types alien.parser
alien.libraries arrays assocs classes combinators
@ -18,35 +18,41 @@ IN: alien.parser
{ [ dup "void" = ] [ drop void ] }
{ [ CHAR: ] over member? ] [ parse-array-type parse-c-type-name prefix ] }
{ [ "*" ?tail ] [ (parse-c-type) <pointer> ] }
{ [ dup search ] [ parse-c-type-name ] }
{ [ "**" ?tail ] [ drop void* ] }
{ [ "*" ?tail ] [ parse-c-type-name resolve-pointer-type ] }
[ dup search [ ] [ no-word ] ?if ]
} cond ;
: valid-c-type? ( c-type -- ? )
{ [ array? ] [ c-type-name? ] [ void? ] } 1|| ;
{ [ array? ] [ c-type-word? ] [ pointer? ] [ void? ] } 1|| ;
: parse-c-type ( string -- type )
(parse-c-type) dup valid-c-type? [ no-c-type ] unless ;
: scan-c-type ( -- c-type )
scan dup "{" =
[ drop \ } parse-until >array ]
[ parse-c-type ] if ;
scan {
{ [ dup "{" = ] [ drop \ } parse-until >array ] }
{ [ dup "pointer:" = ] [ drop scan-c-type <pointer> ] }
[ parse-c-type ]
} cond ;
: reset-c-type ( word -- )
dup "struct-size" word-prop
[ dup [ forget-class ] [ { "struct-size" } reset-props ] bi ] when
} reset-props ;
ERROR: *-in-c-type-name name ;
: validate-c-type-name ( name -- name )
dup "*" tail?
[ *-in-c-type-name ] when ;
: CREATE-C-TYPE ( -- word )
scan current-vocab create {
scan validate-c-type-name current-vocab create {
[ fake-definition ]
[ set-word ]
[ reset-c-type ]
@ -61,19 +67,27 @@ IN: alien.parser
] bi
[ parse-c-type ] dip ;
GENERIC: return-type-name ( type -- name )
M: object return-type-name drop "void" ;
M: word return-type-name name>> ;
M: pointer return-type-name to>> return-type-name CHAR: * suffix ;
: parse-arglist ( parameters return -- types effect )
2 group [ first2 normalize-c-arg 2array ] map
unzip [ "," ?tail drop ] map
[ [ { } ] [ 1array ] if-void ]
[ [ { } ] [ return-type-name 1array ] if-void ]
bi* <effect> ;
: function-quot ( return library function types -- quot )
'[ _ _ _ _ alien-invoke ] ;
:: make-function ( return! library function! parameters -- word quot effect )
return function normalize-c-arg function! return!
:: make-function ( return library function parameters -- word quot effect )
return function normalize-c-arg :> ( return function )
function create-in dup reset-generic
return library function
parameters return parse-arglist [ function-quot ] dip ;
@ -88,13 +102,10 @@ IN: alien.parser
make-function define-declared ;
: callback-quot ( return types abi -- quot )
[ [ ] 3curry dip alien-callback ] 3curry ;
'[ [ _ _ _ ] dip alien-callback ] ;
: library-abi ( lib -- abi )
library [ abi>> ] [ "cdecl" ] if* ;
:: make-callback-type ( lib return! type-name! parameters -- word quot effect )
return type-name normalize-c-arg type-name! return!
:: make-callback-type ( lib return type-name parameters -- word quot effect )
return type-name normalize-c-arg :> ( return type-name )
type-name current-vocab create :> type-word
type-word [ reset-generic ] [ reset-c-type ] bi
void* type-word typedef
@ -115,4 +126,3 @@ PREDICATE: alien-function-word < word
PREDICATE: alien-callback-type-word < typedef-word
"callback-effect" word-prop ;

View File

@ -19,12 +19,25 @@ M: c-type-word definer drop \ C-TYPE: f ;
M: c-type-word definition drop f ;
M: c-type-word declarations. drop ;
GENERIC: pointer-string ( pointer -- string/f )
M: object pointer-string drop f ;
M: word pointer-string name>> ;
M: pointer pointer-string to>> pointer-string [ CHAR: * suffix ] [ f ] if* ;
GENERIC: pprint-c-type ( c-type -- )
M: word pprint-c-type pprint-word ;
M: pointer pprint-c-type
dup pointer-string
[ swap present-text ]
[ pprint* ] if* ;
M: wrapper pprint-c-type wrapped>> pprint-word ;
M: string pprint-c-type text ;
M: array pprint-c-type pprint* ;
M: pointer pprint* \ pointer: pprint-word to>> pprint-c-type ;
M: typedef-word definer drop \ TYPEDEF: f ;
M: typedef-word synopsis*

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ eval ;
IN: alien.remote-control
: eval-callback ( -- callback )
void* { char* } "cdecl"
void* { c-string } "cdecl"
[ eval>string utf8 malloc-string ] alien-callback ;
: yield-callback ( -- callback )

View File

@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ $nl
"You can define a word for invoking it:"
{ $unchecked-example
"LIBRARY: foo\nFUNCTION: void the_answer ( char* question, int value ) ;"
"USE: compiler"
"LIBRARY: foo\nFUNCTION: void the_answer ( c-string question, int value ) ;"
"\"the question\" 42 the_answer"
"The answer to the question is 42."
} }
"Using the " { $link c-string } " type instead of " { $snippet "char*" } " causes the FFI to automatically convert Factor strings to C strings. See " { $link "c-strings" } " for more information on using strings with the FFI."
{ $notes "Note that the parentheses and commas are only syntax sugar and can be omitted; they serve no purpose other than to make the declaration slightly easier to read:"
{ $code
"FUNCTION: void glHint ( GLenum target, GLenum mode ) ;"
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ $nl
{ $syntax "TYPEDEF: old new" }
{ $values { "old" "a C type" } { "new" "a C type" } }
{ $description "Aliases the C type " { $snippet "old" } " under the name " { $snippet "new" } " if ." }
{ $description "Aliases the C type " { $snippet "old" } " under the name " { $snippet "new" } "." }
{ $notes "This word differs from " { $link typedef } " in that it runs at parse time, to ensure correct ordering of operations when loading source files. Words defined in source files are compiled before top-level forms are run, so if a source file defines C binding words and uses " { $link typedef } ", the type alias won't be available at compile time." } ;
@ -72,12 +72,12 @@ HELP: C-ENUM:
{ $syntax "C-TYPE: type" }
{ $values { "type" "a new C type" } }
{ $description "Defines a new, opaque C type. Since it is opaque, " { $snippet "type" } " will not be directly usable as a parameter or return type of a " { $link POSTPONE: FUNCTION: } " or as a slot of a " { $link POSTPONE: STRUCT: } ". However, it can be used as the type of a pointer (that is, as " { $snippet "type*" } ")." $nl
{ $snippet "C-TYPE:" } " can also be used to forward-declare C types to enable circular dependencies. For example:"
{ $description "Defines a new, opaque C type. Since it is opaque, " { $snippet "type" } " will not be directly usable as a parameter or return type of a " { $link POSTPONE: FUNCTION: } " or as a slot of a " { $link POSTPONE: STRUCT: } ". However, it can be used as the type of a " { $link pointer } "."
{ $snippet "C-TYPE:" } " can also be used to forward declare C types, allowing circular dependencies to occur between types. For example:"
{ $code """C-TYPE: forward
STRUCT: backward { x forward* } ;
STRUCT: forward { x backward* } ; """ } }
{ $notes "Primitive C types are also displayed using " { $snippet "C-TYPE:" } " syntax when they are displayed by " { $link see } "." } ;
{ $notes "Primitive C types are displayed using " { $snippet "C-TYPE:" } " syntax when they are " { $link see } "n." } ;
{ $syntax "CALLBACK: return type ( parameters ) ;" }

View File

@ -47,3 +47,6 @@ SYNTAX: &:
[ nip ] [ global-quot ] 2bi (( -- value )) define-declared ;
SYNTAX: C-GLOBAL: scan-c-type CREATE-WORD define-global ;
SYNTAX: pointer:
scan-c-type <pointer> suffix! ;

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: combinators io io.binary io.encodings.binary
io.streams.byte-array kernel math namespaces
sequences strings io.crlf ;
sequences strings ;
IN: base64
ERROR: malformed-base64 ;
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ SYMBOL: column
: write1-lines ( ch -- )
column get [
1 + [ 76 = [ crlf ] when ]
1 + [ 76 = [ B{ CHAR: \r CHAR: \n } write ] when ]
[ 76 mod column set ] bi
] when* ;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007, 2010 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.c-types accessors math alien.accessors kernel
USING: alien accessors math alien.accessors kernel
kernel.private sequences sequences.private byte-arrays
parser prettyprint.custom fry ;
IN: bit-arrays

View File

@ -1 +1 @@

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ IN: cairo.ffi
LIBRARY: cairo
FUNCTION: int cairo_version ( ) ;
FUNCTION: char* cairo_version_string ( ) ;
FUNCTION: c-string cairo_version_string ( ) ;
TYPEDEF: int cairo_bool_t
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ TYPEDEF: void* cairo_pattern_t
TYPEDEF: void* cairo_destroy_func_t
: cairo-destroy-func ( quot -- callback )
[ void { void* } "cdecl" ] dip alien-callback ; inline
[ void { pointer: void } "cdecl" ] dip alien-callback ; inline
! See cairo.h for details
STRUCT: cairo_user_data_key_t
TYPEDEF: void* cairo_write_func_t
: cairo-write-func ( quot -- callback )
[ cairo_status_t { void* uchar* int } "cdecl" ] dip alien-callback ; inline
[ cairo_status_t { pointer: void c-string int } "cdecl" ] dip alien-callback ; inline
TYPEDEF: void* cairo_read_func_t
: cairo-read-func ( quot -- callback )
[ cairo_status_t { void* uchar* int } "cdecl" ] dip alien-callback ; inline
[ cairo_status_t { pointer: void c-string int } "cdecl" ] dip alien-callback ; inline
! Functions for manipulating state objects
FUNCTION: cairo_t*
@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ cairo_font_options_get_hint_metrics ( cairo_font_options_t* options ) ;
! font object inside the the cairo_t.
cairo_select_font_face ( cairo_t* cr, char* family, cairo_font_slant_t slant, cairo_font_weight_t weight ) ;
cairo_select_font_face ( cairo_t* cr, c-string family, cairo_font_slant_t slant, cairo_font_weight_t weight ) ;
cairo_set_font_size ( cairo_t* cr, double size ) ;
@ -493,19 +493,19 @@ FUNCTION: cairo_scaled_font_t*
cairo_get_scaled_font ( cairo_t* cr ) ;
cairo_show_text ( cairo_t* cr, char* utf8 ) ;
cairo_show_text ( cairo_t* cr, c-string utf8 ) ;
cairo_show_glyphs ( cairo_t* cr, cairo_glyph_t* glyphs, int num_glyphs ) ;
cairo_text_path ( cairo_t* cr, char* utf8 ) ;
cairo_text_path ( cairo_t* cr, c-string utf8 ) ;
cairo_glyph_path ( cairo_t* cr, cairo_glyph_t* glyphs, int num_glyphs ) ;
cairo_text_extents ( cairo_t* cr, char* utf8, cairo_text_extents_t* extents ) ;
cairo_text_extents ( cairo_t* cr, c-string utf8, cairo_text_extents_t* extents ) ;
cairo_glyph_extents ( cairo_t* cr, cairo_glyph_t* glyphs, int num_glyphs, cairo_text_extents_t* extents ) ;
@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ FUNCTION: void
cairo_scaled_font_extents ( cairo_scaled_font_t* scaled_font, cairo_font_extents_t* extents ) ;
cairo_scaled_font_text_extents ( cairo_scaled_font_t* scaled_font, char* utf8, cairo_text_extents_t* extents ) ;
cairo_scaled_font_text_extents ( cairo_scaled_font_t* scaled_font, c-string utf8, cairo_text_extents_t* extents ) ;
cairo_scaled_font_glyph_extents ( cairo_scaled_font_t* scaled_font, cairo_glyph_t* glyphs, int num_glyphs, cairo_text_extents_t* extents ) ;
@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ cairo_path_destroy ( cairo_path_t* path ) ;
FUNCTION: cairo_status_t
cairo_status ( cairo_t* cr ) ;
FUNCTION: c-string
cairo_status_to_string ( cairo_status_t status ) ;
! Surface manipulation
@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ FUNCTION: cairo_content_t
cairo_surface_get_content ( cairo_surface_t* surface ) ;
FUNCTION: cairo_status_t
cairo_surface_write_to_png ( cairo_surface_t* surface, char* filename ) ;
cairo_surface_write_to_png ( cairo_surface_t* surface, c-string filename ) ;
FUNCTION: cairo_status_t
cairo_surface_write_to_png_stream ( cairo_surface_t* surface, cairo_write_func_t write_func, void* closure ) ;
@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ FUNCTION: int
cairo_format_stride_for_width ( cairo_format_t format, int width ) ;
FUNCTION: cairo_surface_t*
cairo_image_surface_create_for_data ( uchar* data, cairo_format_t format, int width, int height, int stride ) ;
cairo_image_surface_create_for_data ( char* data, cairo_format_t format, int width, int height, int stride ) ;
FUNCTION: uchar*
cairo_image_surface_get_data ( cairo_surface_t* surface ) ;
@ -804,7 +804,7 @@ FUNCTION: int
cairo_image_surface_get_stride ( cairo_surface_t* surface ) ;
FUNCTION: cairo_surface_t*
cairo_image_surface_create_from_png ( char* filename ) ;
cairo_image_surface_create_from_png ( c-string filename ) ;
FUNCTION: cairo_surface_t*
cairo_image_surface_create_from_png_stream ( cairo_read_func_t read_func, void* closure ) ;

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@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ HELP: time-
} ;
HELP: convert-timezone
{ $values { "timestamp" timestamp } { "duration" duration } { "timestamp" timestamp } }
{ $values { "timestamp" timestamp } { "duration" duration } { "timestamp'" timestamp } }
{ $description "Converts the " { $snippet "timestamp" } "'s " { $snippet "gmt-offset" } " to the GMT offset represented by the " { $snippet "duration" } "." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: accessors calendar prettyprint ;"
@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ HELP: convert-timezone
} ;
HELP: >local-time
{ $values { "timestamp" timestamp } { "timestamp" timestamp } }
{ $values { "timestamp" timestamp } { "timestamp'" timestamp } }
{ $description "Converts the " { $snippet "timestamp" } " to the timezone of your computer." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: accessors calendar kernel prettyprint ;"
@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ HELP: >local-time
} ;
HELP: >gmt
{ $values { "timestamp" timestamp } { "timestamp" timestamp } }
{ $values { "timestamp" timestamp } { "timestamp'" timestamp } }
{ $description "Converts the " { $snippet "timestamp" } " to the GMT timezone." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: accessors calendar kernel prettyprint ;"

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@ -316,15 +316,15 @@ M: duration <=> [ duration>years ] compare ;
GENERIC: time- ( time1 time2 -- time3 )
: convert-timezone ( timestamp duration -- timestamp )
: convert-timezone ( timestamp duration -- timestamp' )
over gmt-offset>> over = [ drop ] [
[ over gmt-offset>> time- time+ ] keep >>gmt-offset
] if ;
: >local-time ( timestamp -- timestamp )
: >local-time ( timestamp -- timestamp' )
gmt-offset-duration convert-timezone ;
: >gmt ( timestamp -- timestamp )
: >gmt ( timestamp -- timestamp' )
instant convert-timezone ;
M: timestamp <=> ( ts1 ts2 -- n )

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ IN: calendar.unix
timespec>seconds since-1970 ;
: get-time ( -- alien )
f time <time_t> localtime tm memory>struct ;
f time <time_t> localtime ;
: timezone-name ( -- string )
get-time zone>> ;

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ $nl
"A C function which returns a struct by value:"
{ $code
"USING: alien.syntax ;"
"FUNCTION: Point give_me_a_point ( char* description ) ;"
"FUNCTION: Point give_me_a_point ( c-string description ) ;"
"A C function which takes a struct parameter by reference:"
{ $code

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@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
! (c)Joe Groff bsd license
USING: accessors alien alien.c-types ascii
assocs byte-arrays classes.struct classes.tuple.private
combinators compiler.tree.debugger compiler.units destructors
io.encodings.utf8 io.pathnames io.streams.string kernel libc
literals math mirrors namespaces prettyprint
prettyprint.config see sequences specialized-arrays system
tools.test parser lexer eval layouts ;
USING: accessors alien alien.c-types alien.syntax ascii
assocs byte-arrays classes.struct classes.tuple.parser
classes.tuple.private classes.tuple combinators compiler.tree.debugger
compiler.units destructors io.encodings.utf8 io.pathnames
io.streams.string kernel libc literals math mirrors namespaces
prettyprint prettyprint.config see sequences specialized-arrays system
tools.test parser lexer eval layouts generic.single classes ;
FROM: math => float ;
QUALIFIED-WITH: alien.c-types c
@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ UNION-STRUCT: struct-test-float-and-bits
[ 123 ] [ [ struct-test-foo malloc-struct &free y>> ] with-destructors ] unit-test
STRUCT: struct-test-string-ptr
{ x char* } ;
{ x c-string } ;
[ "hello world" ] [
@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ UNION-STRUCT: struct-test-float-and-bits
{ type bool }
{ class object }
} ] [ "struct-test-foo" c-type fields>> ] unit-test
} ] [ struct-test-foo c-type fields>> ] unit-test
[ {
T{ struct-slot-spec
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ UNION-STRUCT: struct-test-float-and-bits
{ class integer }
{ initial 0 }
} ] [ "struct-test-float-and-bits" c-type fields>> ] unit-test
} ] [ struct-test-float-and-bits c-type fields>> ] unit-test
STRUCT: struct-test-equality-1
{ x int } ;
@ -334,24 +334,40 @@ STRUCT: struct-that's-a-word { x int } ;
"struct-class-test-1" parse-stream
] [ error>> error>> unexpected-eof? ] must-fail-with
"USING: alien.c-types classes.struct ; IN: classes.struct.tests STRUCT: struct-test-duplicate-slots { x uint } { x uint } ;" eval( -- )
] [ error>> duplicate-slot-names? ] must-fail-with
"USING: alien.c-types classes.struct ; IN: classes.struct.tests STRUCT: struct-test-duplicate-slots { x uint } { x float } ;" eval( -- )
] [ error>> duplicate-slot-names? ] must-fail-with
! S{ with non-struct type
"USE: classes.struct IN: classes.struct.tests TUPLE: not-a-struct ; S{ not-a-struct }"
eval( -- value )
] must-fail
] [ error>> no-method? ] must-fail-with
! Subclassing a struct class should not be allowed
"USE: classes.struct IN: classes.struct.tests STRUCT: a-struct { x int } ; TUPLE: not-a-struct < a-struct ;"
"USING: alien.c-types classes.struct ; IN: classes.struct.tests STRUCT: a-struct { x int } ; TUPLE: not-a-struct < a-struct ;"
eval( -- )
] must-fail
] [ error>> bad-superclass? ] must-fail-with
! Remove c-type when struct class is forgotten
[ ] [
"USE: classes.struct IN: classes.struct.tests TUPLE: a-struct ;" eval( -- )
] unit-test
! Changing a superclass into a struct should reset the subclass
TUPLE: will-become-struct ;
[ f ] [ "a-struct" c-types get key? ] unit-test
TUPLE: a-subclass < will-become-struct ;
[ f ] [ will-become-struct struct-class? ] unit-test
[ will-become-struct ] [ a-subclass superclass ] unit-test
[ ] [ "IN: classes.struct.tests USING: classes.struct alien.c-types ; STRUCT: will-become-struct { x int } ;" eval( -- ) ] unit-test
[ t ] [ will-become-struct struct-class? ] unit-test
[ tuple ] [ a-subclass superclass ] unit-test
STRUCT: bit-field-test
{ a uint bits: 12 }
@ -366,6 +382,63 @@ STRUCT: bit-field-test
[ 1 ] [ bit-field-test <struct> 257 >>c c>> ] unit-test
[ 3 ] [ bit-field-test heap-size ] unit-test
STRUCT: referent
{ y int } ;
STRUCT: referrer
{ x referent* } ;
[ 57 ] [
referrer <struct>
referent malloc-struct &free
57 >>y
x>> y>>
] with-destructors
] unit-test
STRUCT: self-referent
{ x self-referent* }
{ y int } ;
[ 75 ] [
self-referent <struct>
self-referent malloc-struct &free
75 >>y
x>> y>>
] with-destructors
] unit-test
C-TYPE: forward-referent
STRUCT: backward-referent
{ x forward-referent* }
{ y int } ;
STRUCT: forward-referent
{ x backward-referent* }
{ y int } ;
[ 41 ] [
forward-referent <struct>
backward-referent malloc-struct &free
41 >>y
x>> y>>
] with-destructors
] unit-test
[ 14 ] [
backward-referent <struct>
forward-referent malloc-struct &free
14 >>y
x>> y>>
] with-destructors
] unit-test
cpu ppc? [
STRUCT: ppc-align-test-1
{ x longlong }

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@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ generalizations generic.parser kernel kernel.private lexer libc
locals macros make math math.order parser quotations sequences
slots slots.private specialized-arrays vectors words summary
namespaces assocs vocabs.parser math.functions
classes.struct.bit-accessors bit-arrays ;
classes.struct.bit-accessors bit-arrays
stack-checker.dependencies ;
IN: classes.struct
@ -32,8 +33,6 @@ TUPLE: struct-bit-slot-spec < struct-slot-spec
PREDICATE: struct-class < tuple-class
superclass \ struct eq? ;
M: struct-class valid-superclass? drop f ;
SLOT: fields
: struct-slots ( struct-class -- slots )
@ -47,11 +46,11 @@ M: struct >c-ptr
M: struct equal?
[ [ class ] bi@ = ]
[ [ >c-ptr ] [ [ >c-ptr ] [ byte-length ] bi ] bi* memory= ]
[ [ >c-ptr ] [ binary-object ] bi* memory= ]
} 2&& ; inline
M: struct hashcode*
[ >c-ptr ] [ byte-length ] bi <direct-uchar-array> hashcode* ; inline
binary-object <direct-uchar-array> hashcode* ; inline
: struct-prototype ( class -- prototype ) "prototype" word-prop ; foldable
@ -126,11 +125,19 @@ M: struct-bit-slot-spec (writer-quot)
: (unboxer-quot) ( class -- quot )
drop [ >c-ptr ] ;
MACRO: read-struct-slot ( slot -- )
dup type>> depends-on-c-type
(reader-quot) ;
MACRO: write-struct-slot ( slot -- )
dup type>> depends-on-c-type
(writer-quot) ;
M: struct-class boa>object
swap pad-struct-slots
[ <struct> ] [ struct-slots ] bi
[ <struct> ] [ struct-slots ] bi
[ [ (writer-quot) call( value struct -- ) ] with 2each ] curry keep ;
M: struct-class initial-value* <struct> ; inline
@ -140,10 +147,11 @@ M: struct-class initial-value* <struct> ; inline
GENERIC: struct-slot-values ( struct -- sequence )
M: struct-class reader-quot
nip (reader-quot) ;
dup type>> array? [ dup type>> first define-array-vocab drop ] when
nip '[ _ read-struct-slot ] ;
M: struct-class writer-quot
nip (writer-quot) ;
nip '[ _ write-struct-slot ] ;
: offset-of ( field struct -- offset )
struct-slots slot-named offset>> ; inline
@ -195,7 +203,7 @@ M: struct-c-type c-struct? drop t ;
define-inline-method ;
: clone-underlying ( struct -- byte-array )
[ >c-ptr ] [ byte-length ] bi memory>byte-array ; inline
binary-object memory>byte-array ; inline
: (define-clone-method) ( class -- )
[ \ clone ]
@ -273,7 +281,7 @@ M: struct binary-zero? >c-ptr [ 0 = ] all? ;
[ type>> c-type drop ] each ;
: redefine-struct-tuple-class ( class -- )
[ dup class? [ forget-class ] [ drop ] if ] [ struct f define-tuple-class ] bi ;
[ struct f define-tuple-class ] [ make-final ] bi ;
:: (define-struct-class) ( class slots offsets-quot -- )
slots empty? [ struct-must-have-slots ] when
@ -298,9 +306,6 @@ PRIVATE>
: define-union-struct-class ( class slots -- )
[ compute-union-offsets ] (define-struct-class) ;
M: struct-class reset-class
[ call-next-method ] [ name>> c-types get delete-at ] bi ;
ERROR: invalid-struct-slot token ;
: struct-slot-class ( c-type -- class' )
@ -348,7 +353,7 @@ PRIVATE>
: parse-struct-slot ( -- slot )
scan scan-c-type \ } parse-until <struct-slot-spec> ;
: parse-struct-slots ( slots -- slots' more? )
scan {
{ ";" [ f ] }
@ -358,7 +363,8 @@ PRIVATE>
} case ;
: parse-struct-definition ( -- class slots )
CREATE-CLASS 8 <vector> [ parse-struct-slots ] [ ] while >array ;
CREATE-CLASS 8 <vector> [ parse-struct-slots ] [ ] while >array
dup [ name>> ] map check-duplicate-slots ;

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2006 Kevin Reid.
! See for BSD license.
USING: assocs kernel namespaces cocoa cocoa.classes
cocoa.subclassing debugger ;
USING: alien.c-types assocs kernel namespaces cocoa
cocoa.classes cocoa.runtime cocoa.subclassing debugger ;
IN: cocoa.callbacks
SYMBOL: callbacks

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ SYNTAX: IMPORT: scan [ ] import-objc-class ;

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -76,13 +76,13 @@ MACRO: (send) ( selector super? -- quot )
: super-send ( receiver args... selector -- return... ) t (send) ; inline
! Runtime introspection
SYMBOL: class-startup-hooks
SYMBOL: class-init-hooks
class-startup-hooks [ H{ } clone ] initialize
class-init-hooks [ H{ } clone ] initialize
: (objc-class) ( name word -- class )
2dup execute dup [ 2nip ] [
drop over class-startup-hooks get at [ call( -- ) ] when*
drop over class-init-hooks get at [ call( -- ) ] when*
2dup execute dup [ 2nip ] [
2drop "No such class: " prepend throw
] if
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ H{
{ "d" c:double }
{ "B" c:bool }
{ "v" c:void }
{ "*" c:char* }
{ "*" c:c-string }
{ "?" unknown_type }
{ "@" id }
{ "#" Class }
@ -229,16 +229,19 @@ ERROR: no-objc-type name ;
: class-exists? ( string -- class ) objc_getClass >boolean ;
: define-objc-class-word ( quot name -- )
[ class-startup-hooks get set-at ]
[ class-init-hooks get set-at ]
[ "cocoa.classes" create ] [ '[ _ objc-class ] ] bi
(( -- class )) define-declared
] bi ;
: import-objc-class ( name quot -- )
over define-objc-class-word
[ objc-class register-objc-methods ]
[ objc-meta-class register-objc-methods ] bi ;
2dup swap define-objc-class-word
over class-exists? [ drop ] [ call( -- ) ] if
dup class-exists? [
[ objc_getClass register-objc-methods ]
[ objc_getMetaClass register-objc-methods ] bi
] [ drop ] if ;
: root-class ( class -- root )
dup class_getSuperclass [ root-class ] [ ] ?if ;

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ TYPEDEF: void* SEL
TYPEDEF: void* id
FUNCTION: char* sel_getName ( SEL aSelector ) ;
FUNCTION: c-string sel_getName ( SEL aSelector ) ;
FUNCTION: char sel_isMapped ( SEL aSelector ) ;
FUNCTION: SEL sel_registerName ( char* str ) ;
FUNCTION: SEL sel_registerName ( c-string str ) ;
TYPEDEF: void* Class
TYPEDEF: void* Method
@ -33,13 +33,13 @@ CONSTANT: CLS_METHOD_ARRAY HEX: 100
FUNCTION: int objc_getClassList ( void* buffer, int bufferLen ) ;
FUNCTION: Class objc_getClass ( char* class ) ;
FUNCTION: Class objc_getClass ( c-string class ) ;
FUNCTION: Class objc_getMetaClass ( char* class ) ;
FUNCTION: Class objc_getMetaClass ( c-string class ) ;
FUNCTION: Protocol objc_getProtocol ( char* class ) ;
FUNCTION: Protocol objc_getProtocol ( c-string class ) ;
FUNCTION: Class objc_allocateClassPair ( Class superclass, char* name, size_t extraBytes ) ;
FUNCTION: Class objc_allocateClassPair ( Class superclass, c-string name, size_t extraBytes ) ;
FUNCTION: void objc_registerClassPair ( Class cls ) ;
FUNCTION: id class_createInstance ( Class class, uint additionalByteCount ) ;
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ FUNCTION: Method* class_copyMethodList ( Class class, uint* outCount ) ;
FUNCTION: Class class_getSuperclass ( Class cls ) ;
FUNCTION: char* class_getName ( Class cls ) ;
FUNCTION: c-string class_getName ( Class cls ) ;
FUNCTION: char class_addMethod ( Class class, SEL name, void* imp, void* types ) ;
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ FUNCTION: uint method_getNumberOfArguments ( Method method ) ;
FUNCTION: uint method_getSizeOfArguments ( Method method ) ;
FUNCTION: uint method_getArgumentInfo ( Method method, int argIndex, char** type, int* offset ) ;
FUNCTION: uint method_getArgumentInfo ( Method method, int argIndex, c-string* type, int* offset ) ;
FUNCTION: void* method_copyReturnType ( Method method ) ;

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
USING: compiler.crossref fry kernel sequences tools.test vocabs words ;
IN: compiler.crossref.tests
! Dependencies of all words should always be satisfied unless we're
! in the middle of recompiling something
[ { } ] [
all-words dup [ subwords ] map concat append
H{ } clone '[ _ dependencies-satisfied? not ] filter
] unit-test

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@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ FUNCTION: FOO ffi_test_14 int x int y ;
[ 11 6 ] [ 11 6 ffi_test_14 [ x>> ] [ y>> ] bi ] unit-test
FUNCTION: char* ffi_test_15 char* x char* y ;
FUNCTION: c-string ffi_test_15 c-string x c-string y ;
[ "foo" ] [ "xy" "zt" ffi_test_15 ] unit-test
[ "bar" ] [ "xy" "xy" ffi_test_15 ] unit-test
@ -576,7 +576,7 @@ FUNCTION: complex-float ffi_test_47 ( complex-float x, complex-double y ) ;
! Reported by jedahu
STRUCT: bool-field-test
{ name char* }
{ name c-string }
{ on bool }
{ parents short } ;

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
IN: compiler.tests.redefine22
USING: kernel sequences compiler.units vocabs tools.test definitions ;
TUPLE: ttt ;
INSTANCE: ttt sequence
M: ttt new-sequence 2drop ttt new ;
: www-1 ( a -- b ) T{ ttt } new-sequence ;
! This used to break with a compiler error in the above word
[ ] [ [ \ ttt forget ] with-compilation-unit ] unit-test

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
IN: compiler.tests.redefine23
USING: classes.struct specialized-arrays alien.c-types sequences
compiler.units vocabs tools.test ;
STRUCT: my-struct { x int } ;
: my-word ( a -- b ) iota [ my-struct <struct-boa> ] my-struct-array{ } map-as ;
[ ] [
"specialized-arrays.instances.compiler.tests.redefine23" forget-vocab
] with-compilation-unit
] unit-test

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
USING: alien alien.syntax eval math tools.test ;
QUALIFIED: alien.c-types
IN: compiler.tests.redefine24
TYPEDEF: alien.c-types:int type-1
TYPEDEF: alien.c-types:int type-3
: callback ( -- ptr )
type-3 { type-1 type-1 } "cdecl" [ + >integer ] alien-callback ;
TYPEDEF: alien.c-types:float type-2
: indirect ( x y ptr -- z )
type-3 { type-2 type-2 } "cdecl" alien-indirect ;
[ ] [
"USING: alien.c-types alien.syntax ;
IN: compiler.tests.redefine24 TYPEDEF: int type-2" eval( -- )
] unit-test
[ 3 ] [ 1 2 callback indirect ] unit-test
[ ] [
"USING: alien.c-types alien.syntax ;
IN: compiler.tests.redefine24
TYPEDEF: float type-1
TYPEDEF: float type-2" eval( -- )
] unit-test
[ 3 ] [ 1.0 2.0 callback indirect ] unit-test
[ ] [
"USING: alien.c-types alien.syntax ;
IN: compiler.tests.redefine24
TYPEDEF: float type-3" eval( -- )
] unit-test
[ 3.0 ] [ 1.0 2.0 callback indirect ] unit-test

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@ -51,11 +51,16 @@ GENERIC: cleanup* ( node -- node/nodes )
[ in-d>> #drop ]
bi prefix ;
: record-predicate-folding ( #call -- )
[ node-input-infos first class>> ]
: >predicate-folding< ( #call -- value-info class result )
[ node-input-infos first ]
[ word>> "predicating" word-prop ]
[ node-output-infos first literal>> ] tri
[ depends-on-class<= ] [ depends-on-classes-disjoint ] if ;
[ node-output-infos first literal>> ] tri ;
: record-predicate-folding ( #call -- )
>predicate-folding< pick literal?>>
[ [ literal>> ] 2dip depends-on-instance-predicate ]
[ [ class>> ] 2dip depends-on-class-predicate ]
if ;
: record-folding ( #call -- )
dup word>> predicate?

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@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2010 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: assocs classes classes.algebra classes.tuple
classes.tuple.private kernel accessors math math.intervals namespaces
sequences sequences.private words combinators memoize
combinators.short-circuit byte-arrays strings arrays layouts
cpu.architecture compiler.tree.propagation.copy ;
classes.tuple.private classes.singleton kernel accessors math
math.intervals namespaces sequences sequences.private words
combinators memoize combinators.short-circuit byte-arrays
strings arrays layouts cpu.architecture
compiler.tree.propagation.copy ;
: false-class? ( class -- ? ) \ f class<= ;
@ -65,9 +66,17 @@ DEFER: <literal-info>
UNION: fixed-length array byte-array string ;
: literal-class ( obj -- class )
#! Handle forgotten tuples and singleton classes properly
dup singleton-class? [
class dup class? [
drop tuple
] unless
] unless ;
: init-literal-info ( info -- info )
empty-interval >>interval
dup literal>> class >>class
dup literal>> literal-class >>class
dup literal>> {
{ [ dup real? ] [ [a,a] >>interval ] }
{ [ dup tuple? ] [ tuple-slot-infos >>slots ] }

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@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ M: array iterate first t ; inline
] final-info drop
] unit-test
[ V{ word } ] [
[ V{ t } ] [
[ { hashtable } declare hashtable instance? ] final-classes
] unit-test
@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ M: array iterate first t ; inline
[ { assoc } declare hashtable instance? ] final-classes
] unit-test
[ V{ word } ] [
[ V{ t } ] [
[ { string } declare string? ] final-classes
] unit-test
@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ MIXIN: empty-mixin
[ { fixnum } declare log2 ] final-classes
] unit-test
[ V{ word } ] [
[ V{ t } ] [
[ { fixnum } declare log2 0 >= ] final-classes
] unit-test

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2010 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: fry accessors kernel sequences sequences.private assocs
words namespaces classes.algebra combinators
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ M: #declare propagate-before
: foldable-call? ( #call word -- ? )
[ nip "foldable" word-prop ]
[ nip foldable? ]
[ drop literal-inputs? ]
[ input-classes-match? ]
} 2&& ;
@ -93,11 +93,8 @@ M: #declare propagate-before
recover ;
: predicate-output-infos/class ( info class -- info )
[ class>> ] dip {
{ [ 2dup class<= ] [ t <literal-info> ] }
{ [ 2dup classes-intersect? not ] [ f <literal-info> ] }
[ object-info ]
} cond 2nip ;
[ class>> ] dip compare-classes
dup +incomparable+ eq? [ drop object-info ] [ <literal-info> ] if ;
: predicate-output-infos ( info class -- info )
over literal?>>

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@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ HELP: tiff-lzw-uncompress
HELP: lzw-read
{ $values
{ "lzw" lzw }
{ "lzw" lzw } { "n" integer }
{ $description "Read the next LZW code." } ;
@ -48,7 +47,6 @@ HELP: code-space-full?
HELP: reset-lzw-uncompress
{ $values
{ "lzw" lzw }
{ "lzw" lzw }
{ $description "Reset the LZW uncompressor state (either at initialization time or immediately after receiving a Clear Code). " } ;

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@ -1,89 +1,54 @@
USING: concurrency.mailboxes concurrency.count-downs concurrency.conditions
vectors sequences threads tools.test math kernel strings namespaces
continuations calendar destructors ;
IN: concurrency.mailboxes.tests
{ 1 1 } [ [ integer? ] mailbox-get? ] must-infer-as
[ V{ 1 2 3 } ] [
0 <vector>
[ mailbox-get swap push ] in-thread
[ mailbox-get swap push ] in-thread
[ mailbox-get swap push ] in-thread
1 over mailbox-put
2 over mailbox-put
3 swap mailbox-put
] unit-test
[ V{ 1 2 3 } ] [
0 <vector>
[ [ integer? ] mailbox-get? swap push ] in-thread
[ [ integer? ] mailbox-get? swap push ] in-thread
[ [ integer? ] mailbox-get? swap push ] in-thread
1 over mailbox-put
2 over mailbox-put
3 swap mailbox-put
] unit-test
[ V{ 1 "junk" 3 "junk2" } [ 456 ] ] [
0 <vector>
[ [ integer? ] mailbox-get? swap push ] in-thread
[ [ integer? ] mailbox-get? swap push ] in-thread
[ [ string? ] mailbox-get? swap push ] in-thread
[ [ string? ] mailbox-get? swap push ] in-thread
1 over mailbox-put
"junk" over mailbox-put
[ 456 ] over mailbox-put
3 over mailbox-put
"junk2" over mailbox-put
] unit-test
<mailbox> "m" set
1 <count-down> "c" set
1 <count-down> "d" set
"c" get await
[ "m" get mailbox-get drop ]
[ drop "d" get count-down ] recover
] "Mailbox close test" spawn drop
[ ] [ "c" get count-down ] unit-test
[ ] [ "m" get dispose ] unit-test
[ ] [ "d" get 5 seconds await-timeout ] unit-test
[ ] [ "m" get dispose ] unit-test
<mailbox> "m" set
1 <count-down> "c" set
1 <count-down> "d" set
"c" get await
"m" get wait-for-close
"d" get count-down
] "Mailbox close test" spawn drop
[ ] [ "c" get count-down ] unit-test
[ ] [ "m" get dispose ] unit-test
[ ] [ "d" get 5 seconds await-timeout ] unit-test
[ ] [ "m" get dispose ] unit-test
[ { "foo" "bar" } ] [
"foo" over mailbox-put
"bar" over mailbox-put
] unit-test
<mailbox> 1 seconds mailbox-get-timeout
] [ wait-timeout? ] must-fail-with
USING: concurrency.mailboxes concurrency.count-downs concurrency.conditions
vectors sequences threads tools.test math kernel strings namespaces
continuations calendar destructors ;
IN: concurrency.mailboxes.tests
{ 1 1 } [ [ integer? ] mailbox-get? ] must-infer-as
[ V{ 1 2 3 } ] [
0 <vector>
[ mailbox-get swap push ] in-thread
[ mailbox-get swap push ] in-thread
[ mailbox-get swap push ] in-thread
1 over mailbox-put
2 over mailbox-put
3 swap mailbox-put
] unit-test
[ V{ 1 2 3 } ] [
0 <vector>
[ [ integer? ] mailbox-get? swap push ] in-thread
[ [ integer? ] mailbox-get? swap push ] in-thread
[ [ integer? ] mailbox-get? swap push ] in-thread
1 over mailbox-put
2 over mailbox-put
3 swap mailbox-put
] unit-test
[ V{ 1 "junk" 3 "junk2" } [ 456 ] ] [
0 <vector>
[ [ integer? ] mailbox-get? swap push ] in-thread
[ [ integer? ] mailbox-get? swap push ] in-thread
[ [ string? ] mailbox-get? swap push ] in-thread
[ [ string? ] mailbox-get? swap push ] in-thread
1 over mailbox-put
"junk" over mailbox-put
[ 456 ] over mailbox-put
3 over mailbox-put
"junk2" over mailbox-put
] unit-test
[ { "foo" "bar" } ] [
"foo" over mailbox-put
"bar" over mailbox-put
] unit-test
<mailbox> 1 seconds mailbox-get-timeout
] [ wait-timeout? ] must-fail-with

View File

@ -1,96 +1,94 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2008 Chris Double, Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: dlists deques threads sequences continuations
destructors namespaces math quotations words kernel
arrays assocs init system concurrency.conditions accessors
debugger debugger.threads locals fry ;
IN: concurrency.mailboxes
TUPLE: mailbox < disposable threads data ;
M: mailbox dispose* threads>> notify-all ;
: <mailbox> ( -- mailbox )
mailbox new-disposable <dlist> >>threads <dlist> >>data ;
: mailbox-empty? ( mailbox -- bool )
data>> deque-empty? ;
: mailbox-put ( obj mailbox -- )
[ data>> push-front ]
[ threads>> notify-all ] bi yield ;
: wait-for-mailbox ( mailbox timeout -- )
[ threads>> ] dip "mailbox" wait ;
:: block-unless-pred ( mailbox timeout pred: ( message -- ? ) -- )
mailbox check-disposed
mailbox data>> pred dlist-any? [
mailbox timeout wait-for-mailbox
mailbox timeout pred block-unless-pred
] unless ; inline recursive
: block-if-empty ( mailbox timeout -- mailbox )
over check-disposed
over mailbox-empty? [
2dup wait-for-mailbox block-if-empty
] [
] if ;
: mailbox-peek ( mailbox -- obj )
data>> peek-back ;
: mailbox-get-timeout ( mailbox timeout -- obj )
block-if-empty data>> pop-back ;
: mailbox-get ( mailbox -- obj )
f mailbox-get-timeout ;
: mailbox-get-all-timeout ( mailbox timeout -- array )
[ dup mailbox-empty? not ]
[ dup data>> pop-back ]
produce nip ;
: mailbox-get-all ( mailbox -- array )
f mailbox-get-all-timeout ;
: while-mailbox-empty ( mailbox quot -- )
[ '[ _ mailbox-empty? ] ] dip while ; inline
: mailbox-get-timeout? ( mailbox timeout pred -- obj )
[ block-unless-pred ]
[ [ drop data>> ] dip delete-node-if ]
3bi ; inline
: mailbox-get? ( mailbox pred -- obj )
f swap mailbox-get-timeout? ; inline
: wait-for-close-timeout ( mailbox timeout -- )
over disposed>>
[ 2drop ] [ 2dup wait-for-mailbox wait-for-close-timeout ] if ;
: wait-for-close ( mailbox -- )
f wait-for-close-timeout ;
TUPLE: linked-error error thread ;
M: linked-error error.
[ thread>> error-in-thread. ] [ error>> error. ] bi ;
C: <linked-error> linked-error
: ?linked ( message -- message )
dup linked-error? [ rethrow ] when ;
TUPLE: linked-thread < thread supervisor ;
M: linked-thread error-in-thread
[ <linked-error> ] [ supervisor>> ] bi mailbox-put ;
: <linked-thread> ( quot name mailbox -- thread' )
[ linked-thread new-thread ] dip >>supervisor ;
: spawn-linked-to ( quot name mailbox -- thread )
<linked-thread> [ (spawn) ] keep ;
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2010 Chris Double, Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: dlists deques threads sequences continuations namespaces
math quotations words kernel arrays assocs init system
concurrency.conditions accessors debugger debugger.threads
locals fry ;
IN: concurrency.mailboxes
TUPLE: mailbox threads data ;
: <mailbox> ( -- mailbox )
mailbox new
<dlist> >>threads
<dlist> >>data ;
: mailbox-empty? ( mailbox -- bool )
data>> deque-empty? ;
: mailbox-put ( obj mailbox -- )
[ data>> push-front ]
[ threads>> notify-all ] bi yield ;
: wait-for-mailbox ( mailbox timeout -- )
[ threads>> ] dip "mailbox" wait ;
:: block-unless-pred ( mailbox timeout pred: ( message -- ? ) -- )
mailbox data>> pred dlist-any? [
mailbox timeout wait-for-mailbox
mailbox timeout pred block-unless-pred
] unless ; inline recursive
: block-if-empty ( mailbox timeout -- mailbox )
over mailbox-empty? [
2dup wait-for-mailbox block-if-empty
] [
] if ;
: mailbox-peek ( mailbox -- obj )
data>> peek-back ;
: mailbox-get-timeout ( mailbox timeout -- obj )
block-if-empty data>> pop-back ;
: mailbox-get ( mailbox -- obj )
f mailbox-get-timeout ;
: mailbox-get-all-timeout ( mailbox timeout -- array )
[ dup mailbox-empty? not ]
[ dup data>> pop-back ]
produce nip ;
: mailbox-get-all ( mailbox -- array )
f mailbox-get-all-timeout ;
: while-mailbox-empty ( mailbox quot -- )
[ '[ _ mailbox-empty? ] ] dip while ; inline
: mailbox-get-timeout? ( mailbox timeout pred -- obj )
[ block-unless-pred ]
[ [ drop data>> ] dip delete-node-if ]
3bi ; inline
: mailbox-get? ( mailbox pred -- obj )
f swap mailbox-get-timeout? ; inline
: wait-for-close-timeout ( mailbox timeout -- )
over disposed>>
[ 2drop ] [ 2dup wait-for-mailbox wait-for-close-timeout ] if ;
: wait-for-close ( mailbox -- )
f wait-for-close-timeout ;
TUPLE: linked-error error thread ;
M: linked-error error.
[ thread>> error-in-thread. ] [ error>> error. ] bi ;
C: <linked-error> linked-error
: ?linked ( message -- message )
dup linked-error? [ rethrow ] when ;
TUPLE: linked-thread < thread supervisor ;
M: linked-thread error-in-thread
[ <linked-error> ] [ supervisor>> ] bi mailbox-put ;
: <linked-thread> ( quot name mailbox -- thread' )
[ linked-thread new-thread ] dip >>supervisor ;
: spawn-linked-to ( quot name mailbox -- thread )
<linked-thread> [ (spawn) ] keep ;

View File

@ -1,26 +1,27 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2008 Chris Double, Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors concurrency.mailboxes kernel continuations ;
IN: concurrency.promises
TUPLE: promise mailbox ;
: <promise> ( -- promise )
<mailbox> promise boa ;
: promise-fulfilled? ( promise -- ? )
mailbox>> mailbox-empty? not ;
ERROR: promise-already-fulfilled promise ;
: fulfill ( value promise -- )
dup promise-fulfilled? [
] [
mailbox>> mailbox-put
] if ;
: ?promise-timeout ( promise timeout -- result )
[ mailbox>> ] dip block-if-empty mailbox-peek ;
: ?promise ( promise -- result )
f ?promise-timeout ;
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2008 Chris Double, Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors concurrency.mailboxes kernel continuations ;
IN: concurrency.promises
TUPLE: promise mailbox ;
: <promise> ( -- promise )
<mailbox> promise boa ;
: promise-fulfilled? ( promise -- ? )
mailbox>> mailbox-empty? not ;
ERROR: promise-already-fulfilled promise ;
: fulfill ( value promise -- )
dup promise-fulfilled? [
] [
mailbox>> mailbox-put
] if ;
: ?promise-timeout ( promise timeout -- result )
[ mailbox>> ] dip block-if-empty mailbox-peek ;
: ?promise ( promise -- result )
f ?promise-timeout ;

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1,2 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1,2 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1,2 +1 @@

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ CONSTANT: kCFPropertyListImmutable 0
CONSTANT: kCFPropertyListMutableContainers 1
CONSTANT: kCFPropertyListMutableContainersAndLeaves 2
FUNCTION: CFDataRef CFDataCreate ( CFAllocatorRef allocator, uchar* bytes, CFIndex length ) ;
FUNCTION: CFDataRef CFDataCreate ( CFAllocatorRef allocator, UInt8* bytes, CFIndex length ) ;
FUNCTION: CFTypeID CFGetTypeID ( CFTypeRef cf ) ;

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1,2 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1,2 +1 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1,2 +1 @@

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@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ STRUCT: FSEventStreamContext
{ release void* }
{ copyDescription void* } ;
! callback(
CALLBACK: void FSEventStreamCallback ( FSEventStreamRef streamRef, void* clientCallBackInfo, size_t numEvents, void* eventPaths, FSEventStreamEventFlags* eventFlags, FSEventStreamEventId* eventIds ) ;
@ -173,16 +172,7 @@ SYMBOL: event-stream-callbacks
info event-stream-callbacks get at [ drop ] or call( changes -- ) ;
: master-event-source-callback ( -- alien )
"void*" ! info
"size_t" ! numEvents
"void*" ! eventPaths
"cdecl" [ (master-event-source-callback) ] alien-callback ;
[ (master-event-source-callback) ] FSEventStreamCallback ;
TUPLE: event-stream < disposable info handle ;

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -0,0 +1 @@

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More