modern.compiler: literals>tuples works.
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
! Copyright (C) 2017 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays assocs combinators
combinators.short-circuit constructors fry kernel lexer modern
namespaces sequences sets splitting strings ;
combinators.short-circuit constructors fry kernel lexer math
modern namespaces sequences sets splitting strings ;
IN: modern.compiler
@ -146,6 +146,9 @@ TUPLE: lexed tokens ;
TUPLE: comment < lexed payload ;
CONSTRUCTOR: <comment> comment ( tokens payload -- obj ) ;
TUPLE: escaped-identifier < lexed name ;
CONSTRUCTOR: <escaped-identifier> escaped-identifier ( tokens name -- obj ) ;
TUPLE: section < lexed tag payload ;
CONSTRUCTOR: <section> section ( tokens tag payload -- obj ) ;
@ -161,29 +164,93 @@ CONSTRUCTOR: <lower-colon> lower-colon ( tokens tag payload -- obj ) ;
TUPLE: matched < lexed tag payload ;
CONSTRUCTOR: <matched> matched ( tokens tag payload -- obj ) ;
TUPLE: single-bracket < matched ;
CONSTRUCTOR: <single-bracket> single-bracket ( tokens tag payload -- obj ) ;
TUPLE: double-bracket < matched ;
CONSTRUCTOR: <double-bracket> double-bracket ( tokens tag payload -- obj ) ;
TUPLE: single-brace < matched ;
CONSTRUCTOR: <single-brace> single-brace ( tokens tag payload -- obj ) ;
TUPLE: double-brace < matched ;
CONSTRUCTOR: <double-brace> double-brace ( tokens tag payload -- obj ) ;
TUPLE: single-paren < matched ;
CONSTRUCTOR: <single-paren> single-paren ( tokens tag payload -- obj ) ;
TUPLE: double-paren < matched ;
CONSTRUCTOR: <double-paren> double-paren ( tokens tag payload -- obj ) ;
TUPLE: identifier < lexed name ;
CONSTRUCTOR: <identifier> identifier ( tokens name -- obj ) ;
TUPLE: unknown < lexed ;
CONSTRUCTOR: <unknown> unknown ( tokens -- obj ) ;
ERROR: unknown-literal tokens ;
: literal>tuple ( obj -- tuple )
DEFER: literal>tuple
: literal>tuple* ( obj -- tuple )
{ [ dup slice? ] [ [ ] [ >string ] bi <identifier> ] }
{ [ dup ?first ?last "([{" member? ] [ { [ ] [ first >string ] [ rest but-last [ literal>tuple ] map ] } cleave <matched> ] }
! Comment has to be first
{ [ dup ?first "!" head? ] [
[ ] [ ?second >string ] bi <comment>
] }
{ [ dup ?first "\\" head? ] [
[ ] [ ?second >string ] bi <escaped-identifier>
] }
{ [ dup ?first section-open? ] [
dup first ":" tail? [
{ [ ] [ first "<" ?head drop ] [ second >string ] [ rest but-last [ literal>tuple ] map ] } cleave <named-section>
{ [ ] [ first "<" ?head drop ":" ?tail drop ] [ ?second ?first >string ] [ ?second dup length 0 > [ rest dup [ [ literal>tuple ] map ] when ] when ] } cleave <named-section>
] [
[ ] [ first "<" ?head drop ] [ rest but-last [ literal>tuple ] map ] tri <section>
[ ] [ first "<" ?head drop ] [ rest but-last ?first dup [ [ literal>tuple ] map ] when ] tri <section>
] if
] }
{ [ dup { [ ?first ":" tail? ] [ ?first strict-upper? ] } 1&& ] [
! : .. ; FOO: ;
[ ] [ ?first ":" ?tail drop ] [ rest dup ?last ";" tail? [ but-last ] when ?first dup [ [ literal>tuple ] map ] when ] tri <upper-colon>
] }
{ [ dup ?first ":" tail? ] [
! foo: 123
[ ] [ ?first >string ] [ second literal>tuple ] tri <lower-colon>
] }
{ [ dup ?first "[" tail? ] [
[ ] [ ?first "[" ?tail drop ] [ rest but-last ?first dup [ [ literal>tuple ] map ] when ] tri <single-bracket>
] }
{ [ dup ?first "{" tail? ] [
[ ] [ ?first "{" ?tail drop ] [ rest but-last ?first dup [ [ literal>tuple ] map ] when ] tri <single-brace>
] }
{ [ dup ?first "(" tail? ] [
[ ] [ ?first "(" ?tail drop ] [ rest but-last ?first dup [ [ literal>tuple ] map ] when ] tri <single-paren>
] }
{ [ dup ?second "[" head? ] [
[ ] [ ?first ] [ 2 tail but-last ] tri <double-bracket>
] }
{ [ dup ?second "{" head? ] [
[ ] [ ?first ] [ 2 tail but-last ] tri <double-brace>
] }
{ [ dup ?second "(" head? ] [
[ ] [ ?first ] [ 2 tail but-last ] tri <double-paren>
] }
{ [ dup array? ] [ [ literal>tuple ] map ] }
[ <unknown> ]
[ unknown-literal ]
} cond ;
: literal>tuple ( obj -- tuple )
dup { [ slice? ] [ string? ] } 1|| [
[ ] [ >string ] bi <identifier>
] [
] if ;
: literals>tuples ( seq -- seq' )
[ literal>tuple ] map ;
: literals>vocabulary ( literals -- vocabulary )
Reference in New Issue