Merge branch 'master' of
@ -482,8 +482,6 @@ PRIVATE>
: make-image ( arch -- )
architecture set
bootstrapping? on
load-help? off
"resource:/core/bootstrap/stage1.factor" run-file
@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ call
! After we execute bootstrap/layouts
num-types get f <array> builtins set
bootstrapping? on
! Create some empty vocabs where the below primitives and
! classes will go
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ vocabs.loader system debugger continuations ;
"resource:core/bootstrap/primitives.factor" run-file
load-help? off
! Create a boot quotation for the target
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ USING: math kernel layouts system ;
IN: compiler.constants
! These constants must match vm/memory.h
: card-bits 6 ;
: deck-bits 12 ;
: card-bits 8 ;
: deck-bits 18 ;
: card-mark HEX: 40 HEX: 80 bitor ;
! These constants must match vm/layouts.h
@ -18,13 +18,13 @@ IN: cpu.ppc.intrinsics
"obj" get operand-tag - ;
: %slot-literal-any-tag
"obj" operand "scratch" operand %untag
"val" operand "scratch" operand "n" get cells ;
"obj" operand "scratch1" operand %untag
"val" operand "scratch1" operand "n" get cells ;
: %slot-any
"obj" operand "scratch" operand %untag
"obj" operand "scratch1" operand %untag
"offset" operand "n" operand 1 SRAWI
"scratch" operand "val" operand "offset" operand ;
"scratch1" operand "val" operand "offset" operand ;
\ slot {
! Slot number is literal and the tag is known
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ IN: cpu.ppc.intrinsics
[ %slot-literal-any-tag LWZ ] H{
{ +input+ { { f "obj" } { [ small-slot? ] "n" } } }
{ +scratch+ { { f "scratch" } { f "val" } } }
{ +scratch+ { { f "scratch1" } { f "val" } } }
{ +output+ { "val" } }
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ IN: cpu.ppc.intrinsics
[ %slot-any LWZX ] H{
{ +input+ { { f "obj" } { f "n" } } }
{ +scratch+ { { f "val" } { f "scratch" } { f "offset" } } }
{ +scratch+ { { f "val" } { f "scratch1" } { f "offset" } } }
{ +output+ { "val" } }
@ -61,17 +61,17 @@ IN: cpu.ppc.intrinsics
: %write-barrier ( -- )
"val" get operand-immediate? "obj" get fresh-object? or [
"scratch1" operand card-mark LI
card-mark "scratch1" operand LI
! Mark the card
"val" operand load-cards-offset
"obj" operand "scratch2" operand card-bits SRWI
"val" operand "scratch2" operand "val" operand STBX
"scratch2" operand "scratch1" operand "val" operand STBX
! Mark the card deck
"val" operand load-decks-offset
"obj" operand "scratch" operand deck-bits SRWI
"val" operand "scratch" operand "val" operand STBX
"obj" operand "scratch2" operand deck-bits SRWI
"scratch2" operand "scratch1" operand "val" operand STBX
] unless ;
\ set-slot {
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ IN: cpu.ppc.intrinsics
[ %slot-literal-any-tag STW %write-barrier ] H{
{ +input+ { { f "val" } { f "obj" } { [ small-slot? ] "n" } } }
{ +scratch+ { { f "scratch" } } }
{ +scratch+ { { f "scratch1" } { f "scratch2" } } }
{ +clobber+ { "val" } }
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ IN: cpu.ppc.intrinsics
[ %slot-any STWX %write-barrier ] H{
{ +input+ { { f "val" } { f "obj" } { f "n" } } }
{ +scratch+ { { f "scratch" } { f "offset" } } }
{ +scratch+ { { f "scratch1" } { f "scratch2" } { f "offset" } } }
{ +clobber+ { "val" } }
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
IN: io.files.tests
USING: tools.test io.files io.files.private io threads kernel
continuations io.encodings.ascii io.files.unique sequences
strings accessors io.encodings.utf8 ;
strings accessors io.encodings.utf8 math ;
[ ] [ "blahblah" temp-file dup exists? [ delete-directory ] [ drop ] if ] unit-test
[ ] [ "blahblah" temp-file make-directory ] unit-test
@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ strings accessors io.encodings.utf8 ;
"file4" temp-file delete-file
] unit-test
[ "file5" temp-file delete-file ] ignore-errors
[ ] [
temp-directory [
"file5" touch-file
@ -50,6 +52,8 @@ strings accessors io.encodings.utf8 ;
] with-directory
] unit-test
[ "file6" temp-file delete-file ] ignore-errors
[ ] [
temp-directory [
"file6" touch-file
@ -259,3 +263,6 @@ strings accessors io.encodings.utf8 ;
[ t ] [ "resource:core" absolute-path? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "" absolute-path? ] unit-test
[ "touch-twice-test" temp-file delete-file ] ignore-errors
[ ] [ 2 [ "touch-twice-test" temp-file touch-file ] times ] unit-test
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: io kernel math namespaces sequences sbufs strings
generic splitting growable continuations io.streams.plain
io.encodings io.encodings.private math.order ;
io.encodings math.order ;
IN: io.streams.string
M: growable dispose drop ;
@ -77,6 +77,3 @@ M: plain-writer stream-write-table
[ drop format-table [ print ] each ] with-output-stream* ;
M: plain-writer make-cell-stream 2drop <string-writer> ;
M: growable stream-readln ( stream -- str )
"\r\n" over stream-read-until handle-readln ;
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ words ;
IN: threads.tests
3 "x" set
namespace [ [ yield 2 "x" set ] bind ] curry "Test" spawn drop
[ 2 "x" set ] "Test" spawn drop
[ 2 ] [ yield "x" get ] unit-test
[ ] [ [ flush ] "flush test" spawn drop flush ] unit-test
[ ] [ [ "Errors, errors" throw ] "error test" spawn drop ] unit-test
@ -136,9 +136,9 @@ SYMBOL: visited
[ reset-on-redefine reset-props ]
[ dup visited get set-at ]
crossref get at keys [ word? ] filter [
reset-on-redefine [ word-prop ] with contains?
] filter
crossref get at keys
[ word? ] filter
[ reset-on-redefine [ word-prop ] with contains? ] filter
[ (redefined) ] each
] tri
] if ;
@ -13,11 +13,12 @@ PROTOCOL: assoc-protocol
delete-at clear-assoc new-assoc assoc-like ;
PROTOCOL: input-stream-protocol
stream-read1 stream-read stream-read-until stream-read-quot ;
stream-read1 stream-read stream-read-partial stream-readln
stream-read-until stream-read-quot ;
PROTOCOL: output-stream-protocol
stream-flush stream-write1 stream-write stream-format
stream-nl make-span-stream make-block-stream stream-readln
stream-nl make-span-stream make-block-stream
make-cell-stream stream-write-table ;
PROTOCOL: definition-protocol
@ -1,45 +1,47 @@
USING: kernel sequences arrays math.intervals accessors
USING: kernel sequences arrays accessors tuple-arrays
math.order sorting math assocs locals namespaces ;
IN: interval-maps
TUPLE: interval-map array ;
TUPLE: interval-node interval value ;
TUPLE: interval-node from to value ;
: fixup-value ( value ? -- value/f ? )
[ drop f f ] unless* ;
: find-interval ( key interval-map -- i )
[ interval>> from>> first <=> ] binsearch ;
[ from>> <=> ] binsearch ;
GENERIC: >interval ( object -- interval )
M: number >interval [a,a] ;
M: sequence >interval first2 [a,b] ;
M: interval >interval ;
: interval-contains? ( object interval-node -- ? )
[ from>> ] [ to>> ] bi between? ;
: all-intervals ( sequence -- intervals )
[ >r >interval r> ] assoc-map ;
[ >r dup number? [ dup 2array ] when r> ] assoc-map
{ } assoc-like ;
: disjoint? ( node1 node2 -- ? )
[ to>> ] [ from>> ] bi* < ;
: ensure-disjoint ( intervals -- intervals )
dup keys [ interval-intersect not ] monotonic?
dup [ disjoint? ] monotonic?
[ "Intervals are not disjoint" throw ] unless ;
: >intervals ( specification -- intervals )
[ >r first2 r> interval-node boa ] { } assoc>map ;
: interval-at* ( key map -- value ? )
array>> [ find-interval ] 2keep swapd nth
[ nip value>> ] [ interval>> interval-contains? ] 2bi
[ nip value>> ] [ interval-contains? ] 2bi
fixup-value ;
: interval-at ( key map -- value ) interval-at* drop ;
: interval-key? ( key map -- ? ) interval-at* nip ;
: <interval-map> ( specification -- map )
all-intervals { } assoc-like
[ [ first to>> ] compare ] sort ensure-disjoint
[ interval-node boa ] { } assoc>map
all-intervals [ [ first second ] compare ] sort
>intervals ensure-disjoint >tuple-array
interval-map boa ;
:: coalesce ( alist -- specification )
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Daniel Ehrenberg
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel strings unicode.syntax.backend io.files assocs
splitting sequences io namespaces sets
io.encodings.ascii io.encodings.utf8 io.encodings.utf16 io.encodings.8-bit ;
USING: kernel strings values io.files assocs
splitting sequences io namespaces sets io.encodings.8-bit
io.encodings.ascii io.encodings.utf8 io.encodings.utf16 ;
IN: io.encodings.iana
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
USING: io.streams.duplex io kernel continuations tools.test ;
USING: io.streams.duplex io io.streams.string
kernel continuations tools.test ;
IN: io.streams.duplex.tests
! Test duplex stream close behavior
@ -38,3 +39,8 @@ M: unclosable-stream dispose
[ dup dispose ] [ 2drop ] recover
] keep closing-stream-closed?
] unit-test
[ "Hey" ] [
"Hey\nThere" <string-reader> <string-writer> <duplex-stream>
] unit-test
@ -45,10 +45,9 @@ M: unix (file-appender) ( path -- stream )
M: unix touch-file ( path -- )
dup exists?
[ f utime ]
[ touch-mode file-mode open close ]
if ;
dup exists? [ f utime ] [
touch-mode file-mode open close
] if ;
M: unix move-file ( from to -- )
[ normalize-path ] bi@ rename io-error ;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Alex Chapman
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien.c-types colors jamshred.oint
USING: accessors alien.c-types colors jamshred.oint
jamshred.player jamshred.tunnel kernel math math.vectors opengl
|||| opengl.glu sequences ;
@ -37,10 +37,6 @@ IN:
: draw-tunnel ( player -- )
segments-to-render draw-segments ;
! : draw-tunnel ( player tunnel -- )
! tuck swap player-nearest-segment segment-number dup n-segments-behind -
! swap n-segments-ahead + rot sub-tunnel draw-segments ;
: init-graphics ( width height -- )
@ -63,9 +59,9 @@ IN:
GL_LIGHT0 GL_SPECULAR F{ 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 } >c-float-array glLightfv ;
: player-view ( player -- )
[ oint-location first3 ] keep
[ dup oint-location swap oint-forward v+ first3 ] keep
oint-up first3 gluLookAt ;
[ location>> first3 ]
[ [ location>> ] [ forward>> ] bi v+ first3 ]
[ up>> first3 ] tri gluLookAt ;
: draw-jamshred ( jamshred width height -- )
init-graphics jamshred-player dup player-view draw-tunnel ;
@ -127,7 +127,9 @@ C: <segment> segment
[ [ location>> ] bi@ v- ] keep forward>> proj-perp ;
: collision-vector ( oint segment -- v )
[ sideways-heading ] [ sideways-relative-location ] [ radius>> ] 2tri
[ sideways-heading ] [ sideways-relative-location ]
[ radius>> 0.1 - ] ! bounce before we hit so that we can't see through the wall (hack?)
swap [ collision-coefficient ] dip forward>> n*v ;
: distance-to-collision ( oint segment -- distance )
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ IN: lcs
0 1 ? + >r [ 1+ ] bi@ r> min min ;
: lcs-step ( insert delete change same? -- next )
1 -9999 ? + max max ; ! Replace -9999 with -inf when added
1 -1./0. ? + max max ; ! -1./0. is -inf (float)
:: loop-step ( i j matrix old new step -- )
i j 1+ matrix nth nth ! insertion
@ -25,10 +25,9 @@ IN: lcs
:: run-lcs ( old new init step -- matrix )
[let | matrix [ old length 1+ new length 1+ init call ] |
old length [0,b) [| i |
new length [0,b)
[| j | i j matrix old new step loop-step ]
old length [| i |
new length
[| j | i j matrix old new step loop-step ] each
] each matrix ] ; inline
@ -0,0 +1 @@
James Cash
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 James Cash
! See for BSD license.
USING: lisp lisp.parser tools.test sequences math kernel ;
IN: lisp.test
{ [ "aoeu" 2 1 T{ lisp-symbol f "foo" } ] } [
"(foo 1 2 \"aoeu\")" lisp-string>factor
] unit-test
"+" [ first2 + ] lisp-define
{ [ first2 + ] } [
"+" lisp-get
] unit-test
{ 3 } [
"((lambda (x y) (+ x y)) 1 2)" lisp-string>factor call
] unit-test
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 James Cash
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel peg sequences arrays strings combinators.lib
namespaces combinators math bake locals locals.private accessors
vectors syntax lisp.parser assocs parser sequences.lib ;
IN: lisp
DEFER: convert-form
DEFER: funcall
! Functions to convert s-exps to quotations
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: convert-body ( s-exp -- quot )
[ convert-form ] map [ ] [ compose ] reduce ; inline
: convert-if ( s-exp -- quot )
rest [ convert-form ] map reverse first3 [ % , , if ] bake ;
: convert-begin ( s-exp -- quot )
rest convert-form ;
: convert-cond ( s-exp -- quot )
rest [ [ convert-form map ] map ] [ % cond ] bake ;
: convert-general-form ( s-exp -- quot )
unclip convert-form swap convert-body [ , % funcall ] bake ;
: localize-body ( vars body -- newbody )
[ dup lisp-symbol? [ tuck name>> swap member? [ name>> make-local ] [ ] if ]
[ dup s-exp? [ body>> localize-body <s-exp> ] [ nip ] if ] if
] with map ;
: localize-lambda ( body vars -- newbody newvars )
dup make-locals dup push-locals [ swap localize-body <s-exp> convert-form ] dipd
pop-locals swap ;
: split-lambda ( s-exp -- body vars )
first3 -rot nip [ body>> ] bi@ [ name>> ] map ; inline
: rest-lambda-vars ( seq -- n newseq )
"&rest" swap [ remove ] [ index ] 2bi ;
: convert-lambda ( s-exp -- quot )
split-lambda dup "&rest" swap member? [ rest-lambda-vars ] [ dup length ] if
[ localize-lambda <lambda> ] dip
[ , cut [ dup length firstn ] dip dup empty? [ drop ] when , ] bake ;
: convert-quoted ( s-exp -- quot )
second [ , ] bake ;
: convert-list-form ( s-exp -- quot )
dup first dup lisp-symbol?
[ name>>
{ { "lambda" [ convert-lambda ] }
{ "quote" [ convert-quoted ] }
{ "if" [ convert-if ] }
{ "begin" [ convert-begin ] }
{ "cond" [ convert-cond ] }
[ drop convert-general-form ]
} case ]
[ drop convert-general-form ] if ;
: convert-form ( lisp-form -- quot )
{ { [ dup s-exp? ] [ body>> convert-list-form ] }
[ [ , ] [ ] make ]
} cond ;
: lisp-string>factor ( str -- quot )
lisp-expr parse-result-ast convert-form ;
! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SYMBOL: lisp-env
: init-env ( -- )
H{ } clone lisp-env set ;
: lisp-define ( name quot -- )
swap lisp-env get set-at ;
: lisp-get ( name -- word )
lisp-env get at ;
: funcall ( quot sym -- * )
dup lisp-symbol? [ name>> lisp-get ] when call ; inline
@ -0,0 +1 @@
James Cash
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 James Cash
! See for BSD license.
USING: lisp.parser tools.test peg peg.ebnf ;
IN: lisp.parser.tests
{ 1234 } [
"1234" "atom" \ lisp-expr rule parse parse-result-ast
] unit-test
{ 123.98 } [
"123.98" "atom" \ lisp-expr rule parse parse-result-ast
] unit-test
{ "" } [
"\"\"" "atom" \ lisp-expr rule parse parse-result-ast
] unit-test
{ "aoeu" } [
"\"aoeu\"" "atom" \ lisp-expr rule parse parse-result-ast
] unit-test
{ "aoeu\"de" } [
"\"aoeu\\\"de\"" "atom" \ lisp-expr rule parse parse-result-ast
] unit-test
{ T{ lisp-symbol f "foobar" } } [
"foobar" "atom" \ lisp-expr rule parse parse-result-ast
] unit-test
{ T{ lisp-symbol f "+" } } [
"+" "atom" \ lisp-expr rule parse parse-result-ast
] unit-test
{ T{ s-exp f
V{ T{ lisp-symbol f "foo" } 1 2 "aoeu" } } } [
"(foo 1 2 \"aoeu\")" lisp-expr parse-result-ast
] unit-test
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 James Cash
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel peg.ebnf peg.expr math.parser sequences arrays strings
combinators.lib ;
IN: lisp.parser
TUPLE: lisp-symbol name ;
C: <lisp-symbol> lisp-symbol
TUPLE: s-exp body ;
C: <s-exp> s-exp
EBNF: lisp-expr
_ = (" " | "\t" | "\n")*
LPAREN = "("
RPAREN = ")"
dquote = '"'
squote = "'"
digit = [0-9]
integer = (digit)+ => [[ string>number ]]
float = (digit)+ "." (digit)* => [[ first3 >string [ >string ] dipd 3append string>number ]]
number = float
| integer
id-specials = "!" | "$" | "%" | "&" | "*" | "/" | ":" | "<"
| " =" | ">" | "?" | "^" | "_" | "~" | "+" | "-" | "." | "@"
letters = [a-zA-Z] => [[ 1array >string ]]
initials = letters | id-specials
numbers = [0-9] => [[ 1array >string ]]
subsequents = initials | numbers
identifier = initials (subsequents)* => [[ first2 concat append <lisp-symbol> ]]
escaped = "\" . => [[ second ]]
string = dquote ( escaped | !(dquote) . )* dquote => [[ second >string ]]
atom = number
| identifier
| string
list-item = _ (atom|s-expression) _ => [[ second ]]
s-expression = LPAREN (list-item)* RPAREN => [[ second <s-exp> ]]
@ -0,0 +1 @@
EBNF grammar for parsing Lisp
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
@ -0,0 +1 @@
A Lisp interpreter in Factor
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
@ -68,7 +68,9 @@ IN: smtp.tests
rot from>>
] unit-test
[ ] [ [ 4321 mock-smtp-server ] in-thread ] unit-test
[ ] [ [ 4321 mock-smtp-server ] "SMTP server" spawn drop ] unit-test
[ ] [ yield ] unit-test
[ ] [
@ -85,3 +87,5 @@ IN: smtp.tests
] with-scope
] unit-test
[ ] [ yield ] unit-test
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
USING: cocoa cocoa.messages cocoa.application cocoa.nibs
assocs namespaces kernel words compiler.units sequences
ui.cocoa ;
ui ui.cocoa ;
"stop-after-last-window?" get
global [
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
USING: unicode.categories kernel math combinators splitting
sequences math.parser io.files io assocs arrays namespaces
math.ranges unicode.normalize unicode.syntax.backend
unicode.syntax compiler.units alien.syntax io.encodings.ascii ;
math.ranges unicode.normalize values io.encodings.ascii
unicode.syntax compiler.units alien.syntax ;
IN: unicode.breaks
C-ENUM: Any L V T Extend Control CR LF graphemes ;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
USING: assocs math kernel sequences io.files hashtables
quotations splitting arrays math.parser hash2 math.order
byte-arrays words namespaces words compiler.units parser
io.encodings.ascii unicode.syntax.backend ;
io.encodings.ascii values ;
! Convenience functions
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
USING: unicode.syntax.backend kernel sequences assocs io.files
USING: values kernel sequences assocs io.files
io.encodings ascii math.ranges io splitting math.parser
namespaces byte-arrays locals math sets io.encodings.ascii
words compiler.units arrays interval-maps ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Daniel Ehrenberg
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Global variables in the Forth value style
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
USING: help.markup help.syntax ;
IN: values
ARTICLE: "values" "Global values"
"Usually, dynamically scoped variables are sufficient for holding data which is not literal. But occasionally, for global information that's calculated just once, it's useful to use the word mechanism instead, and set the word to the appropriate value just once. Values abstract over this concept. To create a new word as a value, use the following syntax:"
{ $subsection POSTPONE: VALUE: }
"To get the value, just call the word. The following words manipulate values:"
{ $subsection get-value }
{ $subsection set-value }
{ $subsection change-value } ;
{ $syntax "VALUE: word" }
{ $values { "word" "a word to be created" } }
{ $description "Creates a value on the given word, initializing it to hold " { $code f } ". To get the value, just run the word. To set it, use " { $link set-value } "." } ;
HELP: get-value
{ $values { "word" "a value word" } { "value" "the contents" } }
{ $description "Gets a value. This should not normally be used, unless the word is not known until runtime." } ;
HELP: set-value
{ $values { "value" "a new value" } { "word" "a value word" } }
{ $description "Sets the value word." } ;
HELP: change-value
{ $values { "word" "a value word" } { "quot" "a quotation ( oldvalue -- newvalue )" } }
{ $description "Changes the value using the given quotation." } ;
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
USING: tools.test values math ;
IN: values.tests
VALUE: foo
[ f ] [ foo ] unit-test
[ ] [ 3 \ foo set-value ] unit-test
[ 3 ] [ foo ] unit-test
[ ] [ \ foo [ 1+ ] change-value ] unit-test
[ 4 ] [ foo ] unit-test
extra/unicode/syntax/backend/backend.factor → extra/values/values.factor
Normal file → Executable file
extra/unicode/syntax/backend/backend.factor → extra/values/values.factor
Normal file → Executable file
@ -1,8 +1,14 @@
USING: kernel parser sequences words ;
IN: unicode.syntax.backend
IN: values
CREATE-WORD { f } clone [ first ] curry define ; parsing
: set-value ( value word -- )
word-def first set-first ;
: get-value ( word -- value )
word-def first first ;
: change-value ( word quot -- )
over >r >r get-value r> call r> set-value ; inline
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
#define END_AGING_GC "end_gc: aging_collections=%ld, cards_scanned=%ld\n"
#define END_NURSERY_GC "end_gc: nursery_collections=%ld, cards_scanned=%ld\n"
/* #define GC_DEBUG */
#ifdef GC_DEBUG
#define GC_PRINT printf
@ -23,7 +25,7 @@ CELL init_zone(F_ZONE *z, CELL size, CELL start)
void init_card_decks(void)
CELL start = data_heap->segment->start & ~(DECK_SIZE - 1);
CELL start = align(data_heap->segment->start,DECK_SIZE);
allot_markers_offset = (CELL)data_heap->allot_markers - (start >> CARD_BITS);
cards_offset = (CELL)data_heap->cards - (start >> CARD_BITS);
decks_offset = (CELL)data_heap->decks - (start >> DECK_BITS);
@ -36,9 +38,9 @@ F_DATA_HEAP *alloc_data_heap(CELL gens,
young_size = align_page(young_size);
aging_size = align_page(aging_size);
tenured_size = align_page(tenured_size);
young_size = align(young_size,DECK_SIZE);
aging_size = align(aging_size,DECK_SIZE);
tenured_size = align(tenured_size,DECK_SIZE);
F_DATA_HEAP *data_heap = safe_malloc(sizeof(F_DATA_HEAP));
data_heap->young_size = young_size;
@ -59,23 +61,25 @@ F_DATA_HEAP *alloc_data_heap(CELL gens,
return NULL; /* can't happen */
total_size += DECK_SIZE;
data_heap->segment = alloc_segment(total_size);
data_heap->generations = safe_malloc(sizeof(F_ZONE) * data_heap->gen_count);
data_heap->semispaces = safe_malloc(sizeof(F_ZONE) * data_heap->gen_count);
CELL cards_size = (total_size + DECK_SIZE) / CARD_SIZE;
CELL cards_size = total_size >> CARD_BITS;
data_heap->allot_markers = safe_malloc(cards_size);
data_heap->allot_markers_end = data_heap->allot_markers + cards_size;
data_heap->cards = safe_malloc(cards_size);
data_heap->cards_end = data_heap->cards + cards_size;
CELL decks_size = (total_size + DECK_SIZE) / DECK_SIZE;
CELL decks_size = total_size >> DECK_BITS;
data_heap->decks = safe_malloc(decks_size);
data_heap->decks_end = data_heap->decks + decks_size;
CELL alloter = data_heap->segment->start;
CELL alloter = align(data_heap->segment->start,DECK_SIZE);
alloter = init_zone(&data_heap->generations[TENURED],tenured_size,alloter);
alloter = init_zone(&data_heap->semispaces[TENURED],tenured_size,alloter);
@ -92,7 +96,7 @@ F_DATA_HEAP *alloc_data_heap(CELL gens,
alloter = init_zone(&data_heap->semispaces[NURSERY],0,alloter);
if(alloter != data_heap->segment->end)
if(data_heap->segment->end - alloter > DECK_SIZE)
critical_error("Bug in alloc_data_heap",alloter);
return data_heap;
@ -119,8 +123,6 @@ void dealloc_data_heap(F_DATA_HEAP *data_heap)
/* Every card stores the offset of the first object in that card, which must be
cleared when a generation has been cleared */
void clear_cards(CELL from, CELL to)
/* NOTE: reverse order due to heap layout. */
@ -133,9 +135,9 @@ void clear_cards(CELL from, CELL to)
void clear_decks(CELL from, CELL to)
/* NOTE: reverse order due to heap layout. */
F_CARD *first_deck = ADDR_TO_CARD(data_heap->generations[to].start);
F_CARD *last_deck = ADDR_TO_CARD(data_heap->generations[from].end);
F_CARD *ptr;
F_DECK *first_deck = ADDR_TO_DECK(data_heap->generations[to].start);
F_DECK *last_deck = ADDR_TO_DECK(data_heap->generations[from].end);
F_DECK *ptr;
for(ptr = first_deck; ptr < last_deck; ptr++) *ptr = 0;
@ -145,7 +147,7 @@ void clear_allot_markers(CELL from, CELL to)
F_CARD *first_card = ADDR_TO_ALLOT_MARKER(data_heap->generations[to].start);
F_CARD *last_card = ADDR_TO_ALLOT_MARKER(data_heap->generations[from].end);
F_CARD *ptr;
for(ptr = first_card; ptr < last_card; ptr++) *ptr = CARD_BASE_MASK;
for(ptr = first_card; ptr < last_card; ptr++) *ptr = INVALID_ALLOT_MARKER;
void set_data_heap(F_DATA_HEAP *data_heap_)
@ -163,6 +165,10 @@ void gc_reset(void)
int i;
for(i = 0; i < MAX_GEN_COUNT; i++)
cards_scanned = 0;
decks_scanned = 0;
code_heap_scans = 0;
void init_data_heap(CELL gens,
@ -182,10 +188,6 @@ void init_data_heap(CELL gens,
secure_gc = secure_gc_;
cards_scanned = 0;
decks_scanned = 0;
code_heap_scans = 0;
/* Size of the object pointed to by a tagged pointer */
@ -328,8 +330,11 @@ void collect_card(F_CARD *ptr, CELL gen, CELL here)
CELL offset = CARD_OFFSET(ptr);
if(offset != CARD_BASE_MASK)
if(offset & TAG_MASK)
critical_error("Bad card",(CELL)ptr);
CELL card_scan = (CELL)CARD_TO_ADDR(ptr) + offset;
CELL card_end = (CELL)CARD_TO_ADDR(ptr + 1);
@ -68,26 +68,21 @@ the offset of the first object is set by the allocator. */
#define CARD_BASE_MASK 0x3f
typedef u8 F_CARD;
/* A card is 64 bytes. 6 bits is sufficient to represent every
offset within the card */
#define CARD_SIZE 64
#define CARD_BITS 6
#define CARD_BITS 8
#define CARD_SIZE (1<<CARD_BITS)
DLLEXPORT CELL cards_offset;
DLLEXPORT CELL allot_markers_offset;
#define ADDR_TO_CARD(a) (F_CARD*)(((CELL)(a) >> CARD_BITS) + cards_offset)
#define CARD_TO_ADDR(c) (CELL*)(((CELL)(c) - cards_offset)<<CARD_BITS)
/* A deck is 4 kilobytes or 64 cards. */
typedef u8 F_DECK;
#define DECK_SIZE (4 * 1024)
#define DECK_BITS 12
#define DECK_BITS (CARD_BITS + 10)
#define DECK_SIZE (1<<DECK_BITS)
DLLEXPORT CELL decks_offset;
@ -100,12 +95,14 @@ DLLEXPORT CELL decks_offset;
#define ADDR_TO_ALLOT_MARKER(a) (F_CARD*)(((CELL)(a) >> CARD_BITS) + allot_markers_offset)
#define CARD_OFFSET(c) (*((c) - (CELL)data_heap->cards + (CELL)data_heap->allot_markers))
DLLEXPORT CELL allot_markers_offset;
void init_card_decks(void);
/* this is an inefficient write barrier. compiled definitions use a more
efficient one hand-coded in assembly. the write barrier must be called
any time we are potentially storing a pointer from an older generation
to a younger one */
/* the write barrier must be called any time we are potentially storing a
pointer from an older generation to a younger one */
INLINE void write_barrier(CELL address)
@ -124,9 +121,8 @@ INLINE void set_slot(CELL obj, CELL slot, CELL value)
INLINE void allot_barrier(CELL address)
F_CARD *ptr = ADDR_TO_ALLOT_MARKER(address);
F_CARD b = *ptr;
F_CARD a = (address & ADDR_CARD_MASK);
*ptr = (b < a ? b : a);
*ptr = (address & ADDR_CARD_MASK);
void clear_cards(CELL from, CELL to);
@ -103,11 +103,11 @@ INLINE void bput(CELL where, CELL what)
return (a + b) & ~b;
return (a + (b-1)) & ~(b-1);
#define align8(a) align(a,7)
#define align_page(a) align(a,getpagesize() - 1)
#define align8(a) align(a,8)
#define align_page(a) align(a,getpagesize())
/* Canonical T object. It's just a word */
Reference in New Issue