compiler.cfg.coalescing: work in progress

Slava Pestov 2009-07-26 21:11:26 -05:00
parent e9935b6aad
commit a5e5510615
7 changed files with 407 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors assocs fry kernel locals math math.order
compiler.cfg.coalescing.process-blocks ;
IN: compiler.cfg.coalescing
! Fast Copy Coalescing and Live-Range Identification
! Dominance, liveness and def-use need to be computed
: process-blocks ( cfg -- )
[ [ process-block ] if-has-phis ] each-basic-block ;
: schedule-copies ( bb -- ) drop ;
: break-interferences ( -- ) ;
: insert-copies ( cfg -- ) drop ;
: perform-renaming ( cfg -- ) drop ;
: remove-phis-from-block ( bb -- )
instructions>> [ ##phi? not ] filter-here ;
: remove-phis ( cfg -- )
[ [ remove-phis-from-block ] if-has-phis ] each-basic-block ;
: coalesce ( cfg -- cfg' )
dup compute-dfs
dup process-blocks
dup insert-copies
dup perform-renaming
dup remove-phis ;

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@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
IN: compiler.cfg.coalescing.copies
: schedule-copies ( bb -- ) drop ;
: insert-copies ( cfg -- ) drop ;

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@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
USING: accessors compiler.cfg compiler.cfg.coalescing.forest
compiler.cfg.debugger compiler.cfg.dominance compiler.cfg.instructions
compiler.cfg.predecessors compiler.cfg.registers compiler.cfg.def-use
cpu.architecture kernel namespaces sequences tools.test vectors sorting
math.order ;
IN: compiler.cfg.coalescing.forest.tests
V{ T{ ##peek f V int-regs 0 D 0 } } clone 0 test-bb
V{ T{ ##peek f V int-regs 1 D 0 } } clone 1 test-bb
V{ T{ ##peek f V int-regs 2 D 0 } } clone 2 test-bb
V{ T{ ##peek f V int-regs 3 D 0 } } clone 3 test-bb
V{ T{ ##peek f V int-regs 4 D 0 } } clone 4 test-bb
V{ T{ ##peek f V int-regs 5 D 0 } } clone 5 test-bb
V{ T{ ##peek f V int-regs 6 D 0 } } clone 6 test-bb
0 get 1 get 2 get V{ } 2sequence >>successors drop
2 get 3 get 4 get V{ } 2sequence >>successors drop
3 get 5 get 1vector >>successors drop
4 get 5 get 1vector >>successors drop
1 get 6 get 1vector >>successors drop
5 get 6 get 1vector >>successors drop
: clean-up-forest ( forest -- forest' )
[ [ vreg>> n>> ] compare ] sort
[ clean-up-forest ] change-children
[ number>> ] change-bb
] V{ } map-as ;
: test-dom-forest ( vregs -- forest )
cfg new 0 get >>entry
dup compute-dominance
dup compute-def-use
clean-up-forest ;
[ V{ } ] [ { } test-dom-forest ] unit-test
[ V{ T{ dom-forest-node f V int-regs 0 0 V{ } } } ]
[ { V int-regs 0 } test-dom-forest ]
T{ dom-forest-node
V int-regs 0
V{ T{ dom-forest-node f V int-regs 1 1 V{ } } }
[ { V int-regs 0 V int-regs 1 } test-dom-forest ]
T{ dom-forest-node
V int-regs 1
V{ }
T{ dom-forest-node
V int-regs 2
T{ dom-forest-node f V int-regs 3 3 V{ } }
T{ dom-forest-node f V int-regs 4 4 V{ } }
T{ dom-forest-node f V int-regs 5 5 V{ } }
T{ dom-forest-node
V int-regs 6
V{ }
{ V int-regs 1 V int-regs 6 V int-regs 2 V int-regs 3 V int-regs 4 V int-regs 5 }
] unit-test

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@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors assocs fry kernel math math.order
namespaces sequences sorting vectors compiler.cfg.def-use
compiler.cfg.dominance ;
IN: compiler.cfg.coalescing.forest
TUPLE: dom-forest-node vreg bb children ;
: sort-vregs-by-bb ( vregs -- alist )
defs-1 get
'[ dup _ at ] { } map>assoc
[ [ second pre-of ] compare ] sort ;
: <dom-forest-node> ( vreg bb parent -- node )
[ V{ } clone dom-forest-node boa dup ] dip children>> push ;
: <virtual-root> ( -- node )
f f V{ } clone dom-forest-node boa ;
: find-parent ( pre stack -- parent )
2dup last vreg>> def-of maxpre-of > [
dup pop* find-parent
] [ nip last ] if ;
: (compute-dom-forest) ( vreg bb stack -- )
[ dup pre-of ] dip [ find-parent <dom-forest-node> ] keep push ;
: compute-dom-forest ( vregs -- forest )
! compute-dfs must be called on the CFG first
<virtual-root> [
[ sort-vregs-by-bb ] dip
'[ _ (compute-dom-forest) ] assoc-each
] keep children>> ;

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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors assocs combinators combinators.short-circuit
kernel math namespaces sequences compiler.cfg.def-use
compiler.cfg.liveness ;
IN: compiler.cfg.coalescing.interference
! Local interference testing. Requires live-out information
SYMBOLS: def-index kill-index ;
: compute-local-live-ranges ( bb -- )
H{ } clone def-index set
H{ } clone kill-index set
instructions>> [
[ swap defs-vregs [ def-index get set-at ] with each ]
[ swap uses-vregs [ kill-index get set-at ] with each ]
] each-index
[ live-out keys [ [ 1/0. ] dip kill-index get set-at ] each ]
bi ;
: kill-after-def? ( vreg1 vreg2 -- ? )
! If first register is killed after second one is defined, they interfere
[ kill-index get at ] [ def-index get at ] bi* >= ;
: interferes-same-block? ( vreg1 vreg2 -- ? )
! If both are defined in the same basic block, they interfere if their
! local live ranges intersect.
{ [ kill-after-def? ] [ swap kill-after-def? ] } 2|| ;
: interferes-first-dominates? ( vreg1 vreg2 -- ? )
! If vreg1 dominates vreg2, then they interfere if vreg2's definition
! occurs before vreg1 is killed.
kill-after-def? ;
: interferes-second-dominates? ( vreg1 vreg2 -- ? )
! If vreg2 dominates vreg1, then they interfere if vreg1's definition
! occurs before vreg2 is killed.
swap kill-after-def? ;
SYMBOLS: +same-block+ +first-dominates+ +second-dominates+ ;
: interferes? ( vreg1 vreg2 bb mode -- ? )
! local interference test - mode is one of the above symbols
[ compute-local-live-ranges ] dip
{ +same-block+ [ interferes-same-block? ] }
{ +first-dominates+ [ interferes-first-dominates? ] }
{ +second-dominates+ [ interferes-second-dominates? ] }
} case ;

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@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors assocs fry kernel locals math math.order arrays
namespaces sequences sorting sets combinators combinators.short-circuit
dlists deques make
compiler.cfg.coalescing.interference ;
IN: compiler.cfg.coalescing.process-blocks
SYMBOLS: phi-union unioned-blocks ;
:: operand-live-into-phi-node's-block? ( bb src dst -- ? )
src bb live-in key? ;
:: phi-node-is-live-out-of-operand's-block? ( bb src dst -- ? )
dst src def-of live-out key? ;
:: operand-is-phi-node-and-live-into-operand's-block? ( bb src dst -- ? )
{ [ src insn-of ##phi? ] [ src src def-of live-in key? ] } 0&& ;
:: operand-being-renamed? ( bb src dst -- ? )
src processed-names get key? ;
:: two-operands-in-same-block? ( bb src dst -- ? )
src def-of unioned-blocks get key? ;
: trivial-interference? ( bb src dst -- ? )
[ operand-live-into-phi-node's-block? ]
[ phi-node-is-live-out-of-operand's-block? ]
[ operand-is-phi-node-and-live-into-operand's-block? ]
[ operand-being-renamed? ]
[ two-operands-in-same-block? ]
} 3|| ;
: don't-coalesce ( bb src dst -- )
2nip processed-name ;
:: trivial-interference ( bb src dst -- )
dst src bb waiting-for push-at
src used-by-another get push ;
:: add-to-renaming-set ( bb src dst -- )
src phi-union get conjoin
src def-of unioned-blocks get conjoin ;
: process-phi-operand ( bb src dst -- )
{ [ 2dup eq? ] [ don't-coalesce ] }
{ [ 3dup trivial-interference? ] [ trivial-interference ] }
[ add-to-renaming-set ]
} cond ;
SYMBOLS: visited work-list ;
: node-is-live-in-of-child? ( node child -- ? )
[ vreg>> ] [ bb>> live-in ] bi* key? ;
: node-is-live-out-of-child? ( node child -- ? )
[ vreg>> ] [ bb>> live-out ] bi* key? ;
:: insert-copy ( bb src dst -- )
bb src dst trivial-interference
src phi-union get delete-at ;
:: insert-copy-for-parent ( bb src node dst -- )
src node vreg>> eq? [ bb src dst insert-copy ] when ;
: insert-copies-for-parent ( ##phi node child -- )
[ [ inputs>> ] [ dst>> ] bi ] dip
'[ _ _ insert-copy-for-parent ] assoc-each ;
: defined-in-same-block? ( node child -- ? ) [ bb>> ] bi@ eq? ;
: add-interference ( ##phi node child -- )
[ vreg>> ] bi@ 2array , drop ;
: add-to-work-list ( child -- inserted? )
dup visited get key? [ drop f ] [ work-list get push-back t ] if ;
: process-df-child ( ##phi node child -- inserted? )
{ [ 2dup node-is-live-out-of-child? ] [ insert-copies-for-parent ] }
{ [ 2dup node-is-live-in-of-child? ] [ add-interference ] }
{ [ 2dup defined-in-same-block? ] [ add-interference ] }
[ 3drop ]
} cond
[ add-to-work-list ]
bi ;
: process-df-node ( ##phi node -- )
dup visited get conjoin
dup children>> [ process-df-child ] with with map
[ ] any? [ work-list get pop-back* ] unless ;
: process-phi-union ( ##phi dom-forest -- )
H{ } clone visited set
<dlist> [ push-all-front ] keep
[ work-list set ] [ [ process-df-node ] with slurp-deque ] bi ;
:: add-local-interferences ( bb ##phi -- )
phi-union get [
drop dup def-of bb eq?
[ ##phi dst>> 2array , ] [ drop ] if
] assoc-each ;
: compute-local-interferences ( bb ##phi -- pairs )
[ phi-union get compute-dom-forest process-phi-union drop ]
[ add-local-interferences ]
] { } make ;
:: insert-copies-for-interference ( ##phi src -- )
##phi inputs>> [| bb src' |
src src' eq? [ bb src ##phi dst>> insert-copy ] when
] assoc-each ;
:: same-block ( ##phi vreg1 vreg2 bb1 bb2 -- )
vreg1 vreg2 bb1 +same-block+ interferes?
[ ##phi vreg1 insert-copies-for-interference ] when ;
:: first-dominates ( ##phi vreg1 vreg2 bb1 bb2 -- )
vreg1 vreg2 bb2 +first-dominates+ interferes?
[ ##phi vreg1 insert-copies-for-interference ] when ;
:: second-dominates ( ##phi vreg1 vreg2 bb1 bb2 -- )
vreg1 vreg2 bb1 +second-dominates+ interferes?
[ ##phi vreg1 insert-copies-for-interference ] when ;
: process-local-interferences ( ##phi pairs -- )
first2 2dup [ def-of ] bi@ {
{ [ 2dup eq? ] [ same-block ] }
{ [ 2dup dominates? ] [ first-dominates ] }
[ second-dominates ]
} cond
] with each ;
: add-renaming-set ( ##phi -- )
dst>> phi-union get swap renaming-sets get set-at
phi-union get [ drop processed-name ] assoc-each ;
:: process-phi ( bb ##phi -- )
H{ } phi-union set
H{ } unioned-blocks set
##phi inputs>> ##phi dst>> '[ _ process-phi-operand ] assoc-each
##phi bb ##phi compute-local-interferences process-local-interferences
##phi add-renaming-set ;
: process-block ( bb -- )
dup [ dup ##phi? [ process-phi t ] [ 2drop f ] if ] with all? drop ;

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@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: namespaces sets kernel assocs ;
IN: compiler.cfg.coalescing.state
SYMBOLS: processed-names waiting used-by-another renaming-sets ;
: init-coalescing ( -- )
H{ } clone processed-names set
H{ } clone waiting set
V{ } clone used-by-another set ;
: processed-name ( vreg -- ) processed-names get conjoin ;
: waiting-for ( bb -- assoc ) waiting get [ drop H{ } clone ] cache ;