Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ HELP: button
"A button's appearance can vary depending on the state of the mouse button if the " { $snippet "interior" } " or " { $snippet "boundary" } " slots are set to instances of " { $link button-paint } "."
"A button can be selected, which is distinct from being pressed. This state is held in the " { $link button-selected? } " slot, and is used by the " { $link <toggle-buttons> } " word to construct a row of buttons for choosing among several alternatives." } ;
"A button can be selected, which is distinct from being pressed. This state is held in the " { $snippet "selected?" } " slot, and is used by the " { $link <toggle-buttons> } " word to construct a row of buttons for choosing among several alternatives." } ;
HELP: <button>
{ $values { "label" gadget } { "quot" "a quotation with stack effect " { $snippet "( button -- )" } } { "button" "a new " { $link button } } }
@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ HELP: <repeat-button>
HELP: button-paint
{ $class-description "A class implementing the " { $link draw-boundary } " and " { $link draw-interior } " gneeric words by delegating to an object in one of four slots which depend on the state of the button being drawn:"
{ $list
{ { $link button-paint-plain } " - the button is inactive" }
{ { $link button-paint-rollover } " - the button is under the mouse" }
{ { $link button-paint-pressed } " - the button is under the mouse and a mouse button is held down" }
{ { $link button-paint-selected } " - the button is selected (see " { $link <toggle-buttons> } }
{ { $snippet "plain" } " - the button is inactive" }
{ { $snippet "rollover" } " - the button is under the mouse" }
{ { $snippet "pressed" } " - the button is under the mouse and a mouse button is held down" }
{ { $snippet "selected" } " - the button is selected (see " { $link <toggle-buttons> } }
"The " { $link <roll-button> } " and " { $link <bevel-button> } " words create " { $link button } " instances with specific " { $link button-paint } "." } ;
@ -25,14 +25,13 @@ TUPLE: button < border pressed? selected? quot ;
dup mouse-clicked?
over button-rollover? and
buttons-down? and
over set-button-pressed?
over (>>pressed?)
relayout-1 ;
: if-clicked ( button quot -- )
>r dup button-update dup button-rollover? r> [ drop ] if ;
: button-clicked ( button -- )
dup button-quot if-clicked ;
: button-clicked ( button -- ) dup quot>> if-clicked ;
button H{
{ T{ button-up } [ button-clicked ] }
@ -106,7 +105,7 @@ TUPLE: checkmark-paint color ;
C: <checkmark-paint> checkmark-paint
M: checkmark-paint draw-interior
checkmark-paint-color set-color
color>> set-color
origin get [
{ 0 0 } over gl-line
@ -145,18 +144,18 @@ TUPLE: checkbox < button ;
swap >>model ;
M: checkbox model-changed
swap model-value over set-button-selected? relayout-1 ;
swap model-value over (>>selected?) relayout-1 ;
TUPLE: radio-paint color ;
C: <radio-paint> radio-paint
M: radio-paint draw-interior
radio-paint-color set-color
color>> set-color
origin get { 4 4 } v+ swap rect-dim { 8 8 } v- 12 gl-fill-circle ;
M: radio-paint draw-boundary
radio-paint-color set-color
color>> set-color
origin get { 1 1 } v+ swap rect-dim { 2 2 } v- 12 gl-circle ;
: radio-knob-theme ( gadget -- )
@ -184,8 +183,8 @@ TUPLE: radio-control < button value ;
M: radio-control model-changed
swap model-value
over radio-control-value =
over set-button-selected?
over value>> =
over (>>selected?)
relayout-1 ;
: <radio-controls> ( parent model assoc quot -- parent )
@ -7,32 +7,34 @@ HELP: editor
"Editors have the following slots:"
{ $list
{ { $link editor-font } " - a font specifier." }
{ { $link editor-color } " - text color specifier." }
{ { $link editor-caret-color } " - caret color specifier." }
{ { $link editor-selection-color } " - selection background color specifier." }
{ { $link editor-caret } " - a model storing a line/column pair." }
{ { $link editor-mark } " - a model storing a line/column pair. If there is no selection, the mark is equal to the caret, otherwise the mark is located at the opposite end of the selection from the caret." }
{ { $link editor-focused? } " - a boolean." }
{ { $snippet "font" } " - a font specifier." }
{ { $snippet "color" } " - text color specifier." }
{ { $snippet "caret-color" } " - caret color specifier." }
{ { $snippet "selection-color" } " - selection background color specifier." }
{ { $snippet "caret" } " - a model storing a line/column pair." }
{ { $snippet "mark" } " - a model storing a line/column pair. If there is no selection, the mark is equal to the caret, otherwise the mark is located at the opposite end of the selection from the caret." }
{ { $snippet "focused?" } " - a boolean." }
} } ;
HELP: <editor>
{ $values { "editor" "a new " { $link editor } } }
{ $description "Creates a new " { $link editor } " with an empty document." } ;
HELP: editor-caret ( editor -- caret )
{ $values { "editor" editor } { "caret" model } }
{ $description "Outputs a " { $link model } " holding the current caret location." } ;
! 'editor-caret' is now an old accessor, but it's documented as a word here. Maybe move this description somewhere else.
{ editor-caret editor-caret* editor-mark editor-mark* } related-words
! HELP: editor-caret ( editor -- caret )
! { $values { "editor" editor } { "caret" model } }
! { $description "Outputs a " { $link model } " holding the current caret location." } ;
{ editor-caret* editor-mark* } related-words
HELP: editor-caret*
{ $values { "editor" editor } { "loc" "a pair of integers" } }
{ $description "Outputs the current caret location as a line/column number pair." } ;
HELP: editor-mark ( editor -- mark )
{ $values { "editor" editor } { "mark" model } }
{ $description "Outputs a " { $link model } " holding the current mark location." } ;
! HELP: editor-mark ( editor -- mark )
! { $values { "editor" editor } { "mark" model } }
! { $description "Outputs a " { $link model } " holding the current mark location." } ;
HELP: editor-mark*
{ $values { "editor" editor } { "loc" "a pair of integers" } }
@ -74,9 +76,7 @@ HELP: set-editor-string
ARTICLE: "gadgets-editors-selection" "The caret and mark"
"If there is no selection, the caret and the mark are at the same location; otherwise the mark delimits the end-point of the selection opposite the caret."
{ $subsection editor-caret }
{ $subsection editor-caret* }
{ $subsection editor-mark }
{ $subsection editor-mark* }
{ $subsection change-caret }
{ $subsection change-caret&mark }
@ -47,35 +47,35 @@ focused? ;
M: editor graft*
dup editor-caret activate-editor-model
dup editor-mark activate-editor-model ;
dup caret>> activate-editor-model
dup mark>> activate-editor-model ;
M: editor ungraft*
dup editor-caret deactivate-editor-model
dup editor-mark deactivate-editor-model ;
dup caret>> deactivate-editor-model
dup mark>> deactivate-editor-model ;
: editor-caret* ( editor -- loc ) editor-caret model-value ;
: editor-caret* ( editor -- loc ) caret>> model-value ;
: editor-mark* ( editor -- loc ) editor-mark model-value ;
: editor-mark* ( editor -- loc ) mark>> model-value ;
: set-caret ( loc editor -- )
[ model>> validate-loc ] keep
editor-caret set-model ;
caret>> set-model ;
: change-caret ( editor quot -- )
over >r >r dup editor-caret* swap model>> r> call r>
set-caret ; inline
: mark>caret ( editor -- )
dup editor-caret* swap editor-mark set-model ;
dup editor-caret* swap mark>> set-model ;
: change-caret&mark ( editor quot -- )
over >r change-caret r> mark>caret ; inline
: editor-line ( n editor -- str ) control-value nth ;
: editor-font* ( editor -- font ) editor-font open-font ;
: editor-font* ( editor -- font ) font>> open-font ;
: line-height ( editor -- n )
editor-font* "" string-height ;
@ -96,11 +96,9 @@ M: editor ungraft*
: click-loc ( editor model -- )
>r clicked-loc r> set-model ;
: focus-editor ( editor -- )
t over set-editor-focused? relayout-1 ;
: focus-editor ( editor -- ) t over (>>focused?) relayout-1 ;
: unfocus-editor ( editor -- )
f over set-editor-focused? relayout-1 ;
: unfocus-editor ( editor -- ) f over (>>focused?) relayout-1 ;
: (offset>x) ( font col# str -- x )
swap head-slice string-width ;
@ -127,9 +125,9 @@ M: editor ungraft*
] when drop ;
: draw-caret ( -- )
editor get editor-focused? [
editor get focused?>> [
editor get
dup editor-caret-color set-color
dup caret-color>> set-color
dup caret-loc origin get v+
swap caret-dim over v+
[ { 0.5 -0.5 } v+ ] bi@ gl-line
@ -142,7 +140,7 @@ M: editor ungraft*
line-translation gl-translate ;
: draw-line ( editor str -- )
>r editor-font r> { 0 0 } draw-string ;
>r font>> r> { 0 0 } draw-string ;
: first-visible-line ( editor -- n )
clip get rect-loc second origin get second -
@ -173,7 +171,7 @@ M: editor ungraft*
: draw-lines ( -- )
\ first-visible-line get [
editor get dup editor-color set-color
editor get dup color>> set-color
dup visible-lines
[ draw-line 1 translate-lines ] with each
] with-editor-translation ;
@ -192,7 +190,7 @@ M: editor ungraft*
(draw-selection) ;
: draw-selection ( -- )
editor get editor-selection-color set-color
editor get selection-color>> set-color
editor get selection-start/end
over first [
2dup [
@ -244,7 +242,7 @@ M: editor user-input*
M: editor gadget-text* editor-string % ;
: extend-selection ( editor -- )
dup request-focus dup editor-caret click-loc ;
dup request-focus dup caret>> click-loc ;
: mouse-elt ( -- element )
hand-click# get {
@ -272,8 +270,8 @@ M: editor gadget-text* editor-string % ;
: drag-selection ( editor -- )
dup drag-caret&mark
pick editor-mark set-model
swap editor-caret set-model ;
pick mark>> set-model
swap caret>> set-model ;
: editor-cut ( editor clipboard -- )
dupd gadget-copy remove-selection ;
@ -305,7 +303,7 @@ M: editor gadget-text* editor-string % ;
dupd editor-select-next mark>caret ;
: editor-select ( from to editor -- )
tuck editor-caret set-model editor-mark set-model ;
tuck caret>> set-model mark>> set-model ;
: select-elt ( editor elt -- )
over >r
@ -318,7 +316,7 @@ M: editor gadget-text* editor-string % ;
: position-caret ( editor -- )
mouse-elt dup T{ one-char-elt } =
[ drop dup extend-selection dup editor-mark click-loc ]
[ drop dup extend-selection dup mark>> click-loc ]
[ select-elt ] if ;
: insert-newline ( editor -- ) "\n" swap user-input ;
@ -36,8 +36,7 @@ output history flag mailbox thread waiting help ;
] if ;
: <help-model> ( interactor -- model )
editor-caret 1/3 seconds <delay> ;
: <help-model> ( interactor -- model ) caret>> 1/3 seconds <delay> ;
: <interactor> ( output -- gadget )
interactor new-editor
Reference in New Issue