UI thread cleanup
@ -86,6 +86,13 @@ PRIVATE>
f over set-thread-state
check-registered 2array run-queue push-front ;
: sleep-time ( -- ms/f )
{ [ run-queue dlist-empty? not ] [ 0 ] }
{ [ sleep-queue heap-empty? ] [ f ] }
{ [ t ] [ sleep-queue heap-peek nip millis [-] ] }
} cond ;
: schedule-sleep ( thread ms -- )
@ -106,23 +113,27 @@ PRIVATE>
[ ] while
drop ;
: next ( -- )
: next ( -- * )
run-queue pop-back
dup array? [ first2 ] [ f swap ] if dup set-self
f over set-thread-state
thread-continuation box>
continue-with ;
run-queue dup dlist-empty? [
! We should never be in a state where the only threads
! are sleeping; the I/O wait thread is always runnable.
! However, if it dies, we handle this case
! semi-gracefully.
! And if sleep-time outputs f, there are no sleeping
! threads either... so WTF.
drop sleep-time [ die 0 ] unless* (sleep) next
] [
dup array? [ first2 ] [ f swap ] if dup set-self
f over set-thread-state
thread-continuation box>
] if ;
: sleep-time ( -- ms/f )
{ [ run-queue dlist-empty? not ] [ 0 ] }
{ [ sleep-queue heap-empty? ] [ f ] }
{ [ t ] [ sleep-queue heap-peek nip millis [-] ] }
} cond ;
: stop ( -- )
self dup thread-exit-handler call
unregister-thread next ;
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ HINTS: yuv>rgb byte-array byte-array ;
dup player-gadget [
dup { player-td player-yuv } get-slots theora_decode_YUVout drop
dup player-rgb over player-yuv yuv>rgb
dup player-gadget relayout yield
dup player-gadget relayout-1 yield
] when ;
: num-audio-buffers-processed ( player -- player n )
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ SYMBOL: stop-after-last-window?
: event-loop ( -- )
event-loop? [
[ NSApp do-events ui-step ui-wait ] ui-try
[ NSApp do-events ui-wait ] ui-try
] with-autorelease-pool event-loop
] when ;
@ -298,7 +298,6 @@ CLASS: {
2drop dup view-dim swap window set-gadget-dim
] ui-try
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ ARTICLE: "ui-backend-init" "UI initialization and the event loop"
{ $subsection start-ui }
"The " { $link ui } " word must not return until the event loop has stopped and the UI has been shut down."
"The event loop must not block, since otherwise other Factor threads and I/O will not run. Instead, it should poll for pending events, then call " { $link ui-step } ", which performs pending layout and sleeps for 10 milliseconds." ;
"The event loop must not block, since otherwise other Factor threads and I/O will not run. Instead, it should poll for pending events, then call " { $link ui-wait } "." ;
ARTICLE: "ui-backend-windows" "UI backend window management"
"The high-level " { $link open-window } " word eventually calls a low-level word which you must implement:"
@ -130,14 +130,31 @@ SYMBOL: ui-hook
: notify-queued ( -- )
graft-queue [ notify ] dlist-slurp ;
: ui-step ( -- )
: update-ui ( -- )
[ notify-queued layout-queued redraw-worlds ] assert-depth ;
: ui-wait ( -- )
10 sleep ;
: ui-try ( quot -- ) [ ui-error ] recover ;
: ui-running ( quot -- )
t \ ui-running set-global
[ f \ ui-running set-global ] [ ] cleanup ; inline
: ui-thread-running? ( -- ? )
ui-thread get-global self eq? \ ui-running get-global and ;
: update-ui-loop ( -- )
[ [ update-ui ] ui-try f sleep-until update-ui-loop ] when ;
: start-ui-thread ( -- )
[ self ui-thread set-global update-ui-loop ]
"UI update" spawn drop ;
: open-world-window ( world -- )
dup pref-dim over set-gadget-dim dup relayout graft ui-step ;
dup pref-dim over set-gadget-dim dup relayout graft ;
: open-window ( gadget title -- )
>r [ 1 track, ] { 0 1 } make-track r>
@ -158,16 +175,12 @@ M: object close-window
find-world [ ungraft ] when* ;
: start-ui ( -- )
self ui-thread set-global
restore-windows? [
] [
init-ui ui-hook get call
] if ui-step ;
: ui-running ( quot -- )
t \ ui-running set-global
[ f \ ui-running set-global ] [ ] cleanup ; inline
] if update-ui ;
: ui-running? ( -- ? )
\ ui-running get-global ;
@ -185,5 +198,3 @@ MAIN: ui
f windows set-global
ui-hook [ ui ] with-variable
] if ;
: ui-try ( quot -- ) [ ui-error ] recover ;
@ -85,12 +85,12 @@ SYMBOL: mouse-captured
: handle-wm-paint ( hWnd uMsg wParam lParam -- )
#! wParam and lParam are unused
#! only paint if width/height both > 0
3drop window draw-world ;
3drop window relayout-1 ;
: handle-wm-size ( hWnd uMsg wParam lParam -- )
[ lo-word ] keep hi-word 2array
dup { 0 0 } = [ 2drop ] [ swap window set-gadget-dim ui-step ] if ;
dup { 0 0 } = [ 2drop ] [ swap window set-gadget-dim ] if ;
: handle-wm-move ( hWnd uMsg wParam lParam -- )
@ -353,14 +353,12 @@ M: windows-ui-backend (close-window)
: event-loop ( msg -- )
{ [ windows get empty? ] [ drop ] }
{ [ dup peek-message? ] [
>r [ ui-step ui-wait ] ui-try
r> event-loop
] }
{ [ dup peek-message? ] [ ui-wait event-loop ] }
{ [ dup MSG-message WM_QUIT = ] [ drop ] }
{ [ t ] [
dup TranslateMessage drop
dup DispatchMessage drop
] }
} cond ;
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ M: world client-event
next-event dup
None XFilterEvent zero? [ drop wait-event ] unless
] [
ui-step ui-wait wait-event
ui-wait wait-event
] if ;
: do-events ( -- )
Reference in New Issue