Merge git://

Doug Coleman 2007-11-24 18:40:37 -06:00
commit ac5471c216
25 changed files with 281 additions and 203 deletions

View File

@ -97,7 +97,9 @@ TUPLE: no-parent-directory path ;
] }
} cond drop ;
: copy-file ( from to -- )
HOOK: copy-file io-backend ( from to -- )
M: object copy-file
dup parent-directory make-directories
<file-writer> [
stdio get swap

View File

@ -58,8 +58,9 @@ SYMBOL: super-sent-messages
} [
f import-objc-class
[ ] import-objc-class
] each
: <NSString> ( str -- alien ) <CFString> -> autorelease ;

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ USING: alien alien.c-types alien.compiler
arrays assocs combinators compiler inference.transforms kernel
math namespaces parser prettyprint prettyprint.sections
quotations sequences strings words cocoa.runtime io macros
memoize ;
memoize debugger ;
IN: cocoa.messages
: make-sender ( method function -- quot )
@ -201,8 +201,11 @@ H{
: import-objc-class ( name quot -- )
2dup unless-defined
dupd define-objc-class-word
dup objc-class register-objc-methods
objc-meta-class register-objc-methods ;
objc-class register-objc-methods
objc-meta-class register-objc-methods
] curry try ;
: root-class ( class -- root )
dup objc-class-super-class [ root-class ] [ ] ?if ;

extra/fjsc/fjsc-tests.factor Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -4,51 +4,51 @@ USING: kernel tools.test parser-combinators lazy-lists fjsc ;
IN: temporary
{ T{ ast-expression f { T{ ast-number f 55 } T{ ast-identifier f "2abc1" } T{ ast-number f 100 } } } } [
"55 2abc1 100" 'expression' parse car parse-result-parsed
"55 2abc1 100" 'expression' parse-1
] unit-test
{ T{ ast-quotation f { T{ ast-number f 55 } T{ ast-identifier f "2abc1" } T{ ast-number f 100 } } } } [
"[ 55 2abc1 100 ]" 'quotation' parse car parse-result-parsed
"[ 55 2abc1 100 ]" 'quotation' parse-1
] unit-test
{ T{ ast-array f { T{ ast-number f 55 } T{ ast-identifier f "2abc1" } T{ ast-number f 100 } } } } [
"{ 55 2abc1 100 }" 'array' parse car parse-result-parsed
"{ 55 2abc1 100 }" 'array' parse-1
] unit-test
{ T{ ast-stack-effect f { } { "d" "e" "f" } } } [
"( -- d e f )" 'stack-effect' parse car parse-result-parsed
"( -- d e f )" 'stack-effect' parse-1
] unit-test
{ T{ ast-stack-effect f { "a" "b" "c" } { "d" "e" "f" } } } [
"( a b c -- d e f )" 'stack-effect' parse car parse-result-parsed
"( a b c -- d e f )" 'stack-effect' parse-1
] unit-test
{ T{ ast-stack-effect f { "a" "b" "c" } { } } } [
"( a b c -- )" 'stack-effect' parse car parse-result-parsed
"( a b c -- )" 'stack-effect' parse-1
] unit-test
{ T{ ast-stack-effect f { } { } } } [
"( -- )" 'stack-effect' parse car parse-result-parsed
"( -- )" 'stack-effect' parse-1
] unit-test
{ } [
": foo ( a b -- c d ) abcdefghijklmn 123 ;" 'expression' parse car drop
] unit-test
{ T{ ast-expression f { T{ ast-string f "abcd" } } } } [
"\"abcd\"" 'statement' parse car parse-result-parsed
] unit-test
{ T{ ast-expression f { T{ ast-string f "abcd" } } } } [
"\"abcd\"" 'statement' parse-1
] unit-test
{ T{ ast-expression f { T{ ast-use f "foo" } } } } [
"USE: foo" 'statement' parse car parse-result-parsed
"USE: foo" 'statement' parse-1
] unit-test
{ T{ ast-expression f { T{ ast-in f "foo" } } } } [
"IN: foo" 'statement' parse car parse-result-parsed
"IN: foo" 'statement' parse-1
] unit-test
{ T{ ast-expression f { T{ ast-using f { "foo" "bar" } } } } } [
"USING: foo bar ;" 'statement' parse car parse-result-parsed
"USING: foo bar ;" 'statement' parse-1
] unit-test

extra/fjsc/fjsc.factor Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2006 Chris Double. All Rights Reserved.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel lazy-lists parser-combinators parser-combinators.simple
strings promises sequences math math.parser namespaces words
strings promises sequences math math.parser namespaces words
quotations arrays hashtables io io.streams.string assocs ;
IN: fjsc
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ C: <ast-hashtable> ast-hashtable
[ CHAR: ] = not ] keep
[ CHAR: ;" = not ] keep
[ CHAR: " = not ] keep
digit? not
digit? not
and and and and and ;
LAZY: 'identifier-ends' ( -- parser )
LAZY: 'identifier-ends' ( -- parser )
[ blank? not ] keep
[ CHAR: " = not ] keep
[ CHAR: ;" = not ] keep
@ -67,23 +67,23 @@ LAZY: 'identifier-ends' ( -- parser )
and and and and and
] satisfy <!*> ;
LAZY: 'identifier-middle' ( -- parser )
LAZY: 'identifier-middle' ( -- parser )
[ identifier-middle? ] satisfy <!+> ;
LAZY: 'identifier' ( -- parser )
'identifier-middle' <&>
'identifier-ends' <:&>
'identifier-ends' <:&>
[ concat >string f <ast-identifier> ] <@ ;
DEFER: 'expression'
LAZY: 'effect-name' ( -- parser )
[ blank? not ] keep
CHAR: - = not
] satisfy <!+> [ >string ] <@ ;
LAZY: 'stack-effect' ( -- parser )
@ -94,24 +94,24 @@ LAZY: 'stack-effect' ( -- parser )
")" token sp <& [ first2 <ast-stack-effect> ] <@ ;
LAZY: 'define' ( -- parser )
":" token sp
":" token sp
'identifier' sp [ ast-identifier-value ] <@ &>
'stack-effect' sp <!?> <&>
'expression' <:&>
";" token sp <& [ first3 <ast-define> ] <@ ;
LAZY: 'quotation' ( -- parser )
"[" token sp
"[" token sp
'expression' [ ast-expression-values ] <@ &>
"]" token sp <& [ <ast-quotation> ] <@ ;
LAZY: 'array' ( -- parser )
"{" token sp
"{" token sp
'expression' [ ast-expression-values ] <@ &>
"}" token sp <& [ <ast-array> ] <@ ;
LAZY: 'word' ( -- parser )
"\\" token sp
"\\" token sp
'identifier' sp &> [ ast-identifier-value f <ast-word> ] <@ ;
LAZY: 'atom' ( -- parser )
@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ LAZY: 'USING:' ( -- parser )
";" token sp <& [ <ast-using> ] <@ ;
LAZY: 'hashtable' ( -- parser )
"H{" token sp
"H{" token sp
'expression' [ ast-expression-values ] <@ &>
"}" token sp <& [ <ast-hashtable> ] <@ ;
@ -147,14 +147,14 @@ LAZY: 'parsing-word' ( -- parser )
'IN:' <|> ;
LAZY: 'expression' ( -- parser )
'parsing-word' sp <|>
'quotation' sp <|>
'parsing-word' sp <|>
'quotation' sp <|>
'define' sp <|>
'array' sp <|>
'hashtable' sp <|>
'word' sp <|>
'atom' sp <|>
'atom' sp <|>
<*> [ <ast-expression> ] <@ ;
LAZY: 'statement' ( -- parser )
@ -163,41 +163,41 @@ LAZY: 'statement' ( -- parser )
GENERIC: (compile) ( ast -- )
GENERIC: (literal) ( ast -- )
M: ast-number (literal)
M: ast-number (literal)
ast-number-value number>string , ;
M: ast-number (compile)
"factor.push_data(" ,
"," , ;
M: ast-string (literal)
"\"" ,
ast-string-value ,
"\"" , ;
M: ast-string (compile)
M: ast-number (compile)
"factor.push_data(" ,
"," , ;
M: ast-identifier (literal)
M: ast-string (literal)
"\"" ,
ast-string-value ,
"\"" , ;
M: ast-string (compile)
"factor.push_data(" ,
"," , ;
M: ast-identifier (literal)
dup ast-identifier-vocab [
"factor.get_word(\"" ,
"factor.get_word(\"" ,
dup ast-identifier-vocab ,
"\",\"" ,
ast-identifier-value ,
"\")" ,
ast-identifier-value ,
"\")" ,
] [
"factor.find_word(\"" , ast-identifier-value , "\")" ,
"factor.find_word(\"" , ast-identifier-value , "\")" ,
] if ;
M: ast-identifier (compile)
M: ast-identifier (compile)
(literal) ".execute(" , ;
M: ast-define (compile)
"factor.define_word(\"" ,
dup ast-define-name ,
M: ast-define (compile)
"factor.define_word(\"" ,
dup ast-define-name ,
"\",\"source\"," ,
ast-define-expression (compile)
"," , ;
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ M: ast-define (compile)
dup ast-comment? not [
"function() {" ,
")}" ,
] [
@ -217,74 +217,74 @@ M: ast-define (compile)
drop "" ,
] if ;
M: ast-quotation (literal)
M: ast-quotation (literal)
"factor.make_quotation(\"source\"," ,
ast-quotation-values do-expressions
")" , ;
M: ast-quotation (compile)
M: ast-quotation (compile)
"factor.push_data(factor.make_quotation(\"source\"," ,
ast-quotation-values do-expressions
")," , ;
M: ast-array (literal)
"[" ,
M: ast-array (literal)
"[" ,
ast-array-elements [ "," , ] [ (literal) ] interleave
"]" , ;
M: ast-array (compile)
M: ast-array (compile)
"factor.push_data(" , (literal) "," , ;
M: ast-hashtable (literal)
"new Hashtable().fromAlist([" ,
M: ast-hashtable (literal)
"new Hashtable().fromAlist([" ,
ast-hashtable-elements [ "," , ] [ (literal) ] interleave
"])" , ;
M: ast-hashtable (compile)
M: ast-hashtable (compile)
"factor.push_data(" , (literal) "," , ;
M: ast-expression (literal)
ast-expression-values [
] each ;
M: ast-expression (compile)
ast-expression-values do-expressions ;
M: ast-word (literal)
M: ast-word (literal)
dup ast-word-vocab [
"factor.get_word(\"" ,
"factor.get_word(\"" ,
dup ast-word-vocab ,
"\",\"" ,
ast-word-value ,
"\")" ,
ast-word-value ,
"\")" ,
] [
"factor.find_word(\"" , ast-word-value , "\")" ,
"factor.find_word(\"" , ast-word-value , "\")" ,
] if ;
M: ast-word (compile)
"factor.push_data(" ,
"," , ;
M: ast-comment (compile)
drop ;
M: ast-stack-effect (compile)
drop ;
M: ast-use (compile)
M: ast-use (compile)
"factor.use(\"" ,
ast-use-name ,
ast-use-name ,
"\"," , ;
M: ast-in (compile)
M: ast-in (compile)
"factor.set_in(\"" ,
ast-in-name ,
ast-in-name ,
"\"," , ;
M: ast-using (compile)
M: ast-using (compile)
"factor.using([" ,
ast-using-names [
"," ,
@ -308,17 +308,17 @@ M: string (parse-factor-quotation) ( object -- ast )
<ast-string> ;
M: quotation (parse-factor-quotation) ( object -- ast )
[ (parse-factor-quotation) , ] each
] { } make <ast-quotation> ;
M: array (parse-factor-quotation) ( object -- ast )
[ (parse-factor-quotation) , ] each
] { } make <ast-array> ;
M: hashtable (parse-factor-quotation) ( object -- ast )
>alist [
>alist [
[ (parse-factor-quotation) , ] each
] { } make <ast-hashtable> ;
@ -328,33 +328,33 @@ M: wrapper (parse-factor-quotation) ( object -- ast )
GENERIC: fjsc-parse ( object -- ast )
M: string fjsc-parse ( object -- ast )
'expression' parse car parse-result-parsed ;
'expression' parse-1 ;
M: quotation fjsc-parse ( object -- ast )
[ (parse-factor-quotation) , ] each
[ (parse-factor-quotation) , ] each
] { } make <ast-expression> ;
: fjsc-compile ( ast -- string )
"(" ,
")" ,
] { } make [ write ] each
] string-out ;
: fjsc-compile* ( string -- string )
'statement' parse car parse-result-parsed fjsc-compile ;
'statement' parse-1 fjsc-compile ;
: fc* ( string -- string )
'statement' parse car parse-result-parsed ast-expression-values do-expressions
'statement' parse-1 ast-expression-values do-expressions
] { } make [ write ] each ;
: fjsc-literal ( ast -- string )
[ (literal) ] { } make [ write ] each
] string-out ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
IN: temporary
USING: io.unix.launcher tools.test ;
[ { } ] [ "" tokenize-command ] unit-test
[ { } ] [ " " tokenize-command ] unit-test
[ { "a" } ] [ "a" tokenize-command ] unit-test
[ { "abc" } ] [ "abc" tokenize-command ] unit-test
[ { "abc" } ] [ "abc " tokenize-command ] unit-test
[ { "abc" } ] [ " abc" tokenize-command ] unit-test
[ { "abc" "def" } ] [ "abc def" tokenize-command ] unit-test
[ { "abc def" } ] [ "abc\\ def" tokenize-command ] unit-test
[ { "abc\\" "def" } ] [ "abc\\\\ def" tokenize-command ] unit-test
[ { "abc\\ def" } ] [ "'abc\\\\ def'" tokenize-command ] unit-test
[ { "abc\\ def" } ] [ " 'abc\\\\ def'" tokenize-command ] unit-test
[ { "abc\\ def" "hey" } ] [ "'abc\\\\ def' hey" tokenize-command ] unit-test
[ { "abc def" "hey" } ] [ "'abc def' \"hey\"" tokenize-command ] unit-test
[ "'abc def' \"hey" tokenize-command ] unit-test-fails
[ "'abc def" tokenize-command ] unit-test-fails
[ { "abc def" "h\"ey" } ] [ "'abc def' \"h\"ey\" " tokenize-command ] unit-test

extra/io/unix/launcher/launcher.factor Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -2,17 +2,46 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: io io.launcher io.unix.backend io.nonblocking
sequences kernel namespaces math system alien.c-types
debugger continuations arrays assocs combinators unix.process ;
debugger continuations arrays assocs combinators unix.process
parser-combinators memoize promises strings ;
IN: io.unix.launcher
! Search unix first
USE: unix
: get-arguments ( -- seq )
+command+ get
[ "/bin/sh" "-c" rot 3array ] [ +arguments+ get ] if* ;
! Our command line parser. Supported syntax:
! foo bar baz -- simple tokens
! foo\ bar -- escaping the space
! 'foo bar' -- quotation
! "foo bar" -- quotation
LAZY: 'escaped-char' "\\" token any-char-parser &> ;
: assoc>env ( assoc -- env ) [ "=" swap 3append ] { } assoc>map ;
LAZY: 'chars' 'escaped-char' any-char-parser <|> <*> ;
LAZY: 'quoted-1' 'chars' "\"" "\"" surrounded-by ;
LAZY: 'quoted-2' 'chars' "'" "'" surrounded-by ;
LAZY: 'non-space-char'
'escaped-char' [ CHAR: \s = not ] satisfy <|> ;
LAZY: 'unquoted' 'non-space-char' <+> ;
LAZY: 'argument'
'quoted-1' 'quoted-2' 'unquoted' <|> <|>
[ >string ] <@ ;
MEMO: 'arguments' ( -- parser )
'argument' " " token <+> list-of ;
: tokenize-command ( command -- arguments )
'arguments' parse-1 ;
: get-arguments ( -- seq )
+command+ get [ tokenize-command ] [ +arguments+ get ] if* ;
: assoc>env ( assoc -- env )
[ "=" swap 3append ] { } assoc>map ;
: (spawn-process) ( -- )

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ IN: io.unix.mmap
M: unix-io <mapped-file> ( path length -- obj )
swap >r
r> mmap-open \ mapped-file construct-boa ;
r> mmap-open f mapped-file construct-boa ;
M: unix-io (close-mapped-file) ( mmap -- )
[ mapped-file-address ] keep

View File

@ -53,8 +53,11 @@ TUPLE: CreateProcess-args
} get-slots CreateProcess win32-error=0/f ;
: escape-argument ( str -- newstr )
[ [ dup CHAR: " = [ CHAR: \\ , ] when , ] each ] "" make ;
: join-arguments ( args -- cmd-line )
[ "\"" swap "\"" 3append ] map " " join ;
[ "\"" swap escape-argument "\"" 3append ] map " " join ;
: app-name/cmd-line ( -- app-name cmd-line )
+command+ get [

View File

@ -109,12 +109,14 @@ M: windows-io <file-appender> ( path -- stream )
open-append <win32-file> <writer> ;
M: windows-io rename-file ( from to -- )
[ normalize-pathname ] 2apply
MoveFile win32-error=0/f ;
[ normalize-pathname ] 2apply MoveFile win32-error=0/f ;
M: windows-io delete-file ( path -- )
DeleteFile win32-error=0/f ;
normalize-pathname DeleteFile win32-error=0/f ;
M: windows-io copy-file ( from to -- )
dup parent-directory make-directories
[ normalize-pathname ] 2apply 0 CopyFile win32-error=0/f ;
M: windows-io make-directory ( path -- )

extra/parser-combinators/parser-combinators-docs.factor Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -3,14 +3,23 @@
USING: help.markup help.syntax parser-combinators ;
HELP: list-of
{ $values
{ $values
{ "items" "a parser object" } { "separator" "a parser object" } { "parser" "a parser object" } }
{ $description
{ $description
"Return a parser for parsing the repetition of things that are "
"separated by a certain symbol. For example, comma separated lists. "
"'items' is a parser that can parse the individual elements. 'separator' "
"is a parser for the symbol that separatest them. The result tree of "
"is a parser for the symbol that separatest them. The result tree of "
"the resulting parser is an array of the parsed elements." }
{ $example "USE: parser-combinators" "\"1,2,3,4\" 'integer' \",\" token list-of parse car parse-result-parsed ." "{ 1 2 3 4 }" }
{ $example "USE: parser-combinators" "\"1,2,3,4\" 'integer' \",\" token list-of parse-1 ." "{ 1 2 3 4 }" }
{ $see-also list-of } ;
HELP: any-char-parser
{ $values
{ "parser" "a parser object" } }
{ $description
"Return a parser that consumes a single value "
"from the input string. The value consumed is the "
"result of the parse." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: lazy-lists parser-combinators ;" "\"foo\" any-char-parser parse-1 ." "102" } } ;

extra/parser-combinators/parser-combinators.factor Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ M: promise (parse) ( input parser -- list )
TUPLE: parse-result parsed unparsed ;
: parse-1 ( input parser -- result )
parse car parse-result-parsed ;
C: <parse-result> parse-result
TUPLE: token-parser string ;
@ -23,7 +26,7 @@ C: token token-parser ( string -- parser )
M: token-parser (parse) ( input parser -- list )
token-parser-string swap over ?head-slice [
<parse-result> 1list
<parse-result> 1list
] [
2drop nil
] if ;
@ -43,9 +46,12 @@ M: satisfy-parser (parse) ( input parser -- list )
swap <parse-result> 1list
] [
2drop nil
] if
] if
] if ;
LAZY: any-char-parser ( -- parser )
[ drop t ] satisfy ;
TUPLE: epsilon-parser ;
C: epsilon epsilon-parser ( -- parser )
@ -63,7 +69,7 @@ C: succeed succeed-parser ( result -- parser )
M: succeed-parser (parse) ( input parser -- list )
#! A parser that always returns 'result' as a
#! successful parse with no input consumed.
#! successful parse with no input consumed.
succeed-parser-result swap <parse-result> 1list ;
TUPLE: fail-parser ;
@ -81,7 +87,7 @@ TUPLE: and-parser parsers ;
over and-parser? [
>r and-parser-parsers r> add
] [
] if \ and-parser construct-boa ;
: and-parser-parse ( list p1 -- list )
@ -92,13 +98,13 @@ TUPLE: and-parser parsers ;
[ parse-result-parsed 2array ] keep
parse-result-unparsed <parse-result>
] lmap-with
] lmap-with lconcat ;
] lmap-with lconcat ;
M: and-parser (parse) ( input parser -- list )
#! Parse 'input' by sequentially combining the
#! two parsers. First parser1 is applied to the
#! input then parser2 is applied to the rest of
#! the input strings from the first parser.
#! the input strings from the first parser.
and-parser-parsers unclip swapd parse [ [ and-parser-parse ] reduce ] 2curry promise ;
TUPLE: or-parser p1 p2 ;
@ -115,7 +121,7 @@ M: or-parser (parse) ( input parser1 -- list )
#! Return a new string without any leading whitespace
#! from the original string.
dup empty? [
dup first blank? [ 1 tail-slice left-trim-slice ] when
dup first blank? [ 1 tail-slice left-trim-slice ] when
] unless ;
TUPLE: sp-parser p1 ;
@ -136,7 +142,7 @@ C: just just-parser ( p1 -- parser )
M: just-parser (parse) ( input parser -- result )
#! Calls the given parser on the input removes
#! from the results anything where the remaining
#! input to be parsed is not empty. So ensures a
#! input to be parsed is not empty. So ensures a
#! fully parsed input string.
just-parser-p1 parse [ parse-result-unparsed empty? ] lsubset ;
@ -150,8 +156,8 @@ M: apply-parser (parse) ( input parser -- result )
#! The result of that quotation then becomes the new parse result.
#! This allows modification of parse tree results (like
#! converting strings to integers, etc).
[ apply-parser-p1 ] keep apply-parser-quot
-rot parse [
[ apply-parser-p1 ] keep apply-parser-quot
-rot parse [
[ parse-result-parsed swap call ] keep
parse-result-unparsed <parse-result>
] lmap-with ;
@ -165,7 +171,7 @@ M: some-parser (parse) ( input parser -- result )
#! the parse is complete (the remaining input is empty),
#! picks the first solution and only returns the parse
#! tree since the remaining input is empty.
some-parser-p1 just parse car parse-result-parsed ;
some-parser-p1 just parse-1 ;
: <& ( parser1 parser2 -- parser )
@ -230,13 +236,13 @@ LAZY: <!?> ( parser -- parser )
#! required.
<?> only-first ;
LAZY: <(*)> ( parser -- parser )
#! Like <*> but take shortest match first.
LAZY: <(*)> ( parser -- parser )
#! Like <*> but take shortest match first.
#! Implementation by Matthew Willis.
{ } succeed swap dup <(*)> <&:> <|> ;
LAZY: <(+)> ( parser -- parser )
#! Like <+> but take shortest match first.
#! Like <+> but take shortest match first.
#! Implementation by Matthew Willis.
dup <(*)> <&:> ;
@ -249,6 +255,9 @@ LAZY: pack ( close body open -- parser )
LAZY: list-of ( items separator -- parser )
#! Given a parser for the separator and for the
#! items themselves, return a parser that parses
#! lists of those items. The parse tree is an
#! lists of those items. The parse tree is an
#! array of the parsed items.
over &> <*> <&:> { } succeed <|> ;
dup <?> -rot over &> <*> <&:> &> { } succeed <|> ;
LAZY: surrounded-by ( parser start end -- parser' )
[ token ] 2apply swapd pack ;

extra/parser-combinators/replace/replace.factor Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -13,21 +13,21 @@ IN: parser-combinators
} cond ;
: search ( string parser -- seq )
'any-char' [ drop f ] <@ <|> <*> parse dup nil? [
any-char-parser [ drop f ] <@ <|> <*> parse dup nil? [
drop { }
] [
car parse-result-parsed [ ] subset
] if ;
: search* ( string parsers -- seq )
unclip [ <|> ] reduce 'any-char' [ drop f ] <@ <|> <*> parse dup nil? [
unclip [ <|> ] reduce any-char-parser [ drop f ] <@ <|> <*> parse dup nil? [
drop { }
] [
car parse-result-parsed [ ] subset
] if ;
: (replace) ( string parser -- seq )
'any-char' <|> <*> parse car parse-result-parsed ;
any-char-parser <|> <*> parse-1 ;
: replace ( string parser -- result )
[ (replace) [ tree-write ] each ] string-out ;

extra/parser-combinators/simple/simple-docs.factor Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -3,17 +3,6 @@
USING: help.syntax help.markup parser-combinators
parser-combinators.simple ;
HELP: 'any-char'
{ $values
{ "parser" "a parser object" } }
{ $description
"Return a parser that consumes a single value "
"from the input string. The value consumed is the "
"result of the parse." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: lazy-lists parser-combinators ;" "\"foo\" 'any-char' parse car parse-result-parsed ." "102" } }
{ $see-also 'any-char' 'digit' 'integer' 'string' 'bold' 'italic' comma-list } ;
HELP: 'digit'
{ $values
{ "parser" "a parser object" } }
@ -22,8 +11,7 @@ HELP: 'digit'
"the input string. The numeric value of the digit "
" consumed is the result of the parse." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: lazy-lists parser-combinators ;" "\"123\" 'digit' parse car parse-result-parsed ." "1" } }
{ $see-also 'any-char' 'digit' 'integer' 'string' 'bold' 'italic' comma-list } ;
{ $example "USING: lazy-lists parser-combinators ;" "\"123\" 'digit' parse-1 ." "1" } } ;
HELP: 'integer'
{ $values
@ -33,9 +21,7 @@ HELP: 'integer'
"the input string. The numeric value of the integer "
" consumed is the result of the parse." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: lazy-lists parser-combinators ;" "\"123\" 'integer' parse car parse-result-parsed ." "123" } }
{ $see-also 'any-char' 'digit' 'integer' 'string' 'bold' 'italic' comma-list } ;
{ $example "USING: lazy-lists parser-combinators ;" "\"123\" 'integer' parse-1 ." "123" } } ;
HELP: 'string'
{ $values
{ "parser" "a parser object" } }
@ -44,9 +30,7 @@ HELP: 'string'
"quotations from the input string. The string value "
" consumed is the result of the parse." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: lazy-lists parser-combinators ;" "\"\\\"foo\\\"\" 'string' parse car parse-result-parsed ." "\"foo\"" } }
{ $see-also 'any-char' 'digit' 'integer' 'string' 'bold' 'italic' comma-list } ;
{ $example "USING: lazy-lists parser-combinators ;" "\"\\\"foo\\\"\" 'string' parse-1 ." "\"foo\"" } } ;
HELP: 'bold'
{ $values
{ "parser" "a parser object" } }
@ -55,10 +39,8 @@ HELP: 'bold'
"the '*' character from the input string. This is "
"commonly used in markup languages to indicate bold "
"faced text." }
{ $example "USE: parser-combinators" "\"*foo*\" 'bold' parse car parse-result-parsed ." "\"foo\"" }
{ $example "USE: parser-combinators" "\"*foo*\" 'bold' [ \"<strong>\" swap \"</strong>\" 3append ] <@ parse car parse-result-parsed ." "\"<strong>foo</strong>\"" }
{ $see-also 'any-char' 'digit' 'integer' 'string' 'bold' 'italic' comma-list } ;
{ $example "USE: parser-combinators" "\"*foo*\" 'bold' parse-1 ." "\"foo\"" }
{ $example "USE: parser-combinators" "\"*foo*\" 'bold' [ \"<strong>\" swap \"</strong>\" 3append ] <@ parse-1 ." "\"<strong>foo</strong>\"" } ;
HELP: 'italic'
{ $values
{ "parser" "a parser object" } }
@ -68,10 +50,8 @@ HELP: 'italic'
"commonly used in markup languages to indicate italic "
"faced text." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: lazy-lists parser-combinators ;" "\"_foo_\" 'italic' parse car parse-result-parsed ." "\"foo\"" }
{ $example "USING: lazy-lists parser-combinators ;" "\"_foo_\" 'italic' [ \"<emphasis>\" swap \"</emphasis>\" 3append ] <@ parse car parse-result-parsed ." "\"<emphasis>foo</emphasis>\"" } }
{ $see-also 'any-char' 'digit' 'integer' 'string' 'bold' 'italic' comma-list } ;
{ $example "USING: lazy-lists parser-combinators ;" "\"_foo_\" 'italic' parse-1 ." "\"foo\"" }
{ $example "USING: lazy-lists parser-combinators ;" "\"_foo_\" 'italic' [ \"<emphasis>\" swap \"</emphasis>\" 3append ] <@ parse-1 ." "\"<emphasis>foo</emphasis>\"" } } ;
HELP: comma-list
{ $values
{ "element" "a parser object" } { "parser" "a parser object" } }
@ -80,5 +60,6 @@ HELP: comma-list
"'element' should be a parser that can parse the elements. The "
"result of the parser is a sequence of the parsed elements." }
{ $examples
{ $example "USING: lazy-lists parser-combinators ;" "\"1,2,3,4\" 'integer' comma-list parse car parse-result-parsed ." "{ 1 2 3 4 }" } }
{ $see-also 'any-char' 'digit' 'integer' 'string' 'bold' 'italic' comma-list } ;
{ $example "USING: lazy-lits parser-combinators ;" "\"1,2,3,4\" 'integer' comma-list parse-1 ." "{ 1 2 3 4 }" } } ;
{ $see-also 'digit' 'integer' 'string' 'bold' 'italic' comma-list } related-words

extra/parser-combinators/simple/simple.factor Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -4,9 +4,6 @@ USING: kernel strings math sequences lazy-lists words
math.parser promises ;
IN: parser-combinators
LAZY: 'any-char' ( -- parser )
[ drop t ] satisfy ;
: 'digit' ( -- parser )
[ digit? ] satisfy [ digit> ] <@ ;

View File

@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: io io.files io.launcher kernel namespaces sequences
system cocoa.plists cocoa.application tools.deploy
tools.deploy.config assocs hashtables prettyprint ;
system tools.deploy tools.deploy.config assocs hashtables
prettyprint unix io.unix.backend cocoa cocoa.plists
cocoa.application cocoa.classes ;
IN: tools.deploy.macosx
: touch ( path -- )
"touch \"" swap "\"" 3append run-process ;
{ "touch" } swap add run-process ;
: rm ( path -- )
"rm -rf \"" swap "\"" 3append run-process ;
: chmod ( path perms -- )
[ "chmod " % % " \"" % % "\"" % ] "" make run-process ;
{ "rm" "-rf" } swap add run-process ;
: bundle-dir ( -- dir )
vm parent-directory parent-directory ;
@ -24,7 +22,7 @@ IN: tools.deploy.macosx
: copy-vm ( executable bundle-name -- vm )
"Contents/MacOS/" path+ swap path+ vm swap
[ copy-file ] keep
[ "755" chmod ] keep ;
[ 755 chmod io-error ] keep ;
: copy-fonts ( name -- )
"fonts/" resource-path
@ -63,6 +61,12 @@ TUPLE: macosx-deploy-implementation ;
T{ macosx-deploy-implementation } deploy-implementation set-global
: show-in-finder ( path -- )
-> sharedWorkspace
over <NSString> rot parent-directory <NSString>
-> selectFile:inFileViewerRootedAtPath: drop ;
M: macosx-deploy-implementation deploy ( vocab -- )
".app deploy tool"
"." resource-path cd
@ -70,5 +74,6 @@ M: macosx-deploy-implementation deploy ( vocab -- )
bundle-name rm
[ bundle-name create-app-dir ] keep
[ bundle-name ] keep
] bind deploy* ;
namespace deploy*
bundle-name show-in-finder
] bind ;

View File

@ -60,11 +60,19 @@ M: cocoa-ui-backend set-title ( string world -- )
] if ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend (open-world-window) ( world -- )
M: cocoa-ui-backend (open-window) ( world -- )
dup gadget-window
dup auto-position
world-handle second f -> makeKeyAndOrderFront: ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend (close-window) ( handle -- )
first unregister-window ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend close-window ( gadget -- )
find-world [
world-handle second f -> performClose:
] when* ;
M: cocoa-ui-backend raise-window ( world -- )
world-handle [
second dup f -> orderFront: -> makeKeyWindow

View File

@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
USING: alien arrays assocs cocoa kernel math cocoa.messages
cocoa.subclassing cocoa.classes cocoa.views cocoa.application
cocoa.pasteboard cocoa.types sequences ui
ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.worlds ui.gestures core-foundation ;
ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.worlds ui.gestures core-foundation
threads ;
IN: ui.cocoa.views
: send-mouse-moved ( view event -- )
@ -313,8 +314,6 @@ CLASS: {
{ "dealloc" "void" { "id" "SEL" }
dup window stop-world
dup unregister-window
dup remove-observer
SUPER-> dealloc
@ -347,6 +346,12 @@ CLASS: {
2nip -> object -> contentView window unfocus-world
{ "windowShouldClose:" "bool" { "id" "SEL" "id" }
2nip -> contentView window ungraft t
} ;
: install-window-delegate ( window -- )

View File

@ -77,7 +77,8 @@ TUPLE: deploy-gadget vocab settings ;
: com-deploy ( gadget -- )
dup com-save
find-deploy-vocab [ deploy ] curry call-listener ;
dup find-deploy-vocab [ deploy ] curry call-listener
close-window ;
: com-help ( -- )
"ui-deploy" help-window ;
@ -86,7 +87,11 @@ TUPLE: deploy-gadget vocab settings ;
{ +nullary+ t }
} define-command
: com-close ( gadget -- )
close-window ;
deploy-gadget "toolbar" f {
{ f com-close }
{ f com-help }
{ f com-revert }
{ f com-save }

View File

@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ M: workspace model-changed
: com-profiler profiler-gadget select-tool ;
workspace "tool-switching" f {
{ T{ key-down f f "F2" } com-listener }
{ T{ key-down f f "F3" } com-browser }
{ T{ key-down f f "F4" } com-inspector }
{ T{ key-down f f "F5" } com-walker }
{ T{ key-down f f "F6" } com-profiler }
{ T{ key-down f { C+ } "1" } com-listener }
{ T{ key-down f { C+ } "2" } com-browser }
{ T{ key-down f { C+ } "3" } com-inspector }
{ T{ key-down f { C+ } "4" } com-walker }
{ T{ key-down f { C+ } "5" } com-profiler }
} define-command-map
\ workspace-window
@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ H{ { +nullary+ t } { +listener+ t } } define-command
workspace "workflow" f {
{ T{ key-down f { C+ } "n" } workspace-window }
{ T{ key-down f f "ESC" } hide-popup }
{ T{ key-down f f "F8" } refresh-all }
{ T{ key-down f { A+ } "F8" } test-changes }
{ T{ key-down f f "F2" } refresh-all }
{ T{ key-down f { A+ } "F2" } test-changes }
} define-command-map

View File

@ -72,7 +72,9 @@ M: world ungraft*
>r [ 1 track, ] { 0 1 } make-track r>
f <world> open-world-window ;
: close-window ( gadget -- )
HOOK: close-window ui-backend ( gadget -- )
M: object close-window
find-world [ ungraft ] when* ;
: find-window ( quot -- world )
@ -127,7 +129,7 @@ SYMBOL: ui-hook
] { } make ;
: redraw-worlds ( seq -- )
[ dup update-hand [ draw-world ] time ] each ;
[ dup update-hand draw-world ] each ;
: notify ( gadget -- )
dup gadget-graft-state {

View File

@ -158,18 +158,14 @@ M: world selection-request-event
{ [ t ] [ drop send-notify-failure ] }
} cond ;
: close-window ( handle -- )
M: x11-ui-backend (close-window) ( handle -- )
dup x11-handle-xic XDestroyIC
dup x11-handle-glx destroy-glx
x11-handle-window dup unregister-window
destroy-window ;
M: world client-event
swap close-box? [
dup world-handle >r stop-world r> close-window
] [
] if ;
swap close-box? [ ungraft ] [ drop ] if ;
: gadget-window ( world -- )
dup world-loc over rect-dim glx-window
@ -222,7 +218,7 @@ M: x11-ui-backend set-title ( string world -- )
world-handle x11-handle-window swap dpy get -rot
3dup set-title-old set-title-new ;
M: x11-ui-backend (open-world-window) ( world -- )
M: x11-ui-backend (open-window) ( world -- )
dup gadget-window
world-handle x11-handle-window dup set-closable map-window ;

extra/webapps/fjsc/fjsc.factor Normal file → Executable file
View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel furnace fjsc parser-combinators namespaces
lazy-lists io io.files furnace.validator sequences
http.client http.server http.server.responders
lazy-lists io io.files furnace.validator sequences
http.client http.server http.server.responders
webapps.file ;
IN: webapps.fjsc
@ -11,15 +11,15 @@ IN: webapps.fjsc
#! Compile the factor code as a string, outputting the http
#! response containing the javascript.
'expression' parse car parse-result-parsed fjsc-compile
'expression' parse-1 fjsc-compile
write flush ;
! The 'compile' action results in an URL that looks like
! 'responder/fjsc/compile'. It takes one query or post
! 'responder/fjsc/compile'. It takes one query or post
! parameter called 'code'. It calls the 'compile' word
! passing the parameter to it on the stack.
\ compile {
{ "code" v-required }
\ compile {
{ "code" v-required }
} define-action
: compile-url ( url -- )
@ -28,18 +28,18 @@ IN: webapps.fjsc
"http://" host rot 3append http-get 2nip compile "();" write flush ;
\ compile-url {
{ "url" v-required }
{ "url" v-required }
} define-action
: repl ( -- )
#! The main 'repl' page.
f "repl" "head" render-page* ;
! An action called 'repl'
! An action called 'repl'
\ repl { } define-action
: fjsc-web-app ( -- )
! Create the web app, providing access
! Create the web app, providing access
! under '/responder/fjsc' which calls the
! 'repl' action.
"fjsc" "repl" "extra/webapps/fjsc" web-app

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ TUPLE: posting author title date link body ;
#! entries is an array of { author entries } pairs.
dup [
[ fetch-feed ] [ error. drop f ] recover
] parallel-map [ ] subset
] parallel-map
[ [ >r first r> 2array ] curry* map ] 2map concat ;
: sort-entries ( entries -- entries' )
@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ SYMBOL: cached-postings
{ "Kio M. Smallwood"
"" }
{ "Phil Dawes" "" "" }
{ "Samuel Tardieu" "" "" }
{ "Slava Pestov" "" "" }
} default-blogroll set-global

View File

@ -566,7 +566,8 @@ FUNCTION: BOOL ConnectNamedPipe ( HANDLE hNamedPipe, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped )
FUNCTION: BOOL CopyFileW ( LPCTSTR lpExistingFileName, LPCTSTR lpNewFileName, BOOL bFailIfExists ) ;
: CopyFile CopyFileW ; inline
! FUNCTION: CreateActCtxA
! FUNCTION: CreateActCtxW
@ -575,7 +576,7 @@ FUNCTION: BOOL ConnectNamedPipe ( HANDLE hNamedPipe, LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped )
! FUNCTION: CreateDirectoryExA
! FUNCTION: CreateDirectoryExW
FUNCTION: BOOL CreateDirectoryW ( LPCTSTR lpPathName, LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttribytes ) ;
: CreateDirectory CreateDirectoryW ;
: CreateDirectory CreateDirectoryW ; inline
! FUNCTION: CreateEventA
! FUNCTION: CreateEventW