Fix baseline alignment to work like align=1/2 if there is no text in the layout, also fix nested baseline alignment in the no-text case

Slava Pestov 2009-04-10 14:11:05 -05:00
parent 8480034d6e
commit ad2b7b74f4
3 changed files with 73 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -24,35 +24,47 @@ TUPLE: gadget-metrics height ascent descent cap-height ;
[ dup [ 2dup - ] [ f ] if ] dip
gadget-metrics boa ; inline
: ?supremum ( seq -- n/f )
sift [ f ] [ supremum ] if-empty ;
: max-ascent ( seq -- n )
0 [ ascent>> [ max ] when* ] reduce ; inline
[ ascent>> ] map ?supremum ;
: max-cap-height ( seq -- n )
0 [ cap-height>> [ max ] when* ] reduce ; inline
[ cap-height>> ] map ?supremum ;
: max-descent ( seq -- n )
0 [ descent>> [ max ] when* ] reduce ; inline
[ descent>> ] map ?supremum ;
: max-text-height ( seq -- y )
0 [ [ height>> ] [ ascent>> ] bi [ max ] [ drop ] if ] reduce ;
[ ascent>> ] filter [ height>> ] map ?supremum ;
: max-graphics-height ( seq -- y )
0 [ [ height>> ] [ ascent>> ] bi [ drop ] [ max ] if ] reduce ;
: (align-baselines) ( y max leading -- y' ) [ swap - ] dip + ;
[ ascent>> not ] filter [ height>> ] map ?supremum 0 or ;
:: combine-metrics ( graphics-height ascent descent cap-height -- ascent' descent' )
cap-height 2 / :> mid-line
graphics-height 2 /
[ ascent mid-line - max mid-line + >integer ]
[ descent mid-line + max mid-line - >integer ] bi ;
ascent [
cap-height 2 / :> mid-line
graphics-height 2 /
[ ascent mid-line - max mid-line + >integer ]
[ descent mid-line + max mid-line - >integer ] bi
] [ f f ] if ;
: (measure-metrics) ( children sizes -- graphics-height ascent descent cap-height )
[ <gadget-metrics> ] 2map
[ max-graphics-height ]
[ max-ascent ]
[ max-descent ]
[ max-cap-height ]
} cleave ;
:: align-baselines ( gadgets -- ys )
gadgets [ dup pref-dim <gadget-metrics> ] map
dup max-ascent :> max-ascent
dup max-cap-height :> max-cap-height
dup max-ascent 0 or :> max-ascent
dup max-cap-height 0 or :> max-cap-height
dup max-graphics-height :> max-graphics-height
max-cap-height max-graphics-height + 2 /i :> critical-line
@ -61,20 +73,12 @@ PRIVATE>
dup ascent>>
[ ascent>> max-ascent text-leading ]
[ height>> max-graphics-height graphics-leading ] if
[ ascent>> max-ascent swap - text-leading ]
[ height>> max-graphics-height swap - 2/ graphics-leading ] if +
] map ;
: measure-metrics ( children sizes -- ascent descent )
[ <gadget-metrics> ] 2map
[ max-graphics-height ]
[ max-ascent ]
[ max-descent ]
[ max-cap-height ]
} cleave
combine-metrics ;
(measure-metrics) combine-metrics ;
: measure-height ( children sizes -- height )
measure-metrics + ;
(measure-metrics) dup [ combine-metrics + ] [ 3drop ] if ;

View File

@ -90,4 +90,43 @@ IN: ui.gadgets.packs.tests
[ ] [ "g" get prefer ] unit-test
[ ] [ "g" get layout ] unit-test
[ ] [ "g" get layout ] unit-test
! Baseline alignment without any text gadgets should behave like align=1/2
<shelf> +baseline+ >>align
<gadget> { 30 30 } >>dim add-gadget
<gadget> { 30 20 } >>dim add-gadget
"g" set
[ { 60 30 } ] [ "g" get pref-dim ] unit-test
[ ] [ "g" get prefer ] unit-test
[ ] [ "g" get layout ] unit-test
[ V{ { 0 0 } { 30 5 } } ]
[ "g" get children>> [ loc>> ] map ] unit-test
<shelf> +baseline+ >>align
<gadget> { 30 30 } >>dim add-gadget
10 10 { 10 10 } <baseline-gadget> add-gadget
"g" set
[ ] [ "g" get prefer ] unit-test
[ ] [ "g" get layout ] unit-test
[ V{ { 0 0 } { 30 10 } } ]
[ "g" get children>> [ loc>> ] map ] unit-test
<shelf> +baseline+ >>align
<shelf> <gadget> { 30 30 } >>dim add-gadget add-gadget
10 10 { 10 10 } <baseline-gadget> add-gadget
"g" set
[ ] [ "g" get prefer ] unit-test
[ ] [ "g" get layout ] unit-test
[ V{ { 0 0 } { 30 10 } } ]
[ "g" get children>> [ loc>> ] map ] unit-test

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@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
! Copyright (C) 2005, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: sequences ui.gadgets ui.baseline-alignment kernel math
math.functions math.vectors math.order math.rectangles namespaces
accessors fry combinators arrays ;
USING: sequences ui.gadgets ui.baseline-alignment
ui.baseline-alignment.private kernel math math.functions math.vectors
math.order math.rectangles namespaces accessors fry combinators arrays ;
IN: ui.gadgets.packs
TUPLE: pack < gadget
@ -84,8 +84,7 @@ M: pack pref-dim*
children>> dup pref-dims measure-metrics drop ;
: pack-cap-height ( pack -- n )
children>> [ cap-height ] map sift
[ f ] [ supremum ] if-empty ;
children>> [ cap-height ] map ?supremum ;