classes.maybe-docs: create some documentation for the maybe vocab

Integrate the pointers to the new article into existing help system,
primarily by looking for the uses of the "unions" article.
Alexander Iljin 2017-03-16 13:24:28 +03:00 committed by John Benediktsson
parent bad5408c76
commit b1a24358f3
7 changed files with 27 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ $nl

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
! Copyright (C) 2017 Alexander Ilin.
! See for BSD license.
USING: help.markup help.syntax kernel ;
IN: classes.maybe
ABOUT: "maybes"
ARTICLE: "maybes" "Maybe classes"
"A " { $snippet "maybe" } " is an anonymous union class (" { $link "unions" } ") of its members and the " { $link POSTPONE: f } " class. An object is an instance of a " { $snippet "maybe" } " class if it is either an instance of any of its participants, or " { $link POSTPONE: f } "." $nl
"The " { $snippet "maybe" } " classes are used to declare typed slots that are optional for a tuple. Without this mechanism it would be an error to assign " { $link POSTPONE: f } " to such a typed slot, and therefore any tuple containing them without specifying an " { $link POSTPONE: initial: } " value could not be created with the word " { $link new } "." $nl
"A slot with an empty " { $snippet "maybe{ }" } " class can only hold the " { $link POSTPONE: f } " value."
{ $examples
{ $example
"TUPLE: test-maybe { value maybe{ fixnum string } } ;"
"test-maybe new value>>"
{ $see-also "unions" POSTPONE: maybe{ } ;

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Maybe classes

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ ARTICLE: "mixins" "Mixin classes"
"Mixins are used to defines suites of behavior which are generally useful and can be applied to user-defined classes. For example, the " { $link immutable-sequence } " mixin can be used with user-defined sequences to make them immutable."
{ $see-also "unions" "tuple-subclassing" } ;
{ $see-also "unions" "maybes" "tuple-subclassing" } ;
HELP: mixin-class
{ $class-description "The class of mixin classes." } ;

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@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ ARTICLE: "slot-class-declaration" "Slot class declarations"
{ "The " { $link slots>tuple } " and " { $link >tuple } " words ensure that the values in the sequence satisfy the correct class predicates." }
{ { $link "tuple-redefinition" } " fills in new slots with initial values and ensures that changes to existing declarations result in incompatible values being replaced with the initial value of their respective slots." }
{ $subsections "slot-class-coercion" } ;
{ $subsections "slot-class-coercion" }
"The " { $link "maybes" } " are a useful way to specify class for an optional slot." ;
ARTICLE: "slot-class-coercion" "Coercive slot declarations"
"If the class of a slot is declared to be one of " { $link fixnum } " or " { $link float } ", then rather than testing values with the class predicate, writer words coerce values to the relevant type with " { $link >fixnum } " or " { $link >float } ". This may still result in error, but permits a wider range of values than a class predicate test. It also results in a possible loss of precision; for example, storing a large integer into a " { $link fixnum } " slot will silently overflow and discard high bits, and storing a ratio into a " { $link float } " slot may lose precision if the ratio is one which cannot be represented exactly with floating-point."
@ -192,7 +193,7 @@ $nl
"Declaring a tuple class final prohibits other classes from subclassing it:"
{ $subsections POSTPONE: final }
{ $see-also "call-next-method" "parameterized-constructors" "unions" "mixins" } ;
{ $see-also "call-next-method" "parameterized-constructors" "unions" "mixins" "maybes" } ;
ARTICLE: "tuple-introspection" "Tuple introspection"
"In addition to the slot reader and writer words which " { $link POSTPONE: TUPLE: } " defines for every tuple class, it is possible to construct and take apart entire tuples in a generic way."

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ ARTICLE: "unions" "Union classes"
"Unions are used to define behavior shared between a fixed set of classes, as well as to conveniently define predicates."
{ $see-also "mixins" "tuple-subclassing" } ;
{ $see-also "mixins" "maybes" "tuple-subclassing" } ;
ABOUT: "unions"

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@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ $nl
{ { { $snippet "\"superclass\"" } ", " { $snippet "\"predicate-definition\"" } } { $link "predicates" } }
{ { $snippet "\"members\"" } { $link "unions" } }
{ { $snippet "\"members\"" } { $link "unions" } { $link "maybes" } }
{ { $snippet "\"slots\"" } { $link "slots" } }