sha2 now uses the incremental checksum protocol

Doug Coleman 2009-05-17 11:03:04 -05:00
parent c8e0b049a8
commit b2ac4396c1
2 changed files with 51 additions and 54 deletions

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@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
USING: kernel math namespaces checksums checksums.md5 tools.test byte-arrays ;
USING: byte-arrays checksums checksums.md5 io.encodings.binary
io.streams.byte-array kernel math namespaces tools.test ;
[ "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" ] [ "" >byte-array md5 checksum-bytes hex-string ] unit-test
[ "0cc175b9c0f1b6a831c399e269772661" ] [ "a" >byte-array md5 checksum-bytes hex-string ] unit-test

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@ -3,16 +3,16 @@
USING: kernel splitting grouping math sequences namespaces make
io.binary math.bitwise checksums checksums.common
sbufs strings math.ranges fry combinators
accessors locals ;
accessors locals multiline ;
IN: checksums.sha2
SINGLETON: sha-224
SINGLETON: sha-256
INSTANCE: sha-224 checksum
INSTANCE: sha-256 checksum
INSTANCE: sha-224 stream-checksum
INSTANCE: sha-256 stream-checksum
TUPLE: sha2-state K H word-size block-size ;
TUPLE: sha2-state < checksum-state K H word-size ;
TUPLE: sha2-short < sha2-state ;
@ -22,6 +22,11 @@ TUPLE: sha-224-state < sha2-short ;
TUPLE: sha-256-state < sha2-short ;
M: sha2-state clone
[ clone ] change-H
[ clone ] change-K ;
@ -116,6 +121,18 @@ CONSTANT: K-384
ALIAS: K-512 K-384
: <sha-224-state> ( -- sha2-state )
64 sha-224-state new-checksum-state
K-256 >>K
initial-H-224 >>H
4 >>word-size ;
: <sha-256-state> ( -- sha2-state )
64 sha-256-state new-checksum-state
K-256 >>K
initial-H-256 >>H
4 >>word-size ;
: s0-256 ( x -- x' )
[ -7 bitroll-32 ]
@ -172,7 +189,7 @@ ALIAS: K-512 K-384
[ -41 bitroll-64 ] tri
] [ bitxor ] reduce-outputs ; inline
: process-M-256 ( n seq -- )
: prepare-M-256 ( n seq -- )
[ [ 16 - ] dip nth ]
[ [ 15 - ] dip nth s0-256 ]
@ -181,7 +198,7 @@ ALIAS: K-512 K-384
[ ]
} 2cleave set-nth ; inline
: process-M-512 ( n seq -- )
: prepare-M-512 ( n seq -- )
[ [ 16 - ] dip nth ]
[ [ 15 - ] dip nth s0-512 ]
@ -201,23 +218,6 @@ ALIAS: K-512 K-384
GENERIC: pad-initial-bytes ( string sha2 -- padded-string )
M: sha2-short pad-initial-bytes ( string sha2 -- padded-string )
dup [
HEX: 80 ,
[ 64 mod calculate-pad-length 0 <string> % ]
[ 3 shift 8 >be % ] bi
] "" make append ;
M: sha2-long pad-initial-bytes ( string sha2 -- padded-string )
drop dup [
HEX: 80 ,
[ 128 mod calculate-pad-length-long 0 <string> % ]
[ 3 shift 8 >be % ] bi
] "" make append ;
: seq>byte-array ( seq n -- string )
'[ _ >be ] map B{ } join ;
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ M: sha2-long pad-initial-bytes ( string sha2 -- padded-string )
[ word-size>> <sliced-groups> [ be> ] map ]
block-size>> [ 0 pad-tail 16 ] keep [a,b) over
'[ _ process-M-256 ] each
'[ _ prepare-M-256 ] each
] bi ; inline
:: process-chunk ( M block-size cloned-H sha2 -- )
@ -268,39 +268,34 @@ M: sha2-long pad-initial-bytes ( string sha2 -- padded-string )
] each
cloned-H sha2 H>> [ w+ ] 2map sha2 (>>H) ; inline
: sha2-steps ( sliced-groups state -- )
[ prepare-message-schedule ]
[ [ block-size>> ] [ H>> clone ] [ ] tri process-chunk ] bi
] each ;
M: sha2-short checksum-block
[ prepare-message-schedule ]
[ [ block-size>> ] [ H>> clone ] [ ] tri process-chunk ] bi ;
: byte-array>sha2 ( bytes state -- )
[ [ pad-initial-bytes ] [ nip block-size>> ] 2bi <sliced-groups> ]
[ sha2-steps ] bi ;
: sha-224>checksum ( sha2 -- bytes )
H>> 7 head 4 seq>byte-array ;
: <sha-224-state> ( -- sha2-state )
sha-224-state new
K-256 >>K
initial-H-224 >>H
4 >>word-size
64 >>block-size ;
: sha-256>checksum ( sha2 -- bytes )
H>> 4 seq>byte-array ;
: <sha-256-state> ( -- sha2-state )
sha-256-state new
K-256 >>K
initial-H-256 >>H
4 >>word-size
64 >>block-size ;
: pad-last-short-block ( state -- )
[ bytes>> t ] [ bytes-read>> pad-last-block ] [ ] tri
[ checksum-block ] curry each ;
M: sha-224 checksum-bytes
drop <sha-224-state>
[ byte-array>sha2 ]
[ H>> 7 head 4 seq>byte-array ] bi ;
M: sha-224-state get-checksum
[ pad-last-short-block ] [ sha-224>checksum ] bi ;
M: sha-256 checksum-bytes
drop <sha-256-state>
[ byte-array>sha2 ]
[ H>> 4 seq>byte-array ] bi ;
M: sha-256-state get-checksum
[ pad-last-short-block ] [ sha-256>checksum ] bi ;
M: sha-224 checksum-stream ( stream checksum -- byte-array )
[ <sha-224-state> ] dip add-checksum-stream get-checksum ;
M: sha-256 checksum-stream ( stream checksum -- byte-array )
[ <sha-256-state> ] dip add-checksum-stream get-checksum ;