graphviz.ffi: fix help lint

Slava Pestov 2011-08-27 17:20:30 -07:00
parent fd08f9ad8f
commit b3a2823652
1 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ HELP: ffi-errors
HELP: supported-engines
{ $values
{ "value" array }
{ "seq" array }
{ $description "An " { $link array } " of " { $link string } "s representing all valid " { $emphasis "layout engines" } ". For example, the " { $emphasis "dot" } " engine is typically included in a Graphviz installation, so " { $snippet "\"dot\"" } " will be an element of " { $link supported-engines } ". See " { $url "" } " for more details." }
{ $notes "This constant's definition is determined at parse-time by asking the system's Graphviz installation what engines are supported." }
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ HELP: supported-engines
HELP: supported-formats
{ $values
{ "value" array }
{ "seq" array }
{ $description "An " { $link array } " of " { $link string } "s representing all valid " { $emphasis "layout formats" } ". For example, Graphviz can typically render using the Postscript format, in which case " { $snippet "\"ps\"" } " will be an element of " { $link supported-formats } ". See " { $url "" } " for more details." }
{ $notes "This constant's definition is determined at parse-time by asking the system's Graphviz installation what formats are supported."