irc.messages: Change the way messages are built when parsed

Bruno Deferrari 2008-09-05 02:16:38 -03:00
parent 7f588bbb84
commit b610e07769
1 changed files with 62 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ TUPLE: roomlist < irc-message channel names ;
TUPLE: nick-in-use < irc-message asterisk name ;
TUPLE: notice < irc-message type ;
TUPLE: mode < irc-message channel mode ;
TUPLE: names-reply < irc-message who = channel ;
TUPLE: names-reply < irc-message who channel ;
TUPLE: unhandled < irc-message ;
: <irc-client-message> ( command parameters trailing -- irc-message )
@ -28,41 +28,55 @@ TUPLE: unhandled < irc-message ;
GENERIC: irc-command-string ( irc-message -- string )
GENERIC: command-string>> ( irc-message -- string )
M: irc-message irc-command-string ( irc-message -- string ) command>> ;
M: ping irc-command-string ( ping -- string ) drop "PING" ;
M: join irc-command-string ( join -- string ) drop "JOIN" ;
M: part irc-command-string ( part -- string ) drop "PART" ;
M: quit irc-command-string ( quit -- string ) drop "QUIT" ;
M: nick irc-command-string ( nick -- string ) drop "NICK" ;
M: privmsg irc-command-string ( privmsg -- string ) drop "PRIVMSG" ;
M: notice irc-command-string ( notice -- string ) drop "NOTICE" ;
M: mode irc-command-string ( mode -- string ) drop "MODE" ;
M: kick irc-command-string ( kick -- string ) drop "KICK" ;
M: irc-message command-string>> ( irc-message -- string ) command>> ;
M: ping command-string>> ( ping -- string ) drop "PING" ;
M: join command-string>> ( join -- string ) drop "JOIN" ;
M: part command-string>> ( part -- string ) drop "PART" ;
M: quit command-string>> ( quit -- string ) drop "QUIT" ;
M: nick command-string>> ( nick -- string ) drop "NICK" ;
M: privmsg command-string>> ( privmsg -- string ) drop "PRIVMSG" ;
M: notice command-string>> ( notice -- string ) drop "NOTICE" ;
M: mode command-string>> ( mode -- string ) drop "MODE" ;
M: kick command-string>> ( kick -- string ) drop "KICK" ;
GENERIC: irc-command-parameters ( irc-message -- seq )
GENERIC: command-parameters>> ( irc-message -- seq )
M: irc-message irc-command-parameters ( irc-message -- seq ) parameters>> ;
M: ping irc-command-parameters ( ping -- seq ) drop { } ;
M: join irc-command-parameters ( join -- seq ) drop { } ;
M: part irc-command-parameters ( part -- seq ) channel>> 1array ;
M: quit irc-command-parameters ( quit -- seq ) drop { } ;
M: nick irc-command-parameters ( nick -- seq ) drop { } ;
M: privmsg irc-command-parameters ( privmsg -- seq ) name>> 1array ;
M: notice irc-command-parameters ( norice -- seq ) type>> 1array ;
M: kick irc-command-parameters ( kick -- seq )
M: irc-message command-parameters>> ( irc-message -- seq ) parameters>> ;
M: ping command-parameters>> ( ping -- seq ) drop { } ;
M: join command-parameters>> ( join -- seq ) drop { } ;
M: part command-parameters>> ( part -- seq ) channel>> 1array ;
M: quit command-parameters>> ( quit -- seq ) drop { } ;
M: nick command-parameters>> ( nick -- seq ) drop { } ;
M: privmsg command-parameters>> ( privmsg -- seq ) name>> 1array ;
M: notice command-parameters>> ( norice -- seq ) type>> 1array ;
M: kick command-parameters>> ( kick -- seq )
[ channel>> ] [ who>> ] bi 2array ;
M: mode irc-command-parameters ( mode -- seq )
M: mode command-parameters>> ( mode -- seq )
[ name>> ] [ channel>> ] [ mode>> ] tri 3array ;
GENERIC: (>>command-parameters) ( params irc-message -- )
M: irc-message (>>command-parameters) ( params irc-message -- ) 2drop ;
M: logged-in (>>command-parameters) ( params part -- ) >r first r> (>>name) ;
M: part (>>command-parameters) ( params part -- ) >r first r> (>>channel) ;
M: privmsg (>>command-parameters) ( params privmsg -- ) >r first r> (>>name) ;
M: notice (>>command-parameters) ( params notice -- ) >r first r> (>>type) ;
M: kick (>>command-parameters) ( params kick -- )
>r first2 r> [ (>>who) ] [ (>>channel) ] bi ;
M: mode (>>command-parameters) ( params mode -- )
>r first2 r> [ (>>mode) ] [ (>>channel) ] bi ; ! FIXME
M: names-reply (>>command-parameters) ( params names-reply -- )
[ >r first r> (>>who) ] [ >r third r> (>>channel) ] 2bi ;
GENERIC: irc-message>client-line ( irc-message -- string )
M: irc-message irc-message>client-line ( irc-message -- string )
[ irc-command-string ]
[ irc-command-parameters " " sjoin ]
[ command-string>> ]
[ command-parameters>> " " sjoin ]
[ trailing>> [ CHAR: : prefix ] [ "" ] if* ]
tri 3array " " sjoin ;
@ -96,6 +110,15 @@ M: irc-message irc-message>server-line ( irc-message -- string )
: split-trailing ( string -- string string/f )
":" split1 ;
: copy-contents ( origin dest -- )
{ [ >r parameters>> r> [ (>>command-parameters) ] [ (>>parameters) ] 2bi ]
[ >r line>> r> (>>line) ]
[ >r prefix>> r> (>>prefix) ]
[ >r command>> r> (>>command) ]
[ >r trailing>> r> (>>trailing) ]
[ >r timestamp>> r> (>>timestamp) ]
} 2cleave ;
UNION: sender-in-prefix privmsg join part quit kick mode nick ;
@ -111,20 +134,18 @@ M: sender-in-prefix irc-message-sender ( sender-in-prefix -- sender )
: parse-irc-line ( string -- message )
dup command>> {
{ "PING" [ ping ] }
{ "NOTICE" [ notice ] }
{ "001" [ logged-in ] }
{ "433" [ nick-in-use ] }
{ "353" [ names-reply ] }
{ "JOIN" [ join ] }
{ "PART" [ part ] }
{ "NICK" [ nick ] }
{ "PRIVMSG" [ privmsg ] }
{ "QUIT" [ quit ] }
{ "MODE" [ mode ] }
{ "KICK" [ kick ] }
[ drop unhandled ]
{ "PING" [ ping new ] }
{ "NOTICE" [ notice new ] }
{ "001" [ logged-in new ] }
{ "433" [ nick-in-use new ] }
{ "353" [ names-reply new ] }
{ "JOIN" [ join new ] }
{ "PART" [ part new ] }
{ "NICK" [ nick new ] }
{ "PRIVMSG" [ privmsg new ] }
{ "QUIT" [ quit new ] }
{ "MODE" [ mode new ] }
{ "KICK" [ kick new ] }
[ drop unhandled new ]
} case
[ [ tuple-slots ] [ parameters>> ] bi append ] dip
[ all-slots over [ length ] bi@ min head ] keep
prefix >tuple ;
[ copy-contents ] keep ;