frp-editor is its own class

Sam Anklesaria 2009-05-31 16:11:06 -05:00
parent 47edda1f66
commit b705306558
2 changed files with 25 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ IN: ui.frp.gadgets
TUPLE: frp-button < button hook ;
: <frp-button> ( gadget -- button ) [
[ dup hook>> [ call( button -- ) ] [ drop ] if* ] keep
dup set-control-value
[ dup set-control-value ] [ f swap set-control-value ] bi
] frp-button new-button f <basic> >>model ;
: <frp-border-button> ( text -- button ) <frp-button> border-button-theme ;
@ -25,37 +25,35 @@ M: frp-table row-color color-quot>> [ call( a -- b ) ] [ drop f ] if* ;
: <frp-list*> ( -- table ) V{ } clone <model> <frp-list> ;
: indexed ( table -- table ) f >>val-quot ;
TUPLE: frp-field < field frp-model ;
: <frp-field> ( model -- gadget ) frp-field new-field swap >>frp-model ;
M: frp-field graft*
[ [ frp-model>> value>> ] [ editor>> ] bi set-editor-string ]
[ dup editor>> model>> add-connection ]
[ dup frp-model>> add-connection ] tri ;
M: frp-field ungraft*
[ dup editor>> model>> remove-connection ]
[ dup frp-model>> remove-connection ] bi ;
M: frp-field model-changed 2dup frp-model>> =
[ [ value>> ] [ editor>> ] bi* set-editor-string ]
[ nip [ editor>> editor-string ] [ frp-model>> ] bi set-model ] if ;
: after-empty ( model quot -- model' ) fmap "" <model> <switch> ; inline ! pattern for editors, labels
: <frp-field*> ( -- field ) "" <model> <frp-field> ;
: <empty-field> ( model -- field ) "" <model> <switch> <frp-field> ;
: <frp-editor> ( model -- gadget )
frp-field [ <multiline-editor> ] dip new-border dup gadget-child >>editor
field-theme swap >>frp-model { 1 0 } >>align ;
: <empty-editor> ( model -- editor ) "" <model> <switch> <frp-editor> ;
: <frp-editor*> ( -- editor ) "" <model> <frp-editor> ;
GENERIC: output-model ( gadget -- model )
M: gadget output-model model>> ;
M: table output-model dup multiple-selection?>>
[ dup val-quot>> [ selected-values>> ] [ selected-indices*>> ] if ]
[ dup val-quot>> [ selected-value>> ] [ selected-index*>> ] if ] if ;
M: model-field output-model field-model>> ;
M: frp-field output-model frp-model>> ;
M: scroller output-model viewport>> children>> first output-model ;
TUPLE: frp-field < field frp-model ;
M: model-field graft*
[ [ field-model>> value>> ] [ editor>> ] bi set-editor-string ]
[ dup editor>> model>> add-connection ]
bi ;
! frp-fields observe the underlying editor, relaying the string to the
! frp-model. Also, however, they relay the frp-model to the document and
! relayout
! Frp boxes should unactivate all models attatched to them
! Table gadgets should have slots for their illusions, not requireing manual activation
! and allowing deactivation an superior memory management
: <frp-field> ( -- field ) "" <model> <model-field> ;
: <frp-field*> ( model -- field ) "" <model> <switch> <model-field> ;
: <frp-editor> ( model -- gadget )
model-field [ <multiline-editor> ] dip new-border dup gadget-child >>editor
field-theme swap >>field-model { 1 0 } >>align ;
: <frp-editor*> ( model -- editor ) "" <model> <switch> <frp-editor> ;
: after-empty ( model quot -- model' ) fmap "" <model> <switch> ; inline
IN: accessors
M: frp-button text>> children>> first text>> ;

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ IN: ui.gadgets.alerts
:: ask-user* ( model string -- model' )
[ [let | lbl [ string <label> T{ font { name "sans-serif" } { size 14 } } >>font dup , ]
fldm [ <frp-field> ->% 1 ]
fldm [ <frp-field*> ->% 1 ]
btn [ "okay" <frp-border-button> model >>model ] |
btn -> [ fldm swap <updates> ]
[ [ drop lbl close-window ] $> , ] bi