Initial import of etags vocab, that generates an word index in Emacs

etags format
Alfredo Beaumont 2008-07-10 23:59:43 +02:00
parent de59a24380
commit b93342298f
2 changed files with 115 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
USING: kernel ctags.etags tools.test io.backend sequences arrays prettyprint hashtables assocs ;
IN: ctags.etags.tests
[ H{ { "path" V{ if { "path" 1 } } } } ]
[ H{ } clone dup V{ if { "path" 1 } } "path" rot set-at ] unit-test
[ { "path" V{ if { "path" 1 } } } ]
[ H{ } clone dup { "path" V{ if { "path" 1 } } } "path" rot set-at "path" swap at ] unit-test
[ V{ if { "path" 1 } } ]
[ "path" H{ { "path" V{ if { "path" 1 } } } } at ] unit-test
[ "path" ] [ { if { "path" 1 } } ctag-path ] unit-test
[ V{ } ]
[ "path" H{ } clone ctag-at ] unit-test
[ V{ if { "path" 1 } } ]
[ "path" H{ { "path" V{ if { "path" 1 } } } } ctag-at ] unit-test
[ { if 28 } ]
[ { if { "resource:core/kernel/kernel.factor" 28 } } ctag-value ] unit-test
[ V{ } ] [ { if { "path" 1 } } H{ } clone ctag-hashvalue ] unit-test
[ V{ if { "path" 1 } } ]
[ { if { "path" 1 } }
{ { "path" V{ if { "path" 1 } } } } >hashtable
] unit-test
[ H{ { "path" V{ { if 1 } } } } ]
[ { if { "path" 1 } } H{ } clone ctag-add ] unit-test
[ H{ { "path" V{ { if 1 } } } } ]
[ { { if { "path" 1 } } } ctag-hash ] unit-test
[ "if28,704" ]
[ "resource:core/kernel/kernel.factor" { if 28 } etag ] unit-test
! [ V{ " " "resource:core/kernel/kernel.factor,22" "if28,704" "unless31,755" } ]
! [ { { "resource:core/kernel/kernel.factor"
! V{ { if 28 }
! { unless 31 } } } } etag-strings ] unit-test

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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008 Alfredo Beaumont
! See for BSD license.
! Emacs Etags generator
! Alfredo Beaumont <>
USING: kernel sequences sorting assocs words prettyprint ctags
io.encodings.ascii io.files math math.parser namespaces strings locals
shuffle io.backend memoize ;
IN: ctags.etags
: ctag-path ( alist -- path )
second first ;
: ctag-at ( key hash -- vector )
at [ V{ } clone ] unless* ;
: ctag-hashvalue ( alist hash -- vector )
[ ctag-path ] dip ctag-at ;
: ctag-value ( ctag -- seq )
dup [ first , second second , ] { } make ;
: ctag-add ( ctag hash -- hash )
[ ctag-hashvalue ] 2keep [ dup ctag-path [ ctag-value suffix ] dip ] dip [ set-at ] keep ;
: ctag-hash ( seq -- hash )
H{ } clone swap [ swap ctag-add ] each ;
: line>bytes ( n seq -- bytes )
nth length 1+ ;
: lines>bytes ( n seq -- bytes )
over zero? [ line>bytes ] [ [ [ 1 - ] dip lines>bytes ] 2keep line>bytes + ] if ;
: file>bytes ( n path -- bytes )
ascii file-lines lines>bytes ;
SYMBOL: resource
: etag ( path seq -- str )
dup first ?word-name %
1 HEX: 7f <string> %
second dup number>string %
1 CHAR: , <string> %
2 - swap file>bytes number>string %
] "" make ;
: etag-entry ( alist -- alist path )
[ first ] keep swap ;
: vector-length ( vector -- n )
0 [ length + ] reduce ;
: etag-header ( n path -- str )
1 CHAR: , <string> %
number>string %
] "" make ;
: etag-strings ( alist -- seq )
{ } swap [ etag-entry resource [ second [ resource get swap etag ] map dup vector-length resource get normalize-path etag-header prefix 1 HEX: 0c <string> prefix ] with-variable append ] each ;
: etags-write ( alist path -- )
[ etag-strings ] dip ascii set-file-lines ;
: etags ( path -- )
(ctags) sort-values ctag-hash >alist swap etags-write ;