cocoa.subclassing: new METHOD: syntax cleans up class definitions
@ -7,12 +7,11 @@ IN: cocoa.tests
{ +superclass+ "NSObject" }
{ +name+ "Foo" }
} {
{ id SEL NSRect }
[ gc "x" set 2drop ]
} ;
METHOD: void foo: NSRect rect [
gc rect "x" set
] ;
: test-foo ( -- )
Foo -> alloc -> init
@ -29,12 +28,9 @@ test-foo
{ +superclass+ "NSObject" }
{ +name+ "Bar" }
} {
{ id SEL }
[ 2drop test-foo "x" get ]
} ;
METHOD: NSRect bar [ test-foo "x" get ] ;
Bar [
-> alloc -> init
@ -51,22 +47,16 @@ Bar [
{ +superclass+ "NSObject" }
{ +name+ "Bar" }
} {
{ id SEL }
[ 2drop test-foo "x" get ]
} {
{ id SEL int }
[ 2nip sq ]
} ;
METHOD: NSRect bar [ test-foo "x" get ]
METHOD: int babb: int x [ x sq ] ;
[ 144 ] [
Bar [
-> alloc -> init
dup 12 -> babb
dup 12 -> babb:
swap -> release
] compile-call
] unit-test
@ -24,20 +24,31 @@ HELP: define-objc-class
{ "the selector naming the message; in most cases this value can be ignored" }
"arguments passed to the message, if any"
"There is no way to define instance variables or class methods using this mechanism. However, instance variables can be simulated by using the receiver to key into a hashtable." } ;
"There is no way to define instance variables or class methods using this mechanism. However, instance variables can be simulated by using the receiver to key into an assoc." } ;
{ $syntax "CLASS: spec imeth... ;" }
{ $values { "spec" "an array of pairs" } { "name" "a new class name" } { "imeth" "instance method definitions" } }
{ $description "A sugared form of the following:"
{ $code "{ imeth... } \"spec\" define-objc-class" }
{ $values { "spec" "an array of pairs" } { "name" "a new class name" } { "imeth" "instance method definitions using " { $link POSTPONE: METHOD: } } }
{ $description "Defines a new Objective C class. The hashtable can contain the following keys:"
{ $list
{ { $link +name+ } " - a string naming the new class. Required." }
{ { $link +superclass+ } " - a string naming the superclass. Required." }
{ { $link +protocols+ } " - an array of strings naming protocols implemented by the superclass. Optional." }
"Instance methods are defined with the " { $link POSTPONE: METHOD: } " parsing word."
"This word is preferred to calling " { $link define-objc-class } ", because it creates a class word in the " { $vocab-link "cocoa.classes" } " vocabulary at parse time, allowing code to refer to the class word in the same source file where the class is defined." } ;
{ define-objc-class POSTPONE: CLASS: } related-words
{ define-objc-class POSTPONE: CLASS: POSTPONE: METHOD: } related-words
{ $syntax "METHOD: return foo: type1 arg1 bar: type2 arg2 baz: ... [ body ]" }
{ $values { "return" "a C type name" } { "type1" "a C type name" } { "arg1" "a local variable name" } { "body" "arbitrary code" } }
{ $description "Defines a method inside of a " { $link POSTPONE: CLASS: } " form." } ;
ARTICLE: "objc-subclassing" "Subclassing Objective C classes"
"Objective C classes can be subclassed, with new methods defined in Factor, using a parsing word:"
{ $subsections POSTPONE: CLASS: }
"Objective C classes can be subclassed, with new methods defined in Factor, using parsing words:"
"This word is actually syntax sugar for an ordinary word:"
{ $subsections define-objc-class }
"Objective C class definitions are saved in the image. If the image is saved and Factor is restarted with the saved image, custom class definitions are made available to the Objective C runtime when they are first accessed from within Factor." ;
@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
! Copyright (C) 2006, 2008 Slava Pestov, Joe Groff.
! Copyright (C) 2006, 2010 Slava Pestov, Joe Groff.
! See for BSD license.
USING: alien alien.c-types alien.strings arrays assocs
combinators compiler hashtables kernel libc math namespaces
parser sequences words cocoa.messages cocoa.runtime locals
compiler.units io.encodings.utf8 continuations make fry ;
USING: alien alien.c-types alien.parser alien.strings arrays
assocs combinators compiler hashtables kernel lexer libc
locals.parser locals.types math namespaces parser sequences
words cocoa.messages cocoa.runtime locals compiler.units
io.encodings.utf8 continuations make fry effects stack-checker
stack-checker.errors ;
IN: cocoa.subclassing
: init-method ( method -- sel imp types )
@ -49,13 +51,13 @@ IN: cocoa.subclassing
] with-compilation-unit ;
:: (redefine-objc-method) ( class method -- )
method init-method [| sel imp types |
class sel class_getInstanceMethod [
imp method_setImplementation drop
] [
class sel imp types add-method
] if*
] call ;
method init-method :> ( sel imp types )
class sel class_getInstanceMethod [
imp method_setImplementation drop
] [
class sel imp types add-method
] if* ;
: redefine-objc-methods ( imeth name -- )
dup class-exists? [
@ -79,3 +81,35 @@ SYMBOL: +superclass+
parse-definition unclip
>hashtable define-objc-class ;
: (parse-selector) ( -- )
scan-token {
{ [ dup "[" = ] [ drop ] }
{ [ dup ":" tail? ] [ scan-c-type scan-token 3array , (parse-selector) ] }
[ f f 3array , "[" expect ]
} cond ;
: parse-selector ( -- selector types names )
[ (parse-selector) ] { } make
flip first3
[ concat ]
[ sift { id SEL } prepend ]
[ sift { "self" "selector" } prepend ] tri* ;
: parse-method-body ( names -- quot )
[ [ make-local ] map ] H{ } make-assoc
(parse-lambda) <lambda> ?rewrite-closures first ;
: method-effect ( quadruple -- effect )
[ third ] [ second void? { } { "x" } ? ] bi <effect> ;
: check-method ( quadruple -- )
[ fourth infer ] [ method-effect ] bi
2dup effect<= [ 2drop ] [ effect-error ] if ;
parse-method-body [ swap ] 2dip 4array
dup check-method
suffix! ;
@ -13,12 +13,6 @@ IN: tools.deploy.shaker.cocoa
: pool-values ( assoc -- assoc' ) [ pool-array ] assoc-map ;
IN: cocoa.application
: objc-error ( error -- ) die ;
[ [ die ] 19 set-special-object ] "cocoa.application" add-startup-hook
H{ } clone \ pool [
global [
! Only keeps those methods that we actually call
@ -9,16 +9,13 @@ IN: tools.deploy.test.14
{ +superclass+ "NSObject" }
{ +name+ "Bar" }
} {
{ id SEL NSRect }
[ origin>> [ x>> ] [ y>> ] bi + ]
[ size>> [ w>> ] [ h>> ] bi + ]
bi +
} ;
METHOD: float bar: NSRect rect [
rect origin>> [ x>> ] [ y>> ] bi +
rect size>> [ w>> ] [ h>> ] bi +
] ;
: main ( -- )
Bar -> alloc -> init
@ -233,9 +233,7 @@ CLASS: {
{ +name+ "FactorApplicationDelegate" }
{ "applicationDidUpdate:" void { id SEL id }
[ 3drop reset-run-loop ]
} ;
METHOD: void applicationDidUpdate: id obj [ reset-run-loop ] ;
: install-app-delegate ( -- )
NSApp FactorApplicationDelegate install-delegate ;
@ -26,45 +26,25 @@ CLASS: {
{ +name+ "FactorWorkspaceApplicationDelegate" }
{ "application:openFiles:" void { id SEL id id }
[ [ 3drop ] dip finder-run-files ]
METHOD: void application: id app openFiles: id files [ files finder-run-files ]
{ "applicationShouldHandleReopen:hasVisibleWindows:" int { id SEL id int }
[ [ 3drop ] dip 0 = [ show-listener ] when 1 ]
METHOD: int applicationShouldHandleReopen: id app hasVisibleWindows: int flag [ flag 0 = [ show-listener ] when 1 ]
{ "factorListener:" id { id SEL id }
[ 3drop show-listener f ]
METHOD: id factorListener: id app [ show-listener f ]
{ "factorBrowser:" id { id SEL id }
[ 3drop show-browser f ]
METHOD: id factorBrowser: id app [ show-browser f ]
{ "newFactorListener:" id { id SEL id }
[ 3drop listener-window f ]
METHOD: id newFactorListener: id app [ listener-window f ]
{ "newFactorBrowser:" id { id SEL id }
[ 3drop browser-window f ]
METHOD: id newFactorBrowser: id app [ browser-window f ]
{ "runFactorFile:" id { id SEL id }
[ 3drop menu-run-files f ]
METHOD: id runFactorFile: id app [ menu-run-files f ]
{ "saveFactorImage:" id { id SEL id }
[ 3drop save f ]
METHOD: id saveFactorImage: id app [ save f ]
{ "saveFactorImageAs:" id { id SEL id }
[ 3drop menu-save-image f ]
METHOD: id saveFactorImageAs: id app [ menu-save-image f ]
{ "refreshAll:" id { id SEL id }
[ 3drop [ refresh-all ] \ refresh-all call-listener f ]
} ;
METHOD: id refreshAll: id app [ [ refresh-all ] \ refresh-all call-listener f ] ;
: install-app-delegate ( -- )
NSApp FactorWorkspaceApplicationDelegate install-delegate ;
@ -78,25 +58,16 @@ CLASS: {
{ +superclass+ "NSObject" }
{ +name+ "FactorServiceProvider" }
} {
{ id SEL id id id }
[ eval-listener f ] do-service
} {
{ id SEL id id id }
[ [ (eval>string) ] with-interactive-vocabs ] do-service
} ;
METHOD: void evalInListener: id pboard userData: id userData error: id error
[ pboard error [ eval-listener f ] do-service ]
METHOD: void evalToString: id pboard userData: id userData error: id error
pboard error
[ [ (eval>string) ] with-interactive-vocabs ] do-service
] ;
: register-services ( -- )
@ -148,269 +148,168 @@ CLASS: {
! Rendering
{ "drawRect:" void { id SEL NSRect }
[ 2drop window draw-world ]
METHOD: void drawRect: NSRect rect [ self window draw-world ]
! Events
{ "acceptsFirstMouse:" char { id SEL id }
[ 3drop 1 ]
METHOD: char acceptsFirstMouse: id event [ 1 ]
{ "mouseEntered:" void { id SEL id }
[ nip send-mouse-moved ]
METHOD: void mouseEntered: id event [ self event send-mouse-moved ]
{ "mouseExited:" void { id SEL id }
[ 3drop forget-rollover ]
METHOD: void mouseExited: id event [ forget-rollover ]
{ "mouseMoved:" void { id SEL id }
[ nip send-mouse-moved ]
METHOD: void mouseMoved: id event [ self event send-mouse-moved ]
{ "mouseDragged:" void { id SEL id }
[ nip send-mouse-moved ]
METHOD: void mouseDragged: id event [ self event send-mouse-moved ]
{ "rightMouseDragged:" void { id SEL id }
[ nip send-mouse-moved ]
METHOD: void rightMouseDragged: id event [ self event send-mouse-moved ]
{ "otherMouseDragged:" void { id SEL id }
[ nip send-mouse-moved ]
METHOD: void otherMouseDragged: id event [ self event send-mouse-moved ]
{ "mouseDown:" void { id SEL id }
[ nip send-button-down$ ]
METHOD: void mouseDown: id event [ self event send-button-down$ ]
{ "mouseUp:" void { id SEL id }
[ nip send-button-up$ ]
METHOD: void mouseUp: id event [ self event send-button-up$ ]
{ "rightMouseDown:" void { id SEL id }
[ nip send-button-down$ ]
METHOD: void rightMouseDown: id event [ self event send-button-down$ ]
{ "rightMouseUp:" void { id SEL id }
[ nip send-button-up$ ]
METHOD: void rightMouseUp: id event [ self event send-button-up$ ]
{ "otherMouseDown:" void { id SEL id }
[ nip send-button-down$ ]
METHOD: void otherMouseDown: id event [ self event send-button-down$ ]
{ "otherMouseUp:" void { id SEL id }
[ nip send-button-up$ ]
METHOD: void otherMouseUp: id event [ self event send-button-up$ ]
{ "scrollWheel:" void { id SEL id }
[ nip send-scroll$ ]
METHOD: void scrollWheel: id event [ self event send-scroll$ ]
{ "keyDown:" void { id SEL id }
[ nip send-key-down-event ]
METHOD: void keyDown: id event [ self event send-key-down-event ]
{ "keyUp:" void { id SEL id }
[ nip send-key-up-event ]
METHOD: void keyUp: id event [ self event send-key-up-event ]
{ "validateUserInterfaceItem:" char { id SEL id }
nip -> action
2dup [ window ] [ utf8 alien>string ] bi* validate-action
[ [ 2drop ] dip >c-bool ] [ SUPER-> validateUserInterfaceItem: ] if
METHOD: char validateUserInterfaceItem: id event
self window
event -> action utf8 alien>string validate-action
[ >c-bool ] [ drop self event SUPER-> validateUserInterfaceItem: ] if
{ "undo:" id { id SEL id }
[ nip undo-action send-action$ ]
METHOD: id undo: id event [ self event undo-action send-action$ ]
{ "redo:" id { id SEL id }
[ nip redo-action send-action$ ]
METHOD: id redo: id event [ self event redo-action send-action$ ]
{ "cut:" id { id SEL id }
[ nip cut-action send-action$ ]
METHOD: id cut: id event [ self event cut-action send-action$ ]
{ "copy:" id { id SEL id }
[ nip copy-action send-action$ ]
METHOD: id copy: id event [ self event copy-action send-action$ ]
{ "paste:" id { id SEL id }
[ nip paste-action send-action$ ]
METHOD: id paste: id event [ self event paste-action send-action$ ]
{ "delete:" id { id SEL id }
[ nip delete-action send-action$ ]
METHOD: id delete: id event [ self event delete-action send-action$ ]
{ "selectAll:" id { id SEL id }
[ nip select-all-action send-action$ ]
METHOD: id selectAll: id event [ self event select-all-action send-action$ ]
{ "newDocument:" id { id SEL id }
[ nip new-action send-action$ ]
METHOD: id newDocument: id event [ self event new-action send-action$ ]
{ "openDocument:" id { id SEL id }
[ nip open-action send-action$ ]
METHOD: id openDocument: id event [ self event open-action send-action$ ]
{ "saveDocument:" id { id SEL id }
[ nip save-action send-action$ ]
METHOD: id saveDocument: id event [ self event save-action send-action$ ]
{ "saveDocumentAs:" id { id SEL id }
[ nip save-as-action send-action$ ]
METHOD: id saveDocumentAs: id event [ self event save-as-action send-action$ ]
{ "revertDocumentToSaved:" id { id SEL id }
[ nip revert-action send-action$ ]
METHOD: id revertDocumentToSaved: id event [ self event revert-action send-action$ ]
! Multi-touch gestures: this is undocumented.
{ "magnifyWithEvent:" void { id SEL id }
dup -> deltaZ sgn {
{ 1 [ zoom-in-action send-action$ ] }
{ -1 [ zoom-out-action send-action$ ] }
{ 0 [ 2drop ] }
} case
! Multi-touch gestures
METHOD: void magnifyWithEvent: id event
self event
dup -> deltaZ sgn {
{ 1 [ zoom-in-action send-action$ drop ] }
{ -1 [ zoom-out-action send-action$ drop ] }
{ 0 [ 2drop ] }
} case
{ "swipeWithEvent:" void { id SEL id }
dup -> deltaX sgn {
{ 1 [ left-action send-action$ ] }
{ -1 [ right-action send-action$ ] }
{ 0
dup -> deltaY sgn {
{ 1 [ up-action send-action$ ] }
{ -1 [ down-action send-action$ ] }
{ 0 [ 2drop ] }
} case
} case
METHOD: void swipeWithEvent: id event
self event
dup -> deltaX sgn {
{ 1 [ left-action send-action$ drop ] }
{ -1 [ right-action send-action$ drop ] }
{ 0
dup -> deltaY sgn {
{ 1 [ up-action send-action$ drop ] }
{ -1 [ down-action send-action$ drop ] }
{ 0 [ 2drop ] }
} case
} case
{ "acceptsFirstResponder" char { id SEL }
[ 2drop 1 ]
METHOD: char acceptsFirstResponder [ 1 ]
! Services
{ "validRequestorForSendType:returnType:" id { id SEL id id }
! We return either self or nil
[ over window-focus ] 2dip
valid-service? [ drop ] [ 2drop f ] if
METHOD: id validRequestorForSendType: id sendType returnType: id returnType
! We return either self or nil
self window world-focus sendType returnType
valid-service? [ self ] [ f ] if
{ "writeSelectionToPasteboard:types:" char { id SEL id id }
CF>string-array NSStringPboardType swap member? [
[ drop window-focus gadget-selection ] dip over
[ set-pasteboard-string 1 ] [ 2drop 0 ] if
] [ 3drop 0 ] if
METHOD: char writeSelectionToPasteboard: id pboard types: id types
NSStringPboardType types CF>string-array member? [
self window world-focus gadget-selection
[ pboard set-pasteboard-string 1 ] [ 0 ] if*
] [ 0 ] if
{ "readSelectionFromPasteboard:" char { id SEL id }
pasteboard-string dup [
[ drop window ] dip swap user-input 1
] [ 3drop 0 ] if
METHOD: char readSelectionFromPasteboard: id pboard
pboard pasteboard-string
[ self window user-input 1 ] [ 0 ] if*
! Text input
{ "insertText:" void { id SEL id }
[ nip CF>string swap window user-input ]
METHOD: void insertText: id text
[ text CF>string self window user-input ]
{ "hasMarkedText" char { id SEL }
[ 2drop 0 ]
METHOD: char hasMarkedText [ 0 ]
{ "markedRange" NSRange { id SEL }
[ 2drop 0 0 <NSRange> ]
METHOD: NSRange markedRange [ 0 0 <NSRange> ]
{ "selectedRange" NSRange { id SEL }
[ 2drop 0 0 <NSRange> ]
METHOD: NSRange selectedRange [ 0 0 <NSRange> ]
{ "setMarkedText:selectedRange:" void { id SEL id NSRange }
[ 2drop 2drop ]
METHOD: void setMarkedText: id text selectedRange: NSRange range [ ]
{ "unmarkText" void { id SEL }
[ 2drop ]
METHOD: void unmarkText [ ]
{ "validAttributesForMarkedText" id { id SEL }
[ 2drop NSArray -> array ]
METHOD: id validAttributesForMarkedText [ NSArray -> array ]
{ "attributedSubstringFromRange:" id { id SEL NSRange }
[ 3drop f ]
METHOD: id attributedSubstringFromRange: NSRange range [ f ]
{ "characterIndexForPoint:" NSUInteger { id SEL NSPoint }
[ 3drop 0 ]
METHOD: NSUInteger characterIndexForPoint: NSPoint point [ 0 ]
{ "firstRectForCharacterRange:" NSRect { id SEL NSRange }
[ 3drop 0 0 0 0 <CGRect> ]
METHOD: NSRect firstRectForCharacterRange: NSRange range [ 0 0 0 0 <CGRect> ]
{ "conversationIdentifier" NSInteger { id SEL }
[ drop alien-address ]
METHOD: NSInteger conversationIdentifier [ self alien-address ]
! Initialization
{ "updateFactorGadgetSize:" void { id SEL id }
[ 2drop [ window ] [ view-dim ] bi >>dim drop yield ]
METHOD: void updateFactorGadgetSize: id notification
[ self view-dim self window dim<< yield ]
{ "doCommandBySelector:" void { id SEL SEL }
[ 3drop ]
METHOD: void doCommandBySelector: SEL selector [ ]
{ "initWithFrame:pixelFormat:" id { id SEL NSRect id }
[ drop ] 2dip
SUPER-> initWithFrame:pixelFormat:
dup dup add-resize-observer
METHOD: id initWithFrame: NSRect frame pixelFormat: id pixelFormat
self frame pixelFormat SUPER-> initWithFrame:pixelFormat:
dup dup add-resize-observer
{ "isOpaque" char { id SEL }
2drop 0
METHOD: char isOpaque [ 0 ]
{ "dealloc" void { id SEL }
[ remove-observer ]
[ SUPER-> dealloc ]
} ;
METHOD: void dealloc
self remove-observer
self SUPER-> dealloc
] ;
: sync-refresh-to-screen ( GLView -- )
-> openGLContext -> CGLContextObj NSOpenGLCPSwapInterval 1 <int>
@ -423,44 +322,37 @@ CLASS: {
-> frame CGRect-top-left 2array >>window-loc drop ;
{ +superclass+ "NSObject" }
{ +name+ "FactorWindowDelegate" }
{ +superclass+ "NSObject" }
{ "windowDidMove:" void { id SEL id }
2nip -> object [ -> contentView window ] keep save-position
METHOD: void windowDidMove: id notification
notification -> object -> contentView window
notification -> object save-position
{ "windowDidBecomeKey:" void { id SEL id }
2nip -> object -> contentView window focus-world
METHOD: void windowDidBecomeKey: id notification
notification -> object -> contentView window
{ "windowDidResignKey:" void { id SEL id }
2nip -> object -> contentView
dup -> isInFullScreenMode 0 =
[ window [ unfocus-world ] when* ]
[ drop ] if
METHOD: void windowDidResignKey: id notification
notification -> object -> contentView
dup -> isInFullScreenMode 0 =
[ window [ unfocus-world ] when* ] [ drop ] if
{ "windowShouldClose:" char { id SEL id }
3drop 1
METHOD: char windowShouldClose: id notification [ 1 ]
{ "windowWillClose:" void { id SEL id }
2nip -> object -> contentView
[ window ungraft ] [ unregister-window ] bi
} ;
METHOD: void windowWillClose: id notification
notification -> object -> contentView
[ window ungraft ] [ unregister-window ] bi
] ;
: install-window-delegate ( window -- )
FactorWindowDelegate install-delegate ;
@ -16,8 +16,6 @@ SYMBOL: windows
: window ( handle -- world ) windows get-global at ;
: window-focus ( handle -- gadget ) window world-focus ;
: register-window ( world handle -- )
#! Add the new window just below the topmost window. Why?
#! So that if the new window doesn't actually receive focus
Reference in New Issue