drawing 96bpp images works, add lots of previously unknown ifd fields

Doug Coleman 2009-02-13 12:12:08 -06:00
parent 435a14f3b6
commit bd17f14929
2 changed files with 34 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ math specialized-arrays.direct.uint byte-arrays ;
IN: images
16R16G16B 32R32G32B ;
R16G16B16 R32G32B32 ;
TUPLE: image dim component-order byte-order bitmap ;
@ -13,22 +13,32 @@ TUPLE: image dim component-order byte-order bitmap ;
GENERIC: load-image* ( path tuple -- image )
: add-dummy-alpha ( seq -- seq' )
3 <sliced-groups>
[ 255 suffix ] map concat ;
: normalize-component-order ( image -- image )
dup component-order>>
{ RGBA [ ] }
{ R32G32B32 [
dup length 4 / <direct-uint-array>
[ bits>float 255.0 * >integer ] map
>byte-array add-dummy-alpha
] change-bitmap
] }
{ BGRA [
4 <sliced-groups> dup [ [ 0 3 ] dip <slice> reverse-here ] each
] change-bitmap
] }
{ RGB [
[ 3 <sliced-groups> [ 255 suffix ] map concat ] change-bitmap
] }
{ RGB [ [ add-dummy-alpha ] change-bitmap ] }
{ BGR [
3 <sliced-groups> dup [ [ 0 3 ] dip <slice> reverse-here ] each
[ 255 suffix ] map concat
3 <sliced-groups>
[ [ [ 0 3 ] dip <slice> reverse-here ] each ]
[ add-dummy-alpha ] bi
] change-bitmap
] }
} case
@ -39,5 +49,6 @@ GENERIC: normalize-scan-line-order ( image -- image )
M: image normalize-scan-line-order ;
: normalize-image ( image -- image )
[ >byte-array ] change-bitmap
normalize-scan-line-order ;

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
USING: accessors combinators io io.encodings.binary io.files kernel
pack endian constructors sequences arrays math.order math.parser
prettyprint classes io.binary assocs math math.bitwise byte-arrays
grouping images compression.lzw fry ;
grouping images compression.lzw fry strings ;
IN: images.tiff
TUPLE: tiff-image < image ;
@ -115,8 +115,9 @@ ERROR: bad-extra-samples n ;
SINGLETONS: image-length image-width x-resolution y-resolution
rows-per-strip strip-offsets strip-byte-counts bits-per-sample
samples-per-pixel new-subfile-type orientation
unhandled-ifd-entry ;
samples-per-pixel new-subfile-type orientation software
date-time photoshop exif-ifd sub-ifd inter-color-profile
xmp iptc unhandled-ifd-entry ;
ERROR: bad-tiff-magic bytes ;
: tiff-endianness ( byte-array -- ? )
@ -185,6 +186,7 @@ ERROR: unknown-ifd-type n ;
{ 10 [ 8 * ] }
{ 11 [ 4 * ] }
{ 12 [ 8 * ] }
{ 13 [ 4 * ] }
[ unknown-ifd-type ]
} case ;
@ -200,6 +202,7 @@ ERROR: bad-small-ifd-type n ;
{ 8 [ 2 head endian> 16 >signed ] }
{ 9 [ endian> 32 >signed ] }
{ 11 [ endian> bits>float ] }
{ 13 [ endian> 32 >signed ] }
[ bad-small-ifd-type ]
} case ;
@ -246,10 +249,18 @@ ERROR: bad-small-ifd-type n ;
{ 283 [ y-resolution ] }
{ 284 [ planar-configuration ] }
{ 296 [ lookup-resolution-unit resolution-unit ] }
{ 305 [ >string software ] }
{ 306 [ >string date-time ] }
{ 317 [ lookup-predictor predictor ] }
{ 330 [ sub-ifd ] }
{ 338 [ lookup-extra-samples extra-samples ] }
{ 339 [ lookup-sample-format sample-format ] }
[ nip unhandled-ifd-entry ]
{ 700 [ >string xmp ] }
{ 34377 [ photoshop ] }
{ 34665 [ exif-ifd ] }
{ 33723 [ iptc ] }
{ 34675 [ inter-color-profile ] }
[ nip unhandled-ifd-entry swap ]
} case ;
: process-ifd ( ifd -- ifd )
@ -277,8 +288,8 @@ ERROR: unknown-component-order ifd ;
: ifd-component-order ( ifd -- byte-order )
bits-per-sample find-tag {
{ { 32 32 32 } [ 32R32G32B ] }
{ { 16 16 16 } [ 16R16G16B ] }
{ { 32 32 32 } [ R32G32B32 ] }
{ { 16 16 16 } [ R16G16B16 ] }
{ { 8 8 8 8 } [ RGBA ] }
{ { 8 8 8 } [ RGB ] }
[ unknown-component-order ]