cocoa inline input using IM

KUSUMOTO Norio 2019-07-20 21:42:29 +09:00
parent a3e53fa149
commit bd5ea9cf2f
10 changed files with 325 additions and 34 deletions

View File

@ -59,6 +59,12 @@ HELP: set-doc-range
{ $errors "Throws an error if " { $snippet "from" } " or " { $snippet "to" } " is out of bounds." }
{ $side-effects "document" } ;
HELP: set-doc-range*
{ $values { "string" string } { "from" "a pair of integers" } { "to" "a pair of integers" } { "document" document } }
{ $description "Replaces all text between two line/column number pairs with " { $snippet "string" } ". The string may use either " { $snippet "\\n" } ", " { $snippet "\\r\\n" } " or " { $snippet "\\r" } " line separators.\n\nThis word differs from " { $link set-doc-range } " in that it does not include changes in the Undo and Redo actions." }
{ $errors "Throws an error if " { $snippet "from" } " or " { $snippet "to" } " is out of bounds." }
{ $side-effects "document" } ;
HELP: remove-doc-range
{ $values { "from" "a pair of integers" } { "to" "a pair of integers" } { "document" document } }
{ $description "Removes all text between two line/column number pairs." }

View File

@ -135,6 +135,14 @@ PRIVATE>
new-to document update-locs
] unless ;
:: set-doc-range* ( string from to document -- )
from to = string empty? and [
string split-lines :> new-lines
new-lines from text+loc :> new-to
new-lines from to document [ (set-doc-range) ] models:change-model
new-to document update-locs
] unless ;
: change-doc-range ( from to document quot -- )
'[ doc-range @ ] 3keep set-doc-range ; inline

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
! Copyright (C) 2019 KUSUMOTO Norio
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel ui.gadgets.editors ui.backend.cocoa.input-methods ;
IN: ui.backend.cocoa.input-methods.editors
M: editor support-input-methods? drop t ;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
! Copyright (C) 2019 KUSUMOTO Norio
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel ui.gadgets ;
IN: ui.backend.cocoa.input-methods
GENERIC: support-input-methods? ( gadget -- ? )
M: gadget support-input-methods? drop f ;

View File

@ -8,7 +8,11 @@ core-graphics core-graphics.types core-text io.encodings.utf8
kernel literals locals math math.order math.parser
math.rectangles namespaces opengl sequences splitting threads
ui.commands ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.private ui.gadgets.worlds
ui.gestures ui.private words ;
ui.gestures ui.private words sorting math.vectors
ui.baseline-alignment ui.gadgets.line-support
ui.gadgets.editors ui.backend.cocoa.input-methods
ui.backend.cocoa.input-methods.editors io.encodings.utf16n
io.encodings.string classes.struct ;
IN: ui.backend.cocoa.views
: send-mouse-moved ( view event -- )
@ -181,8 +185,84 @@ M: send-touchbar-command send-queued-gesture
] [ 3drop ] if ;
CONSTANT: NSNotFound 9223372036854775807 inline
IMPORT: NSAttributedString
:: >codepoint-index ( str utf16-index -- codepoint-index )
0 utf16-index 2 * str utf16n encode subseq utf16n decode length ;
:: >utf16-index ( str codepoint-index -- utf16-index )
0 codepoint-index str subseq utf16n encode length 2 / >integer ;
:: earlier-caret/mark ( editor -- loc )
editor editor-caret :> caret
editor editor-mark :> mark
caret first mark first = [
caret second mark second < [ caret ] [ mark ] if
] [
caret first mark first < [ caret ] [ mark ] if
] if ;
:: make-preedit-underlines ( gadget text range -- underlines )
f gadget preedit-selection-mode?<<
{ } clone :> underlines!
text -> length :> text-length
0 0 <NSRange> :> effective-range
text -> string CF>string :> str
str utf16n encode :> byte-16n
0 :> cp-loc!
"NSMarkedClauseSegment" <NSString> :> segment-attr
[ effective-range [ location>> ] [ length>> ] bi + text-length < ] [
effective-range [ location>> ] [ length>> ] bi +
effective-range >c-ptr
-> attribute:atIndex:effectiveRange: drop
1 :> thickness!
range location>> effective-range location>> = [
2 thickness!
t gadget preedit-selection-mode?<<
] when
effective-range [ location>> ] [ length>> ] bi over +
[ str swap >codepoint-index ] bi@ swap - :> len
cp-loc cp-loc len + dup cp-loc!
2array thickness 2array
suffix underlines!
] while
underlines length 1 = [
underlines first first 2 2array 1array ! thickness: 2
] [ underlines ] if ;
:: update-marked-text ( gadget str range -- )
gadget preedit? [
gadget remove-preedit-text
] when
gadget earlier-caret/mark dup
gadget preedit-start<<
0 str length 2array v+ gadget preedit-end<<
str gadget temp-im-input drop
gadget preedit-start>>
0 str range location>> >codepoint-index
2array v+
dup gadget preedit-selected-start<<
range location>> dup range length>> + [ 2 * ] bi@
str utf16n encode subseq utf16n decode length
2array v+
dup gadget preedit-selected-end<<
dup gadget set-caret gadget set-mark
gadget preedit-start>> gadget preedit-end>> = [
gadget remove-preedit-info
] when ;
<CLASS: FactorView < NSOpenGLView
METHOD: void prepareOpenGL [
@ -355,34 +435,147 @@ M: send-touchbar-command send-queued-gesture
] ;
! Text input
METHOD: void insertText: id text
self window :> window
window [
text CF>string window user-input
] when
] ;
METHOD: void insertText: id text replacementRange: NSRange replacementRange [
self window :> window
window [
"" clone :> str!
text NSString -> class -> isKindOfClass: 0 = not [
text CF>string str!
] [
text -> string CF>string str!
] if
window world-focus :> gadget
gadget support-input-methods? [
gadget preedit? [
gadget [ remove-preedit-text ] [ remove-preedit-info ] bi
] when
str gadget user-input* drop
f gadget preedit-selection-mode?<<
] [
str window user-input
] if
] when
] ;
METHOD: char hasMarkedText [
self window :> window
window [
window world-focus :> gadget
gadget preedit? [ 1 ] [ 0 ] if
] [ 0 ] if
] ;
METHOD: char hasMarkedText [ 0 ] ;
METHOD: NSRange markedRange [
self window :> window
window [
window world-focus :> gadget
gadget preedit? [
gadget [ preedit-start>> second ] [ preedit-end>> second ] bi >= [
NSNotFound 0
] [
gadget preedit-start>> first gadget editor-line :> str
str gadget preedit-start>> second >utf16-index dup ! location
str gadget preedit-end>> second >utf16-index swap - ! length
] if
] [ NSNotFound 0 ] if
] [ NSNotFound 0 ] if
] ;
METHOD: NSRange markedRange [ 0 0 <NSRange> ] ;
METHOD: NSRange selectedRange [ 0 0 <NSRange> ] ;
METHOD: void setMarkedText: id text selectedRange: NSRange range [ ] ;
METHOD: void unmarkText [ ] ;
METHOD: id validAttributesForMarkedText [ NSArray -> array ] ;
METHOD: id attributedSubstringFromRange: NSRange range [ f ] ;
METHOD: NSRange selectedRange [
self window :> window
window [
window world-focus :> gadget
gadget support-input-methods? [
gadget preedit? [
gadget preedit-start>> first gadget editor-line :> str
[ preedit-selected-start>> second ]
[ preedit-start>> second ] bi - >utf16-index ! location
str gadget preedit-selected-end>> second >utf16-index
str gadget preedit-selected-start>> second >utf16-index - ! length
] [ gadget earlier-caret/mark second 0 ] if
] [ 0 0 ] if
] [ 0 0 ] if
] ;
METHOD: void setMarkedText: id text selectedRange: NSRange selectedRange
replacementRange: NSRange replacementRange [
self window :> window
{ } clone :> underlines!
window [
window world-focus :> gadget
"" clone :> str!
text NSString -> class -> isKindOfClass: 0 = not [
text CF>string str!
] [
text -> string CF>string str!
gadget support-input-methods? [
gadget text selectedRange make-preedit-underlines underlines!
] when
] if
gadget support-input-methods? [
gadget str selectedRange update-marked-text
underlines gadget preedit-underlines<<
] when
] when
] ;
METHOD: void unmarkText [
self window :> window
window [
window world-focus :> gadget
gadget support-input-methods? [
gadget preedit? [
gadget {
[ preedit-start>> second ]
[ preedit-end>> second ]
[ preedit-start>> first ] [ editor-line ]
} cleave subseq
gadget [ remove-preedit-text ] [ remove-preedit-info ] bi
gadget user-input* drop
] when
f gadget preedit-selection-mode?<<
] when
] when
] ;
METHOD: id validAttributesForMarkedText [
NSArray "NSMarkedClauseSegment" <NSString> -> arrayWithObject:
] ;
METHOD: id attributedSubstringForProposedRange: NSRange range
actualRange: id actualRange [ f ] ;
METHOD: NSUInteger characterIndexForPoint: NSPoint point [ 0 ] ;
METHOD: NSRect firstRectForCharacterRange: NSRange range [ 0 0 0 0 <CGRect> ] ;
METHOD: NSInteger conversationIdentifier [ self alien-address ] ;
METHOD: NSRect firstRectForCharacterRange: NSRange aRange
actualRange: id actualRange [
aRange :> range!
actualRange [
actualRange NSRange memory>struct range!
] when
self window :> window
window [
window world-focus preedit? [
window world-focus :> gadget
gadget editor-caret first gadget editor-line :> str
str range location>> >codepoint-index :> start-pos
gadget screen-loc
gadget editor-caret first start-pos 2array gadget loc>x dup :> xl
gadget caret-loc second gadget caret-dim second +
[ >fixnum ] bi@ 2array v+ { 1 -1 } v*
window handle>> window>> dup -> frame -> contentRectForFrameRect:
CGRect-top-left 2array v+
first2 0 gadget line-height >fixnum
] [ 0 0 0 0 ] if
] [ 0 0 0 0 ] if
] ;
! Initialization
METHOD: void updateFactorGadgetSize: id notification

View File

@ -15,7 +15,16 @@ $nl
{ { $snippet "caret" } " - a " { $link model } " storing a line/column pair." }
{ { $snippet "mark" } " - a " { $link model } " storing a line/column pair. If there is no selection, the mark is equal to the caret, otherwise the mark is located at the opposite end of the selection from the caret." }
{ { $snippet "focused?" } " - a boolean." }
} }
{ { $snippet "preedit-start" } " - a line/column pair or " { $link f } ". It represents the starting point of the string being edited by an input method." }
{ { $snippet "preedit-end" } " - a line/column pair or " { $link f } ". It represents the end point of the string being edited by an input method." }
{ { $snippet "preedit-selected-start" } " - a line/column pair or " { $link f } ". It represents the starting point of the string being selected by an input method." }
{ { $snippet "preedit-selected-end" } " - a line/column pair or " { $link f } ". It represents the end point of the string being selected by an input method." }
{ { $snippet "preedit-selection-mode?" } " - a boolean. It means the mode of selecting convertion canditate word. The caret in an editor is not drawn if it is true." }
{ { $snippet "preedit-underlines" } " - an array or " { $link f } ". It stores underline attributes for its preedit area." }
" Slots that are prefixed with \"preedit-\" should not be modified directly. They are changed by the platform-dependent backend."
{ $see-also line-gadget } ;
HELP: <editor>

View File

@ -7,13 +7,25 @@ math.rectangles math.vectors models models.arrow namespaces opengl
sequences sorting splitting timers ui.baseline-alignment ui.clipboards
ui.commands ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.borders ui.gadgets.line-support
ui.gadgets.menus ui.gadgets.scrollers ui.gestures ui.pens.solid
ui.render ui.text ui.theme unicode ;
ui.render ui.text ui.theme unicode ;
IN: ui.gadgets.editors
TUPLE: editor < line-gadget
caret mark
focused? blink blink-timer
default-text ;
preedit-underlines ;
GENERIC: preedit? ( gadget -- ? )
M: gadget preedit? drop f ;
M: editor preedit? preedit-start>> [ t ] [ f ] if ;
@ -93,6 +105,9 @@ M: editor ungraft*
: set-caret ( loc editor -- )
[ model>> validate-loc ] [ caret>> ] bi set-model ;
: set-mark ( loc editor -- )
[ model>> validate-loc ] [ mark>> ] bi set-model ;
: change-caret ( editor quot: ( loc document -- newloc ) -- )
[ [ [ editor-caret ] [ model>> ] bi ] dip call ] [ drop ] 2bi
set-caret ; inline
@ -152,7 +167,8 @@ M: editor ungraft*
: draw-caret? ( editor -- ? )
{ [ focused?>> ] [ blink>> ] } 1&& ;
{ [ focused?>> ] [ blink>> ]
[ [ preedit? not ] [ preedit-selection-mode?>> not ] bi or ] } 1&& ;
: draw-caret ( editor -- )
dup draw-caret? [
@ -161,6 +177,23 @@ M: editor ungraft*
over v+ gl-line
] [ drop ] if ;
:: draw-preedit-underlines ( editor -- )
editor [ preedit? ] [ preedit-underlines>> ] bi and [
editor [ caret-loc second ] [ caret-dim second ] bi + 2.0 - :> y
editor editor-caret first :> row
editor font>> foreground>> gl-color
editor preedit-underlines>> [
dup second glLineWidth
first editor preedit-start>> second dup 2array v+ first2
[ row swap 2array editor loc>x 1.0 + y 2array ]
[ row swap 2array editor loc>x 1.0 - y 2array ]
] do-attribs
] each
] when ;
: selection-start/end ( editor -- start end )
[ editor-mark ] [ editor-caret ] bi sort-pair ;
@ -211,10 +244,10 @@ M: editor draw-line ( line index editor -- )
M: editor draw-gadget*
dup draw-default-text? [
[ draw-default-text ] [ draw-caret ] bi
[ draw-default-text ] [ draw-caret ] [ draw-preedit-underlines ] tri
] [
dup compute-selection selected-lines [
[ draw-lines ] [ draw-caret ] bi
[ draw-lines ] [ draw-caret ] [ draw-preedit-underlines ] tri
] with-variable
] if ;
@ -259,6 +292,9 @@ M: editor gadget-selection
M: editor user-input*
[ selection-start/end ] [ model>> ] bi set-doc-range t ;
M: editor temp-im-input
[ selection-start/end ] [ model>> ] bi set-doc-range* t ;
: editor-string ( editor -- string )
model>> doc-string ;
@ -272,6 +308,21 @@ M: editor gadget-text* editor-string % ;
[ restart-blinking ]
[ dup caret>> click-loc ] tri ;
: remove-preedit-text ( editor -- )
{ [ preedit-start>> ] [ set-caret ]
[ preedit-end>> ] [ set-mark ]
[ remove-selection ]
} cleave ;
: remove-preedit-info ( editor -- )
f >>preedit-start
f >>preedit-end
f >>preedit-selected-start
f >>preedit-selected-end
f >>preedit-selection-mode?
f >>preedit-underlines
drop ;
: mouse-elt ( -- element )
hand-click# get {
{ 1 one-char-elt }

View File

@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ HELP: user-input*
{ $values { "str" string } { "gadget" gadget } { "?" boolean } }
{ $contract "Handle free-form textual input while the gadget has keyboard focus." } ;
HELP: temp-im-input
{ $values { "str" string } { "gadget" gadget } { "?" boolean } }
{ $contract "Handle free-form textual input while the gadget has keyboard focus. This is used to display the string being preedited by an input method on the gadget. Input by this word is not include changes in the Undo and Redo actions." } ;
HELP: pick-up
{ $values { "point" "a pair of integers" } { "gadget" gadget } { "child/f" { $maybe gadget } } }
{ $description "Outputs the child at a point in the gadget's co-ordinate system. This word recursively descends the gadget hierarchy, and so outputs the deepest child." } ;

View File

@ -55,6 +55,10 @@ GENERIC: user-input* ( str gadget -- ? )
M: gadget user-input* 2drop t ;
GENERIC: temp-im-input ( str gadget -- ? )
M: gadget temp-im-input 2drop t ;
GENERIC: children-on ( rect gadget -- seq )
M: gadget children-on nip children>> ;

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
USING: accessors arrays ascii assocs boxes calendar classes columns
combinators combinators.short-circuit deques fry kernel make math
math.order math.parser math.vectors namespaces sequences sets system
timers ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.private words ;
timers ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.private words locals ui.gadgets.editors ;
IN: ui.gestures
: get-gesture-handler ( gesture gadget -- quot )
@ -63,8 +63,10 @@ M: propagate-key-gesture-tuple send-queued-gesture
[ gesture>> ] [ world>> world-focus ] bi
[ handle-gesture ] with each-parent drop ;
: propagate-key-gesture ( gesture world -- )
\ propagate-key-gesture-tuple queue-gesture ;
:: propagate-key-gesture ( gesture world -- )
world world-focus preedit? [
gesture world \ propagate-key-gesture-tuple queue-gesture
] unless ;
TUPLE: user-input-tuple string world ;