diff --git a/basis/tools/vocabs/browser/browser.factor b/basis/tools/vocabs/browser/browser.factor
index 29f64efea3..3884da652a 100644
--- a/basis/tools/vocabs/browser/browser.factor
+++ b/basis/tools/vocabs/browser/browser.factor
@@ -6,24 +6,24 @@ classes.singleton classes.tuple classes.union combinators
 definitions effects fry generic help help.markup help.stylesheet
 help.topics io io.files io.pathnames io.styles kernel macros
 make namespaces prettyprint sequences sets sorting summary
-tools.vocabs vocabs vocabs.loader words words.symbol ;
+tools.vocabs vocabs vocabs.loader words words.symbol
+combinators.smart definitions.icons ;
 IN: tools.vocabs.browser
-: vocab-status-string ( vocab -- string )
-    {
-        { [ dup vocab not ] [ drop "" ] }
-        { [ dup vocab-main ] [ drop "[Runnable]" ] }
-        [ drop "[Loaded]" ]
-    } cond ;
+: <$definition> ( definition -- element )
+    [
+        [ definition-icon 1array \ $image prefix ]
+        [ drop " " ]
+        [ 1array \ $link prefix ] ! XXX
+        tri
+    ] output>array ;
 : vocab-row ( vocab -- row )
-    [ <$link> ] [ vocab-status-string ] [ vocab-summary ] tri
-    3array ;
+    [ <$definition> ] [ vocab-summary ] bi 2array ;
 : vocab-headings ( -- headings )
         { $strong "Vocabulary" }
-        { $strong "State" }
         { $strong "Summary" }
     } ;
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ C: <vocab-author> vocab-author
         "Tuple classes" $subheading
-            [ <$link> ]
+            [ <$definition> ]
             [ superclass <$link> ]
             [ "slots" word-prop [ name>> ] map " " join <$snippet> ]
             tri 3array
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ C: <vocab-author> vocab-author
         "Predicate classes" $subheading
-            [ <$link> ]
+            [ <$definition> ]
             [ superclass <$link> ]
             bi 2array
         ] map
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ C: <vocab-author> vocab-author
 : (describe-classes) ( classes heading -- )
         _ $subheading
-        [ <$link> 1array ] map $table
+        [ <$definition> 1array ] map $table
     ] unless-empty ;
 : describe-builtin-classes ( classes -- )
@@ -158,14 +158,16 @@ C: <vocab-author> vocab-author
     ] unless-empty ;
+: word-row ( word -- element )
+    [ <$definition> ]
+    [ stack-effect dup [ effect>string <$snippet> ] when ]
+    bi 2array ;
+: word-headings ( -- element )
+    { { $strong "Word" } { $strong "Stack effect" } } ;
 : words-table ( words -- )
-    [
-        [ 1array \ $word-link prefix ]
-        [ stack-effect dup [ effect>string <$snippet> ] when ]
-        bi 2array
-    ] map
-    { { $strong "Word" } { $strong "Stack effect" } } prefix
-    $table ;
+    [ word-row ] map word-headings prefix $table ;
 : (describe-words) ( words heading -- )
     '[ _ $subheading words-table ] unless-empty ;
diff --git a/basis/ui/tools/listener/completion/completion.factor b/basis/ui/tools/listener/completion/completion.factor
index f86166ffbc..563856ee9d 100644
--- a/basis/ui/tools/listener/completion/completion.factor
+++ b/basis/ui/tools/listener/completion/completion.factor
@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
 ! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
 ! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
-USING: accessors arrays assocs calendar colors colors.constants documents
-documents.elements fry kernel words sets splitting math math.vectors
-models.delay models.filter combinators.short-circuit parser present
-sequences tools.completion tools.vocabs.browser generic
-generic.standard.engines.tuple fonts ui.commands ui.operations
-ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.editors ui.gadgets.glass ui.gadgets.scrollers
-ui.gadgets.tables ui.gadgets.tracks ui.gadgets.labelled
-ui.gadgets.theme ui.gadgets.worlds ui.gadgets.wrappers ui.gestures
-ui.render ui.tools.listener.history combinators vocabs
-ui.tools.listener.popups ;
+USING: accessors arrays assocs calendar colors colors.constants
+documents documents.elements fry kernel words sets splitting math
+math.vectors models.delay models.filter combinators.short-circuit
+parser present sequences tools.completion tools.vocabs.browser generic
+generic.standard.engines.tuple fonts definitions.icons ui.images
+ui.commands ui.operations ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.editors
+ui.gadgets.glass ui.gadgets.scrollers ui.gadgets.tables
+ui.gadgets.tracks ui.gadgets.labelled ui.gadgets.theme
+ui.gadgets.worlds ui.gadgets.wrappers ui.gestures ui.render
+ui.tools.listener.history combinators vocabs ui.tools.listener.popups ;
 IN: ui.tools.listener.completion
 ! We don't directly depend on the listener tool but we use a few slots
@@ -25,14 +25,17 @@ TUPLE: word-completion vocabs ;
 C: <word-completion> word-completion
 SINGLETONS: vocab-completion char-completion history-completion ;
-UNION: listener-completion word-completion vocab-completion char-completion history-completion ;
+UNION: definition-completion word-completion vocab-completion ;
+UNION: listener-completion definition-completion char-completion history-completion ;
 GENERIC: completion-quot ( interactor completion-mode -- quot )
-M: word-completion completion-quot 2drop [ [ { } ] [ words-matching ] if-empty ] ;
-M: vocab-completion completion-quot 2drop [ [ { } ] [ vocabs-matching ] if-empty ] ;
-M: char-completion completion-quot 2drop [ [ { } ] [ chars-matching ] if-empty ] ;
+: (completion-quot) ( interactor completion-mode quot -- quot' )
+    2nip '[ [ { } ] _ if-empty ] ; inline
+M: word-completion completion-quot [ words-matching ] (completion-quot) ;
+M: vocab-completion completion-quot [ vocabs-matching ] (completion-quot) ;
+M: char-completion completion-quot [ chars-matching ] (completion-quot) ;
 M: history-completion completion-quot drop '[ drop _ history-list ] ;
 GENERIC: completion-element ( completion-mode -- element )
@@ -55,6 +58,15 @@ M: history-completion completion-popup-width drop dim>> first ;
 ! Completion modes also implement the row renderer protocol
 M: listener-completion row-columns drop present 1array ;
+M: definition-completion prototype-row
+    drop \ + definition-icon <image-name> "" 2array ;
+M: definition-completion row-columns
+    drop
+    [ definition-icon <image-name> ]
+    [ present ] bi
+    2array ;
 M: word-completion row-color
     [ vocabulary>> ] [ vocabs>> ] bi* {
         { [ 2dup [ vocab-words ] dip memq? ] [ COLOR: black ] }
@@ -133,6 +145,8 @@ GENERIC# accept-completion-hook 1 ( item popup -- )
         monospace-font >>font
         t >>selection-required?
+        transparent >>column-line-color
+        0 >>gap
         dup '[ _ accept-completion ] >>action ;
 : <completion-scroller> ( completion-popup -- scroller )