change Pango-based ui.text backend (move all util words from pango and pango.cairo vocabularies to ui.text.pango)

Anton Gorenko 2010-05-23 16:10:41 +06:00
parent d94cb7543d
commit be272a0bde
1 changed files with 179 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,180 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors assocs cache kernel math math.vectors
namespaces pango pango.cairo ui.text ui.text.private
sequences ;
USING: accessors alien.c-types alien.strings arrays assocs cache cairo
cairo.ffi classes.struct combinators destructors fonts fry
init io.encodings.utf8 kernel math math.rectangles math.vectors
memoize namespaces sequences ui.text ui.text.private
gobject gobject.ffi pango pango.ffi pango.cairo pango.cairo.ffi ;
IN: ui.text.pango
: pango>float ( n -- x ) PANGO_SCALE /f ; inline
: float>pango ( x -- n ) PANGO_SCALE * >integer ; inline
MEMO: (cache-font-description) ( font -- description )
[ pango_font_description_new |pango_font_description_free ] dip {
[ name>> utf8 string>alien pango_font_description_set_family ]
[ size>> float>pango pango_font_description_set_size ]
[ bold?>> PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD PANGO_WEIGHT_NORMAL ? pango_font_description_set_weight ]
[ italic?>> PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL ? pango_font_description_set_style ]
[ drop ]
} 2cleave
] with-destructors ;
: cache-font-description ( font -- description )
strip-font-colors (cache-font-description) ;
TUPLE: layout < disposable font string selection layout metrics ink-rect logical-rect image ;
72 dpi set-global
: set-layout-font ( font layout -- )
swap cache-font-description pango_layout_set_font_description ;
: set-layout-text ( str layout -- )
swap utf8 string>alien -1 pango_layout_set_text ;
: PangoRectangle>rect ( PangoRectangle -- rect )
[ [ x>> pango>float ] [ y>> pango>float ] bi 2array ]
[ [ width>> pango>float ] [ height>> pango>float ] bi 2array ] bi
<rect> ;
: layout-extents ( layout -- ink-rect logical-rect )
PangoRectangle <struct>
PangoRectangle <struct>
[ pango_layout_get_extents ] 2keep
[ PangoRectangle>rect ] bi@ ;
: layout-baseline ( layout -- baseline )
pango_layout_get_iter &pango_layout_iter_free
pango>float ;
: set-foreground ( cr font -- )
foreground>> set-source-color ;
: fill-background ( cr font dim -- )
[ background>> set-source-color ]
[ [ { 0 0 } ] dip <rect> fill-rect ] bi-curry* bi ;
: rect-translate-x ( rect x -- rect' )
'[ _ 0 2array v- ] change-loc ;
: first-line ( layout -- line )
layout>> 0 pango_layout_get_line_readonly ;
: line-offset>x ( layout n -- x )
#! n is an index into the UTF8 encoding of the text
[ drop first-line ] [ swap string>> >utf8-index ] 2bi
0 0 <int> [ pango_layout_line_index_to_x ] keep
*int pango>float ;
: x>line-offset ( layout x -- n )
#! n is an index into the UTF8 encoding of the text
[ first-line ] dip
float>pango 0 <int> 0 <int>
[ pango_layout_line_x_to_index drop ] 2keep
[ *int ] bi@ swap
] [ drop string>> ] 2bi utf8-index> + ;
: selection-start/end ( selection -- start end )
selection>> [ start>> ] [ end>> ] bi ;
: selection-rect ( layout -- rect )
[ ink-rect>> dim>> ] [ ] [ selection-start/end ] tri [ line-offset>x ] bi-curry@ bi
[ drop nip 0 2array ] [ swap - swap second 2array ] 3bi <rect> ;
: fill-selection-background ( cr layout -- )
dup selection>> [
[ selection>> color>> set-source-color ]
[ selection-rect ] [ ink-rect>> loc>> first ] bi
] 2bi
] [ 2drop ] if ;
: text-position ( layout -- loc )
[ logical-rect>> ] [ ink-rect>> ] bi [ loc>> ] bi@ v- ;
: set-text-position ( cr loc -- )
first2 cairo_move_to ;
: draw-layout ( layout -- image )
dup ink-rect>> dim>> [ >fixnum ] map [
swap {
[ layout>> pango_cairo_update_layout ]
[ [ font>> ] [ ink-rect>> dim>> ] bi fill-background ]
[ fill-selection-background ]
[ text-position set-text-position ]
[ font>> set-foreground ]
[ layout>> pango_cairo_show_layout ]
} 2cleave
] make-bitmap-image ;
: escape-nulls ( str -- str' )
#! Replace nulls with something else since Pango uses null-terminated
#! strings
{ { 0 CHAR: zero-width-no-break-space } } substitute ;
: unpack-selection ( layout string/selection -- layout )
dup selection? [
[ string>> escape-nulls >>string ] [ >>selection ] bi
] [ escape-nulls >>string ] if ; inline
: set-layout-resolution ( layout -- )
pango_layout_get_context dpi get pango_cairo_context_set_resolution ;
: <PangoLayout> ( text font -- layout )
dummy-cairo pango_cairo_create_layout |g_object_unref
[ set-layout-resolution ] keep
[ set-layout-font ] keep
[ set-layout-text ] keep ;
: glyph-height ( font string -- y )
swap <PangoLayout> &g_object_unref layout-extents drop dim>> second ;
MEMO: missing-font-metrics ( font -- metrics )
#! Pango doesn't provide x-height and cap-height but Core Text does, so we
#! simulate them on Pango.
[ metrics new ] dip
[ "x" glyph-height >>x-height ]
[ "Y" glyph-height >>cap-height ] bi
] with-destructors ;
: layout-metrics ( layout -- metrics )
dup font>> missing-font-metrics clone
[ layout>> layout-baseline >>ascent ]
[ logical-rect>> dim>> [ first >>width ] [ second >>height ] bi ] bi
dup [ height>> ] [ ascent>> ] bi - >>descent ;
: <layout> ( font string -- line )
layout new-disposable
swap unpack-selection
swap >>font
dup [ string>> ] [ font>> ] bi <PangoLayout> >>layout
dup layout>> layout-extents [ >>ink-rect ] [ >>logical-rect ] bi*
dup layout-metrics >>metrics
dup draw-layout >>image
] with-destructors ;
M: layout dispose* layout>> g_object_unref ;
SYMBOL: cached-layouts
: cached-layout ( font string -- layout )
cached-layouts get [ <layout> ] 2cache ;
: cached-line ( font string -- line )
cached-layout layout>> first-line ;
SINGLETON: pango-renderer
M: pango-renderer string-dim
@ -31,4 +201,10 @@ M: pango-renderer line-metrics ( font string -- metrics )
[ cached-layout metrics>> ]
if-empty ;
\ (cache-font-description) reset-memoized
<cache-assoc> cached-layouts set-global
] "ui.text.pango" add-startup-hook
pango-renderer font-renderer set-global