Merge branch 'master' of git://
@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ $nl
"C structure objects can be allocated by calling " { $link <c-object> } " or " { $link malloc-object } "."
"Arrays of C structures can be created by calling " { $link <c-array> } " or " { $link malloc-array } ". Elements can be read and written using words named " { $snippet { $emphasis "type" } "-nth" } " and " { $snippet "set-" { $emphasis "type" } "-nth" } "; these words are automatically generated by " { $link POSTPONE: C-STRUCT: } "." ;
"Arrays of C structures can be created with the " { $vocab-link "struct-arrays" } " vocabulary." ;
ARTICLE: "c-unions" "C unions"
"A " { $snippet "union" } " in C defines a type large enough to hold its largest member. This is usually used to allocate a block of memory which can hold one of several types of values."
{ $subsection POSTPONE: C-UNION: }
"C union objects can be allocated by calling " { $link <c-object> } " or " { $link malloc-object } "."
"Arrays of C unions can be created by calling " { $link <c-array> } " or " { $link malloc-array } ". Elements can be read and written using words named " { $snippet { $emphasis "type" } "-nth" } " and " { $snippet "set-" { $emphasis "type" } "-nth" } "; these words are automatically generated by " { $link POSTPONE: C-UNION: } "." ;
"Arrays of C unions can be created with the " { $vocab-link "struct-arrays" } " vocabulary." ;
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.linear-scan.allocation
_ add-use-position
] each ;
: compute-free-pos ( new -- free-pos )
: register-status ( new -- free-pos )
dup free-positions
[ inactive-positions ] [ active-positions ] [ nip ] 2tri
>alist alist-max ;
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.linear-scan.allocation
: assign-register ( new -- )
dup coalesce? [ coalesce ] [
dup compute-free-pos {
dup register-status {
{ [ dup no-free-registers? ] [ drop assign-blocked-register ] }
{ [ 2dup register-available? ] [ register-available ] }
[ register-partially-available ]
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays assocs combinators fry hints kernel locals
math sequences sets sorting splitting compiler.utilities
math sequences sets sorting splitting compiler.utilities namespaces
|||| ;
@ -10,42 +10,79 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.linear-scan.allocation.spilling
: find-use ( live-interval n quot -- elt )
[ uses>> ] 2dip curry find nip ; inline
: spill-existing? ( new existing -- ? )
#! Test if 'new' will be used before 'existing'.
over start>> '[ _ [ > ] find-use -1 or ] bi@ < ;
: interval-to-spill ( active-intervals current -- live-interval )
#! We spill the interval with the most distant use location.
start>> '[ dup _ [ >= ] find-use ] { } map>assoc
#! If an active interval has no more use positions, find-use
#! returns f. This occurs if the interval is a split. In
#! this case, we prefer to spill this interval always.
start>> '[ dup _ [ >= ] find-use 1/0. or ] { } map>assoc
alist-max first ;
ERROR: bad-live-ranges interval ;
: check-ranges ( live-interval -- )
check-allocation? get [
dup ranges>> [ [ from>> ] [ to>> ] bi <= ] all?
[ drop ] [ bad-live-ranges ] if
] [ drop ] if ;
: trim-before-ranges ( live-interval n -- )
[ ranges>> ] [ uses>> last ] bi
[ '[ from>> _ <= ] filter-here ]
[ swap last (>>to) ]
2bi ;
: trim-after-ranges ( live-interval n -- )
[ ranges>> ] [ uses>> first ] bi
[ '[ to>> _ >= ] filter-here ]
[ swap first (>>from) ]
2bi ;
: split-for-spill ( live-interval n -- before after )
[ [ ranges>> last ] [ uses>> last ] bi >>to drop ]
[ [ ranges>> first ] [ uses>> first ] bi >>from drop ] bi*
[ [ compute-start/end ] bi@ ]
[ ]
2tri ;
[ [ trim-before-ranges ] [ trim-after-ranges ] bi* ]
[ [ compute-start/end ] bi@ ]
[ [ check-ranges ] bi@ ]
[ ]
} 2cleave ;
: assign-spill ( before after -- before after )
#! If it has been spilled already, reuse spill location.
over reload-from>>
[ over vreg>> reg-class>> next-spill-location ] unless*
[ >>spill-to ] [ >>reload-from ] bi-curry bi* ;
: assign-spill ( live-interval -- live-interval )
dup reload-from>>
[ dup vreg>> reg-class>> next-spill-location ] unless*
>>spill-to ;
: assign-reload ( before after -- before after )
over spill-to>> >>reload-from ;
: split-and-spill ( new existing -- before after )
swap start>> split-for-spill assign-spill ;
swap start>> split-for-spill assign-spill assign-reload ;
: reuse-register ( new existing -- )
[ nip delete-active ]
[ reg>> >>reg add-active ] 2bi ;
: spill-existing? ( new existing -- ? )
#! Test if 'new' will be used before 'existing'.
over start>> '[ _ [ > ] find-use -1 or ] bi@ < ;
: spill-existing ( new existing -- )
#! Our new interval will be used before the active interval
#! with the most distant use location. Spill the existing
#! interval, then process the new interval and the tail end
#! of the existing interval again.
[ nip delete-active ]
[ reg>> >>reg add-active ]
[ split-and-spill [ add-handled ] [ add-unhandled ] bi* ] 2tri ;
[ reuse-register ]
[ split-and-spill [ add-handled ] [ add-unhandled ] bi* ] 2bi ;
: spill-live-out? ( new existing -- ? )
[ start>> ] [ uses>> last ] bi* > ;
: spill-live-out ( new existing -- )
#! The existing interval is never used again. Spill it and
#! re-use the register.
[ reuse-register ]
[ nip add-handled ] 2bi ;
: spill-new ( new existing -- )
#! Our new interval will be used after the active interval
@ -55,6 +92,9 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.linear-scan.allocation.spilling
[ dup split-and-spill add-unhandled ] dip spill-existing ;
: assign-blocked-register ( new -- )
[ dup vreg>> active-intervals-for ] keep interval-to-spill
2dup spill-existing? [ spill-existing ] [ spill-new ] if ;
[ dup vreg>> active-intervals-for ] keep interval-to-spill {
{ [ 2dup spill-live-out? ] [ spill-live-out ] }
{ [ 2dup spill-existing? ] [ spill-existing ] }
[ spill-new ]
} cond ;
@ -50,8 +50,11 @@ ERROR: already-spilled ;
: handle-spill ( live-interval -- )
dup spill-to>> [ [ record-spill ] [ insert-spill ] bi ] [ drop ] if ;
: first-split ( live-interval -- live-interval' )
dup split-before>> [ first-split ] [ ] ?if ;
: next-interval ( live-interval -- live-interval' )
split-next>> dup split-before>> [ next-interval ] [ ] ?if ;
split-next>> first-split ;
: insert-copy ( live-interval -- )
@ -156,6 +156,31 @@ check-assignment? on
} 0 split-for-spill [ f >>split-next ] bi@
] unit-test
T{ live-interval
{ vreg T{ vreg { reg-class int-regs } { n 1 } } }
{ start 0 }
{ end 0 }
{ uses V{ 0 } }
{ ranges V{ T{ live-range f 0 0 } } }
T{ live-interval
{ vreg T{ vreg { reg-class int-regs } { n 1 } } }
{ start 20 }
{ end 30 }
{ uses V{ 20 30 } }
{ ranges V{ T{ live-range f 20 30 } } }
] [
T{ live-interval
{ vreg T{ vreg { reg-class int-regs } { n 1 } } }
{ start 0 }
{ end 30 }
{ uses V{ 0 20 30 } }
{ ranges V{ T{ live-range f 0 8 } T{ live-range f 10 18 } T{ live-range f 20 30 } } }
} 10 split-for-spill [ f >>split-next ] bi@
] unit-test
T{ live-interval
{ vreg T{ vreg { reg-class int-regs } { n 1 } } }
@ -1419,7 +1444,7 @@ USING: math.private ;
relevant-ranges intersect-live-ranges
] unit-test
! compute-free-pos had problems because it used map>assoc where the sequence
! register-status had problems because it used map>assoc where the sequence
! had multiple keys
[ { 0 10 } ] [
H{ { int-regs { 0 1 } } } registers set
@ -1468,7 +1493,7 @@ USING: math.private ;
{ ranges V{ T{ live-range f 8 10 } } }
{ uses V{ 8 10 } }
] unit-test
! Bug in live spill slots calculation
@ -1531,18 +1556,16 @@ V{
SYMBOL: linear-scan-result
:: test-linear-scan-on-cfg ( regs -- )
[ ] [
cfg new 0 get >>entry
dup reverse-post-order
{ { int-regs regs } } (linear-scan)
flatten-cfg 1array mr.
] unit-test ;
cfg new 0 get >>entry
dup reverse-post-order
{ { int-regs regs } } (linear-scan)
flatten-cfg 1array mr. ;
! This test has a critical edge -- do we care about these?
! { 1 2 } test-linear-scan-on-cfg
! [ { 1 2 } test-linear-scan-on-cfg ] unit-test
! Bug in inactive interval handling
! [ rot dup [ -rot ] when ]
@ -1619,7 +1642,7 @@ V{
{ 1 2 3 4 } test-linear-scan-on-cfg
[ ] [ { 1 2 3 4 } test-linear-scan-on-cfg ] unit-test
! Similar to the above
! [ swap dup [ rot ] when ]
@ -1705,7 +1728,7 @@ V{
{ 1 2 3 4 } test-linear-scan-on-cfg
[ ] [ { 1 2 3 4 } test-linear-scan-on-cfg ] unit-test
! compute-live-registers was inaccurate since it didn't take
! lifetime holes into account
@ -1758,7 +1781,7 @@ V{
{ 1 2 3 4 } test-linear-scan-on-cfg
[ ] [ { 1 2 3 4 } test-linear-scan-on-cfg ] unit-test
! Inactive interval handling: splitting active interval
! if it fits in lifetime hole only partially
@ -1791,7 +1814,7 @@ V{
{ 1 2 } test-linear-scan-on-cfg
[ ] [ { 1 2 } test-linear-scan-on-cfg ] unit-test
USING: classes ;
@ -1830,7 +1853,7 @@ V{
{ 1 2 } test-linear-scan-on-cfg
[ ] [ { 1 2 } test-linear-scan-on-cfg ] unit-test
[ _spill ] [ 2 get instructions>> first class ] unit-test
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
! Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: namespaces kernel assocs accessors sequences math math.order fry
binary-search combinators compiler.cfg.instructions compiler.cfg.registers
combinators compiler.cfg.instructions compiler.cfg.registers
compiler.cfg.def-use compiler.cfg.liveness compiler.cfg ;
@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ T{ live-interval
[ f ] [
0 get test-live-interval-1 spill-to
test-live-interval-1 0 get spill-to
] unit-test
[ 0 ] [
1 get test-live-interval-1 spill-to
test-live-interval-1 1 get spill-to
] unit-test
CONSTANT: test-live-interval-2
@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ T{ live-interval
[ 0 ] [
0 get test-live-interval-2 reload-from
test-live-interval-2 0 get reload-from
] unit-test
[ f ] [
1 get test-live-interval-2 reload-from
test-live-interval-2 1 get reload-from
] unit-test
@ -136,10 +136,14 @@ T{ live-interval
] unit-test
{ T{ _spill { src 4 } { class int-regs } { n spill-temp } } }
T{ _spill { src 3 } { class int-regs } { n 4 } }
T{ _reload { dst 2 } { class int-regs } { n 1 } }
] [
T{ register->memory { from 4 } { to 4 } { reg-class int-regs } }
T{ register->memory { from 3 } { to 4 } { reg-class int-regs } }
T{ memory->register { from 1 } { to 2 } { reg-class int-regs } }
} mapping-instructions
] unit-test
@ -25,13 +25,16 @@ SYNTAX: OPERATION:
: reload-from ( bb live-interval -- n/f )
2dup [ block-from ] [ start>> ] bi* =
[ nip reload-from>> ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
: insn-in-block? ( insn# bb -- ? )
[ block-from ] [ block-to ] bi between? ;
: spill-to ( bb live-interval -- n/f )
2dup [ block-to ] [ end>> ] bi* =
[ nip spill-to>> ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
: reload-from ( live-interval bb -- n/f )
2dup [ start>> ] dip insn-in-block?
[ drop reload-from>> ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
: spill-to ( live-interval bb -- n/f )
2dup [ end>> ] dip insn-in-block?
[ drop spill-to>> ] [ 2drop f ] if ;
OPERATION: memory->memory spill-to>> reload-from>>
OPERATION: register->memory reg>> reload-from>>
@ -39,12 +42,12 @@ OPERATION: memory->register spill-to>> reg>>
OPERATION: register->register reg>> reg>>
:: add-mapping ( bb1 bb2 li1 li2 -- )
bb2 li2 reload-from [
bb1 li1 spill-to
li2 bb2 reload-from [
li1 bb1 spill-to
[ li1 li2 memory->memory ]
[ li1 li2 register->memory ] if
] [
bb1 li1 spill-to
li1 bb1 spill-to
[ li1 li2 memory->register ]
[ li1 li2 register->register ] if
] if ;
@ -68,10 +71,10 @@ M: memory->memory >insn
[ from>> ] [ to>> ] bi = [ "Not allowed" throw ] unless ;
M: register->memory >insn
[ from>> ] [ reg-class>> ] bi spill-temp _spill ;
[ from>> ] [ reg-class>> ] [ to>> ] tri _spill ;
M: memory->register >insn
[ to>> ] [ reg-class>> ] bi spill-temp _reload ;
[ to>> ] [ reg-class>> ] [ from>> ] tri _reload ;
M: register->register >insn
[ to>> ] [ from>> ] [ reg-class>> ] tri _copy ;
@ -82,10 +85,10 @@ M: memory->memory >collision-table
[ from>> ] [ to>> ] bi = [ "Not allowed" throw ] unless ;
M: register->memory >collision-table
[ from>> ] [ reg-class>> ] bi spill-temp _spill ;
[ from>> ] [ reg-class>> ] [ to>> ] tri _spill ;
M: memory->register >collision-table
[ to>> ] [ reg-class>> ] bi spill-temp _reload ;
[ to>> ] [ reg-class>> ] [ from>> ] tri _reload ;
M: register->register >collision-table
[ to>> ] [ from>> ] [ reg-class>> ] tri _copy ;
@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ SYMBOL: check-optimizer?
: ?check ( nodes -- nodes' )
check-optimizer? get [
dup check-nodes
] when ;
Reference in New Issue