Merge branch 'master' into inline_caching

Slava Pestov 2009-04-26 21:26:39 -05:00
commit bf0e8606a8
30 changed files with 424 additions and 94 deletions

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@ -15,9 +15,11 @@ FFI_TEST_CFLAGS = -fPIC
ifdef DEBUG
CFLAGS += -g
ifdef CONFIG

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@ -18,6 +18,10 @@ MACRO: input<sequence ( quot -- newquot )
[ infer in>> ] keep
'[ _ firstn @ ] ;
MACRO: input<sequence-unsafe ( quot -- newquot )
[ infer in>> ] keep
'[ _ firstn-unsafe @ ] ;
MACRO: reduce-outputs ( quot operation -- newquot )
[ dup infer out>> 1 [-] ] dip n*quot compose ;

View File

@ -54,15 +54,16 @@ PRIVATE>
#! This slows down compiler.tree.propagation.inlining since then every
#! inlined usage of a method has an inline-dependency on the mixin, and
#! not the more specific type at the call site.
specialize-method? off
#call in-d>> word/quot build-tree-with unclip-last in-d>> :> in-d
{ [ dup not ] [ ] }
{ [ dup ends-with-terminate? ] [ #call out-d>> [ f swap #push ] map append ] }
[ in-d #call out-d>> #copy suffix ]
} cond
] [ dup inference-error? [ drop f ] [ rethrow ] if ] recover ;
f specialize-method? [
#call in-d>> word/quot build-tree-with unclip-last in-d>> :> in-d
{ [ dup not ] [ ] }
{ [ dup ends-with-terminate? ] [ #call out-d>> [ f swap #push ] map append ] }
[ in-d #call out-d>> #copy suffix ]
} cond
] [ dup inference-error? [ drop f ] [ rethrow ] if ] recover
] with-variable ;
: contains-breakpoints? ( word -- ? )
def>> [ word? ] filter [ "break?" word-prop ] any? ;

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@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ IN: functors
: define-declared* ( word def effect -- ) pick set-word define-declared ;
TUPLE: fake-call-next-method ;
TUPLE: fake-quotation seq ;
GENERIC: >fake-quotations ( quot -- fake )
@ -29,17 +31,25 @@ M: array >fake-quotations [ >fake-quotations ] { } map-as ;
M: object >fake-quotations ;
GENERIC: fake-quotations> ( fake -- quot )
GENERIC: (fake-quotations>) ( fake -- )
M: fake-quotation fake-quotations>
seq>> [ fake-quotations> ] [ ] map-as ;
: fake-quotations> ( fake -- quot )
[ (fake-quotations>) ] [ ] make ;
M: array fake-quotations> [ fake-quotations> ] map ;
M: fake-quotation (fake-quotations>)
[ seq>> [ (fake-quotations>) ] each ] [ ] make , ;
M: object fake-quotations> ;
M: array (fake-quotations>)
[ [ (fake-quotations>) ] each ] { } make , ;
M: fake-call-next-method (fake-quotations>)
drop method-body get literalize , \ (call-next-method) , ;
M: object (fake-quotations>) , ;
: parse-definition* ( accum -- accum )
parse-definition >fake-quotations parsed \ fake-quotations> parsed ;
parse-definition >fake-quotations parsed
[ fake-quotations> first ] over push-all ;
: parse-declared* ( accum -- accum )
@ -64,7 +74,7 @@ SYNTAX: `TUPLE:
scan-param parsed
scan-param parsed
\ create-method-in parsed
[ create-method-in dup method-body set ] over push-all
\ define* parsed ;
@ -92,6 +102,8 @@ SYNTAX: `INSTANCE:
SYNTAX: `inline [ word make-inline ] over push-all ;
SYNTAX: `call-next-method T{ fake-call-next-method } parsed ;
: (INTERPOLATE) ( accum quot -- accum )
[ scan interpolate-locals ] dip
'[ _ with-string-writer @ ] parsed ;
@ -117,6 +129,7 @@ DEFER: ;FUNCTOR delimiter
{ "inline" POSTPONE: `inline }
{ "call-next-method" POSTPONE: `call-next-method }
} ;
: push-functor-words ( -- )

View File

@ -26,11 +26,14 @@ MACRO: narray ( n -- )
MACRO: nsum ( n -- )
1- [ + ] n*quot ;
MACRO: firstn-unsafe ( n -- )
[ '[ [ _ ] dip nth-unsafe ] ] map '[ _ cleave ] ;
MACRO: firstn ( n -- )
dup zero? [ drop [ drop ] ] [
[ [ '[ [ _ ] dip nth-unsafe ] ] map ]
[ 1- '[ [ _ ] dip bounds-check 2drop ] ]
bi prefix '[ _ cleave ]
[ 1- swap bounds-check 2drop ]
[ firstn-unsafe ]
bi-curry '[ _ _ bi ]
] if ;
MACRO: npick ( n -- )

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ IN: inverse
ERROR: fail ;
M: fail summary drop "Matching failed" ;
: assure ( ? -- ) [ fail ] unless ;
: assure ( ? -- ) [ fail ] unless ; inline
: =/fail ( obj1 obj2 -- ) = assure ;

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@ -1 +1 @@
Daniel Ehrenberg
Slava Pestov

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@ -1 +0,0 @@
Packed homogeneous tuple arrays

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@ -1 +0,0 @@

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@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
USING: help.syntax help.markup splitting kernel sequences ;
IN: tuple-arrays
HELP: tuple-array
{ $description "The class of packed homogeneous tuple arrays. They are created with " { $link <tuple-array> } ". All elements are of the same tuple class. Mutations done to an element are not copied back to the packed array unless it is explicitly written back. To convert a sequence to a tuple array, use the word " { $link >tuple-array } "." } ;
HELP: <tuple-array>
{ $values { "class" "a tuple class" } { "length" "a non-negative integer" } { "tuple-array" tuple-array } }
{ $description "Creates an instance of the " { $link <tuple-array> } " class with the given length and containing the given tuple class." } ;
HELP: >tuple-array
{ $values { "seq" sequence } { "tuple-array" tuple-array } }
{ $description "Converts a sequence into a homogeneous unboxed tuple array of the type indicated by the first element." } ;

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@ -5,17 +5,28 @@ IN: tuple-arrays.tests
TUPLE: foo bar ;
C: <foo> foo
[ 2 ] [ 2 foo <tuple-array> dup mat set length ] unit-test
[ 2 ] [ 2 <foo-array> dup mat set length ] unit-test
[ T{ foo } ] [ mat get first ] unit-test
[ T{ foo f 2 } ] [ T{ foo f 2 } 0 mat get [ set-nth ] keep first ] unit-test
[ t ] [ { T{ foo f 1 } T{ foo f 2 } } >tuple-array dup mat set tuple-array? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ { T{ foo f 1 } T{ foo f 2 } } >foo-array dup mat set foo-array? ] unit-test
[ T{ foo f 3 } t ]
[ mat get [ bar>> 2 + <foo> ] map [ first ] keep tuple-array? ] unit-test
[ mat get [ bar>> 2 + <foo> ] map [ first ] keep foo-array? ] unit-test
[ 2 ] [ 2 foo <tuple-array> dup mat set length ] unit-test
[ 2 ] [ 2 <foo-array> dup mat set length ] unit-test
[ T{ foo } ] [ mat get first ] unit-test
[ T{ foo f 1 } ] [ T{ foo f 1 } 0 mat get [ set-nth ] keep first ] unit-test
TUPLE: baz { bing integer } bong ;
[ 0 ] [ 1 baz <tuple-array> first bing>> ] unit-test
[ f ] [ 1 baz <tuple-array> first bong>> ] unit-test
[ 0 ] [ 1 <baz-array> first bing>> ] unit-test
[ f ] [ 1 <baz-array> first bong>> ] unit-test
TUPLE: broken x ;
: broken ( -- ) ;
[ 100 ] [ 100 <broken-array> length ] unit-test

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@ -1,34 +1,73 @@
! Copyright (C) 2007 Daniel Ehrenberg.
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: splitting grouping classes.tuple classes math kernel
sequences arrays accessors ;
USING: accessors arrays fry functors kernel
kernel.private macros sequences combinators sequences.private
stack-checker parser math classes.tuple.private ;
FROM: inverse => undo ;
IN: tuple-arrays
TUPLE: tuple-array { seq read-only } { class read-only } ;
: <tuple-array> ( length class -- tuple-array )
new tuple>array 1 tail
[ <repetition> concat ] [ length ] bi <sliced-groups>
] [ ] bi tuple-array boa ;
MACRO: boa-unsafe ( class -- quot ) tuple-layout '[ _ <tuple-boa> ] ;
M: tuple-array nth
[ seq>> nth ] [ class>> ] bi prefix >tuple ;
MACRO: infer-in ( class -- quot ) infer in>> '[ _ ] ;
M: tuple-array set-nth ( elt n seq -- )
[ tuple>array 1 tail ] 2dip seq>> set-nth ;
: tuple-arity ( class -- quot ) '[ _ boa ] infer-in ; inline
M: tuple-array new-sequence
class>> <tuple-array> ;
: smart-tuple>array ( tuple class -- array )
'[ [ _ boa ] undo ] output>array ; inline
: >tuple-array ( seq -- tuple-array )
dup empty? [
0 over first class <tuple-array> clone-like
] unless ;
: tuple-prototype ( class -- array )
[ new ] [ smart-tuple>array ] bi ; inline
M: tuple-array like
drop dup tuple-array? [ >tuple-array ] unless ;
: tuple-slice ( n seq -- slice )
[ n>> [ * dup ] keep + ] [ seq>> ] bi { array } declare slice boa ; inline
M: tuple-array length seq>> length ;
: read-tuple ( slice class -- tuple )
'[ _ boa-unsafe ] input<sequence-unsafe ; inline
INSTANCE: tuple-array sequence
MACRO: write-tuple ( class -- quot )
[ '[ [ _ boa ] undo ] ]
[ tuple-arity <reversed> [ '[ [ _ ] dip set-nth-unsafe ] ] map '[ _ cleave ] ]
bi '[ _ dip @ ] ;
FUNCTOR: define-tuple-array ( CLASS -- )
CLASS-array? IS ${CLASS-array}?
<CLASS-array> DEFINES <${CLASS}-array>
>CLASS-array DEFINES >${CLASS}-array
{ seq array read-only }
{ n array-capacity read-only }
{ length array-capacity read-only } ;
: <CLASS-array> ( length -- tuple-array )
[ \ CLASS [ tuple-prototype <repetition> concat ] [ tuple-arity ] bi ] keep
\ CLASS-array boa ; inline
M: CLASS-array length length>> ;
M: CLASS-array nth-unsafe tuple-slice \ CLASS read-tuple ;
M: CLASS-array set-nth-unsafe tuple-slice \ CLASS write-tuple ;
M: CLASS-array new-sequence drop <CLASS-array> ;
: >CLASS-array ( seq -- tuple-array ) 0 <CLASS-array> clone-like ;
M: CLASS-array like drop dup CLASS-array? [ >CLASS-array ] unless ;
INSTANCE: CLASS-array sequence
SYNTAX: TUPLE-ARRAY: scan-word define-tuple-array ;

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Slava Pestov

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: kernel math math.functions tuple-arrays accessors fry sequences
prettyprint ;
IN: benchmark.tuple-arrays
TUPLE: point { x float } { y float } { z float } ;
: tuple-array-benchmark ( -- )
100 [
drop 5000 <point-array> [
[ 1+ ] change-x
[ 1- ] change-y
[ 1+ 2 / ] change-z
] map [ z>> ] sigma
] sigma . ;
MAIN: tuple-array-benchmark

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Joe Groff

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@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: accessors pair-methods classes kernel sequences tools.test ;
IN: pair-methods.tests
TUPLE: thang ;
TUPLE: foom < thang ;
TUPLE: barm < foom ;
TUPLE: zim < thang ;
TUPLE: zang < zim ;
: class-names ( a b prefix -- string )
[ [ class name>> ] bi@ "-" glue ] dip prepend ;
PAIR-GENERIC: blibble ( a b -- c )
PAIR-M: thang thang blibble
"vanilla " class-names ;
PAIR-M: foom thang blibble
"chocolate " class-names ;
PAIR-M: barm thang blibble
"strawberry " class-names ;
PAIR-M: barm zim blibble
"coconut " class-names ;
[ "vanilla zang-zim" ] [ zim new zang new blibble ] unit-test
! args automatically swap to match most specific method
[ "chocolate foom-zim" ] [ foom new zim new blibble ] unit-test
[ "chocolate foom-zim" ] [ zim new foom new blibble ] unit-test
[ "strawberry barm-barm" ] [ barm new barm new blibble ] unit-test
[ "strawberry barm-foom" ] [ barm new foom new blibble ] unit-test
[ "strawberry barm-foom" ] [ foom new barm new blibble ] unit-test
[ "coconut barm-zang" ] [ zang new barm new blibble ] unit-test
[ "coconut barm-zim" ] [ barm new zim new blibble ] unit-test
[ 1 2 blibble ] [ no-pair-method? ] must-fail-with

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@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: arrays assocs classes classes.tuple.private combinators
effects.parser generic.parser kernel math math.order parser
quotations sequences sorting words ;
IN: pair-methods
ERROR: no-pair-method a b generic ;
: ?swap ( a b ? -- a/b b/a )
[ swap ] when ;
: method-sort-key ( pair -- key )
first2 [ tuple-layout third ] bi@ + ;
: pair-match-condition ( pair -- quot )
first2 [ [ instance? ] swap prefix ] bi@ [ ] 2sequence
[ 2dup ] [ bi* and ] surround ;
: pair-method-cond ( pair quot -- array )
[ pair-match-condition ] [ ] bi* 2array ;
: sorted-pair-methods ( word -- alist )
"pair-generic-methods" word-prop >alist
[ [ first method-sort-key ] bi@ >=< ] sort ;
: pair-generic-definition ( word -- def )
[ sorted-pair-methods [ first2 pair-method-cond ] map ]
[ [ no-pair-method ] curry suffix ] bi 1quotation
[ 2dup [ class ] bi@ <=> +gt+ eq? ?swap ] [ cond ] surround ;
: make-pair-generic ( word -- )
dup pair-generic-definition define ;
: define-pair-generic ( word effect -- )
[ swap set-stack-effect ]
[ drop H{ } clone "pair-generic-methods" set-word-prop ]
[ drop make-pair-generic ] 2tri ;
: (PAIR-GENERIC:) ( -- )
CREATE-GENERIC complete-effect define-pair-generic ;
: define-pair-method ( a b pair-generic definition -- )
[ 2array ] 2dip swap
[ "pair-generic-methods" word-prop [ swap ] dip set-at ]
[ make-pair-generic ] bi ;
: ?prefix-swap ( quot ? -- quot' )
[ \ swap prefix ] when ;
: (PAIR-M:) ( -- )
scan-word scan-word 2dup <=> +gt+ eq? [
?swap scan-word parse-definition
] keep ?prefix-swap define-pair-method ;

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Order-insensitive double dispatch generics

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@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ IN: roles
ERROR: role-slot-overlap class slots ;
ERROR: multiple-inheritance-attempted classes ;
PREDICATE: role < class
{ [ mixin-class? ] [ "role-slots" word-prop >boolean ] } 1&& ;
PREDICATE: role < mixin-class
"role-slots" word-prop >boolean ;
: parse-role-definition ( -- class superroles slots )

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Joe Groff

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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: help.markup help.syntax multiline quotations sequences sequences.product ;
IN: sequences
HELP: product-sequence
{ $class-description "A class of virtual sequences that present the cartesian product of their underlying set of sequences. Product sequences are constructed with the " { $link <product-sequence> } " word." }
{ $examples
{ $example <" USING: arrays prettyprint sequences.product ;
{ { 1 2 3 } { "a" "b" "c" } } <product-sequence> >array .
"> <" {
{ 1 "a" }
{ 2 "a" }
{ 3 "a" }
{ 1 "b" }
{ 2 "b" }
{ 3 "b" }
{ 1 "c" }
{ 2 "c" }
{ 3 "c" }
}"> } } ;
HELP: <product-sequence>
{ $values { "sequences" sequence } { "product-sequence" product-sequence } }
{ $description "Constructs a " { $link product-sequence } " over " { $snippet "sequences" } "." }
{ $examples
{ $example <" USING: arrays prettyprint sequences.product ;
{ { 1 2 3 } { "a" "b" "c" } } <product-sequence> >array .
"> <" {
{ 1 "a" }
{ 2 "a" }
{ 3 "a" }
{ 1 "b" }
{ 2 "b" }
{ 3 "b" }
{ 1 "c" }
{ 2 "c" }
{ 3 "c" }
}"> } } ;
{ product-sequence <product-sequence> } related-words
HELP: product-map
{ $values { "sequences" sequence } { "quot" { $quotation "( sequence -- value )" } } { "sequence" sequence } }
{ $description "Calls " { $snippet "quot" } " for every element of the cartesian product of " { $snippet "sequences" } " and collects the results from " { $snippet "quot" } " into an output sequence." }
{ $notes { $snippet "[ ... ] product-map" } " is equivalent to, but more efficient than, " { $snippet "<product-sequence> [ ... ] map" } "." } ;
HELP: product-each
{ $values { "sequences" sequence } { "quot" { $quotation "( sequence -- )" } } }
{ $description "Calls " { $snippet "quot" } " for every element of the cartesian product of " { $snippet "sequences" } "." }
{ $notes { $snippet "[ ... ] product-each" } " is equivalent to, but more efficient than, " { $snippet "<product-sequence> [ ... ] each" } "." } ;
{ product-map product-each } related-words
ARTICLE: "sequences.product" "Product sequences"
"The " { $vocab-link "sequences.product" } " vocabulary provides a virtual sequence and combinators for manipulating the cartesian product of a set of sequences."
{ $subsection product-sequence }
{ $subsection <product-sequence> }
{ $subsection product-map }
{ $subsection product-each } ;
ABOUT: "sequences.product"

View File

@ -1,19 +1,26 @@
USING: arrays kernel sequences sequences.cartesian-product tools.test ;
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: arrays kernel make sequences sequences.product tools.test ;
IN: sequences.product.tests
{ { 0 "a" } { 1 "a" } { 2 "a" } { 0 "b" } { 1 "b" } { 2 "b" } }
] [ { { 0 1 2 } { "a" "b" } } [ ] cartesian-product-map ] unit-test
[ { { 0 "a" } { 1 "a" } { 2 "a" } { 0 "b" } { 1 "b" } { 2 "b" } } ]
[ { { 0 1 2 } { "a" "b" } } <product-sequence> >array ] unit-test
: x ( n s -- sss ) <repetition> concat ;
[ { "a" "aa" "aaa" "b" "bb" "bbb" } ]
[ { { 1 2 3 } { "a" "b" } } [ first2 x ] product-map ] unit-test
{ 0 "a" t } { 1 "a" t } { 2 "a" t } { 0 "b" t } { 1 "b" t } { 2 "b" t }
{ 0 "a" f } { 1 "a" f } { 2 "a" f } { 0 "b" f } { 1 "b" f } { 2 "b" f }
] [ { { 0 1 2 } { "a" "b" } { t f } } [ ] cartesian-product-map ] unit-test
{ "012012" "aaabbb" }
] [ { { "0" "1" "2" } { "a" "b" } } [ [ first2 ] bi* [ append ] bi@ 2array ] cartesian-product-each ] unit-test
] [ { { 0 1 2 } { "a" "b" } { t f } } [ ] product-map ] unit-test
[ "a1b1c1a2b2c2" ] [
{ { "a" "b" "c" } { "1" "2" } }
[ [ % ] each ] product-each
] "" make
] unit-test

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
! (c)2009 Joe Groff bsd license
USING: accessors arrays kernel locals math sequences ;
IN: sequences.product
TUPLE: product-sequence { sequences array read-only } { lengths array read-only } ;
: <product-sequence> ( sequences -- product-sequence )
>array dup [ length ] map product-sequence boa ;
INSTANCE: product-sequence sequence
M: product-sequence length lengths>> product ;
: ns ( n lengths -- ns )
[ V{ } clone ] 2dip [ /mod swap [ over push ] dip ] each drop ;
: nths ( ns seqs -- nths )
[ nth ] { } 2map-as ;
: product@ ( n product-sequence -- ns seqs )
[ lengths>> ns ] [ nip sequences>> ] 2bi ;
:: (carry-n) ( ns lengths i -- )
ns length i 1+ = [
i ns nth i lengths nth = [
0 i ns set-nth
i 1+ ns [ 1+ ] change-nth
ns lengths i 1+ (carry-n)
] when
] unless ;
: carry-ns ( ns lengths -- )
0 (carry-n) ;
: product-iter ( ns lengths -- )
[ 0 over [ 1+ ] change-nth ] dip carry-ns ;
: start-product-iter ( sequence-product -- ns lengths )
[ [ drop 0 ] map ] [ [ length ] map ] bi ;
: end-product-iter? ( ns lengths -- ? )
[ 1 tail* first ] bi@ = ;
M: product-sequence nth
product@ nths ;
:: product-each ( sequences quot -- )
sequences start-product-iter :> lengths :> ns
[ ns lengths end-product-iter? ]
[ ns sequences nths quot call ns lengths product-iter ] until ; inline
:: product-map ( sequences quot -- sequence )
0 :> i!
sequences [ length ] [ * ] map-reduce sequences
[| result |
sequences [ quot call i result set-nth i 1+ i! ] product-each
] new-like ; inline

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Cartesian products of sequences

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@ -224,7 +224,8 @@ void mark_object_code_block(CELL scan)
word = (F_WORD *)scan;

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@ -22,13 +22,13 @@ void add_to_free_list(F_HEAP *heap, F_FREE_BLOCK *block)
if(block->block.size < FREE_LIST_COUNT * BLOCK_SIZE_INCREMENT)
int index = block->block.size / BLOCK_SIZE_INCREMENT;
block->next_free = heap->free.small[index];
heap->free.small[index] = block;
block->next_free = heap->free.small_blocks[index];
heap->free.small_blocks[index] = block;
block->next_free = heap->free.large;
heap->free.large = block;
block->next_free = heap->free.large_blocks;
heap->free.large_blocks = block;
@ -101,11 +101,11 @@ F_FREE_BLOCK *find_free_block(F_HEAP *heap, CELL size)
int index = attempt / BLOCK_SIZE_INCREMENT;
F_FREE_BLOCK *block = heap->free.small[index];
F_FREE_BLOCK *block = heap->free.small_blocks[index];
heap->free.small[index] = block->next_free;
heap->free.small_blocks[index] = block->next_free;
return block;
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ F_FREE_BLOCK *find_free_block(F_HEAP *heap, CELL size)
F_FREE_BLOCK *block = heap->free.large;
F_FREE_BLOCK *block = heap->free.large_blocks;
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ F_FREE_BLOCK *find_free_block(F_HEAP *heap, CELL size)
prev->next_free = block->next_free;
heap->free.large = block->next_free;
heap->free.large_blocks = block->next_free;
return block;

vm/code_gc.h Normal file → Executable file
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@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
typedef struct {
F_FREE_BLOCK *large;
F_FREE_BLOCK *large_blocks;
typedef struct {

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@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ CELL copy_next_from_tenured(CELL scan)
void copy_reachable_objects(CELL scan, CELL *end)
if(HAVE_NURSERY_P && collecting_gen == NURSERY)
if(collecting_gen == NURSERY)
while(scan < *end)
scan = copy_next_from_nursery(scan);
@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ void end_gc(CELL gc_elapsed)
if(collecting_gen != NURSERY)
reset_generations(NURSERY,collecting_gen - 1);
else if(HAVE_NURSERY_P && collecting_gen == NURSERY)
else if(collecting_gen == NURSERY)
{ = nursery.start;

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@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ INLINE bool should_copy(CELL untagged)
return true;
else if(HAVE_AGING_P && collecting_gen == AGING)
return !in_zone(&data_heap->generations[TENURED],untagged);
else if(HAVE_NURSERY_P && collecting_gen == NURSERY)
else if(collecting_gen == NURSERY)
return in_zone(&nursery,untagged);
@ -78,15 +78,31 @@ allocation (which does not call GC because of possible roots in volatile
registers) does not run out of memory */
#define ALLOT_BUFFER_ZONE 1024
/* If this is defined, we GC every 100 allocations. This catches missing local roots */
#ifdef GC_DEBUG
static int count;
* It is up to the caller to fill in the object's fields in a meaningful
* fashion!
INLINE void *allot_object(CELL type, CELL a)
#ifdef GC_DEBUG
if(count++ % 1000 == 0)
CELL *object;
if(HAVE_NURSERY_P && nursery.size - ALLOT_BUFFER_ZONE > a)
if(nursery.size - ALLOT_BUFFER_ZONE > a)
/* If there is insufficient room, collect the nursery */
if( + ALLOT_BUFFER_ZONE + a > nursery.end)

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@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ F_DATA_HEAP *data_heap;
/* the 0th generation is where new objects are allocated. */
#define NURSERY 0
#define HAVE_NURSERY_P (data_heap->gen_count>1)
/* where objects hang around */
#define AGING (data_heap->gen_count-2)
#define HAVE_AGING_P (data_heap->gen_count>2)