compiler.cfg.linear-scan: split off parallel mapping code from resolve pass, use it in assignment pass to resolve parallel copies
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ ERROR: bad-live-ranges interval ;
} 2cleave ;
: assign-spill ( live-interval -- )
dup vreg>> assign-spill-slot >>spill-to drop ;
dup vreg>> assign-spill-slot >>spill-to f >>split-next drop ;
: assign-reload ( live-interval -- )
dup vreg>> assign-spill-slot >>reload-from drop ;
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ compiler.cfg.def-use
|||| ;
@ -42,16 +43,11 @@ SYMBOL: register-live-outs
H{ } clone register-live-outs set
init-unhandled ;
: insert-spill ( live-interval -- )
[ reg>> ]
[ vreg>> reg-class>> ]
[ spill-to>> ]
[ end>> ]
} cleave f swap \ _spill boa , ;
: handle-spill ( live-interval -- )
dup spill-to>> [ insert-spill ] [ drop ] if ;
dup spill-to>> [
[ reg>> ] [ spill-to>> <spill-slot> ] [ vreg>> reg-class>> ] tri
] [ drop ] if ;
: first-split ( live-interval -- live-interval' )
dup split-before>> [ first-split ] [ ] ?if ;
@ -59,22 +55,19 @@ SYMBOL: register-live-outs
: next-interval ( live-interval -- live-interval' )
split-next>> first-split ;
: insert-copy ( live-interval -- )
[ next-interval reg>> ]
[ reg>> ]
[ vreg>> reg-class>> ]
[ end>> ]
} cleave f swap \ _copy boa , ;
: handle-copy ( live-interval -- )
dup split-next>> [ insert-copy ] [ drop ] if ;
dup split-next>> [
[ reg>> ] [ next-interval reg>> ] [ vreg>> reg-class>> ] tri
] [ drop ] if ;
: expire-old-intervals ( n -- )
[ pending-intervals get ] dip '[
dup end>> _ <
[ [ handle-spill ] [ handle-copy ] bi f ] [ drop t ] if
] filter-here ;
[ pending-intervals get ] dip '[
dup end>> _ <
[ [ handle-spill ] [ handle-copy ] bi f ] [ drop t ] if
] filter-here
] { } make mapping-instructions % ;
: insert-reload ( live-interval -- )
@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
compiler.cfg.linear-scan.resolve ;
compiler.cfg.linear-scan.mapping ;
IN: compiler.cfg.linear-scan
! References:
@ -36,6 +37,7 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.linear-scan
: linear-scan ( cfg -- cfg' )
dup reverse-post-order machine-registers (linear-scan)
spill-counts get >>spill-counts
] with-scope ;
@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Doug Coleman.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays assocs classes.parser classes.tuple
combinators compiler.cfg.instructions
compiler.cfg.linear-scan.allocation.state fry hashtables kernel
locals make namespaces parser sequences sets words ;
IN: compiler.cfg.linear-scan.mapping
SYMBOL: spill-temps
: spill-temp ( reg-class -- n )
spill-temps get [ next-spill-slot ] cache ;
TUPLE: operation from to reg-class ;
CREATE-CLASS dup save-location
[ operation { } define-tuple-class ]
[ dup '[ _ boa , ] (( from to reg-class -- )) define-declared ] bi ;
OPERATION: register->memory
OPERATION: memory->register
OPERATION: register->register
! This should never come up because of how spill slots are assigned,
! so make it an error.
: memory->memory ( from to reg-class -- ) drop [ n>> ] bi@ assert= ;
GENERIC: >insn ( operation -- )
M: register->memory >insn
[ from>> ] [ reg-class>> ] [ to>> n>> ] tri _spill ;
M: memory->register >insn
[ to>> ] [ reg-class>> ] [ from>> n>> ] tri _reload ;
M: register->register >insn
[ to>> ] [ from>> ] [ reg-class>> ] tri _copy ;
SYMBOL: froms
SINGLETONS: memory register ;
: from-loc ( operation -- obj ) from>> spill-slot? memory register ? ;
: to-loc ( operation -- obj ) to>> spill-slot? memory register ? ;
: from-reg ( operation -- seq )
[ from-loc ] [ from>> ] [ reg-class>> ] tri 3array ;
: to-reg ( operation -- seq )
[ to-loc ] [ to>> ] [ reg-class>> ] tri 3array ;
: start? ( operations -- pair )
from-reg tos get key? not ;
: independent-assignment? ( operations -- pair )
to-reg froms get key? not ;
: set-tos/froms ( operations -- )
[ [ [ from-reg ] keep ] H{ } map>assoc froms set ]
[ [ [ to-reg ] keep ] H{ } map>assoc tos set ]
bi ;
:: (trace-chain) ( obj hashtable -- )
obj to-reg froms get at* [
dup ,
obj over hashtable clone [ maybe-set-at ] keep swap
[ (trace-chain) ] [ 2drop ] if
] [
] if ;
: trace-chain ( obj -- seq )
dup ,
dup dup associate (trace-chain)
] { } make prune reverse ;
: trace-chains ( seq -- seq' )
[ trace-chain ] map concat ;
ERROR: resolve-error ;
: split-cycle ( operations -- chain spilled-operation )
unclip [
[ set-tos/froms ]
[ start? ] find nip
[ resolve-error ] unless* trace-chain
] bi
] dip ;
: break-cycle-n ( operations -- operations' )
split-cycle [
[ from>> ]
[ reg-class>> spill-temp <spill-slot> ]
[ reg-class>> ]
tri \ register->memory boa
] [
[ reg-class>> spill-temp <spill-slot> ]
[ to>> ]
[ reg-class>> ]
tri \ memory->register boa
] bi [ 1array ] bi@ surround ;
: break-cycle ( operations -- operations' )
dup length {
{ 1 [ ] }
[ drop break-cycle-n ]
} case ;
: (group-cycles) ( seq -- )
dup set-tos/froms
unclip trace-chain
[ diff ] keep , (group-cycles)
] unless-empty ;
: group-cycles ( seq -- seqs )
[ (group-cycles) ] { } make ;
: remove-dead-mappings ( seq -- seq' )
prune [ [ from-reg ] [ to-reg ] bi = not ] filter ;
: parallel-mappings ( operations -- seq )
[ independent-assignment? not ] partition %
[ start? not ] partition
[ trace-chain ] map concat dup %
diff group-cycles [ break-cycle ] map concat %
] { } make remove-dead-mappings ;
: mapping-instructions ( mappings -- insns )
[ { } ] [
[ set-tos/froms ] [ parallel-mappings ] bi
[ [ >insn ] each ] { } make
] with-scope
] if-empty ;
: init-mapping ( -- )
H{ } clone spill-temps set ;
@ -1,36 +1,13 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov, Doug Coleman.
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors arrays assocs classes.parser classes.tuple
combinators combinators.short-circuit fry hashtables kernel locals
make math math.order namespaces sequences sets words parser
compiler.cfg.instructions compiler.cfg.linear-scan.allocation.state
compiler.cfg.linear-scan.assignment compiler.cfg.liveness ;
USING: accessors arrays assocs combinators
combinators.short-circuit fry kernel locals
make math sequences
compiler.cfg.linear-scan.mapping compiler.cfg.liveness ;
IN: compiler.cfg.linear-scan.resolve
SYMBOL: spill-temps
: spill-temp ( reg-class -- n )
spill-temps get [ next-spill-slot ] cache ;
TUPLE: operation from to reg-class ;
CREATE-CLASS dup save-location
[ operation { } define-tuple-class ]
[ dup '[ _ boa , ] (( from to reg-class -- )) define-declared ] bi ;
OPERATION: register->memory
OPERATION: memory->register
OPERATION: register->register
! This should never come up because of how spill slots are assigned,
! so make it an error.
: memory->memory ( from to reg-class -- ) drop [ n>> ] bi@ assert= ;
: add-mapping ( from to reg-class -- )
over spill-slot? [
pick spill-slot?
@ -53,118 +30,6 @@ OPERATION: register->register
[ resolve-value-data-flow ] with with each
] { } make ;
GENERIC: >insn ( operation -- )
M: register->memory >insn
[ from>> ] [ reg-class>> ] [ to>> n>> ] tri _spill ;
M: memory->register >insn
[ to>> ] [ reg-class>> ] [ from>> n>> ] tri _reload ;
M: register->register >insn
[ to>> ] [ from>> ] [ reg-class>> ] tri _copy ;
SYMBOL: froms
SINGLETONS: memory register ;
: from-loc ( operation -- obj ) from>> spill-slot? memory register ? ;
: to-loc ( operation -- obj ) to>> spill-slot? memory register ? ;
: from-reg ( operation -- seq )
[ from-loc ] [ from>> ] [ reg-class>> ] tri 3array ;
: to-reg ( operation -- seq )
[ to-loc ] [ to>> ] [ reg-class>> ] tri 3array ;
: start? ( operations -- pair )
from-reg tos get key? not ;
: independent-assignment? ( operations -- pair )
to-reg froms get key? not ;
: set-tos/froms ( operations -- )
[ [ [ from-reg ] keep ] H{ } map>assoc froms set ]
[ [ [ to-reg ] keep ] H{ } map>assoc tos set ]
bi ;
:: (trace-chain) ( obj hashtable -- )
obj to-reg froms get at* [
dup ,
obj over hashtable clone [ maybe-set-at ] keep swap
[ (trace-chain) ] [ 2drop ] if
] [
] if ;
: trace-chain ( obj -- seq )
dup ,
dup dup associate (trace-chain)
] { } make prune reverse ;
: trace-chains ( seq -- seq' )
[ trace-chain ] map concat ;
ERROR: resolve-error ;
: split-cycle ( operations -- chain spilled-operation )
unclip [
[ set-tos/froms ]
[ start? ] find nip
[ resolve-error ] unless* trace-chain
] bi
] dip ;
: break-cycle-n ( operations -- operations' )
split-cycle [
[ from>> ]
[ reg-class>> spill-temp <spill-slot> ]
[ reg-class>> ]
tri \ register->memory boa
] [
[ reg-class>> spill-temp <spill-slot> ]
[ to>> ]
[ reg-class>> ]
tri \ memory->register boa
] bi [ 1array ] bi@ surround ;
: break-cycle ( operations -- operations' )
dup length {
{ 1 [ ] }
[ drop break-cycle-n ]
} case ;
: (group-cycles) ( seq -- )
dup set-tos/froms
unclip trace-chain
[ diff ] keep , (group-cycles)
] unless-empty ;
: group-cycles ( seq -- seqs )
[ (group-cycles) ] { } make ;
: remove-dead-mappings ( seq -- seq' )
prune [ [ from-reg ] [ to-reg ] bi = not ] filter ;
: parallel-mappings ( operations -- seq )
[ independent-assignment? not ] partition %
[ start? not ] partition
[ trace-chain ] map concat dup %
diff group-cycles [ break-cycle ] map concat %
] { } make remove-dead-mappings ;
: mapping-instructions ( mappings -- insns )
[ set-tos/froms ] [ parallel-mappings ] bi
[ [ >insn ] each ] { } make
] with-scope ;
: fork? ( from to -- ? )
[ drop successors>> length 1 >= ]
@ -206,5 +71,4 @@ ERROR: resolve-error ;
dup successors>> [ resolve-edge-data-flow ] with each ;
: resolve-data-flow ( rpo -- )
H{ } clone spill-temps set
[ resolve-block-data-flow ] each ;
@ -176,3 +176,6 @@ H{ } "x" set
[ 1 ] [ "h" get assoc-size ] unit-test
[ 1 ] [ 2 "h" get at ] unit-test
! Random test case
[ "A" ] [ 100 [ dup ] H{ } map>assoc 32 over delete-at "A" 32 pick set-at 32 swap at ] unit-test
Reference in New Issue