classes.tuple: Fix unit tests related to coerce

Doug Coleman 2012-07-30 18:41:22 -07:00
parent 78db66a924
commit c26ad1eb10
1 changed files with 7 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -533,9 +533,9 @@ unit-test
! Check fixnum coercer
[ 0 ] [ 0.0 "hi" declared-types boa n>> ] unit-test
[ 0.0 "hi" declared-types boa n>> ] [ T{ no-method f 0.0 integer>fixnum } = ] must-fail-with
[ 0 ] [ declared-types new 0.0 >>n n>> ] unit-test
[ declared-types new 0.0 >>n n>> ] [ T{ no-method f 0.0 integer>fixnum } = ] must-fail-with
! Check bignum coercer
TUPLE: bignum-coercer { n bignum initial: $[ 0 >bignum ] } ;
@ -554,18 +554,18 @@ TUPLE: float-coercer { n float } ;
! Check integer coercer
TUPLE: integer-coercer { n integer } ;
[ 13 fixnum ] [ 13.5 integer-coercer boa n>> dup class-of ] unit-test
[ 13.5 integer-coercer boa n>> dup class-of ] [ T{ bad-slot-value f 13.5 integer } = ] must-fail-with
[ 13 fixnum ] [ integer-coercer new 13.5 >>n n>> dup class-of ] unit-test
[ integer-coercer new 13.5 >>n n>> dup class-of ] [ T{ bad-slot-value f 13.5 integer } = ] must-fail-with
: foo ( a b -- c ) declared-types boa ;
\ foo def>> must-infer
[ T{ declared-types f 0 "hi" } ] [ 0.0 "hi" foo ] unit-test
[ 0.0 "hi" foo ] [ T{ no-method f 0.0 integer>fixnum } = ] must-fail-with
[ "hi" 0.0 declared-types boa ]
[ T{ no-method f "hi" >fixnum } = ]
[ T{ no-method f "hi" integer>fixnum } = ]
[ 0 { } declared-types boa ]
@ -573,7 +573,7 @@ must-fail-with
[ "hi" 0.0 foo ]
[ T{ no-method f "hi" >fixnum } = ]
[ T{ no-method f "hi" integer>fixnum } = ]
[ 0 { } foo ]