compiler.cfg: don't unbox the same value more than once per basic block
@ -159,9 +159,12 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.builder.tests
{ pinned-c-ptr class fixnum } \ set-alien-cell '[ _ declare _ execute ] unit-test-cfg
] each
: contains-insn? ( quot insn-check -- ? )
: count-insns ( quot insn-check -- ? )
[ test-mr [ instructions>> ] map ] dip
'[ _ any? ] any? ; inline
'[ _ count ] sigma ; inline
: contains-insn? ( quot insn-check -- ? )
count-insns 0 > ; inline
[ t ] [ [ swap ] [ ##replace? ] contains-insn? ] unit-test
@ -197,14 +200,16 @@ IN: compiler.cfg.builder.tests
[ f t ] [
[ { byte-array fixnum } declare alien-cell 4 alien-float ]
[ [ ##box-alien? ] contains-insn? ]
[ [ ##box-float? ] contains-insn? ] bi
[ [ ##allot? ] contains-insn? ] bi
] unit-test
[ f t ] [
[ { byte-array fixnum } declare alien-cell { simple-alien } declare 4 alien-float ]
[ [ ##box-alien? ] contains-insn? ]
[ [ ##box-float? ] contains-insn? ] bi
[ [ ##allot? ] contains-insn? ] bi
] unit-test
[ 1 ] [ [ dup float+ ] [ ##alien-double? ] count-insns ] unit-test
] when
! Regression. Make sure everything is inlined correctly
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ M:: vector-rep emit-box ( dst src rep -- )
dst byte-array-offset src rep ##set-alien-vector ;
M: vector-rep emit-unbox
byte-array-offset ##alien-vector ;
[ byte-array-offset ] dip ##alien-vector ;
M:: scalar-rep emit-box ( dst src rep -- )
int-rep next-vreg-rep :> temp
@ -152,6 +152,9 @@ SYMBOL: costs
! Insert conversions. This introduces new temporaries, so we need
! to rename opearands too.
! Mapping from vreg,rep pairs to vregs
SYMBOL: alternatives
:: emit-def-conversion ( dst preferred required -- new-dst' )
! If an instruction defines a register with representation 'required',
! but the register has preferred representation 'preferred', then
@ -164,7 +167,13 @@ SYMBOL: costs
! but the register has preferred representation 'preferred', then
! we rename the instruction's input to a new register, which
! becomes the output of a conversion instruction.
required next-vreg-rep [ src required preferred emit-conversion ] keep ;
preferred required eq? [ src ] [
src required alternatives get [
required next-vreg-rep :> new-src
[ new-src ] 2dip preferred emit-conversion
] 2cache
] if ;
SYMBOLS: renaming-set needs-renaming? ;
@ -245,6 +254,7 @@ M: insn conversions-for-insn , ;
dup kill-block? [ drop ] [
H{ } clone alternatives set
[ conversions-for-insn ] each
] V{ } make
] change-instructions drop
Reference in New Issue