irc.client: Manage participant list changes, forward quit messages to all channels with participant, mode tests.
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
USING: kernel tools.test accessors arrays sequences qualified
io.streams.string io.streams.duplex namespaces threads
calendar irc.client.private irc.client irc.messages.private
concurrency.mailboxes classes ;
concurrency.mailboxes classes assocs ;
EXCLUDE: irc.messages => join ;
RENAME: join irc.messages => join_
IN: irc.client.tests
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ IN: irc.client.tests
":some.where 001 factorbot :Welcome factorbot"
} make-client
[ connect-irc ] keep 1 seconds sleep
profile>> nickname>> ] unit-test
profile>> nickname>> ] unit-test
{ join_ "#factortest" } [
{ ":factorbot!n=factorbo@some.where JOIN :#factortest"
@ -52,11 +52,19 @@ IN: irc.client.tests
" 477 factorbot #factortest :[ircserver-info] blah blah"
} make-client dup "factorbot" set-nick
[ connect-irc ] keep 1 seconds sleep
join-messages>> 5 seconds mailbox-get-timeout
join-messages>> 1 seconds mailbox-get-timeout
[ class ] [ trailing>> ] bi ] unit-test
! TODO: user join
! ":somedude! JOIN :#factortest"
{ +join+ "somebody" } [
{ ":somebody!n=somebody@some.where JOIN :#factortest"
} make-client dup "factorbot" set-nick
[ listeners>> [ "#factortest" [ <irc-channel-listener> ] keep ] dip set-at ]
[ connect-irc ]
[ listeners>> [ "#factortest" ] dip at
[ read-message drop ] [ read-message drop ] [ read-message ] tri ] tri
[ action>> ] [ nick>> ] bi
] unit-test
! TODO: channel message
! ":somedude! PRIVMSG #factortest :hello"
! ":somebody!n=somebody@some.where PRIVMSG #factortest :hello"
! TODO: direct private message
! ":somedude! PRIVMSG factorbot2 :hello"
@ -36,9 +36,14 @@ SYMBOL: +operator+
SYMBOL: +voice+
SYMBOL: +normal+
: participant-mode ( n -- assoc )
: participant-mode ( n -- mode )
H{ { 64 +operator+ } { 43 +voice+ } { 0 +normal+ } } at ;
! participant changed actions
SYMBOL: +join+
SYMBOL: +part+
SYMBOL: +mode+
! listener objects
: <irc-listener> ( -- irc-listener ) <mailbox> <mailbox> irc-listener boa ;
@ -55,6 +60,9 @@ SYMBOL: +normal+
! Message objects
! ======================================
TUPLE: participant-changed nick action ;
C: <participant-changed> participant-changed
SINGLETON: irc-end ! sent when the client isn't running anymore
SINGLETON: irc-disconnected ! sent when connection is lost
SINGLETON: irc-connected ! sent when connection is established
@ -79,19 +87,27 @@ UNION: irc-broadcasted-message irc-end irc-disconnected irc-connected ;
: listener> ( name -- listener/f ) irc> listeners>> at ;
: unregister-listener ( name -- ) irc> listeners>> delete-at ;
: to-listener ( message name -- )
GENERIC: to-listener ( message obj -- )
M: string to-listener ( message string -- )
listener> [ +server-listener+ listener> ] unless*
[ in-messages>> mailbox-put ] [ drop ] if* ;
[ to-listener ] [ drop ] if* ;
M: irc-listener to-listener ( message irc-listener -- )
in-messages>> mailbox-put ;
: remove-participant ( nick channel -- )
listener> [ participants>> delete-at ] [ drop ] if* ;
: remove-participant-from-all ( nick -- )
irc> listeners>>
[ irc-channel-listener? [ swap remove-participant ] [ 2drop ] if ] with
assoc-each ;
: listeners-with-participant ( nick -- seq )
irc> listeners>> values
[ dup irc-channel-listener? [ participants>> key? ] [ 2drop f ] if ]
with filter ;
: add-participant ( nick mode channel -- )
: remove-participant-from-all ( nick -- )
dup listeners-with-participant [ delete-at ] with each ;
: add-participant ( mode nick channel -- )
listener> [ participants>> set-at ] [ 2drop ] if* ;
DEFER: me?
@ -151,12 +167,31 @@ DEFER: me?
dup name>> me? [ prefix>> parse-name ] [ name>> ] if ;
: broadcast-message-to-listeners ( message -- )
irc> listeners>> values [ in-messages>> mailbox-put ] with each ;
irc> listeners>> values [ to-listener ] with each ;
GENERIC: handle-participant-change ( irc-message -- )
M: join handle-participant-change ( join -- )
[ prefix>> parse-name +join+ <participant-changed> ]
[ trailing>> ] bi to-listener ;
M: part handle-participant-change ( part -- )
[ prefix>> parse-name +part+ <participant-changed> ]
[ channel>> ] bi to-listener ;
M: kick handle-participant-change ( kick -- )
[ who>> +part+ <participant-changed> ]
[ channel>> ] bi to-listener ;
M: quit handle-participant-change ( quit -- )
prefix>> parse-name
[ +part+ <participant-changed> ] [ listeners-with-participant ] bi
[ to-listener ] with each ;
GENERIC: handle-incoming-irc ( irc-message -- )
M: irc-message handle-incoming-irc ( irc-message -- )
+server-listener+ listener> [ in-messages>> mailbox-put ] [ drop ] if* ;
+server-listener+ listener> [ to-listener ] [ drop ] if* ;
M: logged-in handle-incoming-irc ( logged-in -- )
name>> irc> profile>> (>>nickname) ;
@ -171,24 +206,32 @@ M: privmsg handle-incoming-irc ( privmsg -- )
dup irc-message-origin to-listener ;
M: join handle-incoming-irc ( join -- )
[ maybe-forward-join ]
[ dup trailing>> to-listener ]
[ [ drop f ] [ prefix>> parse-name ] [ trailing>> ] tri add-participant ]
tri ;
{ [ maybe-forward-join ] ! keep
[ dup trailing>> to-listener ]
[ [ drop f ] [ prefix>> parse-name ] [ trailing>> ] tri add-participant ]
[ handle-participant-change ]
} cleave ;
M: part handle-incoming-irc ( part -- )
[ dup channel>> to-listener ] keep
[ prefix>> parse-name ] [ channel>> ] bi remove-participant ;
M: kick handle-incoming-irc ( kick -- )
[ dup channel>> to-listener ]
[ [ who>> ] [ channel>> ] bi remove-participant ]
[ dup who>> me? [ unregister-listener ] [ drop ] if ]
[ dup channel>> to-listener ]
[ [ prefix>> parse-name ] [ channel>> ] bi remove-participant ]
[ handle-participant-change ]
tri ;
M: kick handle-incoming-irc ( kick -- )
{ [ dup channel>> to-listener ]
[ [ who>> ] [ channel>> ] bi remove-participant ]
[ handle-participant-change ]
[ dup who>> me? [ unregister-listener ] [ drop ] if ]
} cleave ;
M: quit handle-incoming-irc ( quit -- )
[ prefix>> parse-name remove-participant-from-all ] keep
call-next-method ;
{ [ dup prefix>> parse-name listeners-with-participant
[ to-listener ] with each ]
[ handle-participant-change ]
[ prefix>> parse-name remove-participant-from-all ]
[ ]
} cleave call-next-method ;
: >nick/mode ( string -- nick mode )
dup first "+@" member? [ unclip ] [ 0 ] if participant-mode ;
@ -234,7 +277,7 @@ DEFER: (connect-irc)
: (handle-disconnect) ( -- )
[ [ irc-disconnected ] dip in-messages>> mailbox-put ]
[ [ irc-disconnected ] dip to-listener ]
[ dup reconnect-time>> sleep (connect-irc) ]
[ profile>> nickname>> /LOGIN ]
tri ;
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ M: irc-message irc-message>client-line ( irc-message -- string )
tri 3array " " sjoin ;
GENERIC: irc-message>server-line ( irc-message -- string )
M: irc-message irc-message>server-line ( irc-message -- string )
drop "not implemented yet" ;
Reference in New Issue