remove [let* ] and change [let ] to only establish a scope, leaving :> as the one true way of binding locals
@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ M: >r/r>-in-lambda-error summary
"Explicit retain stack manipulation is not permitted in lambda bodies" ;
ERROR: binding-form-in-literal-error ;
ERROR: let-form-in-literal-error ;
M: binding-form-in-literal-error summary
drop "[let and [let* not permitted inside literals" ;
M: let-form-in-literal-error summary
drop "[let not permitted inside literals" ;
ERROR: local-writer-in-literal-error ;
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ M: local-word-in-literal-error summary
ERROR: :>-outside-lambda-error ;
M: :>-outside-lambda-error summary
drop ":> cannot be used outside of lambda expressions" ;
drop ":> cannot be used outside of [let, [|, or :: forms" ;
ERROR: bad-local args obj ;
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ IN: locals.fry
! Support for mixing locals with fry
M: binding-form count-inputs body>> count-inputs ;
M: let count-inputs body>> count-inputs ;
M: lambda count-inputs body>> count-inputs ;
@ -14,5 +14,5 @@ M: lambda deep-fry
clone [ shallow-fry swap ] change-body
[ [ vars>> length ] keep '[ _ _ mnswap @ ] , ] [ drop [ncurry] % ] 2bi ;
M: binding-form deep-fry
M: let deep-fry
clone [ fry '[ @ call ] ] change-body , ;
@ -8,29 +8,26 @@ HELP: [|
{ $examples "See " { $link "locals-examples" } "." } ;
HELP: [let
{ $syntax "[let | var-1 [ value-1... ]\n var-2 [ value-2... ]\n ... |\n body... ]" }
{ $description "Evaluates each " { $snippet "value-n" } " form and binds its result to a new local variable named " { $snippet "var-n" } " lexically scoped to the " { $snippet "body" } ", then evaluates " { $snippet "body" } ". The " { $snippet "value-n" } " forms are evaluated in parallel, so a " { $snippet "value-n" } " form may not refer to previous " { $snippet "var-n" } " definitions inside the same " { $link POSTPONE: [let } " form, unlike " { $link POSTPONE: [let* } "." }
{ $syntax "[let code :> var code :> var code... ]" }
{ $description "Establishes a new lexical scope for local variable bindings. Variables bound with " { $link POSTPONE: :> } " within the body of the " { $snippet "[let" } " will be lexically scoped to the body of the " { $snippet "[let" } " form." }
{ $examples "See " { $link "locals-examples" } "." } ;
HELP: [let*
{ $syntax "[let* | var-1 [ value-1... ]\n var-2 [ value-2... ]\n ... |\n body... ]" }
{ $description "Evaluates each " { $snippet "value-n" } " form and binds its result to a new local variable named " { $snippet "var-n" } " lexically scoped to the " { $snippet "body" } ", then evaluates " { $snippet "body" } ". The " { $snippet "value-n" } " forms are evaluated sequentially, so a " { $snippet "value-n" } " form may refer to previous " { $snippet "var-n" } " definitions inside the same " { $link POSTPONE: [let* } " form." }
{ $examples "See " { $link "locals-examples" } "." } ;
{ POSTPONE: [let POSTPONE: [let* } related-words
HELP: :>
{ $syntax ":> var" ":> var!" }
{ $description "Binds the value on the top of the datastack to a new local variable named " { $snippet "var" } ", lexically scoped to the enclosing quotation or definition."
"If the " { $snippet "var" } " name is followed by an exclamation point (" { $snippet "!" } "), the new variable will be mutable. See " { $link "locals-mutable" } " for more information on mutable local bindings." }
{ $notes
"This syntax can only be used inside a " { $link POSTPONE: :: } " word, " { $link POSTPONE: [let } " or " { $link POSTPONE: [let* } " form, or inside a quotation literal inside one of those forms." }
"This syntax can only be used inside a lexical scope established by a " { $link POSTPONE: :: } " definition, " { $link POSTPONE: [let } " form, or " { $link POSTPONE: [| } " quotation. Definition forms such as " { $link POSTPONE: : } " do not establish a lexical scope by themselves, nor is there a lexical scope available at the top level of source files or in the listener. To use local variable bindings in these situations, use " { $link POSTPONE: [let } " to provide a scope for them." }
{ $examples "See " { $link "locals-examples" } "." } ;
{ POSTPONE: [let POSTPONE: :> } related-words
HELP: ::
{ $syntax ":: word ( bindings... -- outputs... ) body... ;" }
{ $description "Defines a word with named inputs; it reads datastack values into local variable bindings from left to right, then executes the body with those bindings in lexical scope." }
{ $syntax ":: word ( vars... -- outputs... ) body... ;" }
{ $description "Defines a word with named inputs; it reads datastack values into local variable bindings from left to right, then executes the body with those bindings in lexical scope."
"If any of the " { $snippet "vars" } "' names is followed by an exclamation point (" { $snippet "!" } "), that variable will be mutable. See " { $link "locals-mutable" } " for more information on mutable local bindings." }
{ $notes "The names of the " { $snippet "outputs" } " do not affect the word's behavior. However, the compiler verifies that the stack effect accurately represents the number of outputs as with " { $link POSTPONE: : } " definitions." }
{ $examples "See " { $link "locals-examples" } "." } ;
@ -38,21 +35,27 @@ HELP: ::
{ $syntax "MACRO:: word ( bindings... -- outputs... ) body... ;" }
{ $description "Defines a macro with named inputs; it reads datastack values into local variable bindings from left to right, then executes the body with those bindings in lexical scope." }
{ $description "Defines a macro with named inputs; it reads datastack values into local variable bindings from left to right, then executes the body with those bindings in lexical scope."
"If any of the " { $snippet "vars" } "' names is followed by an exclamation point (" { $snippet "!" } "), that variable will be mutable. See " { $link "locals-mutable" } " for more information on mutable local bindings." }
{ $examples "See " { $link "locals-examples" } "." } ;
{ POSTPONE: MACRO: POSTPONE: MACRO:: } related-words
{ $syntax "MEMO:: word ( bindings... -- outputs... ) body... ;" }
{ $description "Defines a macro with named inputs; it reads datastack values into local variable bindings from left to right, then executes the body with those bindings in lexical scope." }
{ $description "Defines a memoized word with named inputs; it reads datastack values into local variable bindings from left to right, then executes the body with those bindings in lexical scope."
"If any of the " { $snippet "vars" } "' names is followed by an exclamation point (" { $snippet "!" } "), that variable will be mutable. See " { $link "locals-mutable" } " for more information on mutable local bindings." }
{ $examples "See " { $link "locals-examples" } "." } ;
{ POSTPONE: MEMO: POSTPONE: MEMO:: } related-words
{ $syntax "M:: class generic ( bindings... -- outputs... ) body... ;" }
{ $description "Defines a macro with named inputs; it reads datastack values into local variable bindings from left to right, then executes the body with those bindings in lexical scope." }
{ $description "Defines a new method on " { $snippet "generic" } " for " { $snippet "class" } " with named inputs; it reads datastack values into local variable bindings from left to right, then executes the body with those bindings in lexical scope."
"If any of the " { $snippet "vars" } "' names is followed by an exclamation point (" { $snippet "!" } "), that variable will be mutable. See " { $link "locals-mutable" } " for more information on mutable local bindings." }
{ $notes "The names of the " { $snippet "outputs" } " do not affect the word's behavior. However, the compiler verifies that the stack effect accurately represents the number of outputs as with " { $link POSTPONE: M: } " definitions." }
{ $examples "See " { $link "locals-examples" } "." } ;
@ -70,14 +73,13 @@ IN: scratchpad
{ $snippet "quadratic-roots" } " can also be expressed with " { $link POSTPONE: [let } ":"
"If you wanted to perform the quadratic formula interactively from the listener, you could use " { $link POSTPONE: [let } " to provide a scope for the local variables:"
{ $example """USING: locals math math.functions kernel ;
IN: scratchpad
:: quadratic-roots ( a b c -- x y )
[let | disc [ b sq 4 a c * * - sqrt ] |
b neg disc [ + ] [ - ] 2bi [ 2 a * / ] bi@
] ;
1.0 1.0 -6.0 quadratic-roots [ . ] bi@"""
[let 1.0 :> a 1.0 :> b -6.0 :> c
b sq 4 a c * * - sqrt :> disc
b neg disc [ + ] [ - ] 2bi [ 2 a * / ] bi@
] [ . ] bi@"""
@ -200,11 +202,11 @@ $nl
"One exception to the above rule is that array instances containing free local variables (that is, immutable local variables not referenced in a closure) do retain identity. This allows macros such as " { $link cond } " to recognize that the array is constant and expand at compile time." ;
ARTICLE: "locals-mutable" "Mutable locals"
"In the list of bindings supplied to " { $link POSTPONE: :: } ", " { $link POSTPONE: [let } ", " { $link POSTPONE: [let* } " or " { $link POSTPONE: [| } ", a mutable binding may be introduced by suffixing its named with " { $snippet "!" } ". Mutable bindings are read by giving their name as usual; the suffix is not part of the binding's name. To write to a mutable binding, use the binding's name with the " { $snippet "!" } " suffix."
"Whenever a local variable is bound using " { $link POSTPONE: :> } ", " { $link POSTPONE: :: } ", or " { $link POSTPONE: [| } ", the variable may be made mutable by suffixing its name with an exclamation point (" { $snippet "!" } ") when it is bound. The variable's value can be read by giving its name without the exclamation point as usual. To write to the variable, use its name with the " { $snippet "!" } " suffix."
"Mutable bindings are implemented in a manner similar to the ML language; each mutable binding is actually an immutable binding of a mutable cell (in Factor's case, a 1-element array); reading the binding automatically dereferences the array, and writing to the binding stores into the array."
"Writing to mutable locals in outer scopes is fully supported and has the expected semantics. See " { $link "locals-examples" } " for examples of mutable local variables in action." ;
"Writing to mutable locals in outer scopes is fully supported and has full closure semantics. See " { $link "locals-examples" } " for examples of mutable local variables in action." ;
ARTICLE: "locals-fry" "Locals and fry"
"Locals integrate with " { $link "fry" } " so that mixing locals with fried quotations gives intuitive results."
@ -280,11 +282,10 @@ ARTICLE: "locals" "Lexical variables and closures"
"Lexical binding forms:"
"Lexical scoping and binding forms:"
{ $subsections
"Quotation literals where the inputs are named local variables:"
{ $subsections POSTPONE: [| }
@ -26,30 +26,30 @@ IN: locals.tests
[ { 5 6 7 } ] [ { 1 2 3 } 4 map-test-2 ] unit-test
:: let-test ( c -- d )
[let | a [ 1 ] b [ 2 ] | a b + c + ] ;
[let 1 :> a 2 :> b a b + c + ] ;
[ 7 ] [ 4 let-test ] unit-test
:: let-test-2 ( a -- a )
a [let | a [ ] | [let | b [ a ] | a ] ] ;
a [let :> a [let a :> b a ] ] ;
[ 3 ] [ 3 let-test-2 ] unit-test
:: let-test-3 ( a -- a )
a [let | a [ ] | [let | b [ [ a ] ] | [let | a [ 3 ] | b ] ] ] ;
a [let :> a [let [ a ] :> b [let 3 :> a b ] ] ] ;
:: let-test-4 ( a -- b )
a [let | a [ 1 ] b [ ] | a b 2array ] ;
a [let 1 :> a :> b a b 2array ] ;
[ { 1 2 } ] [ 2 let-test-4 ] unit-test
:: let-test-5 ( a b -- b )
a b [let | a [ ] b [ ] | a b 2array ] ;
a b [let :> a :> b a b 2array ] ;
[ { 2 1 } ] [ 1 2 let-test-5 ] unit-test
:: let-test-6 ( a -- b )
a [let | a [ ] b [ 1 ] | a b 2array ] ;
a [let :> a 1 :> b a b 2array ] ;
[ { 2 1 } ] [ 2 let-test-6 ] unit-test
@ -71,8 +71,7 @@ IN: locals.tests
[ 5 ] [ 2 "q" get call ] unit-test
:: write-test-2 ( -- q )
[let | n! [ 0 ] |
[| i | n i + dup n! ] ] ;
[let 0 :> n! [| i | n i + dup n! ] ] ;
write-test-2 "q" set
@ -93,11 +92,11 @@ write-test-2 "q" set
[ ] [ 1 2 write-test-3 call ] unit-test
:: write-test-4 ( x! -- q ) [ [let | y! [ 0 ] | f x! ] ] ;
:: write-test-4 ( x! -- q ) [ [let 0 :> y! f x! ] ] ;
[ ] [ 5 write-test-4 drop ] unit-test
:: let-let-test ( n -- n ) [let | n [ n 3 + ] | n ] ;
:: let-let-test ( n -- n ) [let n 3 + :> n n ] ;
[ 13 ] [ 10 let-let-test ] unit-test
@ -135,9 +134,9 @@ M:: string lambda-generic ( a b -- c ) a b lambda-generic-2 ;
[ ] [ \ lambda-generic see ] unit-test
:: unparse-test-1 ( a -- ) [let | a! [ 3 ] | ] ;
:: unparse-test-1 ( a -- ) [let 3 :> a! 4 :> b ] ;
[ "[let | a! [ 3 ] | ]" ] [
[ "[let 3 :> a! 4 :> b ]" ] [
\ unparse-test-1 "lambda" word-prop body>> first unparse
] unit-test
@ -163,38 +162,6 @@ DEFER: xyzzy
[ 5 ] [ 10 xyzzy ] unit-test
:: let*-test-1 ( a -- b )
[let* | b [ a 1 + ]
c [ b 1 + ] |
a b c 3array ] ;
[ { 1 2 3 } ] [ 1 let*-test-1 ] unit-test
:: let*-test-2 ( a -- b )
[let* | b [ a 1 + ]
c! [ b 1 + ] |
a b c 3array ] ;
[ { 1 2 3 } ] [ 1 let*-test-2 ] unit-test
:: let*-test-3 ( a -- b )
[let* | b [ a 1 + ]
c! [ b 1 + ] |
c 1 + c! a b c 3array ] ;
[ { 1 2 4 } ] [ 1 let*-test-3 ] unit-test
:: let*-test-4 ( a b -- c d )
[let | a [ b ]
b [ a ] |
[let* | a' [ a ]
a'' [ a' ]
b' [ b ]
b'' [ b' ] |
a'' b'' ] ] ;
[ "xxx" "yyy" ] [ "yyy" "xxx" let*-test-4 ] unit-test
GENERIC: next-method-test ( a -- b )
M: integer next-method-test 3 + ;
@ -209,11 +176,11 @@ M:: fixnum next-method-test ( a -- b ) a call-next-method 1 + ;
{ 3 0 } [| a b c | ] must-infer-as
[ ] [ 1 [let | a [ ] | ] ] unit-test
[ ] [ 1 [let :> a ] ] unit-test
[ 3 ] [ 1 [let | a [ ] | 3 ] ] unit-test
[ 3 ] [ 1 [let :> a 3 ] ] unit-test
[ ] [ 1 2 [let | a [ ] b [ ] | ] ] unit-test
[ ] [ 1 2 [let :> a :> b ] ] unit-test
:: a-word-with-locals ( a b -- ) ;
@ -271,10 +238,10 @@ M:: sequence method-with-locals ( a -- y ) a reverse ;
[ t ] [ 12 &&-test ] unit-test
:: let-and-cond-test-1 ( -- a )
[let | a [ 10 ] |
[let | a [ 20 ] |
[let 10 :> a
[let 20 :> a
{ [ t ] [ [let | c [ 30 ] | a ] ] }
{ [ t ] [ [let 30 :> c a ] ] }
} cond
] ;
@ -284,8 +251,8 @@ M:: sequence method-with-locals ( a -- y ) a reverse ;
[ 20 ] [ let-and-cond-test-1 ] unit-test
:: let-and-cond-test-2 ( -- pair )
[let | A [ 10 ] |
[let | B [ 20 ] |
[let 10 :> A
[let 20 :> B
{ { [ t ] [ { A B } ] } } cond
] ;
@ -298,7 +265,7 @@ M:: sequence method-with-locals ( a -- y ) a reverse ;
[ { 10 20 } ] [ 10 20 [| a b | { a b } ] call ] unit-test
[ { 10 20 30 } ] [ 10 20 30 [| a b c | { a b c } ] call ] unit-test
[ { 10 20 30 } ] [ [let | a [ 10 ] b [ 20 ] c [ 30 ] | { a b c } ] ] unit-test
[ { 10 20 30 } ] [ [let 10 :> a 20 :> b 30 :> c { a b c } ] ] unit-test
[ V{ 10 20 30 } ] [ 10 20 30 [| a b c | V{ a b c } ] call ] unit-test
@ -418,7 +385,7 @@ M:: integer lambda-method-forget-test ( a -- b ) a ;
[ 10 ] [ 10 [| A | { [ A ] } ] call first call ] unit-test
"USING: locals fry math ; 1 '[ [let | A [ 10 ] | A _ + ] ]"
"USING: locals fry math ; 1 '[ [let 10 :> A A _ + ] ]"
eval( -- ) call
] [ error>> >r/r>-in-fry-error? ] must-fail-with
@ -430,10 +397,7 @@ M:: integer lambda-method-forget-test ( a -- b ) a ;
[ t ] [ 3 funny-macro-test ] unit-test
[ f ] [ 2 funny-macro-test ] unit-test
! Some odd parser corner cases
[ "USE: locals [let" eval( -- ) ] [ error>> unexpected-eof? ] must-fail-with
[ "USE: locals [let |" eval( -- ) ] [ error>> unexpected-eof? ] must-fail-with
[ "USE: locals [let | a" eval( -- ) ] [ error>> unexpected-eof? ] must-fail-with
[ "USE: locals [|" eval( -- ) ] [ error>> unexpected-eof? ] must-fail-with
[ 25 ] [ 5 [| a | { [ a sq ] } cond ] call ] unit-test
@ -449,11 +413,9 @@ M:: integer lambda-method-forget-test ( a -- b ) a ;
[ 3 ] [ 3 [| a | \ a ] call ] unit-test
[ "USE: locals [| | { [let | a [ 0 ] | a ] } ]" eval( -- ) ] must-fail
[ "USE: locals [| | { [let 0 :> a a ] } ]" eval( -- ) ] must-fail
[ "USE: locals [| | { [let* | a [ 0 ] | a ] } ]" eval( -- ) ] must-fail
[ "USE: locals [| | [let | a! [ 0 ] | { a! } ] ]" eval( -- ) ] must-fail
[ "USE: locals [| | [let 0 :> a! { a! } ] ]" eval( -- ) ] must-fail
[ "USE: locals [| | { :> a } ]" eval( -- ) ] must-fail
@ -466,13 +428,13 @@ M:: integer lambda-method-forget-test ( a -- b ) a ;
[ 3 ] [ 2 [| | :> a! a 1 + a! a ] call ] unit-test
: fry-locals-test-1 ( -- n )
[let | | 6 '[ [let | A [ 4 ] | A _ + ] ] call ] ;
[let 6 '[ [let 4 :> A A _ + ] ] call ] ;
\ fry-locals-test-1 def>> must-infer
[ 10 ] [ fry-locals-test-1 ] unit-test
:: fry-locals-test-2 ( -- n )
[let | | 6 '[ [let | A [ 4 ] | A _ + ] ] call ] ;
[let 6 '[ [let 4 :> A A _ + ] ] call ] ;
\ fry-locals-test-2 def>> must-infer
[ 10 ] [ fry-locals-test-2 ] unit-test
@ -490,18 +452,18 @@ M:: integer lambda-method-forget-test ( a -- b ) a ;
] unit-test
[ 10 ] [
[| | 0 '[ [let | A [ 10 ] | A _ + ] ] call ] call
[| | 0 '[ [let 10 :> A A _ + ] ] call ] call
] unit-test
! littledan found this problem
[ "bar" ] [ [let | a [ [let | foo [ "bar" ] | foo ] ] | a ] ] unit-test
[ 10 ] [ [let | a [ 10 ] | [let | b [ a ] | b ] ] ] unit-test
[ "bar" ] [ [let [let "bar" :> foo foo ] :> a a ] ] unit-test
[ 10 ] [ [let 10 :> a [let a :> b b ] ] ] unit-test
[ { \ + } ] [ [let | x [ \ + ] | { \ x } ] ] unit-test
[ { \ + } ] [ [let \ + :> x { \ x } ] ] unit-test
[ { \ + 3 } ] [ [let | a [ 3 ] | { \ + a } ] ] unit-test
[ { \ + 3 } ] [ [let 3 :> a { \ + a } ] ] unit-test
[ 3 ] [ [let | a [ \ + ] | 1 2 [ \ a execute ] ] call ] unit-test
[ 3 ] [ [let \ + :> a 1 2 [ \ a execute ] ] call ] unit-test
! erg found this problem
:: erg's-:>-bug ( n ? -- n ) ? [ n :> n n ] [ n :> b b ] if ;
@ -13,8 +13,6 @@ SYNTAX: [| parse-lambda over push-all ;
SYNTAX: [let parse-let over push-all ;
SYNTAX: [let* parse-let* over push-all ;
SYNTAX: :: (::) define-declared ;
SYNTAX: M:: (M::) define ;
@ -7,13 +7,11 @@ M: lambda expand-macros clone [ expand-macros ] change-body ;
M: lambda expand-macros* expand-macros literal ;
M: binding-form expand-macros
[ [ expand-macros ] assoc-map ] change-bindings
[ expand-macros ] change-body ;
M: let expand-macros
clone [ expand-macros ] change-body ;
M: binding-form expand-macros* expand-macros literal ;
M: let expand-macros* expand-macros literal ;
M: lambda condomize? drop t ;
M: lambda condomize '[ @ ] ;
M: lambda condomize '[ @ ] ;
@ -56,35 +56,8 @@ M: lambda-parser parse-quotation ( -- quotation )
[ nip scan-object 2array ]
} cond ;
: (parse-bindings) ( end -- )
dup parse-binding dup [
first2 [ make-local ] dip 2array ,
] [ 2drop ] if ;
: with-bindings ( quot -- words assoc )
in-lambda? on
_ H{ } make-assoc
] { } make swap ; inline
: parse-bindings ( end -- bindings vars )
[ (parse-bindings) ] with-bindings ;
: parse-let ( -- form )
"|" expect "|" parse-bindings
(parse-lambda) <let> ?rewrite-closures ;
: parse-bindings* ( end -- words assoc )
namespace use-words
namespace unuse-words
] with-bindings ;
: parse-let* ( -- form )
"|" expect "|" parse-bindings*
(parse-lambda) <let*> ?rewrite-closures ;
H{ } clone (parse-lambda) <let> ?rewrite-closures ;
: parse-locals ( -- effect vars assoc )
@ -27,20 +27,12 @@ M: lambda pprint*
: pprint-let ( let word -- )
[ body>> ] [ bindings>> ] bi
\ | pprint-word
t <inset
[ <block [ pprint-var ] dip pprint* block> ] assoc-each
\ | pprint-word
<block pprint-elements block>
<block body>> pprint-elements block>
\ ] pprint-word ;
M: let pprint* \ [let pprint-let ;
M: let* pprint* \ [let* pprint-let ;
M: def pprint*
<block \ :> pprint-word local>> pprint-word block> ;
dup local>> word?
[ <block \ :> pprint-word local>> pprint-var block> ]
[ pprint-tuple ] if ;
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ locals.errors locals.types make quotations sequences vectors
words ;
IN: locals.rewrite.sugar
! Step 1: rewrite [| [let [let* into :> forms, turn
! Step 1: rewrite [| into :> forms, turn
! literals with locals in them into code which constructs
! the literal after pushing locals on the stack
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ M: quotation rewrite-element rewrite-sugar* ;
M: lambda rewrite-element rewrite-sugar* ;
M: binding-form rewrite-element binding-form-in-literal-error ;
M: let rewrite-element let-form-in-literal-error ;
M: local rewrite-element , ;
@ -115,12 +115,5 @@ M: word rewrite-sugar*
M: object rewrite-sugar* , ;
: let-rewrite ( body bindings -- )
[ quotation-rewrite % <def> , ] assoc-each
quotation-rewrite % ;
M: let rewrite-sugar*
[ body>> ] [ bindings>> ] bi let-rewrite ;
M: let* rewrite-sugar*
[ body>> ] [ bindings>> ] bi let-rewrite ;
body>> quotation-rewrite % ;
@ -8,16 +8,10 @@ TUPLE: lambda vars body ;
C: <lambda> lambda
TUPLE: binding-form bindings body ;
TUPLE: let < binding-form ;
TUPLE: let body ;
C: <let> let
TUPLE: let* < binding-form ;
C: <let*> let*
TUPLE: quote local ;
C: <quote> quote
Reference in New Issue