about to start lookahead

Doug Coleman 2008-05-22 18:15:16 -05:00
parent 7ca15dcc68
commit c4fc9f5902
2 changed files with 112 additions and 67 deletions

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@ -155,6 +155,7 @@ IN: regexp4-tests
[ f ] [ "a" "\\Q\\E" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "|*+" "\\Q|*+\\E" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ f ] [ "abc" "\\Q|*+\\E" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "s" "\\Qs\\E" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "S" "\\0123" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
[ t ] [ "SXY" "\\0123XY" <regexp> matches? ] unit-test
@ -236,12 +237,6 @@ IN: regexp4-tests
] unit-test
! ((A)(B(C)))
! 1. ((A)(B(C)))
! 2. (A)

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ USING: accessors arrays assocs combinators kernel math
sequences namespaces locals combinators.lib state-tables
math.parser state-parser sets dlists unicode.categories
math.order quotations shuffle math.ranges splitting
symbols fry parser ;
symbols fry parser math.ranges inspector strings ;
IN: regexp4
SYMBOLS: eps start-state final-state beginning-of-text
@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ ERROR: unbalanced-brackets ;
[ [ nip at-most-n ] [ at-least-n ] if* ] if
] [ drop exactly-n ] if ;
:: make-nontoken-nfa ( regexp obj -- )
:: push-single-nfa ( regexp obj -- )
[let | s0 [ regexp next-state ]
s1 [ regexp next-state ]
stack [ regexp stack>> ]
@ -213,18 +213,23 @@ ERROR: unbalanced-brackets ;
: decimal-digit? ( n -- ? ) CHAR: 0 CHAR: 9 between? ;
: hex-digit? ( n -- ? )
dup decimal-digit?
over CHAR: a CHAR: f between? or
swap CHAR: A CHAR: F between? or ;
[ dup decimal-digit? ]
[ dup CHAR: a CHAR: f between? ]
[ dup CHAR: A CHAR: F between? ]
] || nip ;
: control-char? ( n -- ? )
dup 0 HEX: 1f between? swap HEX: 7f = or ;
[ dup 0 HEX: 1f between? ]
[ dup HEX: 7f = ]
] || nip ;
: punct? ( n -- ? )
"!\"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~" member? ;
: c-identifier-char? ( ch -- ? )
dup alpha? swap CHAR: _ = or ;
[ [ dup alpha? ] [ dup CHAR: _ = ] ] || nip ;
: java-blank? ( n -- ? )
@ -233,7 +238,7 @@ ERROR: unbalanced-brackets ;
} member? ;
: java-printable? ( n -- ? )
dup alpha? swap punct? or ;
[ [ dup alpha? ] [ dup punct? ] ] || nip ;
ERROR: bad-character-class obj ;
@ -261,32 +266,26 @@ ERROR: bad-character-class obj ;
ERROR: bad-octal number ;
: parse-octal ( regexp -- )
: parse-octal ( -- n )
next get-char drop
3 take oct>
dup 255 > [ bad-octal ] when
make-nontoken-nfa ;
dup 255 > [ bad-octal ] when ;
ERROR: bad-hex number ;
: parse-short-hex ( regexp -- )
: parse-short-hex ( -- n )
next 2 take hex>
dup number? [ bad-hex ] unless
make-nontoken-nfa ;
dup number? [ bad-hex ] unless ;
: parse-long-hex ( regexp -- )
next 4 take hex>
dup number? [ bad-hex ] unless
make-nontoken-nfa ;
: parse-long-hex ( -- n )
next 6 take hex>
dup number? [ bad-hex ] unless ;
: parse-control-character ( regexp -- )
next get-char make-nontoken-nfa ;
: parse-backreference ( regexp obj -- )
2drop ;
: parse-control-character ( -- n )
next get-char ;
: dot-construction ( regexp -- )
[ CHAR: \n = not ] make-nontoken-nfa ;
[ CHAR: \n = not ] push-single-nfa ;
: front-anchor-construction ( regexp -- )
drop ;
@ -299,32 +298,50 @@ ERROR: bad-hex number ;
[ get-char CHAR: } = ] take-until
"," split1 [ [ string>number ] bi@ ] keep >boolean ;
: parse-escaped ( regexp -- )
next get-char {
{ CHAR: \ [ [ CHAR: \ = ] make-nontoken-nfa ] }
{ CHAR: t [ [ CHAR: \t = ] make-nontoken-nfa ] }
{ CHAR: n [ [ CHAR: \n = ] make-nontoken-nfa ] }
{ CHAR: r [ [ CHAR: \r = ] make-nontoken-nfa ] }
{ CHAR: f [ [ HEX: c = ] make-nontoken-nfa ] }
{ CHAR: a [ [ HEX: 7 = ] make-nontoken-nfa ] }
{ CHAR: e [ [ HEX: 1b = ] make-nontoken-nfa ] }
TUPLE: character-class members ;
TUPLE: character-class-range from to ;
TUPLE: negated-character-class < character-class ;
TUPLE: negated-character-class-range < character-class-range ;
TUPLE: intersection-class < character-class ;
TUPLE: negated-intersection-class < intersection-class ;
{ CHAR: d [ [ digit? ] make-nontoken-nfa ] }
{ CHAR: D [ [ digit? not ] make-nontoken-nfa ] }
{ CHAR: s [ [ java-blank? ] make-nontoken-nfa ] }
{ CHAR: S [ [ java-blank? not ] make-nontoken-nfa ] }
{ CHAR: w [ [ c-identifier-char? ] make-nontoken-nfa ] }
{ CHAR: W [ [ c-identifier-char? not ] make-nontoken-nfa ] }
GENERIC: character-class-contains? ( obj character-class -- ? )
{ CHAR: p [ parse-posix-class make-nontoken-nfa ] }
{ CHAR: P [ parse-posix-class [ not ] compose make-nontoken-nfa ] }
: parse-escaped-until ( -- seq )
[ get-char CHAR: \ = get-next CHAR: E = and ] take-until
next ;
: character-class-predicate ( seq -- quot )
boa '[ , character-class-contains? ] ;
ERROR: unmatched-escape-sequence ;
: (parse-escaped) ( regexp ? ch -- obj )
{ CHAR: \ [ [ CHAR: \ = ] ] }
{ CHAR: t [ [ CHAR: \t = ] ] }
{ CHAR: n [ [ CHAR: \n = ] ] }
{ CHAR: r [ [ CHAR: \r = ] ] }
{ CHAR: f [ [ HEX: c = ] ] }
{ CHAR: a [ [ HEX: 7 = ] ] }
{ CHAR: e [ [ HEX: 1b = ] ] }
{ CHAR: d [ [ digit? ] ] }
{ CHAR: D [ [ digit? not ] ] }
{ CHAR: s [ [ java-blank? ] ] }
{ CHAR: S [ [ java-blank? not ] ] }
{ CHAR: w [ [ c-identifier-char? ] ] }
{ CHAR: W [ [ c-identifier-char? not ] ] }
{ CHAR: p [ parse-posix-class ] }
{ CHAR: P [ parse-posix-class [ not ] compose ] }
{ CHAR: x [ parse-short-hex ] }
{ CHAR: u [ parse-long-hex ] }
{ CHAR: 0 [ parse-octal ] }
{ CHAR: c [ parse-control-character ] }
! { CHAR: Q [ quot til \E ] }
! { CHAR: E [ should be an error, parse this in the Q if exists ] }
! { CHAR: Q [ next parse-escaped-until ] }
! { CHAR: E [ unmatched-escape-sequence ] }
! { CHAR: b [ ] } ! a word boundary
! { CHAR: B [ ] } ! a non-word boundary
@ -332,34 +349,57 @@ ERROR: bad-hex number ;
! { CHAR: G [ ] } ! end of previous match
! { CHAR: Z [ ] } ! end of input but for the final terminator, if any
! { CHAR: z [ ] } ! end of the input
[ dup digit? [ parse-backreference ] [ make-nontoken-nfa ] if ]
[ ]
} case ;
: parse-escaped ( regexp -- )
next get-char (parse-escaped) push-single-nfa ;
: handle-dash ( vector -- vector )
[ dup dash eq? [ drop CHAR: - ] when ] map ;
M: object character-class-contains? ( obj1 obj2 -- ? )
= ;
M: callable character-class-contains? ( obj1 callable -- ? )
call ;
M: character-class character-class-contains? ( obj cc -- ? )
members>> [ character-class-contains? ] with find drop >boolean ;
M: negated-character-class character-class-contains? ( obj cc -- ? )
call-next-method not ;
M: character-class-range character-class-contains? ( obj cc -- ? )
[ from>> ] [ to>> ] bi between? ;
M: negated-character-class-range character-class-contains? ( obj cc -- ? )
call-next-method not ;
M: intersection-class character-class-contains? ( obj cc -- ? )
members>> [ character-class-contains? not ] with find drop not ;
M: negated-intersection-class character-class-contains? ( obj cc -- ? )
call-next-method not ;
ERROR: unmatched-negated-character-class class ;
: handle-caret ( vector -- vector ? )
: handle-caret ( obj -- seq class )
dup [ length 2 >= ] [ first caret eq? ] bi and [
rest t
rest negated-character-class
] [
] if ;
: make-character-class ( regexp -- )
left-bracket over stack>> cut-stack
pick (>>stack)
>r [ dup number? [ '[ dup , = ] ] when ] map
[ [ drop t ] 2array ] map [ drop f ] suffix [ cond ] curry r>
[ [ not ] compose ] when
make-nontoken-nfa ;
handle-dash handle-caret
character-class-predicate push-single-nfa ;
: apply-dash ( regexp -- )
stack>> dup [ pop ] [ pop* ] [ pop ] tri
swap '[ dup , , between? ] swap push ;
swap character-class-range boa swap push ;
: apply-dash? ( regexp -- ? )
stack>> dup length 3 >=
@ -371,7 +411,7 @@ DEFER: parse-character-class
next get-char
{ CHAR: [ [
[ 1+ ] change-bracket-count left-bracket push-stack
[ 1+ ] change-bracket-count dup left-bracket push-stack
] }
{ CHAR: ] [
@ -381,7 +421,7 @@ DEFER: parse-character-class
{ CHAR: - [ dash push-stack ] }
! { CHAR: & [ ampersand push-stack ] }
! { CHAR: : [ semicolon push-stack ] }
{ CHAR: \ [ parse-escaped ] }
{ CHAR: \ [ next get-char (parse-escaped) push-stack ] }
{ f [ unbalanced-brackets ] }
[ dupd push-stack dup apply-dash? [ apply-dash ] [ drop ] if ]
} case
@ -393,7 +433,7 @@ DEFER: parse-character-class
: parse-character-class-second ( regexp -- )
! { CHAR: [ [ CHAR: [ push-stack next ] }
{ CHAR: [ [ CHAR: [ push-stack next ] }
{ CHAR: ] [ CHAR: ] push-stack next ] }
{ CHAR: - [ CHAR: - push-stack next ] }
[ 2drop ]
@ -403,7 +443,7 @@ DEFER: parse-character-class
{ CHAR: ^ [ caret dupd push-stack next parse-character-class-second ] }
! { CHAR: [ [ CHAR: [ push-stack next ] }
{ CHAR: [ [ CHAR: [ push-stack next ] }
{ CHAR: ] [ CHAR: ] push-stack next ] }
{ CHAR: - [ CHAR: - push-stack next ] }
[ 2drop ]
@ -442,7 +482,7 @@ ERROR: unsupported-token token ;
[ set-start-state ]
} cleave
] }
[ drop make-nontoken-nfa ]
[ drop push-single-nfa ]
} case ;
: (parse-raw-regexp) ( regexp -- )
@ -639,7 +679,7 @@ TUPLE: dfa-traverser
dupd match [ [ length ] [ range-length 1- ] bi* = ] [ drop f ] if* ;
: match-head ( string regexp -- end )
match length>> ;
match length>> 1- ;
! character classes
! TUPLE: range-class from to ;
@ -647,5 +687,15 @@ TUPLE: dfa-traverser
! (?:a|b)* <- does not capture
! (a|b)*\1 <- group captured
! (?!abba) negative lookahead matches ababa but not abbaa
! doesn't advance the current position:
! (?=abba) positive lookahead matches abbaaa but not abaaa
! (?!abba) negative lookahead matches ababa but not abbaa
! look behind. "lookaround"
! : $ ( n -- obj ) groups get nth ;
! [
! groups bound to scope here
! ] [
! error or something
! ] if-match
! match in a string with .*foo.*