Fixing some problems with Windows keyboard handling
@ -6,9 +6,10 @@ ui.gadgets ui.backend ui.clipboards ui.gadgets.worlds
ui.gestures io kernel math math.vectors namespaces make
sequences strings vectors words windows.kernel32 windows.gdi32
windows.user32 windows.opengl32 windows.messages windows.types
windows.nt windows threads libc combinators continuations
command-line shuffle opengl ui.render ascii
math.bitwise locals symbols accessors math.geometry.rect ;
windows.nt windows threads libc combinators
combinators.short-circuit continuations command-line shuffle
opengl ui.render ascii math.bitwise locals symbols accessors
math.geometry.rect math.order ascii ;
SINGLETON: windows-ui-backend
@ -144,11 +145,6 @@ SYMBOLS: msg-obj class-name-ptr mouse-captured ;
: alt? ( -- ? ) left-alt? right-alt? or ;
: caps-lock? ( -- ? ) VK_CAPITAL GetKeyState zero? not ;
: switch-case ( seq -- seq )
dup first CHAR: a >= [ >upper ] [ >lower ] if ;
: switch-case? ( -- ? ) shift? caps-lock? xor not ;
: key-modifiers ( -- seq )
shift? [ S+ , ] when
@ -179,33 +175,53 @@ SYMBOLS: msg-obj class-name-ptr mouse-captured ;
: exclude-key-wm-char? ( n -- bool )
exclude-keys-wm-char key? ;
: keystroke>gesture ( n -- mods sym ? )
dup wm-keydown-codes at* [
nip >r key-modifiers r> t
] [
drop 1string >r key-modifiers r>
C+ pick member? >r A+ pick member? r> or [
shift? [ >lower ] unless f
] [
switch-case? [ switch-case ] when t
] if
] if ;
: keystroke>gesture ( n -- mods sym )
wm-keydown-codes at* [ key-modifiers swap ] [ drop f f ] if ;
: send-key-gesture ( sym action? quot hWnd -- )
[ [ key-modifiers ] 3dip call ] dip
window-focus propagate-gesture ; inline
: send-key-down ( sym action? hWnd -- )
[ [ <key-down> ] ] dip send-key-gesture ;
: send-key-up ( sym action? hWnd -- )
[ [ <key-up> ] ] dip send-key-gesture ;
: key-sym ( wParam -- string/f action? )
[ dup LETTER? ]
[ shift? caps-lock? xor [ CHAR: a + CHAR: A - ] unless 1string f ]
{ [ dup digit? ] [ 1string f ] }
[ wm-keydown-codes at t ]
} cond ;
:: handle-wm-keydown ( hWnd uMsg wParam lParam -- )
wParam exclude-key-wm-keydown? [
wParam keystroke>gesture <key-down>
hWnd window-focus propagate-gesture
wParam key-sym over [
dup ctrl? alt? xor or [
hWnd send-key-down
] [ 2drop ] if
] [ 2drop ] if
] unless ;
:: handle-wm-char ( hWnd uMsg wParam lParam -- )
wParam exclude-key-wm-char? ctrl? alt? xor or [
wParam 1string
hWnd window-focus user-input
wParam exclude-key-wm-char? [
ctrl? alt? xor [
wParam 1string
[ f hWnd send-key-down ]
[ hWnd window-focus user-input ] bi
] unless
] unless ;
:: handle-wm-keyup ( hWnd uMsg wParam lParam -- )
wParam keystroke>gesture <key-up>
hWnd window-focus propagate-gesture ;
wParam exclude-key-wm-keydown? [
wParam key-sym over [
hWnd send-key-up
] [ 2drop ] if
] unless ;
:: set-window-active ( hwnd uMsg wParam lParam ? -- n )
? hwnd window (>>active?)
@ -241,20 +257,20 @@ M: windows-ui-backend (close-window)
: message>button ( uMsg -- button down? )
{ [ dup WM_LBUTTONDOWN = ] [ drop 1 t ] }
{ [ dup WM_LBUTTONUP = ] [ drop 1 f ] }
{ [ dup WM_MBUTTONDOWN = ] [ drop 2 t ] }
{ [ dup WM_MBUTTONUP = ] [ drop 2 f ] }
{ [ dup WM_RBUTTONDOWN = ] [ drop 3 t ] }
{ [ dup WM_RBUTTONUP = ] [ drop 3 f ] }
{ WM_LBUTTONDOWN [ 1 t ] }
{ WM_LBUTTONUP [ 1 f ] }
{ WM_MBUTTONDOWN [ 2 t ] }
{ WM_MBUTTONUP [ 2 f ] }
{ WM_RBUTTONDOWN [ 3 t ] }
{ WM_RBUTTONUP [ 3 f ] }
{ [ dup WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN = ] [ drop 1 t ] }
{ [ dup WM_NCLBUTTONUP = ] [ drop 1 f ] }
{ [ dup WM_NCMBUTTONDOWN = ] [ drop 2 t ] }
{ [ dup WM_NCMBUTTONUP = ] [ drop 2 f ] }
{ [ dup WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN = ] [ drop 3 t ] }
{ [ dup WM_NCRBUTTONUP = ] [ drop 3 f ] }
} cond ;
{ WM_NCLBUTTONUP [ 1 f ] }
{ WM_NCMBUTTONUP [ 2 f ] }
{ WM_NCRBUTTONUP [ 3 f ] }
} case ;
! If the user clicks in the window border ("non-client area")
! Windows sends us an NC[LMR]BUTTONDOWN message; but if the
Reference in New Issue