toml: adding support for Tom's Obvious Markup Language (TOML).
@ -0,0 +1 @@
John Benediktsson
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Parsers for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language (TOML).
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
USING: help.markup help.syntax kernel strings ;
IN: toml
HELP: toml>
{ $values { "string" string } { "assoc" object } }
{ $description "Decodes a configuration from the TOML format, represented as a " { $link string } "." } ;
ARTICLE: "toml" "Tom's Obvious Markup Language (TOML)"
"Tom's Obvious Markup Language (TOML) is described further in "
{ $url "" } "."
"Decoding support for the TOML protocol:"
{ $subsections
} ;
ABOUT: "toml"
@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
USING: multiline toml tools.test ;
{ "title" "TOML Example" }
{ "hosts" { "alpha" "omega" } }
{ "name" "Tom Preston-Werner" }
{ "organization" "GitHub" }
"GitHub Cofounder & CEO\nLikes tater tots and beer."
{ "dob" "1979-05-27T07:32:00Z" }
{ "server" "" }
{ "ports" { 8001 8001 8002 } }
{ "connection_max" 5000 }
{ "enabled" t }
{ "ip" "" }
{ "dc" "eqdc10" }
{ "ip" "" }
{ "dc" "eqdc10" }
{ "country" "中国" }
{ "data" { { "gamma" "delta" } { 1 2 } } }
{ "name" "Hammer" }
{ "sku" 738594937 }
{ "name" "Nail" }
{ "sku" 284758393 }
{ "color" "gray" }
} [
# This is a TOML document. Boom.
title = "TOML Example"
name = "Tom Preston-Werner"
organization = "GitHub"
bio = "GitHub Cofounder & CEO\nLikes tater tots and beer."
dob = 1979-05-27T07:32:00Z # First class dates? Why not?
server = ""
ports = [ 8001, 8001, 8002 ]
connection_max = 5000
enabled = true
# You can indent as you please. Tabs or spaces. TOML don't care.
ip = ""
dc = "eqdc10"
ip = ""
dc = "eqdc10"
country = "中国" # This should be parsed as UTF-8
data = [ ["gamma", "delta"], [1, 2] ] # just an update to make sure parsers support it
# Line breaks are OK when inside arrays
hosts = [
# Products
name = "Hammer"
sku = 738594937
name = "Nail"
sku = 284758393
color = "gray"
]=] toml>
] unit-test
@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
! Copyright (C) 2019 John Benediktsson
! See for BSD license
USING: accessors arrays assocs hashtables kernel locals make
math.parser peg peg.parsers regexp sequences splitting
strings.parser ;
IN: toml
ERROR: duplicate-key key ;
ERROR: unknown-value value ;
TUPLE: table name array? entries ;
TUPLE: entry key value ;
: boolean-parser ( -- parser )
"true" token [ drop t ] action
"false" token [ drop f ] action
2choice ;
: digits ( parser -- parser )
"_" token [ drop f ] action 2choice repeat1 [ sift ] action ;
: sign ( -- parser )
"+" token "-" token 2choice ;
: hexdigit ( -- parser )
CHAR: 0 CHAR: 9 range ,
CHAR: a CHAR: f range ,
CHAR: A CHAR: F range ,
] choice* ;
: hex ( -- parser )
"0x" token hide hexdigit digits 2seq [ first hex> ] action ;
: decdigit ( -- parser )
CHAR: 0 CHAR: 9 range ;
: dec ( -- parser )
decdigit digits [ dec> ] action ;
: octdigit ( -- parser )
CHAR: 0 CHAR: 7 range ;
: oct ( -- parser )
"0o" token hide octdigit digits 2seq [ first oct> ] action ;
: bindigit ( -- parser )
CHAR: 0 CHAR: 1 range ;
: bin ( -- parser )
"0b" token hide bindigit digits 2seq [ first bin> ] action ;
: integer-parser ( -- parser )
hex oct bin dec 4choice [ ] action ;
: float ( -- parser )
sign optional ,
decdigit digits optional ,
"." token ,
decdigit digits optional ,
"e" token "E" token 2choice
sign optional
decdigit digits optional 3seq optional ,
] seq* ;
: +inf ( -- parser )
"+" token optional "inf" token 2seq [ drop 1/0. ] action ;
: -inf ( -- parser )
"-inf" token [ drop -1/0. ] action ;
: nan ( -- parser )
sign optional "nan" token 2seq
[ drop NAN: 8000000000000 ] action ;
: float-parser ( -- parser )
float +inf -inf nan 4choice
[ unclip-last append "" concat-as string>number ] action ;
: escaped ( -- parser )
"\\" token hide [ "btnfr\"\\" member-eq? ] satisfy 2seq
[ first escape ] action ;
: unicode ( -- parser )
"\\u" token hide hexdigit 4 exactly-n 2seq
"\\U" token hide hexdigit 8 exactly-n 2seq
2choice [ first hex> ] action ;
: basic-string ( -- parser )
escaped unicode [ "\"\n" member? not ] satisfy 3choice repeat0
"\"" dup surrounded-by ;
: literal-string ( -- parser )
[ "'\n" member? not ] satisfy repeat0
"'" dup surrounded-by ;
: single-string ( -- parser )
basic-string literal-string 2choice [ "" like ] action ;
: multi-basic-string ( -- parser )
escaped unicode [ CHAR: \" = not ] satisfy 3choice repeat0
"\"\"\"" dup surrounded-by ;
: multi-literal-string ( -- parser )
[ CHAR: ' = not ] satisfy repeat0
"'''" dup surrounded-by ;
: multi-string ( -- parser )
multi-basic-string multi-literal-string 2choice [
"" like "\n" ?head drop
R/ \\[ \t\r\n]*\n[ \t\r\n]*/m "" re-replace
] action ;
: string-parser ( -- parser )
multi-string single-string 2choice ;
: date-parser ( -- parser )
decdigit 4 exactly-n ,
"-" token ,
decdigit 2 exactly-n ,
"-" token ,
decdigit 2 exactly-n ,
] seq* [ "" concat-as ] action ;
: time-parser ( -- parser )
decdigit 2 exactly-n ,
":" token ,
decdigit 2 exactly-n ,
":" token ,
decdigit 2 exactly-n ,
"." token decdigit repeat1 2seq optional ,
] seq* [ "" concat-as ] action ;
: timezone-parser ( -- parser )
"Z" token ,
"-" token
decdigit 2 exactly-n ":" token
decdigit 2 exactly-n 4seq [ "" concat-as ] action ,
] choice* ;
: datetime-parser ( -- parser )
date-parser ,
"T" token " " token 2choice ,
time-parser ,
timezone-parser optional ,
] seq* [ "" concat-as ] action ;
: space ( -- parser )
[ " \t" member? ] satisfy repeat0 ;
: whitespace ( -- parser )
[ " \t\r\n" member? ] satisfy repeat0 ;
DEFER: value-parser
: array-parser ( -- parser )
"[" token hide ,
whitespace hide ,
whitespace hide "," token whitespace hide 3seq list-of ,
whitespace hide ,
"]" token hide ,
] seq* [ first { } like ] action ;
DEFER: key-value-parser
: inline-table-parser ( -- parser )
"{" token hide ,
whitespace hide ,
whitespace hide "," token whitespace hide 3seq list-of ,
whitespace hide ,
"}" token hide ,
] seq* [ first >hashtable ] action ;
: value-parser ( -- parser )
boolean-parser ,
datetime-parser ,
date-parser ,
time-parser ,
float-parser ,
integer-parser ,
string-parser ,
[ array-parser ] box ,
[ inline-table-parser ] box ,
] choice*
] delay ;
: name-parser ( -- parser )
CHAR: A CHAR: Z range ,
CHAR: a CHAR: z range ,
CHAR: 0 CHAR: 9 range ,
"_" token [ first ] action ,
"-" token [ first ] action ,
] choice* repeat1 [ "" like ] action single-string 2choice ;
: comment-parser ( -- parser )
space ,
"#" token ,
[ CHAR: \n = not ] satisfy repeat0 ,
] seq* [ drop f ] action ;
: key-parser ( -- parser )
name-parser "." token list-of [ { } like ] action ;
: key-value-parser ( -- parser )
space hide ,
key-parser ,
space hide ,
"=" token hide ,
space hide ,
value-parser ,
comment-parser optional hide ,
] seq* [ first2 entry boa ] action ;
: line-parser ( -- parser )
"\n" token "\r\n" token 2choice ;
:: table-name-parser ( begin end -- parser )
begin token hide ,
space hide ,
space hide "." token space hide 3seq list-of
[ { } like ] action ,
space hide ,
end token hide ,
comment-parser optional hide ,
] seq* ;
: table-parser ( -- parser )
space hide ,
"[[" "]]" table-name-parser [ t suffix! ] action
"[" "]" table-name-parser [ f suffix! ] action
2choice ,
whitespace hide ,
key-value-parser line-parser list-of optional ,
] seq* [ first2 [ first2 ] dip table boa ] action ;
: toml-parser ( -- parser )
whitespace hide ,
comment-parser ,
table-parser ,
key-value-parser ,
] choice* whitespace list-of ,
whitespace hide ,
] seq* [ first sift { } like ] action ;
: check-no-key ( key assoc -- key assoc )
2dup at* nip [ over duplicate-key ] when ;
: deep-at ( keys assoc -- value )
swap [
over ?at [ nip ] [
H{ } clone [ swap rot check-no-key set-at ] keep
] if
] each ;
GENERIC: update-toml ( assoc entry -- assoc )
M: entry update-toml
[ key>> unclip-last [ over deep-at ] dip ] [ value>> ] bi
swap rot check-no-key set-at ;
M: table update-toml
[ name>> unclip-last [ over deep-at ] dip ]
[ entries>> [ H{ } clone ] dip [ update-toml ] each swap rot ]
[ array?>> [ push-at ] [ check-no-key set-at ] if ] tri ;
: toml> ( string -- assoc )
[ H{ } clone ] dip toml-parser parse [ update-toml ] each ;
Reference in New Issue