Split off some code into tools.errors.model and update UI listener's error summary when errors change
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ SYMBOL: max-stack-items
10 max-stack-items set-global
SYMBOL: error-summary-hook
SYMBOL: error-summary?
@ -99,13 +99,8 @@ SYMBOL: error-summary-hook
in get auto-use? get [ " - auto" append ] when "( " " )" surround
H{ { background T{ rgba f 1 0.7 0.7 1 } } } format bl flush ;
[ error-summary ] error-summary-hook set-global
: call-error-summary-hook ( -- )
error-summary-hook get call( -- ) ;
:: (listener) ( datastack -- )
error-summary? get [ error-summary ] when
datastack datastack.
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ M: source-file-error summary
M: source-file-error error.
[ summary print nl ]
[ "Asset: " write asset>> short. nl ]
[ asset>> [ "Asset: " write short. nl ] when* ]
[ error>> error. ]
tri ;
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Slava Pestov
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
! Copyright (C) 2009 Slava Pestov.
! See http://factorcode.org/license.txt for BSD license.
USING: models source-files.errors namespaces models.delay init
kernel calendar ;
IN: tools.errors.model
SYMBOLS: (error-list-model) error-list-model ;
(error-list-model) [ f <model> ] initialize
error-list-model [ (error-list-model) get-global 100 milliseconds <delay> ] initialize
SINGLETON: updater
M: updater errors-changed drop f (error-list-model) get-global set-model ;
[ updater add-error-observer ] "ui.tools.error-list" add-init-hook
@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ USING: accessors arrays sequences sorting assocs colors.constants fry
combinators combinators.smart combinators.short-circuit editors make
memoize compiler.units fonts kernel io.pathnames prettyprint
source-files.errors math.parser init math.order models models.arrow
models.arrow.smart models.search models.mapping models.delay debugger
models.arrow.smart models.search models.mapping debugger
namespaces summary locals ui ui.commands ui.gadgets ui.gadgets.panes
ui.gadgets.tables ui.gadgets.labeled ui.gadgets.tracks ui.gestures
ui.operations ui.tools.browser ui.tools.common ui.gadgets.scrollers
ui.tools.inspector ui.gadgets.status-bar ui.operations
ui.gadgets.buttons ui.gadgets.borders ui.gadgets.packs
ui.gadgets.labels ui.baseline-alignment ui.images ui.tools.listener
compiler.errors calendar tools.errors ;
compiler.errors tools.errors tools.errors.model ;
IN: ui.tools.error-list
CONSTANT: source-file-icon
@ -180,23 +180,9 @@ error-list-gadget "toolbar" f {
{ T{ key-down f f "F1" } error-list-help }
} define-command-map
SYMBOL: error-list-model
error-list-model [ f <model> ] initialize
SINGLETON: updater
M: updater errors-changed
drop f error-list-model get-global set-model ;
[ updater add-error-observer ] "ui.tools.error-list" add-init-hook
: <error-list-model> ( -- model )
error-list-model get-global
1/2 seconds <delay> [ drop all-errors ] <arrow> ;
: error-list-window ( -- )
<error-list-model> <error-list-gadget> "Errors" open-status-window ;
error-list-model get [ drop all-errors ] <arrow>
<error-list-gadget> "Errors" open-status-window ;
: show-error-list ( -- )
[ error-list-gadget? ] find-window
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ ui.gadgets.labeled ui.gadgets.panes ui.gadgets.scrollers
ui.gadgets.status-bar ui.gadgets.tracks ui.gadgets.borders ui.gestures
ui.operations ui.tools.browser ui.tools.common ui.tools.debugger
ui.tools.listener.completion ui.tools.listener.popups
ui.tools.listener.history ui.tools.error-list ui.images ;
ui.tools.listener.history ui.images ui.tools.error-list tools.errors.model ;
FROM: source-files.errors => all-errors ;
IN: ui.tools.listener
@ -187,8 +187,18 @@ TUPLE: listener-gadget < tool error-summary output scroller input ;
[ >>input ] [ pane new-pane t >>scrolls? >>output ] bi
dup listener-streams >>output drop ;
: error-summary. ( -- )
error-counts keys [
H{ { table-gap { 3 3 } } } [
[ [ [ icon>> write-image ] with-cell ] each ] with-row
] tabular-output
{ "Press " { $command tool "common" show-error-list } " to view errors." }
] unless-empty ;
: <error-summary> ( -- gadget )
<pane> COLOR: light-yellow <solid> >>interior ;
error-list-model get [ drop error-summary. ] <pane-control>
COLOR: light-yellow <solid> >>interior ;
: init-error-summary ( listener -- listener )
<error-summary> >>error-summary
@ -366,22 +376,11 @@ interactor "completion" f {
{ T{ key-down f { C+ } "r" } history-completion-popup }
} define-command-map
: error-summary. ( listener -- )
error-summary>> [
error-counts keys [
H{ { table-gap { 3 3 } } } [
[ [ [ icon>> write-image ] with-cell ] each ] with-row
] tabular-output
{ "Press " { $command tool "common" show-error-list } " to view errors." }
] unless-empty
] with-pane ;
: listener-thread ( listener -- )
dup listener-streams [
[ com-browse ] help-hook set
[ '[ [ _ input>> ] 2dip debugger-popup ] error-hook set ]
[ '[ _ error-summary. ] error-summary-hook set ] bi
'[ [ _ input>> ] 2dip debugger-popup ] error-hook set
error-summary? off
tip-of-the-day. nl
] with-streams* ;
Reference in New Issue